Review by musti

2 Jun 2006, 16:13 (edited 9 Jul 06, 16:50 by Fquist)
For: Haunted gardens
Level rating: 3.7

Eh good level jamster.
Gals are good but i always love powerups.I hope you’ll put more powerups to your level.
I love this tileset.You selected good tileset for that level
so 9.2 from me

[Inappropiate (9.2) rating removal. No single reason aside tileset choice (which is sort of irrelevant) was given for this rating – FQuist]

Review by malvikamodi

2 Jun 2006, 14:28 (edited 2 Jun 06, 16:12 by Violet CLM)
For: The demon castle
Level rating: 6.2

(Unsupported rating (4.2) removal. ~Violet)

RecommendedReview by wicke

2 Jun 2006, 09:22 (edited 8 Jun 06, 12:33)
For: Monopoly
Level rating: 9

Works and looks good. And your tileset is very useful. Can Iuse use it in my own projects? I remember add your name there.

RecommendedReview by CrimiClown

1 Jun 2006, 15:32
For: The XLM Garden
Level rating: 7

Starting Comments
I’ve seen the complete level before downloading! Yay!

Gameplay: Good
This battle level seems to be VERY different than XLM Woods: Far East, a level Ðx also recently uploaded. This level can be wandered through with only the use of the directional arrows. The springs and sucker tubes can bring you anywhere in the level. The flow is really nice (more about this in Eventing) and it gives you a smooth ride while you’re at it. Giddy-up, cowboy!

Atmosphere: Average
Ðx uses a palette edit of the overused Diamondus tileset, Diamond Dust II. Ðx’s reputation made me believe there wouldn’t be any problems using overused tilesets, although there isn’t much original eyecandy used. It looks really nice and all, but there’s just nothing special to add up to it all. The music choice is decent, as it gives you the Battle feeling, but leaves away the Garden element.

Eventing: Good
Another part of the good rating I’m about to give you is due to the fine ammo distribution in this level. The PU’s are nicely spread over the level, RF is the hardest to find and to obtain more ammo for, which is good because of its power. The springs are nicely placed (some bring you to PU’s automaticly by running) and the Sucker Tubes are the only way to obtain some RF ammo and getting back up quick and easy.

Originality: Below Average
Staying as honest as I can, nothing too original was used. Not that it takes away much, although you could’ve scored better on this level.

Bonusses and substractions

A nice level, good gameplay, worth playing.

Download Recommentdation

Further Comments
You told me you had spent little time on this level. It shows. More time means more improvement… or more mistakes… :P

RecommendedReview by CrimiClown

31 May 2006, 20:42
For: XLM Woods - Far East V2
Level rating: 8.5

Starting Comments
Another one of famous Ðx’s levels. Let’s see if his level creating skills are as adept as his popularity status… Muhahaha…

Gameplay: Good
Set up your tent, build a spitroast and get ready to haul in the meat! It’s CAMPING TIME! This level makes it impossible not to camp at some times. The platforms are so inviting… Yummy… The average player will have trouble getting around in this level and would have to grab their grapplehooks and any other items you can’t get in JJ2. Agility and fast movement is a must to get around, collect ammo and avoid campers. “Hidden suckertube elevators drain your energy as you watch how you end up near the unfindable Seeker PU. Here’s some advice: Get your hiking gear and march on, baby, march on!”

Atmosphere: Excellent
Even though Jungle is an overused tileset, and even though this level doesn’t have much to do with the Far East, it really captures the exact right atmosphere. Ðx shows once again that tilesets don’t have a limit, as far as eyecandy is concerned. He shows us some nice leaf drawings, as well as brilliant looking platforms. While you’re camping anyway, take a look at the scenery and take some screenshots to bring home! Your mother will be proud!

Eventing: Good
No need to be careful with ammo! “What’re ye sellin’, strangah?” Ðx brought every single piece of useful ammo to this level and presented it in a good way. The PU’s are somewhat spread out, except for the Bouncer PU being almost next to the RF PU. The springs are distributed in a convenient way, not blocking anything or making you skip large parts. The sucker tubes are nice, although hidden. Could use a little ‘hint’.

Originality: Average
This is where the level takes a hit in the stomach and falls down, crying, soaked in blood, waiting for the doctor to bring him the bad news… Nothing too outstanding or original is used in this level. It’s nice, but has nothing too special to mention.

Bonusses and substractions
Although the Bouncer and RF PU could be a little more spread out, I will not reduce points for this as it is easily fixed.

This level is certainly worth playing and hosting. It’s fun and could be part of the new Battle Server level list. It’s worth it.

Download Recommentdation

Further Comments
I heard you’re already working on a new level. Can’t wait.

RecommendedReview by Anubis

31 May 2006, 20:38
For: Project Controller 4
Level rating: 9.3

Cool program! One of the best utility programs in JJ2! Too bad the others can’t see when I get kicked and self destruct can be abused and you can cheat with controller in other ways I won’t mention. Everything else is sooo perfect! 9.1/10

Review by BattleSpaz

31 May 2006, 20:08
For: Hell Freezes Over Funk
Level rating: 8.9

I just liked to say, you make awesome remixes, and in jazz format, so we can add some good musics to our levels! YAY! Make more >:]

Review by Falcury

31 May 2006, 15:22
For: Project Toolbox 1.0.2
Level rating: 8.5

The endboss has to be hit 25 times – for every five times a block of his health disappears.
As for the hotkeys that don’t work, I don’t know what’s the problem, it should work fine… You should know that I have only enabled hotkeys (shift+alt+)1,2 and 3 – the rest is disabled.

Good idea. Unfortunately, this feature is not yet in version 1.0.1, but the next version will allow you to choose to transfer coins/triggers only.

RecommendedReview by DanYjel

31 May 2006, 13:10 (edited 31 May 06, 17:56 by Danyjel)
For: Dar Groove Rock
Level rating: 7

Slow (maybe, in some places, a bit ambient) rock re-arrangation of Dark Groove track.
Even I don’t like rock, this… made me feel nice after this f***ing bad day. So, quick review.

The samples are fairly good (some original are used, but they fit), except for really bad electric guitar looping (very well hearable in patterns 29 – 38). Slow funky/rock rhythm is okay but I’d add some transitions, because I really missed them in this song. Next thing I dislike are patterns 13 – 16, it looks like you had to use all melodies from the original. But. But. But.

The improvisations. In one word, Zomg. Improvisations perfectly coming from original, I have no words here, you MUST listen to it. In one word, awesome. Bravo. Etc.

The bassline is made perfectly, the overall structure is also okay. Although it’s a bit repetitive sometimes. But what. Go and download it, it’s a worth of it. Especially when you love rock… You’ll enjoy…

Review by DanYjel

31 May 2006, 11:21 (edited 1 Jun 06, 18:03 by Danyjel)
For: Flood
Level rating: 6.9

thanks for reviews, Hareking and LittleFreak. Actually, I knew that this mix is nothing extra great, because I had really no inspiration… But the truth is that I didn’t want to make music for levels and this didn’t have to have Water feeling. But anyway, thanks a lot!

(Blackmail edited out. We don’t do blackmail and games like the on you’re playing on this site. If you want to prevent the event from occurring then just don’t upload your level so that you do not bother the visitors, staff and visitors with games such as yours. – FQuist)

Frank, okay.

RecommendedReview by Saphir

31 May 2006, 08:50
For: Egypt
Level rating: 9.5


Ratboy, are you rating the level?


Graphics: 10/10

Beautiful. It looks good, jazz-2-ish, and has alot of eyecandy. IMO, the background is better than a textured one. Nothing wrong here. Textures are near perfect (256 colors??!?) and the hieroglyphs look real. The light and dark tile parts allow for sunray-style looks which look really good. Both the inside and outside tiles are great.


Though it lacks some tiles, like sucker tubes, the tiles it has make up for it. There is enough eyecandy to make anyone happy, there are retracting spikes, hooks (or something similar), fire (for those who like lightning), layer 4 background..


This is where this tileset fails. It is, IMO,extremely hard to use. Of course, it is possible, but you have to search for nearly every tile. The layer 8 background is also hard to create. Fortunately, this doesn’t pull down the rating much since it is near impossible to create a good and user friendly tileset.

OVERALL RATING (not an average): 9.7/10

As you may guess, the graphics add alot. This is, simply, one of the most beautiful tilesets ever made. Download reccommendation; even if you will only play the example levels, it is worth it.

Review by fearofdark

30 May 2006, 18:12
For: 10-Party
Level rating: N/A

OK, Its your 10th level pack and not one level has achived a rating over 7.0. Looking at your level packs, there really has been little improvement. If I were you, take a break. Not a little short 2 week break, I’m talking 4 to about 10 months. Use that time to check out the best downloads and see where you go wrong, make some short training levels (but don’t upload any) and find someone to betatest your levels.

You may keep reviewing as you wish, but don’t upload anything until you feel that you have improved.

Review by fearofdark

30 May 2006, 18:00 (edited 31 May 06, 14:30)
For: Shadow of the Past: Demo edition
Level rating: 5

This is my 155th review and your first level pack..Lets Review!

The problem is the tile errors on the sprite layer. The ’1 tile big’ platforms look ugly and there are tiles in the wrong places. The eyecandy also looks rushed. The red technoir tiles looked like they’d just been dragged around the level. The JJ1 bit of the eyecandy is the backround. The red technoir backround used in JJ1 isn’t made on the 8th layer, its used on the 7th layer so that it moves along with the level.

The gameplay has strong points. There are good challenges in the level and in some parts are fun and interesting. I think in one section of the level I found myself on an airboard dodging sparks. That would be more fun if there were less sparks. The same goes for throughout the level. There is a dangerous overuse of enemies and this makes some parts of the level fustraiting.

There are about as many items as there are enemies. I found 9 powerups within an area of 10 by 10. There are about 15 Powerups in the entire level (Maybe more) and about 6 Full NRG carrots (Which may be of use). Because of this, the level felt rather crowded.




The newspaz conversion. Its not a great conversion and you didn’t make good use of it.

RANK: 4 Not good
DOWNLOAD?: N/A (yes requires 7)
If you want to make better level packs in the future then listen to reviewers. The first step would be to put less stuff into your levels.

EXTRA NOTE: Do not lable your Readme ‘Readme’. I had to overwrite another one to see yours. Name them after the level or after yourself.

RecommendedReview by CrimiClown

30 May 2006, 17:53
For: The XLM Fortress
Level rating: 6.8

Starting Comments
Another J2WC entry! Yayz!

Gameplay: Good
The level is really fast paced, almost impossible to not hold down that Shift Key and rush back and forth. Once you learn the route, it gets really speedy. On each side are small openings in the wall which you can enter for a suckertube ride and ammo, although the tunnel above the Red Flag ends on the exact same height as the path up there, so if you were coming from that path and rushed against the wall, you get pushed back by exit-suckertubes. The pitfalls add a little difficulty in the rush, although the Blue Team has an easy way out once they have the flag: Drop in the pit and you get close to your flag, while adding confusion.

Atmosphere: Excellent
The overused tileset doesn’t matter for Ðx, because he uses every single usable tile and whips up another great level. We are familiar with the chains he uses so gladly, and the textured background made of bricks, but there are a few new things, even for Ðx. For instance, he managed to make a beautiful painting which seems to hang in a deeper background because of the tiles he uses. I love it how you made the two crossed carrots logo there. It’s awesome. Just to add up to all the greatness, the music is an awesome choice.

Eventing: Average
This is where the level starts dropping its score. The available ammo is scarce, even for a 1 on 1 duel. The only PU being the RF PU really makes it questionable. The Toaster and ElectroBlaster ammo seem a bit useless, but the Bouncers come in quite handy for protecting your base from the higher levels. You could have hidden a Bouncer PU somewhere, but I didn’t find one. Not an obvious enough one, that is.

Originality: Good
There are limited uses for every tileset and Ðx always knows how to overthrow the limitations and make something new. Good job.

Bonusses and substractions
The painting was nice enough to add a 0.5 to your total score.

A nice level to play, although it could use a bit more use for the ammo. You could, for example, hide the Bouncer PU in a wall, somewhat visible, so the ElectroBlaster ammo has a better use than just hurting the opponent. ;)

Download Recommentdation
It didn’t hurt me when I downloaded it… I think he turned off the electric wires… It’s safe, go on!

Further Comments
Nice level, Ðx, can’t wait ‘till your next one!

RecommendedReview by Ðx

30 May 2006, 17:30 (edited 30 May 06, 17:30)
For: ZAPPER McHalibut Lair
Level rating: 8

Well done Crimi! :D!!


Awsome! I like the mist, and it’s full with stuff. The layers are good used.


Hmm, the flow is… uhm kind of good but… the blocks that you HAVE to jump is’t that handy. Change it?

Overall good flow, but still it’s spazz based i think.


I think at the bottem of the level with all the bounchers and all the RF’s is too much. The rest is good placed, and the PU are well placed.

Overall: Good level for 2 vs 2. The size of the level is very huge for a 1 VS 1.


Review by Joseph Collins

30 May 2006, 14:08 (edited 30 May 06, 14:09)
For: Flood
Level rating: 6.9

Augh, dang it! I lost my entire review due to a freak accident with Outlook Express’ way of handling URLs… AODJalsd… While I cope with the loss, I’ll just say fer now that I wholey agree with LittleFreak’s review. Dang, darn, crappit! My poor review… T_T;

Review ta come.


The “Simon Cowell” of Jazz 2 Online‘s Music Scene… Joseph Collins
Dr Lithius” or “LithiuServer” on Jazz 2

RecommendedReview by LittleFreak

30 May 2006, 08:35 (edited 30 May 06, 08:37)
For: Hell Freezes Over Funk
Level rating: 8.9

I really loved castle funk. This remix from the Hell Freezes Over music is quite similiar in terms of style and instrumentation, which is the first drawback. I had hoped it was a little darker (more like the original) and also something new, but at some points I thought it was just an altered castle funk version. It also took a while till I noticed the Hell Freezes Over melody.

I think this tune would fit well in some levels, but not those actually using the frozen hell tileset it was meant for. Still, quite funky again and it’s a good song to listen to. Not what I was hoping it would be, but worth the download.

Final Rating: 7.2, download recommendation


Review by LittleFreak

30 May 2006, 08:13
For: Love is in the Hare
Level rating: 5.7

Eh. This level would be quite decent, but it has some definite problems.

Gameplay: 6

Quite generic, nothing really special. It’s your basic running around killing turtles level. Unfortunately, you are indeed only killing turtles, because there are no other enemies. Reminds me of the easter levels from TSF, which fail so horribly because the only thing you’re up against are turtles, turtles, and more fucking turtles. These guys are quite boring, and prove no real challenge. Some more difference would have helped. To add to that, the items are very overused and easy to get. They’re all along the way, somewhat easy to grab. There are no real secrets at all. This is proven by the fact that I got my sugar rush at the same spot fearofdark got his. Summarized, this level is just too easy to be fun. May be good for beginners though.

Eyecandy: 5.5

The sprite layer eyecandy is mediocre at best. While there are no tilebugs, there is also not a lot of eyecandy. Many plain walls, nothing that stands out. What really hurts though is the background, which just moves too fast. There is neither a reasoning behind the speed of the clouds, nor does it add a cool effect. It’s just annoying. Needs work.

Creativity: 6

There is no storyline, and nothing really stands out. The only thing worth noting are a few triggers, but there isn’t a lot of creativity needed to create those. The eyecandy is somewhat uncreative too. Overall, this level just lacks something to surprise the player, something to remember. Boring.


Not a lot, just an unchallenging little single player level. Not really worth the download, but you can if you want to give it a chance.

Final Rating: 6

RecommendedReview by DennisKainz

30 May 2006, 07:47
For: Lost Ruins
Level rating: 7.7


Rating Difficulty:
There are many enemies and spikes, those are a bit too many, but I like action.

Rating Eyecandy Use:
You used an evening horizon and tiles with plants growing on. I think that’s quite the maximum you can do with Aztec.

Rating Secrets:
Finding the crates is very enigmatic, but i like using logical skills.

Rating Story:
You didn’t explain the story, but I can invent it if I want.


Music Choice:
Music choice is the best. It’s very appropriate for this kind of adventure.

Finak Rating: 7.7
Download Recommended.


Review by LittleFreak

30 May 2006, 07:44
For: Flood
Level rating: 6.9

This remix shows the water tune from a different perspective. The silent and atmospheric song has turned into a speedy dance tune. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work as well as the original does.

The track starts with a piano playing, which promises a good beginning. Soon the track kicks in though, and it doesn’t really fit I felt. At least not to the Marinated Rabbit level, which I played while listening. Another problem is the instrumentation in the main part. I don’t really like it, simply because it doesn’t sound as beautiful as Alexander Brandon’s work anymore. Instead, it sounds quite… dirty, for a lack of a better word. The speedy dance tune theme doesn’t fit to the silent and dangerous water world either, so I switched back to the original after finishing the level.

I guess it’s worth a try in the end, because tastes differ. For me it was a nice try, but nothing more.

Final Rating: 5.7
Download Recommendation: N/A


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