Review by Dhairya

30 May 2006, 04:52 (edited 31 May 06, 00:42 by Violet CLM)
For: JCS.ini
Level rating: 9.3

Not Bad Actually I Am a Fan of this thing and i wanted it From Atleast a year
(Unsupported rating (8.7) removal. ~Violet)

Review by minmay

30 May 2006, 01:41
For: Generic Forest Level
Level rating: 7.7

Wow, I never expected anyone to like my levels enough to give me something above a 7.

Oh, and powerups and carrots tend to misbalance small levels.

RecommendedReview by Anubis

29 May 2006, 21:53
For: Generic Forest Level
Level rating: 7.7

Quite good, most layers are used, nothing special really. The green at the bottom is too bright as RedJazz said. This tileset is limited and doesn’t offer very good eyecandy but you could make the walls not so plain.
Good and easy to get ammo, but it needs some power-ups and carrots.
Very nice, not squared-off at all, easy to get around, maybe a bit Spaz biased.
OVERALL: 7.3 and download reccomendation

Review by HorvatM

29 May 2006, 20:20
For: Generic Forest Level
Level rating: 7.7

Thisi is a forest battle level. It’s small (65×65). The name is Generic Battle Level. Did you know that Marinated Rabbit was named Generic Water Level in 1.00g?
OK, here’s the review:

The background layers have good eyecandy. The sprite layer is too green, but it becomes even greener in the lower part of the level.

Easy to get, placed perfectly, so you can pick it up even when you’re running. You used all kinds of weapons, but there are no powerups.

Good. It fits the level.

Final rating: 8.0, I think.
Download recommendation: If you like the size, download it.

Review by CrimiClown

29 May 2006, 20:00
For: Pikachu Plaza
Level rating: N/A

Yay! I got the Pokémon Theme! runs away without the level and tileset

Review by Ischa

29 May 2006, 17:00 (edited 30 May 06, 12:55)
For: Shadow of the Past: Demo edition
Level rating: 5


Rating Eyecandy: (max: 15 points)
Foreground: is good created! (12)
Path: Path: there are lots of beautiful paths (12)
Background: also good! (12)
12+12+12/3=12 (duh)
Points: 12

Rating Difficulty: (max 15 points)
This level is much too hard. Sorry, but I can’t give you more than 5 points.
Points: 5

Rating Bonusses: (max 10 points)
At the beginning is a square filled with food. That is a pity. For the rest is this placement OK.
Points: 6

Rating Story: (max 10 points)
There is no story. This rating doesn’t count for your endmark.
Points: N/A

Rating Length: (max 15 points)
It is one level, but it is pretty long.
Points: 9

MAX POINTS: 65-10(story)=*55*
CALCULATING: 32/5.5 = 5.5,8181818181818181818181818181818*

Final Rating: 5,8
Download Recommendation: N/AO! (Yes requires 7,5)

RecommendedReview by cooba

29 May 2006, 16:48 (edited 29 May 06, 17:29 by Cooba)
For: Unknown Hills
Level rating: 8.2

Before I review, I’d like to tell Dx that coin warps in tourney levels are one of the worst ideas to do. Thank you.

And now, the actual review:

Theming and Eyecandy – 4 out of 5

Very nice eyecandy here. I see that a lot of effort went into the eyecandy since it got (heavily) critiqued on the JCF. I like how it turned out, looks really good and relaxing. Forest isn’t really a flexible tileset to work with, kudos for you for trying to make it look good. The theme is my favorite part here, too, it gives me a feeling of suspense, like the part of a forest was some alien crash site, or something. Anyway, the eyecandy doesn’t have any obvious bugs, and I like the lush greenness of this level (P4ul would love it.)

Gameplay – 4 out of 5

Also a very nice gameplay here. The flow’s silky, no annoying obstacles sticking out of the ground. The springs take you where you want to go, and you don’t have to jump too much. The flow’s pretty much ideal. As for the layout, I like it MUCH more than DS’ other attempts, I see that you’ve really improved at layouts! This one’s simple and easy, suited for a wide scope of matches – I can imagine a duel played here, as well as a 3vs3. Good job here, really no major gripes here, I’m actually impressed by this, etcetc.

Eventing – 4 out of 5

Nothing too complain. One thing I really like here is the Full Energy carrot, once players get used to its placement it can be shot a long way down, evil fun. This level is symmetric, and thus is balanced. RF vs Seeker works better than RF vs Toaster, and this level doesn’t seem to “favor” either of those weapons, so the games will be a close game. There’s also a Bouncer PU, and several fastfires which make it a much more evil gun. It will be underappreciated during matches, and will play a major surprise element. Watch out, everyone.

  • Very good eyecandy, nice theme
  • Well done flow, a great layout
  • Well balanced
  • I’ll be picky and say that the caves could use a bit more detail. (take this with a grain of salt, because the eyecandy rocks)
  • The powerups might be a bit campy, but that’s not a big problem. You may want to lower their respawn time, btw.

I’m really impressed. This is what I wanted you to do since Street Pass No. 1. This could be very well your best CTF level so far, keep it up and you’ll be as amazing and some others out there. This has a chance of winning the tourney contest (assuming I don’t make an entry myself), so yay. Download, host, review, etcetc.

RecommendedReview by Ðx

29 May 2006, 16:40
For: Unknown Hills
Level rating: 8.2

Awsome level!!


It’s good! Don’t change it, it’s not much but not less.


It’s awsome, perfect for 1 vs 1 and mayby for 2 vs 2? It’s nog Jazz or Spaz based. And the flow… It’s awsome!


Well placed, really nice. Mayby a coin warp? :D


RecommendedReview by Yaxo

29 May 2006, 15:48 (edited 2 Jun 06, 19:05)
For: ZAPPER McHalibut Lair
Level rating: 8

When I first played this level , I got confused by the layout. But after Crimi made this wonderful map , I started to understand this level’s layout. It didnt take long untill I noticed that I actually liked this layout a lot! :D On first sight this level seems to be way too big for a duel , but after getting used to everything I found out that it’s suitable for duels , since there are a lot of open spaces.I also think this layout is quite original , because …well , just original. Now , for the eyecandy…all the layers are very well used and the mist makes this level sooooo coolnish.! There are a lot of Power-Ups in this level , but that’s okay since this level is big. This big amount of power-ups is compensated by 3 carrots , which is a good thing.

Conclusion : very nice level , Crimi! :D
Download recommendation.

RecommendedReview by Anubis

29 May 2006, 15:41
For: Heaven v.1.1
Level rating: 9.6

Another great tileset by Agama :) You rock man! This tileset has loads of eyecandy, looks nice and original, the only things that I don’t like are some of the masks and the walls are a bit plain. I’ll give it a 9 for these two things I don’t like and a download recommendation.

Review by Evil Hare (aka) General

29 May 2006, 13:51 (edited 29 May 06, 19:30 by Violet CLM)
For: Fanolint remix
Level rating: 6

The drums were changed for only one part. Not much of a differents but the fact it’s too fast making it too short.
(Unsupported rating (5) removal. ~Violet)

Review by Evil Hare (aka) General

29 May 2006, 13:48 (edited 29 May 06, 19:30 by Violet CLM)
For: Tubelectric Remix (DJ Insectdroid)
Level rating: 6.1

This isn’t a proper remix. Just faster and an extra sample added. It was quite loud too so i just stopped after 5 seconds.
(Unsupported rating (3) removal. How can you TELL if you only listened to five seconds? ~Violet)

Review by BattleSpaz

29 May 2006, 12:17
For: Project Toolbox 1.0.2
Level rating: 8.5

This worked very well on me with XP/1.23. Yet it doesn’t have much things you can use, but it seems to be a good program. Best feature of all was the level selection. Also boss destroying with triggers and force to start with character and keep coins and triggers. Just one thing: Change the program to next version so you can select coins or triggers, not both. But nice work on this!

Review by fearofdark

29 May 2006, 08:44
For: Turtle Treasure
Level rating: 5.7

I’ll make this review short….

Basicaly, this is a pack of empty sea levels. There were some attemps to make the pack fun but the levels hadhardly any items, the eyecandy was the same all the way through and the levels didn’t help make the story fun either.

The story is basically:

Jazz finds a treasure map. He swims through many empty caves and beaches to wind up at some treasure vents. Then you find devan. You kill him then win.

RANK: 5 Average

Review by HorvatM

28 May 2006, 08:21
For: 10-Party
Level rating: N/A

Why didnt’t you include the music?

PS: Does someone know the RGB values of the ‘ugly purple’ transparent color used in JCS? Send me a PM if you know.

RecommendedReview by Hareking

28 May 2006, 06:58
For: The XLM Fortress
Level rating: 6.8

This is the first time that I’m reviewing a level made for a contest. It will sure become fun. As CTF is still the best and most played game mode in Jazz2.

Most of this levels gameplay is pretty standard for a CTF level and the things that tried to be original didn’t worked out good. Like the holes at the bottom of the level, if you fall in there you slowly warp back above. Gameplay like that makes could make the level frustrating.

This level was build up like a standard CTF level would be, but furtunately, it has some extra and original secret passage ways and stuff. The eye candy was placed the way how Dx always does, whice doesn’t work out greatly for my taste. The original Castle level make-up was better for this level.

There aren’t much types of weapons in this level, but there are a few powerups. Overall there aren’t much special events or pick ups placed in this. It’s generally the weapon placement that could have been much better.

This level will sure give some fun if you host it a few times. But it just has so much things that could be better. It looks like this level was fastly made for R3p’s competition. Thus the conclusion is pretty simple. Download Recommended for those who want an avarage level on their server (just for some variation), and a 6,0 from me. Dx just made much better levels over the past.

Review by Hareking

28 May 2006, 06:37
For: Entry for R3P's contest
Level rating: N/A

You have to be happy that only review comments are allowed. Otherwise I was able to have some fun reviewing this! No way that this level is going to win.. LOL

RecommendedReview by Hareking

28 May 2006, 06:28
For: Flood
Level rating: 6.9

This is one of the first times that I’m reviewing music. As I’m not very addicted to it. But okay, let’s try out! Because this song is actually pretty good. I also gave it a rating. Happy reading!

There are some piano tunes and some rock related tunes in this song. They all work out good enough for your ears. I enjoyed the way how they were used.

The song is well tracked. It’s only that the ‘parts’ of the song came back too much so the song hasn’t much variation. That doesn’t make the song bad, like you said, that could be a result of ‘no inspiration’.

This song play pretty long. It’s only that the same parts come back anytime, in some songs that way works out good, but not in this one. As this was meant as a remake of the Water song by Alexander Brandon.

This song is good enough to be placed in a few levels based on a water sceme. But it really can’t beat the original water music. But still, this is good music of the avarage level. I give it a 7.0 and downloading is recommended.

Review by fearofdark

27 May 2006, 20:06
For: Love is in the Hare
Level rating: 5.7

Another level by Gus…

Appart from some problems that will be mentioned later, everything is OK. Why don’t you upload this?? One of the reasons is the backround. Because it moves and flashes so fast, it becomes a distraction and the clouds on layers 6 and 7 don’t really help since they move along with layer 8.

There was a lot of vines, triggers and stuff to keep you playing, but there is just one thing wrong. The level isn’t really much of a challenge without spikes, confusing obstacles and enemies put in difficult positions. This level is a classic example of a non-challenging level. There were no spikes, no challenging obstacles and the only enemies were Norm turtles which are one of the easiest enemies in JJ2.

When the level doesn’t seem to be incredibly easy with the lack of gameplay, it becomes easier with the high overuse of items in the level. If you put gameplay on one side of a scale and items on the other, items would certainly weigh more than gameplay. At one point of the level I got sugar rush, and only destroyed 5 enemies (and 2 super gems). There are also 2 extra lives just lying on some edges in the level path.



I find it insane that someone would use Orbitus Remix from TIMM in a heaven level. +0

I like your choice of tileset but this tileset is mainly for eyecandy. +0.1

BONUS: 0.1
RANK: 4 Not good
DOWNLOAD?: N/A (Yes requires 7)
You should really check the level before uploading it.

Review by WaterRabbit

27 May 2006, 14:34 (edited 27 May 06, 16:08 by BloodRabbit)
For: Project Toolbox 1.0.2
Level rating: 8.5

It won’t work.

I have Windows XP SP 2 and Jazz Jackrabbit 2 1.23.

New Review:

When I try the level selection example and press Alt+Shift+“number” it just stays on the same level. The boss level doesn’t seem to work either, or I might just not have been hitting the crates enough times. Is there a specific number of times I have to hit the crates?

  1. 1
  2. 376
  3. 377
  4. 378
  5. 379
  6. 380
  7. 381
  8. 382
  9. 383
  10. 384
  11. 1303