You have to be happy that only review comments are allowed. Otherwise I was able to have some fun reviewing this! No way that this level is going to win.. LOL
This is one of the first times that I’m reviewing music. As I’m not very addicted to it. But okay, let’s try out! Because this song is actually pretty good. I also gave it a rating. Happy reading!
There are some piano tunes and some rock related tunes in this song. They all work out good enough for your ears. I enjoyed the way how they were used.
The song is well tracked. It’s only that the ‘parts’ of the song came back too much so the song hasn’t much variation. That doesn’t make the song bad, like you said, that could be a result of ‘no inspiration’.
This song play pretty long. It’s only that the same parts come back anytime, in some songs that way works out good, but not in this one. As this was meant as a remake of the Water song by Alexander Brandon.
This song is good enough to be placed in a few levels based on a water sceme. But it really can’t beat the original water music. But still, this is good music of the avarage level. I give it a 7.0 and downloading is recommended.
Another level by Gus…
Appart from some problems that will be mentioned later, everything is OK. Why don’t you upload this?? One of the reasons is the backround. Because it moves and flashes so fast, it becomes a distraction and the clouds on layers 6 and 7 don’t really help since they move along with layer 8.
There was a lot of vines, triggers and stuff to keep you playing, but there is just one thing wrong. The level isn’t really much of a challenge without spikes, confusing obstacles and enemies put in difficult positions. This level is a classic example of a non-challenging level. There were no spikes, no challenging obstacles and the only enemies were Norm turtles which are one of the easiest enemies in JJ2.
When the level doesn’t seem to be incredibly easy with the lack of gameplay, it becomes easier with the high overuse of items in the level. If you put gameplay on one side of a scale and items on the other, items would certainly weigh more than gameplay. At one point of the level I got sugar rush, and only destroyed 5 enemies (and 2 super gems). There are also 2 extra lives just lying on some edges in the level path.
I find it insane that someone would use Orbitus Remix from TIMM in a heaven level. +0
I like your choice of tileset but this tileset is mainly for eyecandy. +0.1
BONUS: 0.1
RANK: 4 Not good
DOWNLOAD?: N/A (Yes requires 7)
You should really check the level before uploading it.
It won’t work.
I have Windows XP SP 2 and Jazz Jackrabbit 2 1.23.
New Review:
When I try the level selection example and press Alt+Shift+“number” it just stays on the same level. The boss level doesn’t seem to work either, or I might just not have been hitting the crates enough times. Is there a specific number of times I have to hit the crates?
I apoligize for the waste of space that 1 kb makes on people’s computers.
Rating Eyecandy: max: 15 points
Foreground: is good! (12)
Path: there are lots of beautiful paths (12)
Background: good, but it moves too fast (9)
Points: 11
Rating Enemies: max: 15 points
You have placed the enemies very, very good! The only pity is this: no boss.
Points: 12
Rating Bonusses: max: 10 points
All bonusses for a good Single-Player-level are placed, but it are much too much bonusses. Sorry, friend.
Points: 4
Rating Story: max: 10 points
There is no story!
This review doesn’t count for your endmark!
Points: N/A
Rating Length: max: 15 points
It is one level, but it is pretty long.
Points: 9
MAXIMAL NUMBER OF POINTS: 65-10(story)=*55*
CALCULATING: 36/5,5=*6,5454545454545454545454545454545*
Final Rating: 6,5
Download Recommendation: N/A (requires 7,5)
Good luck with your next episode!
All the best,
You didn’t made large eyecandy mistakes, but there wasn’t a lot of eyecandy in this level.
Horrible, its just a empty scape surrounded by three, don’t make that much large spaces in your level.
A bit too much weapons for such a small level.
The size is really too small, do you think people will actually play in this level?
Tip: make your levels more exiting, make something people can do.
That’s weird. Cooba hates all the things made by me (as the badly dithered rainbow etc…)
I probably suck, but I just don’t like it.
The lead samples are extremely high-pitched, it kills my ears, really. Lead also doesn’t fit into the rest of the tune. Funky beat is really nice, I like it, background is okay. Bass is okay in most parts. Thing I love about this are transitions; beat ends, long lead, bass changes. I also like the break patterns with that cool funky sound :). Time by time, it sounds pretty off key, and when there are parts when the tune sounds like nothing more than loudness…
Anyway, it’s really above-average mix and I do recommend download.
good job man, this remix is just great, realy this is the best funk music i heard including castle funk. the bit of the song in the beginnig plays softly with if i’m not mistaken a guitar and it sounds beutiful,after the soft beginning the song starts to play much like “hell freezes over” and this the best part of the music. the beutiful thing about this tune is that there are parts that seem not to apear in the original song but they combined in a very good style with the song (it starts in 1:50). for conclusion i want to say that this tune is worth the download so go and download it and listen to it becouse this tune is great. by the way, i hope that Fear Of Dark will continue make this tunes becouse they are great.
Once again, get someone else to betatest.
First off, let me begin by saying, immense improvement on the ending. Unlike Castle Funk, this remix doesn’t grind to a screeching halt at the end, it just gradually slows itself down.
You are much better at producing Funk music than rock, which seems immensly ironic. In fact this song feels so perfect, the only things I thinka re wrong with it are that’s it’s a bit too hard to tell it’s “Hell Freezes Over” at times, and sometime the samples feel a bit too loud for my liking.
Keep it up, Download reccomended
This is the sort of thing that should not be rated. Only good hotels should be rated, not hotels featuring TV shows. There is a JJ2 game featuring Dragonball Z.
Also, Yay! I now have the Pokemon theme.
Rating Frogger Levels
Rating Story: (max: 10 points)
No story!
Rating Length: (max: 20 points)
Just one level… and it is also not very long.
Points: 6
Rating Obstacles: (max: 20 points)
The level is not very hard… that is a pity.
Points: 8
Rating Bonus Placement: (max: 15 points)
Is good! Very good! Not too much, not too less bonusses.
Points: 13
Rating Eyecandy: (max: 15 points)
Foreground: So-so: 8
Background: Good: 12
Path: Not bad: 10
Points: 10
MAX POINTS: 80-10(story)=*70*
CALCULATING: 37/7=5,2857142857142857142857142857143
Final Rating: 5,3
Download recommendation: NO!
N/A requires 5,5
Yes requires 7,5
I took a quick look at it… most of it seems to be copied from my ‘BossRushMode’ too… >O
I can’t rate this level coz there’s NO EXIT. How am I supposed to finish the level without the exit?
The Pokemon music was great though. Tilesets were OK. Could do better.
There were LOADS of weapons but TNT and Launchers are really no use in this level.
EDIT: Sorry I didn’t know what a Hotel level was. Next time I’ll remember that there isn’t an exit.
I think it’s a good tileset for someone who has never made one before. It’s got the stars for the background, ships to stage battles, and has other good tiles that could be used for any story line.
I think this is a great tile set, but it could use some fire, and some more detiled tiles that a creater would need.
Woah, a COLOSSAL set. I’ll shorten the review in a few pro/con points
-The set is huge, offering a wide variety of tiles enabling the user to be able to express their creativity in a large variety of ways. Definite Pro.
-A LOT of animations, to prevent areas from getting boring.
-Beautiful tiles and good atmosphere (great creative backround, mood etc.)
-Really nice tile combinations you can use to make great looking areas, the huge Example level is a great way to see this in action.
-As stated in the description, you really can build a nice looking paradise with this :D
-Huge huge set, meaning that to find the tile youre looking for you have to scroll through almost 3200 other tiles!
-The set is too red. I’m not really going to deduct much because of this, because in my opinion the red gives it a certain feel, and making tiles other colors would make them stand out and not look too good. While the red doesn’t look atrocious or anything, it could get repetetive and boring after a while.
-Some tiles could be better drawn
This is one of those files that making up your mind on a rating for them is quite difficult. On one hand, the tileset is a masterpeice with almost 3200 tiles and you can build amazing things with it. On the other, its incredibly huge and I’d imagine it would be very tedious to work with. Although you suceeded in offering levelmakers a HUGE amount of ways to express creativity and make a lot of unique levels with this tileset, achieving that came with a price of the tileset being extremely time consuming and large and will probably scare off many little children as they look at it in JCS. But the huge amount of work put into it can’t be overshadowed by that, and thus I’m giving this tileset a 9.5.
Although this is a really wonderful tileset, because of its huge size I don’t think it’ll be used for too many levels because of the amount of work it would take to use this. Despite that, everyone should check out the set and play through the example levels, or you will be missing out on a rather unique experience. That said, this definately receives a download reccomendation.
A long overdue review to a deserving tileset.
To start off the review, this set just demonstrates that Blade keeps getting better. I love the atmosphere the tileset is able to provide and the cartoonish appearance of it. There are many tiles provided for some spiffy eyecandy (posters on fences, stuff buried in the ground (although I would question the sanity of anyone deciding to bury a SHOVEL)) and you can make some nice things with it. The tileset is fairly straightforward and easy to use. Some tile placements may daunt you a bit, but you can quickly learn how to use all parts of the set properly. Poles, destruct blocks, tubes, hooks, everything is included in the set, even pools enabling water (although I personally would only accompany those tiles with Water Blocks). The masking is nicely done, although I have a personal dislike for really tight tubes and crawling into them in jj2 =P. Oh, and I also really like the backround and the way it is made, it really does remind me of a calm night in a park located near a big city.
Overall, this is a really good set and I wouldn’t be surprised to see several levels using it. The zip even comes with a nice, quick single player level which is not only enjoyable but also shows off the set. The only thing preventing me from rating this higher is that because of the cartoonish way Blade approached the set in, it doesn’t have as many details as other tilesets like 7th lava fall or Egypt. Nonetheless, it is a great set and definately worth the download
Edit: On second thought, i’m upgrading the rating by a bit because I’ve looked back and I think the set deserves it. GG.
Oh, hellz yes. I can’t tell you how long I’ve been waiting for this level. Even my pet loves this level!
But why is it so good? Let’s check the facts people:
First of all, the level design is amazing. I really felt like I was exploring a Pikachu City. I stood in awe at the Giant Pikachu Statue, I was msytified by the mysterious Burger Pyramid, and I chatted it up at the Market place. Toss out QoB, THIS is how to make an amazing level design, folks!
Next, the placement is very innovative. Everything is placed in stores ran by Pikachus. But that’s not the innovative part. Here’s the innovative part: There’s even a secret store only accesible by Jet boards. Looks like those Frequent Flyer Miles paid off!
Finally, this Hotel is amazing. It can be played as battle, or can be used to role play a typical day in a pokemon music. Both experiences are enhanced by the grand music selection.
Good Work Donda, Download Reccomended
EDIT- Help me, I am being oppressed. Please fight for people’s real opinions not false ones.
Please also don’t take what was said in my edit seriously.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.