RecommendedReview by LittleFreak

23 May 2006, 17:13
For: Castle Funk
Level rating: 8.8

I’m not very good at rating music, so I normally don’t. However, this tune really caught me. It’s very catchy, I’m listening to it over and over the whole time. It makes me want to play JJ2 too (too bad I can’t, now that my sister’s pc is broken). I have not a lot more to say, other than that n00b is right about the ending.

Good work, and a download recommendation.

RecommendedReview by Dorian

22 May 2006, 13:44 (edited 22 May 06, 13:49)
For: Castle Funk
Level rating: 8.8

this remix is great, really good espeicelly the way that the castle tune sounds in funky style. this remix is defenetly one of the best remixes made with the castle tune. the style of this remix reminds me of the city in jazz tsf and i think this tune will be perfect for levels made with the city tileset. i have no complains about this remix and i don“t realy understand the structure of a song or how to analyze it but i can say that this remix is in no doubt one of the best i heard. i hope that Fear Of Dark will continue make this outstanding remixes but till the next tune enjoy this one. by the way……. i recommand this download very, very much.

Review by NovaStar

22 May 2006, 08:04
For: Space Waterspout
Level rating: 3.3

Hey, can you provide the link to the music?
Then I’ll review.

RecommendedReview by n00b

22 May 2006, 00:59
For: Castle Funk
Level rating: 8.8
This remix is very superb, however I dislike the speedy opening, which intially turned me off about this remix. This feeling changed a little ways in when the song’s pacing slows a bit. FearofDark has not only managed into turning Castle into a considerabbly good Funk tune, he has also managed to add in an electric gutair solo. The remix sounds and feels brillaint except for one other gripe I have with the remix: The ending. It’s far too slow, especially when compared to the speedy opening. Otherwise, good job on capturing the funk spirit.

Review by fearofdark

21 May 2006, 10:40 (edited 21 May 06, 10:42)
For: Space Waterspout
Level rating: 3.3

Devan stories are only interesting when they are like The Invasion Of Deserto.

Also, some people can’t help it if their levels are 1.24 because they don’t have 1.23.

Review by mirrow

21 May 2006, 02:01
For: Space Waterspout
Level rating: 3.3

OK, I ll start what i dis like.. The Levels lack in eyecandy, the environment looks a bit dead. in the beach lvl there are some mistakes with the background layer. I also dislike the:“Press JJK” traps, starts to annoy you. You have some funny riddles although no real explanation what to do. e.g. tell the people to collect the ammo or that the 4:”!” are to type in a code, what about the level where you have to follow the rocks to find the spaceship.And the pack is pretty short. The player is a bit lost.
The enemies are set well and fit to the tileset.
What I do like is the story. I mean comon Crimiclown, what else then a devan pack. he is the big badguy and will try to defeat jj over and over again :). The story here is new, the waterspout. You have some funny ideas: the airboard level, I think it s cool as you are not bound that much to a strict way.

Overall I think a lot could be improved but you have a basic and now how to build levels. Just go a bit deeper.

RecommendedReview by Valco

21 May 2006, 00:13 (edited 21 May 06, 00:15 by gerard244)
For: Episode Two: The Rebirth of Evil
Level rating: 9.6

OH My GOD!!!!! How on earth did you impress me so much??!!

Here’s your review-


A better story had never existed. Congrats! 9/10


Every little wee detail was added! Also, I love your “powerdown” affect on the V.I.P cell area! 10/10


Quite confusing for the most of it, but secrets, enemies, food, and puzzles were perfectly placed! 9/10


It really feels like your IN the space station, or, on a speeding rocket fleet! 10/10


Not many sound effects used, but when they were used, they were definitely used properly! 9/10


You make the best cutscenes! It’s so realistic, with amazingly cool effects! 10/10


I’d give you 2 extra points for your cutscenes and special effects.

Too bad there isn’t such a rating as 10.5!!!

Download: Yes Yes Yes Yes YES!!!

Review by CrimiClown

20 May 2006, 20:17
For: Space Waterspout
Level rating: 3.3

No! Not another ‘Devan’ pack… I refuse to play… No offence, but BE MORE ORIGINAL! >:(

Review by n00b

20 May 2006, 18:52 (edited 20 May 06, 18:59)
For: Space Waterspout
Level rating: 3.3

Can you get someone else OTHER than yourself to beta test it?

If you won’t even take that piece of advice I seriously don’t see you improving, and I honestly am getting tired of mediocre pack after medicore pack.

EDIT- Ischa has been releasing TSF levels for over 4 months now. You two are incredibly late in noticing that these packs are in 1.24.

RecommendedReview by Ischa

20 May 2006, 17:18
For: Devan\'s Secret Weapon
Level rating: 8.2

Rating Devan’s Secret Weapon

Rating Story: (X1)
There is a story, but it is not very clear.
Rating: N/A

Rating Obstacles: (X2)
Both levels are very, very hard! Lots of puzzles, enemies and traps!
Rating: 9,1

Rating Bonus Placement: (X1)
The bonusses are good placed. Not too much and also not too less.
Rating: 8,8

Rating Length: (X2)
Just two levels, but level one is very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very long. And level 2 has a normal length.
Rating: 6,7

Rating Gameplay: (X2)
The gameplay for both levels are very good! The best are the routes that you need to complete to open the next part of the level.
Rating: 9,2

Final Rating: 8,4
Download recommendation: YES!

Review by master sven

20 May 2006, 15:53 (edited 21 May 06, 06:43 by masterrokusho)
For: Space Waterspout
Level rating: 3.3

Can’t you just make it in 1.23?
All people got 1.20 at TSF, right?

N00b: I allready know he makes TSF levels im just complaining about it so he might read this this time.

Review by HorvatM

20 May 2006, 15:38
For: Space Waterspout
Level rating: 3.3

How can we have fun if it’s for TSF?
Also, as Ischa’s other level packs, this pack also has a story very similar to the official one: defeat Devan.

Review by SPAZ18

20 May 2006, 12:10 (edited 18 Aug 06, 20:36)
For: Evil Clones - add-on (fixed)
Level rating: 7.6

WOW! This is great so far! I’ve only just got to level 3. It took me at least 15-20 minutes to finish LV 2! I know there’s lots of swearing but I can’t download the clean version coz it’s missing.
Too much pickups in LV 2. I got 1262 gems!!

EDIT: I just got a Fatal Application error in the 2nd part of “New-Jazz-City.” Sorry, I meant “Jazz” not “Spaz”.
Is “Eternity” the end of this pack? I can’t seem to go anywhere here.

EDIT 2: Do NOT save in the 2nd part of “New-Jazz-City” or “You wanna bleed again, b****!?” coz this will cause an Amnesia error.

EDIT 3: OMG @ Blacky’s review! Geez, that must have taken hours to write!

Review by Ischa

20 May 2006, 06:06 (edited 20 May 06, 06:07)
For: Diamond Factory
Level rating: 6.9

Rating Diamond Factory:

Rating Enemies: (X2)
Is not bad, but it could even better.
Rating: 6,5

Rating Bonusses: (X1)
There are a good number of bonusses and secrets, but some are too easy too find. And in the final level you can get lots of diamonds under the second pipe of the machine.
Rating: 6

Rating Story: (X1)
First I thought this game has no story, but at the begin of the game Eva has told it. But please, put next time the story in the Level Description.
Rating: 7,1

Rating Gameplay: (X2)
It could even better, but this is not bad.
Rating: 6,9

Rating Length: (X2)
Four levels and 1 credit-level… that is not bad. But if you want a better rating, create more levels in the next episode.
Rating: 6,6

Final Rating: 6,6
Download Recommendation: N/A (requires a 7,5)

Review by HorvatM

19 May 2006, 16:40
For: factory battle
Level rating: 5.5

That’s a strange looking battle level.

There’s nothing special about it. Just some lava things (or what is this) and nuclear waste. The background is just stars and it doesn’t move.

Not many. It’s hard to get seekers. There are also powerups, but I have no ideas how do you get to them, because it’s impossible (I think) to get to the coins.

There is collapsing scenery. Not a good idea I think. I hope it does respawn. There are also ‘float up’ events on some places. It can be annoying sometimes.

Rating: 5.5
Download recommendation: I don’t know… Try and review.

Review by SPAZ18

19 May 2006, 13:55 (edited 19 May 06, 14:01)
For: JAZZ WARS Episode2: The Funk Strikes Back
Level rating: 5.4

OK, this is good so far but 1 problem in the Funk of Diamondus level is that when I get to the point where Spaz has to run away from the rocks the game just crashes back to Windows.

EDIT: Coz this problem keeps happening I had to cheat and use the Jazz route. And now, another problem, fatal application error in the Jump and Shoot level.

RecommendedReview by SPAZ18

19 May 2006, 11:04 (edited 19 May 06, 11:30)
For: Minigolf
Level rating: 7.8

Great idea, but DON’T use subfolders! JJ2 couldn’t find it. Some of the holes were really hard. Some music would be better though. Tileset was OK. When I finished this there was some message but I couldn’t read it coz it was in German.


DR: Yes.

Review by NovaStar

18 May 2006, 03:06 (edited 19 May 06, 02:21 by ShadowRabbit)
For: Omen Woods
Level rating: 9.1
Uhhh, I beleive I added some tiles too, but were never added to the tileset? That means I contributed some work, but my name seems to have not been added for reasons I can’t figure out.

Internet’s too slow to download this. :(

Review by CrimiClown

17 May 2006, 15:34
For: Omen Woods
Level rating: 9.1

AWESOMETH! No rating… :(

Review by DarkSonic

17 May 2006, 12:45
For: Forest of dormant-ness
Level rating: 6.7

I’ll review this level as no-one else did. I saw that this level was unrated and if someone doesn’t get a review for a level, it’s not fun.

This is a level using Swamps of the Sleeping Jaguar and it’s made by Cheese. The level’s name looks interesting, so let’s find out what this level is.

When I first looked at the level, I found out that the layout is a bit weird. There is only one way to each base, and there are dead ends near them. The distance between the bases is quite a lot. It’s hard to get around in the level, and it’s not too easy to see everything because of a bit confusing eye candy. However, there is a nice spring placement and some One Ways and Float-Ups to get around the level. The gameplay is not very good, but it’s decent. Although there is no good border around the level. This surely has to be fixed to prevent a flag bug.

The eye candy, which has some possibilities with the tileset, does its job. But there is some confusing eye candy like near the bases, which make it hard to see everything. This could be a problem, but not a major one. Anyway, the overall eye candy is good enough. I have seen better, but that’s pretty obvious.

The first thing I would say about the placement is : Too many carrots and too many Power-Ups. A level of this size should have 1 Full NRG, and maybe 1/2 +1 carrots, but not more. This level has 2 Full Energy carrots and 4 +1 carrots. That’s way too much. It would be hard to kill someone if you ever play the level, I guess. Anyway, the ammo placement is decent. There is quite a lot of ammo in the level and some boring shapes of ammo, but it’s still not that bad. The Ice Power-Ups aren’t needed in my opinion, because ice isn’t that good in CTF. It could always be fun, but 2 Ice Power-Ups is just too many. About the other Power-Ups.. they’re decently placed, I guess.

So, this was a review by me.. hope you liked it, because at least someone cares about the level. This is not a bad level.. but not good either. I give this level a 6.7. You can download it if you want, but it’s not a level you MUST have.

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