Rating Which rabbit swiming fastest?
Difficulty: (X2)
It is the easiest race-level I know!
Rating: 1,0
Design: (X2)
Horrible! No backgroud, no foreground and no bottom!
Rating: 1,0
Orgineel: (X1)
Not good! It is not orginal, because there are more straight race-levels. It is just under water, that’s all.
Rating: 1,0
Eindcijfer: 1,0
Downloadaanrader: NO!
Waahahahha! Awsome Example level!
There is alot of eyecandy included in the set. You can use the layers in different ways.
It’s very flowing, it’s easy to use and funny! :D
The Rest
There are Sucker Tube’s, Water, and a good Textured BG!
A funny set by Chiyu!
[Rating (8.2) clearance. This review didn’t describe the level well enough for the given rating. ~Cooba]
it was weary good tileset and game too.
I’ve seen better from you! The tileset is realy not great. I won’t rate for the level itself, cause it’s not your’s. Watch the eyecandy! If you walk in the water, you see the player’s feet sticking under out.
But it’s ok to play it.
Tileset: 6.5
Level: I won’t rate for that
Eyecandy: 6.3
Music: 7
I give you a 6.7
Rating Miracle of Sun
A tileset with a gigantic Single Player-level in it.
Rating Practical: (X2)
It is not the most practical tileset, because it is very, very big.
But you can create lots of back/foregrounds and different types of path.
Rating: 6,1
Rating Beauty: (X2)
It is a beautiful tileset. I have nothing more too say. But most of the tileset is red and that’s a pity.
Rating: 8-
Rating Orginality: (X1)
Good! Very original. You have created lots of differents things, like a disco, a restaurant, a beach etc.
Rating: 10+
Rating Example Level: (X1)
You have created a good example level. It is more a Single-Player-level! That is very good if you want to see how I need to use your tileset! But there is one bug: if you press ESC and select OPTIONS, the server will crash.
Rating: 8,7
Final Rating: 7,9
Download Recommendation: YES!
nice ^^
(Unsupported rating (9.2) removal. ~Violet)
congratulations with this level. First, it’s a great idea to make something like this. Second, you put some realy super stunts in it. I especialy like parts where you come back where you came from, and than go another way. And I realy like it someone finaly used pacman-ghost. I think this is your best level yet!
[Rating (9.5) clearance. There wasn’t enough support for the extremely high rating. ~Cooba]
It’s very nice. you put some great ideas in it, and i’m realy going to you it in my next level (your name will be in there), the tileset isn’t that great by the way, no music. but I only rate for the idea now.
Good job.
*Rating Boss*
A bossy Boss-level filled with lots of bosses.
Rating Obstacles: (X2)
First, jump over some spikes and then go to a platform with too many bosses.
So, this is not good. The first part (spikes) is too easy and the bosses are much and much and much and much and much and much and much too hard.
Rating: 1,0
Rating Story: (X1)
No story.
Rating: N/A
Rating Eyecandy (X2)
Foreground: no foreground: 1,0
Path Adornment: path is boring: 1,0
Background: only layer 8 is filled in: 1,2
Rating: 1,1
Rating Length (X2)
BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD! One small level. Don’t be lazy next time.
Rating: 1,0
Rating Bonusses (X1)
Only some ammo and even that is as good as useless because this small level is still as good as inpossible without cheats. You need a shield to made it.
Rating: 1,0
Final Rating: 1,0
Download Recommendation: NO!
*Rating Lost Vikings episode*
So, everyone gave a sufficient, huh? Well, I don’t agree.
Rating Obstacles: (X2)
The levels are much and much too easy to give you an sufficient. It is the easiest Single-Player-episode I’ve ever played!
Rating: 1,9
Rating Story: (X1)
No story?
Rating: N/A
Rating Eyecandy (X2)
Foreground: all levels don’t have an foreground: 1,0.
Path Adornment: The path is also not my favorite, but better than nothing: 4,3
Background: Is poor. Just a little bit too empty for an sufficient: 5,4
Rating: 3,6
Rating Length (X2)
Ten levels, but they are all much too short for an sufficient.
Rating: 2,8
Rating Bonusses (X1)
Much and much too less!
Rating: 1,5
Final Rating: 2,6
Download Recommendation: NO!
This is a great part about the level, it has good flow without being bland and it has multiple paths with a three tier design, also you never find yourself at a dead end, wich is a good thing for ctf levels. I especially like the base locations.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 8.9/10
Event placment
The event placement is nice, it has ammo in the places you need it, and the placement of powerups is pretty good. The overall ammo placement helps prevent people from always being in the same place all the time. It could have been better though because all the ammo is easy to get, you don’t even have to jump a bit to get it.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 8/10
Eyecandy and looks
Loads of eyecandy wich is somthing I like to see, but it wasn’t overloads so I couldn’t see the sky it was just the right amount. The background has a nice fade color to it aswell. I see you didn’t go with the “standard brick pattern” that adds a nice little touch to the level, And the layer 4 background tiles make it look more like a structure rather then some floating bricks and platforms.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 8.6/10
Overall everything stuff
Good music that suits the level nicely and a level with good layout good theme and great style.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 8.6/10
download recommendation?
Yes! Its a great CTF level that you should at least try.
Your a fellow XLM member ;D No, I cannot say that. Well I’ll give you a bonus point for useing an under used tileset.
||||| – 0.1/0.5
Uh-oh! Error! When I exit for the house of mud, I end up at the library. Check for problems, fix, then reupload.
Wow. This is pretty good Gry. I have to agree with Vegito, because when I host, I seem to have to open like 4 different programs to keep the server in good condition. This helps with many different things, and cuts down on the number of programs I (personally) have to open.
This has been rated a 9.2 for the above reasons.
Keep it up
I think this is much better then the last Lava Song you made. It sounds more strong, like it would be used in a level. Its beats are firm and go at a great rate. Ture it does repeat somewhat, but it has enough diversity in it’s rythem to make it up. I think it’s great. GJ. I recommend this song for downloading just like the last version.
Danyjel, how many programs do you want to open when you want to play a game of jj2? well, I’ll have to open 3 when Im not host, 4 when I am host like this. ;P I prefer having one ‘good’ jj2 >_<
Maybe because it isn’t in this download? =O
can`t find the fortress.j2l
Sir, it’s not about the demo level, it’s about the tileset ;P.
Full credits:
Airboard Pilots (Chiyu & Vegito)
Spooky Towers (Chiyu)
L.S.P. (Chiyu & Ragnarok)
Frozen Castle (Chiyu)
Pinball Wizard (Dx)
Waterfall of Diamonds (Spybunny)
Not SBv2 Either (Chiyu)
The Temple of the Assclowns (Chiyu)
Metalbattle (Spybunny)
Future of the Past (Chiyu)
In Another Vision (Dx)
Brick House (Spybunny)
Air Wrestling (Chiyu)
Make a Choice (Chiyu)
Electrical Storm (Spybunny)
Apeman (Chiyu)
Lunar Survivor (Chiyu)
Serious (Chiyu)
Merry Christmas 2005! (Chiyu)
Lockdown (Ragnarok)
Lake in the Jungle (Chiyu)
River in the Night (Chiyu)
Icey Pool (Chiyu)
Grotto! (Chiyu)
Advanced Dome (Chiyu)
Plants ‘n Insects (Chiyu)
Tropical Island (Chiyu)
Survivin’ in Texas (Chiyu)
Surviving Between Flames & Ice (Chiyu)
Cracco Ground Force (ET)
Jazz2Online © 1999-INFINITY (Site Credits). We have a Privacy Policy. Jazz Jackrabbit, Jazz Jackrabbit 2, Jazz Jackrabbit Advance and all related trademarks and media are ™ and © Epic Games. Lori Jackrabbit is © Dean Dodrill. J2O development powered by Loops of Fury and Chemical Beats.
Eat your lima beans, Johnny.