Not recommendedReview by DanYjel

1 May 2006, 12:33 (edited 1 May 06, 12:33 by Danyjel)
For: Uranium Castle
Level rating: 6.2

I don’t like it so much. It’s too slow, time by time a bit offtuned, it sounds emptily as hell. The rhythm doesn’t fit here in these samples. All “original” ideas are from Eggman’s tunes. I just didn’t enjoy.

Review by HorvatM

30 Apr 2006, 18:55
For: Haunted Town
Level rating: 6.8

EYECANDY: Nothing special, but good.
ENEMIES: Well placed, maybe too much. What are Fencers doing here?
LAYER USE: You used all layers fine, but Layer 1 is empty. That doesn’t count, because Layer 1 is almost useless.
AMMO: Seekers. Good placed, right where you need them.
FOOD: There is almost no food in this level, but you don’t need sugarrushes.
SIZE: Well, just like you said, small.

EYECANDY: Nothing special, but good.
ENEMIES: There are enemy generators! Why? These birds are annoying! There are too much of them!
LAYER USE: Annoying. Foreground layers are used way too much. Sprite layer and the background is OK.
AMMO: Frostbiters? There is too much TNT. You never need it, except at the TNT destruct blocks.
Food: Enough for a sugarrush.

Tilesets: TSF to 1.23 conversions, they are used well.

Final Rating: 6.0
Download recommendation: If you like challenging levels.

RecommendedReview by OM2004

30 Apr 2006, 17:03
For: Uranium Castle
Level rating: 6.2

This is a very well made song. The beats don’t get tiring, and the song as a great intro, and the remexed notes are very well done. It fits with the song but still has that JJ feel. But there is one error that I heard, and that’s when the song repeats it sounds like it’s off tune or beat.

Now this song on JJ2 isn’t one of my faverits, but I still think this is a very well put togeather song and I think anyone would appricate it no matter their own preference. I recommend this song.

Review by iluz

30 Apr 2006, 15:26 (edited 30 Apr 06, 23:08 by Fquist)
For: Uranium Castle
Level rating: 6.2

Quite good remix, but not the best.
And some of the drums sound like they crash or something.

But Quite good, indeed.

DR: Go on it’s good.

[Unsupported (8.7) rating removal. Try stating what’s good about this song. Stating it is good a dozen times doesn’t cut it – FQuist]

RecommendedReview by gamezz

30 Apr 2006, 08:49
For: Haunted Town
Level rating: 6.8

hi i’ve played your level. it’s very cool.

eyecandy: the eyecandy is very good. there are lots of things to look at.
but sometimes you don’t know where you are because it’s then to busy

music: the sound is good it makes the level o.k. :7.7

gameplay: there are a couple of things, the level is very short,maybe you can change that in your next level. but now the positive things, i like it that you must find the coins, to warp to the bonus. and the bad guys are the most of the time “hidding” : 8.0

bonus: i give you an extra bonus because it was a nice game to play.


eyecandy: 7.5
music: 7.7
gameplay: 8.0
bonus: 7.7

it’s an:

Review by Cheese

29 Apr 2006, 19:11 (edited 29 Apr 06, 19:13)
For: Textured Backgrounds
Level rating: N/A

Alright, it has been re-uploaded with them all in 32 colors.
And yes, it is easy, just go to Edit > Select all and copy/paste.

Review by Violet CLM

29 Apr 2006, 18:37
For: Textured Backgrounds
Level rating: N/A

I would like to mention that the original JJ2 tilesets were drawn by hand without color reduction. It is perfectly possible to make tilesets without PSP8 or something – in fact, you generally get better results.
In any case, the fact that you didn’t bother to do the color reduction yourself or make them easily usable for a tileset is really rather odd.

Review by cooba

29 Apr 2006, 16:44
For: Textured Backgrounds
Level rating: N/A

They should be using 32 colors by default, not 256…

Review by Jarno vos

29 Apr 2006, 15:41
For: Textured Backgrounds
Level rating: N/A

Didnt Labratkid already maked something like this?

.::.=~!Jarno!~=.::. /\ ||

RecommendedReview by gamezz

29 Apr 2006, 14:31
For: Carrot Crisis (fixed)
Level rating: 7.4

hey, this level is cool, the eyecandy is good and there’s big fun. but sometimes it’s frustrating with all the dragon flies. maybe you can do a couple less?
i think this is a hard level to, speccialy for beginners, but is nice to.
it’s an 7.7

Review by the jamster

29 Apr 2006, 10:36 (edited 29 Apr 06, 18:36 by Violet CLM)
For: Textured Backgrounds
Level rating: N/A

these are good rips,much better than those other ones. :)
(Unsupported rating (7.5) removal. ~Violet)

RecommendedReview by the jamster

29 Apr 2006, 10:32
For: Uranium Castle
Level rating: 6.2

good points
amazing beat to it
a good intro to the remix as well
The theme is a great spacey theme

bad points
when some intruments go off its less good,but still ok.

this is a good remix so id advise you to well download it.its now one of a faverote of mine.

Review by Crusader

29 Apr 2006, 04:10 (edited 29 Apr 06, 18:35 by Violet CLM)
For: Bass Battle
Level rating: 5.9

did violet retire? :S
(No. I’m wary about music reviews, though, because I generally have no idea what people are going to find useful or not, myself not caring about remixes in the slightest. Should something blatantly useless come along, then it’s fair game. ~Violet)

Review by NovaStar

29 Apr 2006, 02:08
For: NeoAntiCrash
Level rating: N/A

Nice since my computer at home is a 2000. Not.

Review by melisa1230

29 Apr 2006, 00:22 (edited 29 Apr 06, 00:33 by EvilMike)
For: Jazz 2 Dreamland
Level rating: 6.1


[This review is nothing but spam, since it doesn’t even make any sense (4.2 and a download reccomendation?). Don’t post things like this. -EvilMike]

RecommendedReview by Blackraptor

28 Apr 2006, 22:39 (edited 28 Apr 06, 22:39)
For: Episode Two: The Rebirth of Evil
Level rating: 9.6

I felt like reviewing something so I did. I’m not going to bother writing up a long review as there’s enough reviews for this upload that will state what I said anyways.

I’ll start off by saying that this is probably the best single player pack I’ve played, so it’s already pretty obvious what rating it will get ;P.

The pack features heavily on storyline, even incorporating two seperate endings into the pack so you will play through different levels depending on the decisions you make near the end. This is also one of the only packs I’ve seen that incorporate story into a pack extremely well, as most other packs I’ve played that included storylines either focused too much on them which in turn detracted from the quality of the levels gameplay wise (most of them ended up being alike to cutscenes) or seemed like the story wasn’t complex enough, flawed, or seemed like the author(s) came up with it after they put together the levels. This pack contains beautiful levels and the story certainly did not steal attention from them, and overall greately increased my enjoyment of this pack. The beginning cutscene is also very well thought out and executed.

Some of the levels included in this pack are colossal. Deserto Orbital Base is simply a masterpiece. There are also many interesting tricks put into the levels which add to the sheer amazement you would probably be feeling after playing the pack. I think the weakest area in the pack in terms of level design is probably the Battleships levels. They’re not particularly long and definately don’t seem as open to exploration as some of the other levels, and Battleships isn’t a particularly interesting set.

Eyecandy is well done. Despite the amount of times I’ve replayed this pack the levels, beauty and story of the levels kept me too busy to look for eyecandy bugs for the most part, and there weren’t any that stood out. The alternative ending that features the sideways Deserto Base level seems like it could cause seizures, btw ;P.

Difficulty was pretty well done. I did find myself needing to cheat in a few areas, but I’ve managed to pass every area in each level of the pack without the need to cheat. The puzzle in the Desert level is slightly irritating as crates tend to be buggy sometimes. Running around with one heart in the Deserto Orbital Base was certainly refreshing.

One of the best things I find in this pack is the replayability, which is among the best I’ve ever seen. Not only are some levels huge and weilding many optional areas and secrets, but the pack has two alternate endings which means you’ll definately miss a level or two if you play it only once. I’ve replayed the pack around a total of 4 or 5 times since I’ve betatested it, and I’ve never gotten bored during any of the replay runs.

This review wasn’t originally intended to be long, but it seems it has come out this way anyways, probably because there’s too many good things to say about this pack. I know I’m definately awaiting the release of Devres 3, and I am glad to have betatested this pack and that I’ve played it. I haven’t rated anything a 10 since 2002, but I can say that this pack certainly deserves it.

Congratulations on this masterpiece.

Review by Booman!

28 Apr 2006, 18:43
For: Need for Bowser Underground
Level rating: 6.6

It was a long time since i played a super mario-level. Here’s my review:

Just an ordinary intro level, you walk a little bit and then you get to a castle and read a textstring. The Eyecandy was good, its looks very uch like Super Mario :p. There is a secret place were you can find a toaster powerup and a LOT of toaster ammo. I think its a little too much, it would have been better if it just wasa the ammo or the powerup. The story is quite fun because you help bowser.

Level 2:
This was a really big level and it took quite much time to finnish. The enemies are used good, especially the bats in some places.
The Eyecandy was quite good, the background was just black and that was a little boring. The first thing I notised was the coins. They fit quite good to the rest of the eyecandy but you overused them a bit.
The level was quite hard and thats good because I like hard levels.

Level 3:
Just a small level with some enemies which ends up with a bossfight. I think the boss (devan) is too easy because all you have to do is to push a button and then you win.

Final rating: 7

Review by HorvatM

28 Apr 2006, 14:55
For: Need for Bowser Underground
Level rating: 6.6

Well, this is a Mario-style episode. It hasn’t got ratings so I’m going to rate it.

Good, nothing special. Animations are standard Mario animations. The ground in the Intro level is pretty annoying, because there are too much blocks and they are all cracked and brown. I also hate the coins. Why haven’t you made JJ2 coins? :-D

What are Suckers doing in the castle? And why are there monkeys? Enemies are annoying, for example Rapiers in the last level. The boss is Devil Devan, too hard I think. The episode ends just like Mario, the princess says ‘Thank you for rescuing me’.

Where the heck did you get the tilesets? You used them good, except the ground in Intro.

Hard. I even had to cheat – because of the lava. The three pipes (red, green and blue) are stupid, because of the ‘hurt room’.

Final rating: 6.5
Download recommendation: If you like Mario and challenging levels.

Review by BlaaHval

28 Apr 2006, 14:49
For: JJ2 NC
Level rating: 6.5

Cant you open it or is it crashing when you press a button or after some time?

Review by iluz

28 Apr 2006, 10:34 (edited 18 Feb 08, 09:59 by Stijn)
For: Bass Battle
Level rating: 5.9

This is a really good music and it fits to battle levels.
It’s not short but not long. More longer music could be better

DR: Yes specially if you want fast tempo music for Battle level

I really like this kinda of music.
Go on and make more music like this.

[Unsupported (8.5) rating removal. Try saying why the music is good next time. – FQuist]

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