Sorry, but this thing crashes when I try to run it.
Rating Obstacles————————-X2
The levels are mostly not very easy. There are bosses and not too much or too less Bad Guys. Only the Bilsy is pretty easy.
Rating: 8.8
Rating Eyecandy:————————-X2
The background is good (8,5), the foreground is more sufficient, but not the best I’ve ever seen (5,8) and you have decorate the path pretty good. (7.3)
Rating: 7,2
Rating Bonusses:————————-X1
Is good. There are not too much and not too less bonusses. Only in the Bilsy-final are no bonusses.
Rating: 9,0
Rating Length:—————————-X2
Ten levels. That is not short…
Rating: 7,7
Rating Story——————————-X1
This episode doesn’t have a story. That’s a pity
Rating: 1,0
Final Rating: 7,2 (7,175)
Download recommendation: N/A!
Yes requires 7,5 and no less than 5,5.
Mini review.
Your best work, without any discussion. The problem is that this looks really like Eggman’s work, you should profile. The song structure is weird, when it looks as it grades, all beats are cut off… The song sounds also a bit empty. It has something little more than two minutes, it’s not much.
But nice melody modification, cool beats, okay sample use. Keep practicing, you’ll be great, then.
o.k. this is a quite hard level. but, i found a way to the exit(atleast, to the end..) it’s fustrating to and i have this level played an hour ago and it takes a hour to play!!!!
maybe you can change it with text so you can give tips…
its an 5.7
[Unsupported (5.7) rating removal. Can you give reasons for your rating? You just posted something about how hard the level was, but failed to mention why you rated it 5.7 – FQuist]
Rating Flashback Outta Dis World
Is good! And I love your self-made food-items… congrats with them…
Rating: 8,3
Foreground: 7,5
Path-ecoration: 9,1
Background: 9,6
Rating: 8,7
It does have an story, but not clear. And next time, please write it into the Level Description.
Rating: 5,5
The levels are pretty HARD!
Not good: the Uterus flies sometimes to me, before I reach the Boss-area… I don’t like that…
Good: the machine in the final level!
Rating: 7,6
Six levels and one secret one. That is not bad.
Rating: 7,5
Final Rating: 7,8 (7,775)
Download Recommendation: Yes
at the first rate i think it`s a very intense level with al the warps(wich is good,i like intens)
the ammo plcement is only once appearing,so it`s an get-it-or-never-get-it situation
my opinion:worth an 8
[Unsupported (8) rating removal. You have not specified any reason the level is good besides it being “intens” (intense). Your review is barely readable. Please provide more detail in your reviews as to why the level is good. Rate all aspects of the level – eyecandy, gameplay, ammo/enemy placement, etcetera. – FQuist]
Rating Obstacles X2
The levels are very hard with lots of puzzles and enemies. Soooooooo good. Could you learn me how I can create puzzles?
Rating: 10,0
Rating Eyecandy: X2
Foreground 7½
Path-decoration 8,2
Background 9,4
Rating: 8,4
Rating Placements: X1
Good! Not too much, not too less
Rating: 10,0
Rating Length: X2
Ooohh, dear! 18 long levels with lots of puzzles. Soooo much. Soooo good. Very good.
Rating: 8,9
Rating Story X1
Good story, but please… type the story next time in the Level Description.
Rating: 8,2
A half point bonus for the puzzles!
Final Rating: 9,6
Download recommendation: YES!
Rating Jump Base
Rating Shelters
There are no shelters into this level. A good battle-level does have shelters.
Rank: Horrible
Rating No Useless Items:
Items that you need for an battle are: Ammo(upgrades), fastfire and (super) carrots. This level doesn’t have useless items. Perfect!
Rank: Perfect
Rating Eyecandy:
Foreground: Horrible
Path-decoration: Sufficient
Background: Sufficient
The average rank is Poor
Rank: Poor
Final Rating: 5,0
Download recommendation: NO!
5½ for N/A, 7½ for Yes.
[Unsupported (5.0) rating removal. Really, this review is pretty bad. Please rate normal things. “Shelters” and “Useless Items” ratings are pretty bad. Please rate normal things like gameplay, eye candy, event placement. – FQuist]
You know what? It’s good! I like the instrument change at about 0:50. Basses are used well, and it really suits a battle level! But, the drums at the ending and at 0:45 are annoying, so I give this a 8.5.
Download recommendation: Oh sure!
I can’t rate, because I haven’t got TSF, but you stolen my idea! I’m making a space CTF too! ;-)
Eyecandy:ugh…Not very good. The worst pert of the eye candy is the platforms.The platforms don’t realy have a end, it’s just the middle.Also you can tell that this level was rushed from the bad eyecandy or just that gam-ie is just bad at eyecandy.I can tell that gam-ie used the same tiles over and over in the same way.
Gameplay: warp warp warp warp warp warp every where,which is kind of anoying. Theres not much game play at all in this level.
Item placement: theres not much of an avraity of weapons in this level. Just 2 types of weapons and 1 max weapon.
Size:It’s so small. Try playing this level with lots of players, and you’ll find out a problem.
Score:3.0 = bad
Improvements: Make the level bigger,more types of weapons,mybe less warps, and better eyecandy. And next time you build a level let somebody test it for you, beacause they will notice if it is cheapy (unless they are very bad at jj2 level making)So try again. And don’t rush (if gam-ie did rush)
I think you don’t have to put a readme with just a single level in this upload.
This is the same as your previous level.
I don’t know who said to you that you can’t make single player levels, but the reviewers didn’t.
You will do this in single and in multiplayer. Play your levels yourself, look at your background. We don’t have cracks in the sky on earth, do we.
Look more carefully at which titles you use. Also the ground were you’re standing on doesn’t has edges, its just the middle of a platform at a edge.
The Gameplay is better than in your first level, but still needs a lot of attention. There are only 2 little rooms in the level where you can fight and in one there is none bottom and you warp back to the other.
Only bouncher and toaster crates.
You could have put some more single bullets in there and also a power up.
The size is still too small, look at other people’s levels and see how they made them.
SIZE: 2.5
TIP: Don’t put all your levels here, look or they are good enough.
Also, im Dutch, so if you don’t get anything from this review just PM me.
BLEH! My first review for this pack was rubbish.
All the levels are set in the JJ1 style tilesets. They all have good eyecandy. None of the levels use a Textured Background but they do use the JJ1 style background which looks great. There was a tilebug in the Layer 8 background in the second Tubelectric level though. The wires didn’t join up correctly. But I didn’t notice this until after playing the pack for about the 7th time now so it’s excusable. There were no tilebugs in Layer 4 in any of the levels. Nothing looked repetitive.
The use of the lighting events made the level look more interesting.
The entire pack was like another new JJ1 episode. I forgot that I was actually playing JJ2 because everything looks like JJ1.
So overall, the eyecandy is great.
The levels were a very good length. They weren’t too short or too long. The whole pack took me about 2-3 hours to finish. There was some Trigger Crate puzzles to complete in order to proceed through the rest of the level. I like the way you had warps in the wall in Diamondus so that if the player gets stuck they would be warped near to where they got stuck.
I like the way the intros are done before each world. Intros are done like the loading screens in JJ1.
There was a bug after completing the 2 Industrius levels however. I was at the Turtemple intro, but when I walked right to go to the first Turtemple level, I was warped back to the third Tubelectric level where the “?” sign was. Wow, these secret level events sure are buggy.
I thought that there wasn’t enough Carrots to be found in any of the levels. I was at 1 Heart health quite a lot. There was plenty of ammo to be found. Some levels had a Bonus Area which I liked. The Bonus Area in the third Tubelectric level had a Bonus Gem (like the one in JJ1) you would touch. It would then unlock the way to 2 secret Industrius levels. Coins were very well hidden especially in the first Tubelectric level as the first 6 times I played it, I couldn’t find the 20 Coins.
The small turtles in the 3 Diamondus were annoying IMO, as they caused me to end up at 1 Heart health a lot. Other than that the enemy placement was good, none of them were in any annoying places. The Tubelectric levels had those blaster thingies (don’t know what they’re called) like in JJ1 and they hurt too. There was also all the usual JJ2 obstacles as well including destruct & buttstomp scenery and Trigger scenery.
TOTAL SCORE: 36/40 = 9/10
Since I’ve given it 9.0 what else do you think I would say? Of course, my DR would be YES! :D
It’s a shame that this isn’t 1.23 compatible as this is an excellent pack which has not received any ratings until now. If you do have TSF download this pack now.
I think this is a better review than what I had previously. :P
Rating Jungle Adventures Part One
Background: Horrible.
Path: Bad
Foreground: International Disaster
Rank: Abysmal
The level is much and much and much to short for an sufficient. And it also doesn’t have a boss.
Rank: Bad
Enemies are placed in groups. And this level is easy.
Rank: Abysmal
Item Placement:
Not good, nothing more to say.
Rank: Not Good
No story?
Rank: International Disaster
Final Rating: 1,9
Download recommendation: NO!
Ok here you go…
I agree with n00b, tileset was small when
i opened JCS. However, I think it was a little too normal for some reason. It’s not like The best tileset in J2O.
(No offense) A little blury, but it makes it personal, so it’s a good thing
It needs more stuff. And yes it’s easy tileset to use.
My overall rating is 7.0, a lot people might disagree with me, but that’s what i think
Downlaod recommendation: yes
~~~ Nose.Soft “products”
[Rating (7) rating removal. No valid reasons for the tileset’s high rating were given. ~Cooba]
This level felt rather more entertaining than the first release (second level) of gam-ies levels. This wasn’t an ordinary level, it was narrated..
To be honest, the first glimse of eyecandy was not convincing. The below-ground tiles were obviously dragged and the ceiling….well…looked the same. Those are some of a long list of errors. The way the level looked wasn’t the only problem. The poor quality of the level created some huge masking errors (like near the beggining). The backround was a half-sky half-leaf backround. If you put all those together, the result is certainly not good. Gam-ie has some work to do.
The first problem was that there was a huge lack of gameplay…and the only gameplay there is not dissapointing, but amusing. Amusing not because the level is superb, but amusing because of the low quality of the gameplay. The only obstacles in the level were spikes and dragonflies (And 4 lizards). There is a coin warp in the level and your reward…2 super gems. But again you put dragonflies in there which almost defies the meaning of ‘bonus warp’. about 60% of gameplay was text. The story for this level was about a rabbit who had to go around killing flies.
There were less than 7 groups of items. There were 9 blue gems, 2 super gems, 1 carrot, 2 coins, 18 special ammo and the other 2 group was just food. The 2 gold coins were right next to a warp you had to go through to get to the end. The level was so small that there probaly no room for items anyway.
A level needs music. If its a j2b file, type just the name. If its s3m, mod, xm, it, wav, 669 or any other module, type the name plus the extension. Eg. DEMONIC.mod, light.s3m….. +0
If you use other peoples tilesets, the level may not be boring. +0
RANK: 1 Crap
DOWNLOAD?: If you’re bored.
Read reviews carefully and take care doing levels.
Rating Madness
Rating Eyecandy:
Rating Difficult:
It is very difficult, with that eyehurting background. I can’t see the path. But I need to give you another International Disaster, because it is too hard and dangerous for your eyes.
Rating Items:
No items at all.
Rating Story:
No story.
Final Rating: 1 (0, but that’s inpossible and I’m kind)
Download Recommendation: NO!
Rating Dreamland
Rating Practical:
It is not the most practical one, because it is very hard to create a good background with it. Again, only Ischa was able to do it.
Rank: POOR
Rating Beauty:
If you want to create a level about a dream, this is THE tileset, because it is a beautiful one.
Rank: NICE
Rating Orginality:
Yes, it is very original. I have never seen a dream-tileset yet.
Final Rating: 7,2
Download recommendation: N/A! (requires a 7½)
hi, your atlantis tile set is very good! and the song too. but there’s one thing: there’s lava under wather and thats not good! maybe you can change that.
i give it an 8.2.
(Unsupported rating removal. Incidentally, this tileset was based on a movie, so that may have something to do with the content. ~Violet)
Did you know that if you click on guestbook on your site you get the weather page?
Take a look at other levels,
They all don’t have a ******* background like this, right. put 8 at height and 8 at lenght and make it textured.
You put a three for the background in the layer 4 which causes a lot of lag.
Also the ground were you are walking on isn’t good connected to the next ground and that walls have the middle titles at their edges.
This level is way too easy, there are arround 4 flying lizards and 10 dragonsfly’s mostly in groops also you are too quick done with this level.
At the end you get a bonus level with diamonds, but if it contained something worthfull you couldn’t use it anymore because there the level is finished.
Also wen you reach the end area jj2 closes. This is because you didn’t typed the next level. If there is none, typ endepis.
Enemies are placed in groups.
This level is just too small to tell anything about the ammo placement.
The size is too small and also most of the ‘gaps’ where you are walking though are too small.
SIZE: 1.5
BONUS: 0.1 (story?)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.