I haven’t reviewed anything in a while, but once I saw this level I just couldn’t resist.
Honestly, I’ve never found Assault significantly attractive. However, as soon as I was told about the concept of this level – assassinate Peach (play as Bowser) or defend her (play as Mario with a gun), I just quickly fell in love with it. Quite simple, but it works.
Gameplay here is not different than most Assault levels, as all you have to do is destroy crates in order. However, the layout is confusing in such a way that makes this level unique, as you either have to bet or learn the level well to find the next crate, and not just go through a tunnel and shoot repetitively without thinking. Each area also looks and plays differently than the other, from defending a pyramid in the desert to swimming with deadly pirannas, which makes it all more interesting.
All things I’ve mentioned above, combined with a cool, Mario’ish atmosphere, make the ideal Assault level according to my standards. Shall I put it Danyjel’s way now?
(+) Has an interesting story
(+) Doesn’t use overcomplicated objectives
(+) Is nice to look at
(-) Quite confusing
(-) Hard to learn
(-) Still all about destroying crates
Download recommendation, because besides this is some kind of an improved Assault3, the fun factor obviously wins here.
No starting comment..
Very nice and swamp-like.There is so much on the foreground and backround that it makes it very hard to see the sky in layer 8. However, some of the foreground gets in your way like near the far right edge where you have to climb the trees. You used one of Agamas tilesets which are very hard to use yet you used it better than any other level that uses this tileset.
Some of the gameplay is good. The hidden passages in the trees are good for an obstacle and there isn’t to much normal gameplay. However, some of this is also bad. The battle feels more like a circuit and the climbing obstacle is overused a bit.
You would just find ammo and carrots (and maybe food) in battle levels. But there were a few gemstomps that kindof fit in with the gameplay. There was a bit in the battle where 4 ceiling springs triggered gemstomps. Quie useful for when you’re doing treasure hunt.
The music in this level felt kindof assult like but somehow managed to fit.
Someone who managed to use an Agama tileset. That deserves a bonus.
BONUS: 0.5
RANK: 7 Good
Good battle.
He shouldnt:o DX should have hurried up releasing.
A good tileset sonictth. Only one thing is it is a little bit off but it is good for tests.
[Rating (4.7) clearance. You need to explain why is the tileset good. ~Cooba]
Good tileset. A very good theme. I liked it because it was very functional. I can use well layer 5 and create levels. There’s also another version that’s blue instead of red. Good for evening-night exchange.
Download recommended.
What are you talking about there are a lot of other (better) anticrash programs
U have the honor being reviewed by my 50th review.
Very good it also has a kind of snow and that door passage is very nice made.
This isn’t good.
At first you have to play this in CTF which means with 2 or more players.
Second you can get stuck wen you fall after the 4th or 5th cage.
Third it is a way too small level.
Fourth it is way too easy, it is just walking through braking some cages.
And finnaly wen you’re done your base gets one point and you’re stuck on your base and the level doesn’t end and also you can’t do it over to get another point which will be very boring while playing with multiple players.
Normal, maybe a bit too few weapons placed.
2 words: TOO SMALL
Eyecandy: 8.5
Gameplay: 3
Size: 2.5
PS: I know you can do better try to make your levels longer and make them more challenging
I think a 6.7 is a little bit overrated.
Weighing: Graphics 35%, Gameplay 45%, Music 5%, Originality 10%, Presentation 5%
Graphics – 4.2
You’ve chosen a weak tileset to begin with. Use a more challenging tileset next time. Overall you’ve made fair use of the tileset, nothing special though. It all looks quite clean and I’ve only found a few bugs: at 153,6; 157,6 and the vines (160,20). Oh, and you should check the mask of the bottom of most of the platforms. There is no real nice diversity in the level, it all feels the same to me, though I like the mountain background at the bottom of the level. The eyecandy overall is certainly disappointing, because the moving fore/background things annoy me and apart from a few leaves there isn’t much. You’ve made bad use of the textured background, because of the black background; it doesn’t fit. Use some nice colour the next time.
Gameplay – 2.8
The size is OK, but for the rest, there are many cons here. There were very few pickups, even fewer of them of any use: some pepper spray that can’t easily be reached, a seeker powerup which one should never place inside a battle level, some RFs and bouncy’s and fire. They’re almost all in unlogical places. Now, the environment. There are some annoying things about this level. First of all, the unmasked bottom tile of platforms I mentioned above. It’s very irritaing. But even more irritating is your use of layer 3/5 for platforms (e.g. at 183,6; 190,36). It is exasperating. There’s even a bouncy powerup behind one of these things. On with the flow. The level doesn’t flow nicely. A useless sucker tube, some misplaced springs, vines at 106,5, you’ve put arrow signs in the level that make no sense… and I can’t even shoot the Rabbits Stink signs! :(
Music – 2
The music doesn’t at all suit the level, and JJ2’s ending sequence isn’t very original to use, either.
Originality – 3
This is is just another battle level. Nothing special that will make it fun hosting online.
Presentation – 6
Central Diamondus is presented OK. Pay more attention to things like ‘i’, ‘u’, ‘Its’ in the description of the level, they make reading hard. The Zip file looks OK, as well. Nothing special
Final Rating: 3.4
No download recommendation
Redjazz, I shouldn’t complain if I was you because you only made worse levels disfar.
The eyecandy in this level is average in most of the level but there are a few cons. In the titles which are ground there are a lot of titles how dont belong there and make it ugly. Also wen i wanted to get the second 1up ( I think ) i had to get through a wall but the wall was at my background, use a foreground layer for that.
Very nice gameplay, some original things.
This is a really good job, guys.
The ammo placement is good, but if were talking about enemy placement, they return very fast after you killed them.
For instance if you fall the enemies you just killed are on your path again.
The size might be a bit too big, but it doesn’t cares a lot.
Eyecandy: 5.5
Gameplay: 7.5
Size: 6
Bonus: +0.1 (story)
FINAL GRADE: 6.5 (6.6)
reaction on reaction
Good doesn’t mean its perfect or very good. About that lizard shooting, ok i’ll take that back but the grade wont change by that.(look up)Also if you shoot them off their copters they fall automaticly too fast so you cant kill them.
And by the way my pack needs reviews :P
Wow, so everyone making an easter level is ripping you off? That seems kind of harsh. Besides, according to that logic, you’re ripping off TSF.
No, we’re not copying you, RedJazz, we’ve been working on this for years, and besides, it’s an entirely different concept.
No, there aren’t generators on them. I think you must have shot the floating lizards out of sight (they’ll have fallen through the bridge), so they would reappear again, because you haven’t killed them.
About what you said about gameplay: if it’s good, why a 7.5 and not a 9 or so? No cons?
I(carrotpie speaking) don’t know Cliffy’s lvls. I’d never played them. And BTW, if you lack 2 coins, did you found the bucket above the starting position? I mean, the ‘easter hare’ has to pay all the eggs, not? =P
No fear! You’re copying me! I already released Easter Redpack!
Oh, too bad it’s for TSF.
This is problably the best single player i’ve played so far. It even gave me a movie’ish feeling. I like the intro too. Very unique. Good luck with the next episode.
[Unsupported (10) rating removal – FQuist]
I will review the level but its not in 1.23. Can you convert it to that version? thnx.
Im better at making single player but not really good at multiplayer levels.
Oh this is the wrong jazz x,i think you should change the name because dx put a lot of hard work into it,you probebly have to.
Dx i think you should change the name.
I really like space themes and this is problably the best i’ve seen so far. I also noticed one of the songs from UT.
Dx’s Jazz X was started before you joined the community, actually.
I don’t change the name because (just like n00b said) I uploaded this pack first.
I didn’t know Dx had started making his own Jazz X Before me. But I follow the rules of jungle: faster beats slower
(later) Ok I changed the name a little bit. Happy now?
Dx, theres a big problem here:
You’re asking a released thing to change the name because something still being worked on has the same name.
Theres no logic to it, it’s like saying “Yo, Nintendo, we’re making a 2d platformer game with the name ‘Super Mario’, erm mind changing your series’ name for us?”
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.