Review by gam-ie

18 Apr 2006, 19:34 (edited 18 Apr 06, 21:08 by Violet CLM)
For: Snow in Carrottus
Level rating: 8.3

hi, i’m gam-ie and i am new at this site. i think you have a pretty difficult level. but its fun!;)
(sorry if my english isn’t so good. i’m from the netherlands.)
(Isn’t everyone? Unsupported rating (8) removal. Grammatical issues are fine, but you do need to say more about the upload, so we can get a better idea of why you gave it the rating that you did. ~Violet)

RecommendedReview by DarkSonic

18 Apr 2006, 18:24
For: Eastern Swampside
Level rating: 8

A review.. by me. Yeah, it’s been a while. But I think this level needs a review.

A brand new Battle level using Swamps. Made by IC. Should be interesting.. but is it?

This relatively small level looks nice af first. There is a simple use of springs, one ways, etc. to let you ‘fly’ around the level. Although you have to jump sometimes, which adds a bit of strategy. I discovered the gem stomp pretty fast, and I think it’s a nice idea plus it’s fun, too. With few dead ends(which isn’t a problem in Battle imo) and some warps, the level is good to duel in, or just shoot around you when you’re playing in a public server. Overall, the gameplay is nice.

The eye candy doesn’t have any problems. Myself I dislike Swamps because I just can’t use it properly. But the eye candy here is good. Very good. The use of trees and leaves is excellent, and the backgrounds are just like almost every other Swamps level. The translucency of the leaves makes it possible to run through them, and it prevents confusion because otherwise you wouldn’t see yourself if you run through them. Overall, the eye candy is very nice and so the level looks nice too.

The placement is where things are different. There are some good shapes of ammo, and good selection of weapons, too. But there could be some ammo in the trees on the right side of the level, or, some fastfires. Anyway, the Power-Ups are placed on good places. It took me a while to find out where the Seek and the RF Power-Ups are. The RF PU is hard to get in my opinion. You would need some skill to get it. The carrot placement is alright in my opinion, and like I said – the gem stomps were really fun.

The music is a bit too speedy in my opinion, but I like it. The background of it sounds good enough. The level is not VERY original, but it does it’s job. It’s hard to make an original level nowadays.

Overall I think this is a nice level that should be hosted/downloaded. I know it’s early to brag over the next Bash now already, but this is one of those levels that has a good chance of being in. I give this level an 8 and a big download recommendation. So get it if you didn’t yet!

Review by master sven

18 Apr 2006, 15:50 (edited 28 Apr 06, 06:37 by masterrokusho)
For: Svens Battle Pack
Level rating: 7.2

Thank you both for your review.
R3ptile: if you mean that spaz based stuff with getting stuck to get the RF PU, jazz could also get it with a gun9.
review deleted?

[Just FYI, R3ptile deleted most of his own reviews. That’s where his review has gone – FQuist]

And the other review?

Review by Marijn

18 Apr 2006, 14:43
For: Tileset Extractor
Level rating: 9.9

Good… No need for a GUI of cource.

I have some problems with getting the RAW data :’(

Not recommendedReview by Superjazz

18 Apr 2006, 10:21 (edited 19 Apr 06, 12:12)
For: Metal Tube Climber
Level rating: 3

The review-fever continues.

The tileset for the level was Tubelectric, the night one, and it is used
pretty poorly here. The background could look better and does only have
the same “screens” in textured mode. It looks more awful in 8bit-mode,
that gives a longer sight and everything is just messy. The electricity that
is visible only in the top and bottom are a nice add and don’t confuse
at all, but that is because the sprite-, and it’s assisting layers don’t
really have any kind of decent extra eyecandy, and the flats just look boring
with rough edges and all.

The concept here of a “climber”, that once you go in to the tubes on any
side, it pulls you to itself and warps to the level right above and sucks
you in again and loops from top level back to bottom, until you run to the
opposite direction from the tubes. But as a level, all this is just nothing,
because the middle is nearly empty of any creative fill, and the
level size is just way too small for the concept in my opinion.

Every floor has a different set of ammo for 9×3. The top 2 levels have also
different PU’s. All of them seem to have an instant respawn and that just
guarantees infinite ammo for every player moving around the level. Every
flat has a single-health carrot as well that have a respawn-time of 25, but
it’s still just too much for a level of this size, and I don’t believe
anybody else would either put as much to a lot bigger level. Because of it,
roasting will barely happen at all in multiplayer.

I see you might have had an eager to set up this kind of climber-concept,
but creating a proper level seems to be difficult still. The level wasn’t
probably more effort then a few hours at maximum, and shouldn’t deserve
too high grade, especially because it doesn’t really have a lot of use and
so on. I decided an exact 3 would be a pretty balanced rating this time.
I suggest you indeed spend time on doing a level next time…and
carefully. The music should be pretty suitable with the tileset at least.


Review by the jamster

18 Apr 2006, 09:32
For: Machine War Assualt
Level rating: 5.6

eya candy is very good.
I like the cage thing it makes it look like it relly goes up.

bad points
the level is very small.
ammo placement isn’t to good.
if u played this online it would be a very fast game.‘too fast’

make your level longer.
think more cafully were to place the ammo.

relly this level would be great if it was longer,you have everything there,good eyecandy,just make it longer and better ammo placement,and im sure this will get a high rateing.

Review by the jamster

18 Apr 2006, 09:26 (edited 18 Apr 06, 10:51 by Fquist)
For: Mushroom Kingdom Assault
Level rating: 8.5

This is one of my favorite assults,

I like all the places you can go and camp.
ammo placement is great.
mini story line,is ok

relly you should download this because it is very fun.

[Inappropiate rating (9) removal. This review just is not good enough at all. It barely explains why it deserves this rating – FQuist]

Review by master sven

18 Apr 2006, 06:41
For: Central Diamondus
Level rating: 5.1

well it looks like you 2 reviewed 2 different levels.
Mad about i gave your level a 6.5?

RecommendedReview by Superjazz

17 Apr 2006, 16:49 (edited 18 Apr 06, 10:29)
For: Eastern Swampside
Level rating: 8

Here I am reviewing again. It has been a long time from my previous review,
but something inspired me again to review at least this level, and it’d be
just good to have more reviewers in the community because there aren’t too
many these days anymore, or at least very fair, whatever. Then the level.

For some unknown reason, everytime when I tried to load this level in
internet-play, jj2 ran out of memory. It also happened in single-player if
I self-destructed myself multiple times.

The eyecandy overall is just splendid. Tileset used is Swamps Night and the
background layers have the default set of tiles. The flood around trees that
Agama meant for background-layers. Transparent leaves around sprite-layers
look nice enough though they annoyingly cover the vision in a few places of
the oaks for example. The vertical logs are also used in a more advanced way
this time. The rest additional eyecandy seems to be just fine.

The level has a roundabout ovalish(or not that ovalish) layout. One funny
spot is the tiny flat, best noticable from jcs, that a Spaz-player can reach
with a little work, and hide there from other players, or fire bouncers down as long as he has enough ammo. Then I would have liked
if the northwest region had a warp to some spot of the level as it seems
to be quite irritating dead end. There is a warp just a little below that
takes nearly to the southeast. The region has a carrot however, so
being chased into there isn’t too big problem.

For the size of the levels, I’d agree 2-3 single-health carrots to be a good
amount, and seems the author’s choice was 3. The ammo is placed either
linearly by the path on some places or in exciting diagonal ways. The
treetops could have a few ammo also in my opinion, that were quite empty.
There’s a seeker-PU hidden in a tree at that region anyway, and just guess
they’re pretty hard to dodge in such narrow paths. Then there lies a bouncer-
PU on the lower road and RF-PU is to be reached with these powered-up
bouncers at the northwest region.

Uterus rating: 10 YAY NO UTERUS…just joking. ;p

Overall the level is another good one by Booshi/P4ul, but there wasn’t
anything very special/original in it, and even the level name is a little tasteless, or let’s say, ordinary. Maybe the underused treetops for
instance. I also wondered a bit about the gem stomp’s point with ceiling-
springs. Just for fun perhaps. The music gets also a bit distracting at

As a single level, I’d like to give the level an 8. It could be probably worth for the next bash even. Well done!


RecommendedReview by CrimiClown

17 Apr 2006, 11:51 (edited 17 Apr 06, 11:52)
For: Mushroom Kingdom Assault
Level rating: 8.5

Starting Comments
I just looked into this yesterday and I must say I’m impressed. Short review for my buddy ‘ere.
The flow is great, aswell as the map itself. It’s actually fun to travel greater distances to get to your objectives.
Gameplay = Good

The ammo is spreaded in the waiting rooms, aswell as several PU’s. Carrots are rarely found in the map itself.
Placement = Average

The objectives are quite straight-forward. You bust a crate, you find the next one, etc. At least you get to kill Princess Peach. :)
Objectives = Good

Both teams have a fair chance of winning. The defending team has lots of weapons within reach. The attacking team has some strategic areas which can easily be turned into a heavy wave of attacks.
Balance = Great

The level looks extremely nice. The background layers are very well used and each area has a different aura about it. The grasslands look all fuzzy and warm, while the underwater area just looks cold and lonely.
Eyecandy = Good

Well, can’t go wrong with the Mario tune! =D
Music = Good

Although the ‘bust-crates-in-order’ objectives have been used before, I still think this one has one of the greater varieties of gameplay additions out there.
Originality = Average

This submission should have a ‘good file’ logo and thus I will rate it as such.
Score = 8.5

Added Score = 0

Download Recommendation
Further comment
This is certainly worth playing and could be used in JDC events or anything similar.

Review by Evil Hare (aka) General

17 Apr 2006, 08:48 (edited 21 Jul 06, 20:50)
For: JJ1 Music Pack
Level rating: 8

What about the tune Exoticus? And please shorten the bonus level name. I can’t fit it on the music title at the level options

Review by Monolith

17 Apr 2006, 04:17
For: NeoAntiCrash
Level rating: N/A

A GUI will definitely come eventually. I wanted to get the core functionality working first though, because that part is more difficult than making a GUI for it.

Review by Overlord

16 Apr 2006, 11:26
For: NeoAntiCrash
Level rating: N/A

I’d like to see a fully working filter like this done with a cool GUI one day. This isn’t even close to what I had in mind, but its a start ;P Gj on the app. First of its kind. I haven’t tested it yet, but I’ve seen it in action before. It sort of creates the same atmosphere when J2M (console) was first tested in AB7 server.


RecommendedReview by LittleFreak

16 Apr 2006, 11:20 (edited 18 Apr 06, 10:29)
For: WadlCury Easter
Level rating: 7.2

“Yet another easter level” I thought when I clicked it in the download section. However, from the description it sounded like it was made a little more interesting than the bunch of other easter levels I’ve seen during the years. This one does actually have a concept.

Gameplay: 7.5

When I started playing, I figured this would be quite a fun little level to play. The objective is to deliver eggs to 20 baskets. You’re doing this, because the easter hare is either extremely lazy or has eaten a bad egg like stated in the readme (whichever you prefer). Everytime you fill one of the baskets, which are spread out around the whole level, you get a coin. Is the easter hare actually getting paid by now? Anyways. Nevermind. Maybe the reason for the sudden payment is that his job got more and more dangerous or something. Several evil turtles, lizards and similiar stuff await.. well, no, actually it’s only turtles and lizards, but they’re placed nicely so I don’t mind. Compared to the TSF easter levels the enemy placement is a big improvement.
The level is quite big and has a lot of fun stuff to do. There are many goodies, and some nice secrets (oftentimes you’ll get crashed through walls at high speed while collecting stuff). To find all the baskets, you’ll have to explore the whole level. This can sometimes prove problematic, because it has some mazelike elements in it. At the end, I lacked two coins and had to go back searching for them. Even worse, some passages require freezer ammo, which I didn’t have. I found no more to collect, so I had to cheat to get through. This takes some of the fun away of an otherwise good level.

Creativity: 7.5

There are some very original elements, and some which are badly stolen from Cliffy’s levels. You’ll find platforms with strong winds you have to climb (even the warning sign is there!) and spring crates to push, but there are also some interesting puzzles involving springs and ice. Yes, these have been there too, but they don’t seem to be ripped off like the windy passage. And besides, there’s still the cool concept. Again, nothing groundbreaking, but it’s still quite fun.

Eyecandy: 8.0

Quite good, especially for a level that’s actually three years old already. I can’t agree with the master on this one. Yes, the misfitting tiles at the ground are there, but aren’t these in almost every level using the easter and carrotus tilesets? Besides, there are some rather nice features using the background layer that look really good, though these can be confusing if you can’t tell what’s solid and what’s not. Sometimes, the impression of Jazz changing between the sprite and background layer is given, an effect that can look awesome when done right. I don’t remember if the other two background layers were actually used, but might have been additions to layer 5, so I won’t decrease the score here. Just the foreground could have some more stuff in it, and the walls are a little bland. Still, good work has been done here.


This is a fun little level with some good ideas behind it (and some which are badly copied). It’s surely worth the download if you’re looking for something to entertain you for 15 minutes (or longer, depending on your skills at egg delivering).

Final Rating: 7.5, download recommendation


RecommendedReview by spejsboi

15 Apr 2006, 11:19 (edited 14 Sep 07, 08:45 by R3ptile)
For: Mushroom Kingdom Assault
Level rating: 8.5

I haven’t reviewed anything in a while, but once I saw this level I just couldn’t resist.

Honestly, I’ve never found Assault significantly attractive. However, as soon as I was told about the concept of this level – assassinate Peach (play as Bowser) or defend her (play as Mario with a gun), I just quickly fell in love with it. Quite simple, but it works.

Gameplay here is not different than most Assault levels, as all you have to do is destroy crates in order. However, the layout is confusing in such a way that makes this level unique, as you either have to bet or learn the level well to find the next crate, and not just go through a tunnel and shoot repetitively without thinking. Each area also looks and plays differently than the other, from defending a pyramid in the desert to swimming with deadly pirannas, which makes it all more interesting.

All things I’ve mentioned above, combined with a cool, Mario’ish atmosphere, make the ideal Assault level according to my standards. Shall I put it Danyjel’s way now?

(+) Has an interesting story
(+) Doesn’t use overcomplicated objectives
(+) Is nice to look at

(-) Quite confusing
(-) Hard to learn
(-) Still all about destroying crates

Download recommendation, because besides this is some kind of an improved Assault3, the fun factor obviously wins here.


Review by fearofdark

15 Apr 2006, 07:57
For: Eastern Swampside
Level rating: 8

No starting comment..

Very nice and swamp-like.There is so much on the foreground and backround that it makes it very hard to see the sky in layer 8. However, some of the foreground gets in your way like near the far right edge where you have to climb the trees. You used one of Agamas tilesets which are very hard to use yet you used it better than any other level that uses this tileset.

Some of the gameplay is good. The hidden passages in the trees are good for an obstacle and there isn’t to much normal gameplay. However, some of this is also bad. The battle feels more like a circuit and the climbing obstacle is overused a bit.

You would just find ammo and carrots (and maybe food) in battle levels. But there were a few gemstomps that kindof fit in with the gameplay. There was a bit in the battle where 4 ceiling springs triggered gemstomps. Quie useful for when you’re doing treasure hunt.



The music in this level felt kindof assult like but somehow managed to fit.

Someone who managed to use an Agama tileset. That deserves a bonus.

BONUS: 0.5
RANK: 7 Good
Good battle.

Review by Grytolle

15 Apr 2006, 02:06
For: Ilu'z Jazz X: the Future incident
Level rating: 7.7

He shouldnt:o DX should have hurried up releasing.

Review by Evil Hare (aka) General

14 Apr 2006, 19:00 (edited 21 Aug 06, 11:52 by Cooba)
For: Colored Steel 2
Level rating: N/A

A good tileset sonictth. Only one thing is it is a little bit off but it is good for tests.

[Rating (4.7) clearance. You need to explain why is the tileset good. ~Cooba]

RecommendedReview by DennisKainz

14 Apr 2006, 09:16
For: Colosal
Level rating: 7.7

Good tileset. A very good theme. I liked it because it was very functional. I can use well layer 5 and create levels. There’s also another version that’s blue instead of red. Good for evening-night exchange.
Download recommended.


Review by master sven

14 Apr 2006, 08:58
For: NeoAntiCrash
Level rating: N/A

What are you talking about there are a lot of other (better) anticrash programs

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