Eh my friend? I’m making Jazz X, so change the name please?
n00b ::
Well then there will be two Jazz X’s.
Jamster ::
I made it first, so i won’t.
OM2004 seems to be stuck in an eternal time loop in a time before Jazz Jackrabbit Advance, and Shadow the Hedgehog(for the life of me, I have no idea what the genre the songs in that game are). But then he contradicts me, and must also live in a future where 20 seconds is the equivilent of 20 minutes. This can only mean one thing: OM2004 DOES NOT EXIST IN OUR NORMAL TIME STREAM
While I do agree the beat repeated itself a bit too much, I also have to point out that there isn’t much source material to work with, and at 3 minutes long the tune doesn’t feel too repetive. The lyrics and how they’re ‘sung’ give a distinct “Shadow” feel, but without the overly cheesy lyrics the Sega game had (“No more life, No more death” comes to mind from that game).
If you didn’t enjoy SoH’s soundtrack, I’d stray away from this, but if you enjoyed it or are curious go ahead and click that download button.
No, no no no, and no. That wasn’t cool at all.
The song took too long to download for the value of the song. The song repeated it’s beat way too much. It never had a climax, and has weird talking sound that was creapy. I know that you have listed the lyerics, but still it was just bad.
And I know you made it for the anniversary, but still this song has nothing to do with jazz at all! So i don’t even know why it’s on here.
So, thanks for the thought, but I don’t recommande this song to anyone.
This game is very good. I enjoyed it alot. There were a few problems with it that made it get a 8 instade of a 9.
First the story line is a bit shaky. It’s like you didn’t know what you wanted to happinen in the first few levels. And how Jazz was put up against Daven wasn’t very good, and a bit confusing.
What might help out your story line is if you spaced out your Text massages in the game. If you are walking down the level and Text appierers then you MUST stop to read it, because if you go on then you won’t have time to read it.
Something else that would have helped is if you put in a boss more often like other reviews have said. I thought there were going to be a good amount of them after seeing two in a row, but that was it.
The last thing I didn’t like was, NO SAVE POINTS. What I hate the most about long levels is when the creater puts in 1 save point and it’s at the end! Nothing is more fussterating then when you get close to the end and die by a hiddin monkey! Please add some to your long levels.
Now the reason why I gave this a 8 instead of a 5 is because of two things:
1. The music was some of the best Jazz game music I have heard in a long time.
2. The last levels made. Closer to the end your story line stayed more consistent and that means, the levels also stayed consistent. The finile levels were some of the best levels I have seen. The background was great, the level was hard, but beatable. And it wasn’t a gaint puzzle game where you spend 5 hours trying to break 15 metel boxs in the right order. Loved it!
So there you have it. Now since your story line is good, I look forward for the next set of levels, and I hope you fix problems.
Rating Flashback Outta Dis World
Hello, Gus.
I am not Ischa. I am his brother Peter.
Good!! Very orginal! You have created your own food-items, like honey. The only pity is that you didn’t get points if you takes them.
Rank: Good/Very Good
It is all good.
Foreground, good!
Spritelayer, good!
Background, good!
Rank: Good
This episode doesn’t have a clear story.
Rank: Average
The levels are very hard. Lots of enemies are in the levels. But… at the end of level two is an Uterus that comes to me before I reached the boss-area!
Rank: Good
Six levels and one secret level. This episode is pretty big.
Rank: Good
Extra score:
No extra scores for the friend from my brother.
Rank: N/A
Final Rating: 7½
Download recommendation: Yes
Hey, the greetings of Ischa and good luck with your further episodes.
yes you are all right, at the moment i am making a new level wich i will be tested by a few people before i will upload it(if everithing is going according plan it`s going to be VERY hard,thats where it`s made for)at the moment i am reading al revieuws of the files i`ve uploaded to see what i can do better.
i dont know if i`ll ever finish it because i have some other projects to finish to,if there is an update you can see it at
the (shortend) name is WoW i`ll keep the full name+the story secret because it needs technical change`s(the plot may be a bit changed)
o, lease don`t delete this message trafton or any other webaster,i`m placing it so that they can see i`m NOT giving up.
have a nice day
Rating Jazz X: the Future incident
Is good! A good number of bonusses and secrets. My favorite one was the suck-secret in the Diamondus-level.
Rank: Good/Very Good
Background: Good. Path-adornment: Good. Foreground: Good. So, I think that you know which rank I will gave you for this part.
Rank: Good
No story in the level-description, so I thought this episode doesn’t have a story. But after I’ve played this episode I discovered this episode DOES have an (good) story.
Rank: Sufficient
Lots of enemies, but not very much bosses for a big episode like this.
Rank: Average/Sufficient
Twenty-two levels! This is a very long episode!
Rank: Very Good
Extra score:
No extra score needed for this episode.
Rank: No Rating
Final Rating: 7.0
Download recommendation: N/A (requires a 7½)
Same problem.. I press enter then and it closes, just tell me what I do wrong here;) Anyway, as soon as this works for me I’ll rate it;)
EDIT: this does work if you drag the tilesets on the program’s icon =D good job, but I still wont rate it
EYECANDY: it was extremely good for the optins in the tile set.
Drawing style:This had an intestering color and style to it that i realey enjoyed
Tiles: Were extremely good even though thre were not many.
Adimation: Very good detail and wonderful signs.The adimation was just extreme
Music:The music was the best of all.If the music wondn’t have being so good i would have rated this level 4.5
[Unsupported rating (10) removal. Please. The music really doesn’t count for ~ 65% of the rating. You can’t rate a level you consider bad this way just because of the music. Also, your reasons for rating just lack. You say you like the level yet you wish to rate 4.5. It would be good if you would think a bit more about your reviews. – FQuist]
doesn’t work :( nothing happens when i drop tilesets in the window. it shows the path but no png files are created. :(
Neobeo, you are the best thing that’s ever happened to JJ2. I mean, person. With this here tileset extractor, and JSD, we are now free to easily mod JJ2. and it’s all thanks to you! awesome job!
DR recomendation: YES!
You know, the tilesets can be used in Game Maker too..
Even before the review I can say, Ouch! This was just about as bad as the Freak-E level I released. One problem is that you passworded your level even though there was no point because the level is bad. The review:
All was fine and I was happy until I took one look at this level. The eyecandy on the sprite layer could use a little bit of work….no, LOTS of work. Tile errors is one of the many things that are wrong in this level. Another is the idea of having snow and rain in a hot, redish brown medieval castle with fire. The rain is not a problem if its in the back round but snow should only be used in winter, candy or mythical levels. In this case, it makes it look silly. Another problem is that you could see nothing below the floor tiles which counts as a tile error. The countless amount of these errors gives you the lowest eyecandy score.
Not nice. The texts keep saying messages explaining that you’re doomed when I could only lose 2 hearts playing the level. The trigger puzzles are nice but simple and the platforms over the spikes have so narrow gaps that I could just walk over them. The worst is near the end with the bilsy boss. To make it “challenging” is the narrow gaps again. An error is born when bilsy dissapears, he can appear on one of the gaps and not fall off as if he’s floating. You need a certain type of arena for Bilsy but here, the arena is so small that Bilsy can hide in the walls making him impossible to shoot.
Very few items. There is some triggery bits at the beggining you just stomp, and then some crates and you get a some Powerups and a 30 second shield. There is also some hooks you climb to reach a ‘very easy to get’ 1UP. The worst is at the end where to help you, you get a lot of fastfires and a Full Energy carrot.
Basic JJ2 which suits really well used in the origional JJ2. Boring. +0
Aaacck +0
RANK: 1 The worst level rank ever
DOWNLOAD?: Its just that bad that it should be downloaded so that he world can laugh at it.
You could certainly do better than that. To avoid these comments, read reviews carefully and spend as much time as you want on a level or level pack.
Jazzbusters: I think the idea whith this level packs is to collect some of the best levels from J2O.
And also, you should maybe read the description before you review. n00b says: “If you want, you can review the exclusive levels, otherwise do NOT rate the pack.”
Rating AB Single Player pack pt 1 and 2
Placement is good.
Rank: Good
No story!
Rank: Horrible
Well… it is pretty good. Nothing more to say.
Rank: OK/Good
The most levels are pretty hard. But there are also levels that I’ve completed in less than one minute!!
Rank: Sufficient
What a lot of levels. Whew!
Rank: Very good
Extra score:
An extra score for ‘Yourself’
You said: ‘Have an evil router keeping you from the bash? Well look no further than this Solo Bash campaign! Inside you’ll find a 4 poorly done(Hey I only had 24 hours) exlcusive levels(with 2 “cutscenes”), and 16 of the best SP levels found on the J2O and the J2C (with the emphasis being on the J2C).
Ahah! So… most of the levels are not created by yourself!!
Rank: Horrible
Final Rating: 5.3
Download recommendation: No
(N/A requires 5.5 and Yes requires 7.5)
Best wishes with your further episodes and do not use levels that you haven’t created.
Peter (JazzBuster)
(Rating removal. n00b has stated that “If you want, you can review the exclusive levels, otherwise do NOT rate the pack.” The rest of the levels are not being presented as his own work, just as a compendium of levels for a playing experience, much like the Anniversary Bash Battle and CTF packs, which are also not comprised exclusively of levels made by the compiler. ~Violet)
Something I forgot to mention, the exclusive levels made for this pack MUST be played in 8-bit, with low detail off.
After that, for the most part, you can play on whatever settings you have.
A Tip: put it together with the normal version in a pack*!!!!*
Eyecandy overall
Blablabla awesome/decent/good, or something.
There are two one heart carrots, accessed by warps, in a little room. I think that it’s a good thing to have two carrots instead of one, since then chances aren’t so high that they will both stop respawning completely on a laggy server. You can counter camping inside the box by using gun9 from the outside, or camping where the warp out of the carrot box targets, therefore it isn’t easy to just take the carrot like that, which is good. Besides, if you try to get the carrot as flag carrier, chances are quite high that you get hit again when you try to get RTS, as there are often a lot of base/spawncampers at your base.
Power ups
The original part of this level is that you get seeker powerups each time you die or join the server. This adds a great tactical aspect to the level, as defending becomes very effective when you always respawn with seekers.
There are also pepper spray power ups, which can be quite useful… the placement of those are good, since you can get them on your way to base if you are taking the lower route.
Ammo placement is good, along the routes so you don’t have to run away to look for ammo, which slows down the game and makes everything much more boring. A good thing is the piles of RFs that you can use for hunting complemented by the bouncers and powered up pepper there sre in the level. There are also quite a lot of toaster pickups, which can be useful for something I guess (this is not really my favourite weapon so I seldom use it, especially unpoweredup).
The base areas are great, easily defendable. There are three routes to them, I think. Camping the base can be countered quite easily with gun9, RFs and gun2. The fact that you can spawncamp the base area also adds an unusual aspect, since that’s not how jj2 normally works. Yeah, I like those bases.
Other tactical areas
There are a few tactical areas here. Mainly bases, carrotbox, above it… The bottom if the level tends to be come quite unused, unless the copters stop respawning.
It’s easy to navigate, the level is easy to learn, and everytihng is good. The only thing you can raise objections against is the use of copters, since those often stop respawning. The upper path is by far the fastest way to base, so if one team doesn’t have spawning copters, they have quite some disadvantage. There are a few places where you pretty much run into walls, which you must avoid to not get hunted down by RFs or gun8. I like those areas, as they are not really dead ends, but still dangerous. Same thing goes for the warps on top of the level targeting the carrotbox, where you can often get warpkilled, something I think is good as it adds another danger to the level. For example in really good games on bblair I never dare using warps, since I know someone will kill me as soon as I do.
Summed up
Nice level, I like it a lot. I am not sure what others think, but I give it a 9, the only thing stopping it from becoming a 10 is that copters can be a problem, it sucks for duels (no seekers for the one not dying) and that you can sometimes get stuck where you get seekPUs on spawn.
I think there is only one carrot here, so I assume it’s a fullNRG one. (No I refuse to use JCS to check, and I didn’t have anyone playing with me.) It is placed quite fairly. It is within sight from the blue base, but not from the red, on the other hand it’s a bit easier to reach it from the red base (from blue you need to do a quite tricky doublejump, if you are Spaz, to get there). In order to get to it you need to use a spring which is placed in an area where there should be a lot of people all the time, as it is quite close to both bases, meaning it has its risks to try to get there. The same spring is also really useful for attacking the red base with RFs. So nice carrot placement.
Power ups
There are two power ups, RF and toaster, which are placed in really dangerous areas to go to if you are hunted (since you have to either fall down to your enemy again after you took them, and the only other way to flee is by a copter, which you can never be sure of when or if it spawns). I like it. >) The fact that there aren’t any seekers makes the play around bases a lot more interesting, as they at first sight seems very easy to defend, but once you notice you don’t have seekers, you quickly become way more vulnerable to attacks from above.
Pick ups
It seems quite easy to find the ammo, and most of it is along the lower route between bases, which is good since that could possibly make that area of the level more used, as the higher road is way quiker. (same way as Sacrifice’s)
I would like gun9 to make the left base area a bit harder to defend.
Quite alright. As I said, they seem not to be too easy to defend… It’s also quite easy to fall off when you are RTS or R, which can add to both frustration and fun. The left base seems easier to defend than the right one.
Other tactical areas
I think the bases and the carrot are the only tactical areas here. Perhaps the power up-places too, but the power ups are really far away, and that could be bad for the gameplay, as it becomes way slower, which sucks. I don’t think I would bother with power ups most of the time, perhaps on my way back to get RTS or if I don’t have to R so fast.
It’s nice, apart from the power up areas where the helicopters are annoying obstacles, but I guess you can adapt to that, so nice job here too.
Summed up
For some reason this level seems not as good to me as Sacrifice, and it was also a bit harder to learn. A work well done, it gets an hmm… 7
I hate the coinsystem. It was probably a nice thought, but it just didn’t turn out to be fun. I won’t review this levels, I’ll just subtract some from the total score because of it.
There are 3 of them – one fullNRG carrot and two one heart carrots. The full NRG carrot requires that youhave a key to reach it, and if you take it you can be pretty sure that you will lose your health again afterwards, since there will always be campers at the target of the getting out of carrot area-warp. It’s not a good idea to stay at the one heart carrot of your team’s waiting for it to spawn again either, since the 1 heart carrots are sort of placed in dead ends. Also, the fullNRG carrot can easily be camped by simply shooting it down and standing at it shooting upwards. In other words, it’s risky to take carrots, which is good when your level only has one…
…Power up
The level has a toaster power up in the middle of the level, as I mentioned before only centimeters away from the warptarget out of carrot area. It seems to respawn quite quickly, and for using a one power-up system, I must say that toaster is a good choice, as it isn’t so easy to run out of.
Pick ups
The pick ups are obviously placed with thought in this level, and are mostly around the bases. The red team however has an advantage over the blue one, since there are toasters above their base instead of bouncers as there are by the blue base (bouncers being very effective for damaging the opposing team’s RTSer.
The base areas are great. They have only got one way to be reached from, but that doesn’t make it completely impossible for the attackers to get to the RTSer, since there is a turret where they can spam bullets from. As I mentioned before the ammo supplies are good around bases, which is a good thing in my opninion.
Other tactical areas
I can’t find any other tactical areas.
It’s quite easy to move around and the level is easy to learn (with the possible exception of the locked doors). In this level, as opposed to for example in Sacrifie, it’s fatal if the copters stop respawning, as there is no other way to reach base. This, of course, reduces some from the total rating.
Summed up
Good level. I give it an 8.
I’ll, surprisingly enough, start off by commenting the eyecandy on this one. It’s much sexier than the others’ IMO, but maybe I just like the tileset because I am so m*ickng dark side.
There are two fullNRG carrots in this level, placed right next to eachother with gun9 pickups near them, for extra camping/carrotkilling fun! I like it.
Power ups
I think there are two powerups in the level. Seeker and Toaster. They are placed nicely in the bottom corners, and they don’t really give any team any advantage over the other. Oh, wait there are pepperspray powerups too, at the carrot area… doesn’t matter, but I guess they could be useful for attacking the bases, which are in quite open areas. Also the carrots are placed in a way which could be ideal for attacking with pepperspray.
Pick ups
The ammo placement is very good. Most of the ammo, if not all, is played along the major routes between bases and carrots, which is good as anything that could possibly lessen the quickpacedness of a level is negative.
Great base areas. Open and accessible form three directions with springs for inspired bullet dodging. There are also quite a lot of pick ups around them, which is good as NA-fights suck.
Other tactical areas
Can’t really find any. It’s the normal: bases, carrots, powerups.
Very good! even if you don’t know the level you will easily reach the other base just by running where your nose points. You still need to do a few tricky jumps to find the fastest way to base, though – which is good since atleast I myself would like to have a little advantage over my opponent if I bother learning a level throughly.
Summed up
I like this a real lot, and I would like to give it a 8.5 for being almost as awesome as Sacrifice (which has more orignal, yet entertaining gameplay, giving it a higher score – Sanctuary is only entertaining, not really original).
This has one of those sucky SILWI-like falling systems, which sucks, so I will just substract some from the total score of the pack, instead of making a proper review.
Total score
Sacrifice 9
Introspection 7
Sadness 8
Sanctuary 8.5
Average 8.125
Minus Twilight 8.0
Minus Greed 7.9
TOTAL: 7.9
In other words ~8 6Tees and a downlioad recummandation for CelL!
Fearofdark, if you don’t mind, my lad, I will steal a bit of your reviewing system for this pack.
Eh, not really described much ingame. The bits that are sometimes in bad english. Perhaps ask a fluent speaker to go over the text beforehand?
This planet has some devent levels going on. While not exactly fresh, it was slightly challenging, and very fun to play. While I slightly dissapointed by the inside bits, this part of the pack was for the most part good.
The first level in this was a blast to play, however the same cannot be said for the second. It seemed you were running low on design ideas, and used the Skyscraper idea twice. And the second time was EXTREMELY similar to the first, and they were extremely close together. Bad design choice. Also, Why can’t people make secret levels that actually fun like the ones in JJ1? Oh, and I enjoyed the false items. It was neat eyecandy feature, and I hope you use it in more of your levels :)
Once again, Stellar first (although not as stellar as other levels in this pack), lacking second. What was wrong with the Metal Muckamok remix? I see no reason why it couldn’t be used twice. Especially since I think the music choice tried to create too epic of a mood for the level. I know you want difficulty for a last level, but putting a player in a gauntlet of reflex tests isn’t the best way to do it. There’s stuff thats difficult, and then theres stuff thats frustrating. This is defiently the frustrating kind of stuff.
Also, whats up with recylcing the bottomless pits again? Was the idea for challenges that lacking?
Final score- 6.7
DR- yeah
Closing comments:
The final levels get way to repetive and derritive, and suck out most of the fun I was having on Exoticus.
I am blown away…
Words cannot describe this pack…
It’s that bad.
Challengeing? Hardly.
Simple? Incredibly yes.
Jazz must sneak around some Medivo base or something, I couldnt figure it out. But thats cool with me, whats not cool with me is the annoying quips I assume is being blasted by an intercom throughout the level. Especially one that tells me the “journey ends here” after I “made it this far”. Coicidently, thats also next to the exit sign. An area you non cheaters will never see. Why? Simple answer: Theres a put you cant get out of. Even worse-entering that pit is essential to contiue the level. The enemies are placed linearly, and aren’t challenging. Neither is the Bilsy boss battle which is extremly easy thanks to a full-health carrot and multiple fastfires.
Final score- 1
Keep trying, and have someone betatest your packs. Trust me, it’ll make thing smoother and better.
DR- Yes. You have to experience the Intercom!
NeoBeo thank you, this will be very helpful at my new level!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.