RecommendedReview by Grytolle

4 Apr 2006, 09:21 (edited 5 Apr 06, 08:23 by grytolle)
For: Rainbow Hills v.2
Level rating: 8.1

Yes, how to start? Hmm… Boring stuff first I guess. The level looks great, and it sure looks a bit better than version one. (thats all for eyecandy review)

It’s great. It’s easy to move around, but not too easy…

Learning time
You can learn this in no time. Mostly that’s because it is a quite small level. There is nothing I hate as much as big/too hard to learn levels.

Powerup placement
The powerups are practically placed, in places where it’s never safe to go. If you go to the ones in the left corner you risk getting cornered byt your persuaded and killed since its a bit dead endish (which is good :)). The seeker powerup is placed close to a major campspot, so it’s never safe to go to it.

Pick ups
I find myself not running out of ammo here, which rocks.

Carrot placement
Fair, and it can be camped, but there are many ways of coumtering the camping. And carrotcamping isn’t much of a problem in 2on2s, and duels are unimportant, so….

Nice basearea, open so you can be attacked, and have a hard time dodging, but still not so hard that you get killed immidiatly as soon as you are around base.
The way to run from base to base is good too, as there are 2 ways that are asbout as quick and a longer one… adds lots of tactics too it, as fast kills are really fun to do.

Tactical areas
There are no spaces in the level which you don’t have any use for. Good good good. I wonder if it’s just dumb luck, it a great sense of levelmaking.

Final score
I can’t find anything I’d like to change about the level, it’s awesome, and I played a lot of games in the last version of it, and so I will continue now. It is a action paced level with good ammo supplies and tactical areas – just the way I want it. Ideal for 2on2’s which is my favourite game mode.


RecommendedReview by DanYjel

3 Apr 2006, 22:02 (edited 9 Apr 06, 11:19 by Danyjel)
For: Rainbow Hills v.2
Level rating: 8.1

Well, time for little review (that credit is for testing). which I promised.

The level is simple, semi-boardy, semi-symmetric, small – medium sized, really easy to learn (even to master, btw), with nice ‘main’ idea (the tubes). It’s especially good for duels, and time-by-time, some 2v2s.

The level contains one only full carrot, in the middle. Cool place for camping ;(. It also contains three classic power-ups, seeker, bouncer, flame. On pretty good positions, I have to admit.

Ammo placement… Well. I don’t like it. All ammo is as easily accessible as possible, it’s all on the ground. Which doesn’t add a lot of action. The second thing is that there’s lot of ammo and I think you’ll never suffer by NA syndrome ;)

The ground ammo placement also helps to whole level emptiness, the eyecandy is… Pretty simple ;). I can’t help but most of the level is really, really empty and it’s not good. Bad, I should say.

Flow, after some major upgrades is okay, I could say very good. No bigger problems.

(+) Simple, easy to learn level
(+) Flow
(+) Nice tube idea
(-) Ammo placement
(-) Emptiness
(-) THAT campy place

Final verdict? Download it, yeah. Don’t expect something ultra extra professional, don’t expect JJ2WC quality, expect just nice level which gives you fews hours of okay fun ;)

Review by n00b

3 Apr 2006, 12:45
For: Tileset Extractor
Level rating: 9.9

Thanks for giving me a copy of this before the release Neo.
I’ve edited more tilesets than the average JJ2 player =D

But seriously, if you ever played in a tileset and said “This would be excellent for my fangame” or “This would awesome in a different shade of color” or“Need this for 1.23!”
Then this prog is for you.

Review by DanYjel

3 Apr 2006, 06:44
For: Tileset Extractor
Level rating: 9.9

Wow, this is way TOO much, great work neob.

Review by ajinkya pathania

2 Apr 2006, 10:09
For: War of the rabbits
Level rating: 8.5

very good

RecommendedReview by fearofdark

1 Apr 2006, 08:43
For: Ctf4all vol.2
Level rating: 8.4

Here are a cople of good CTF levels. Anyway, the review:

This level was obviously meant to be dark and filed with lava. That has been successfully done. The eyecandy with the backround is mostly rock but strangely with a sky in the backround to signal the top of the level. The gameplay ideas are nicely used in this level. The main idea is the lava at the bottom so that if you fall down, you are warped back where you started. There are also hidden warps that act like traps in the walls too. The let down is the that there is an area of two powerups and a shield in one area. You and the opposition could easily get those. Overall, this level is good.

This level was completely different. This one had a mansion/garden theme to it using a rather difficult JJ1 tileset. The gameplay was rather different. This time, the warps can take you anywhere. The Powerups are also harder to get to. My only concern is that the backround could have a little work and looks quite ugly.
RATING: (a rather shamefull) 8.4



Two good XM files but the one used for the gallery is kind of distracting.

You used raging inferno OK but Marblara better.

BONUS: 0.4
RANK: 8 Great
These are two very good CTF levels. Good work!

Review by fearofdark

1 Apr 2006, 08:17
For: Bluetest
Level rating: 4.2

Whats the point of telling us the password?

RecommendedReview by master sven

1 Apr 2006, 07:00 (edited 5 Apr 06, 18:55 by masterrokusho)
For: Forest War
Level rating: 8.2

I couldn’t load Forest war night so i’ll review the day version.
This is a very good remake of B1, lets review.

The eyecandy is allmost perfect there are only a few tiny things you could make better like at the left bottom of the level the ground you’re walking on stops when there’s a wall. And just below that you place 2 titles that you should’ve put there.

Quite good its B1 with some better gameplay, but with one less point which i’ll explain in Size.

Allmost like in battle one (and thats good) only you placed some more things and changed the bubble shield for a bounch powerup.

The size of the level is good, but there is not enough space between a lot of titles which make it more difficult to pass.

Eyecandy: 8.5
Gameplay: 7
Placement: 8
Size: 7

UPDATE 05-04-2006
You changed some things in your level I’ll give bonus points for that.
You listened to the reviewers by placing the good titles and making more space in the level and also you added the ForestWar Night title set.
SIZE: +0.3

Thats an 8.2, Good job.

Not recommendedReview by master sven

1 Apr 2006, 06:41 (edited 1 Apr 06, 08:04 by masterrokusho)
For: Bluetest
Level rating: 4.2

(This test is now ready)??Finished!

There are no foreground titles in your level, make them you can do a lot of things with them.
You have a background without bugs, but you allmost didn’t used layer 5, 6 and 7.There is no music!

These tests are too hard.
Have you tested it yourself.
Start with some easier levels and make them harder along the way and dont start with very hard levels and make them more harder.

The size of this level is ok however the warp blocks are with too many in one place why these levels are so hard.

Eyecandy: 3
Gameplay: 5
Size: 4.5

RecommendedReview by cooba

29 Mar 2006, 19:03 (edited 29 Mar 06, 19:04 by Cooba)
For: Reign of Blackness
Level rating: 9.7

I am technically more than a year late with this but whatever >O. Since the SP levels included with this aren’t really the forte of this pack and since they’re more of a bonus than anything, my rating for this pack will not include those levels’ quality in account. Anyway, here goes:

Theming and Eyecandy – 5 out of 5

The levels’ atmosphere is possibly what Blacky excels on, and it shows. Those levels are a real pleasure to look at, I have found myself stopping running to look at things; and given that I am really picky on eyecandy, that should mean something ;). There’s a lot of detail everywhere, many original and interesting effects… not much to say here. Best marks for the eyecandy.

Gameplay – 5 out of 5

The gameplay is for the most part as good as the eyecandy. As an experienced levelmaker, Blacky obviously knows how to lay out a level well; none of the levels will get too crowded nor too empty. The flow is also really close to perfection – it (as the author says) finds the balance between a sloppy flow and a fully automatic one. Also the levels are good enough in their size… not much to say here as well. This is just some very very good gameplay.

Eventing – 4 out of 5

Rating placement of events gets really annoying when you need to sum up 15 levels ;|. Anyway, nothing was too wrong with the eventing in the levels. No amateurish stuff like a 40 second shield put in all the open, or Jazz starts in a ctf level. However, there wasn’t anything overly original about the eventing either (aside from the SP levels, but they’re not mentioned like I said), so that’s why the eventing doesn’t get a 5/5. Sorry blax ;D

  • Eyecandy pwns, gameplay pwns
  • The eventing doesn’t pwn too much but too bad ;D

This is a pretty much pwnage pack which you all OUGHT to download and host. Blablabla my head hurts I’m done with the review now >O

Review by BattleSpaz

29 Mar 2006, 11:37
For: Jazz VS Spaz
Level rating: N/A

There is really no point in these Jazzbusters things. There is nothing to bust in JJ2. Make forum topic for this. Dont upload all the levels here. Or Fquist comes and does something evil named… BAN

Review by DennisKainz

29 Mar 2006, 08:54
For: Bat 2:2 Rampage Rock
Level rating: N/A

Thanks for using my tileset.

Thanks for using my tileset. With this level many beautiful things are happppened. I had known a very pretty girl. I and her became good, GOOD friends playing this level. She hadn’t never played Jazz, and you can guess who is the winner. You made a wonderful job. I hope that I and my new friend will remain good friends forever cause of this level.

Review by pjman

29 Mar 2006, 07:56
For: Jazz VS Spaz
Level rating: N/A

ppl can test this for theirselves, and…THEY ARE EQUAL!

RecommendedReview by Dorian

28 Mar 2006, 15:23 (edited 28 Mar 06, 15:25)
For: Episode One: The Invasion of Deserto
Level rating: 9.1

good level pack… just kidding, it’s the second best level pack i had the plessure to play on after the “rebirth of evil”.
the difficulity of the levels is one of the hardest that i encounter, it’s not just difficult it also beutifly built. the difficulity reminded me tomb rabbit and rabbit honor guard, those two sp’s were very hard to beat but invasin of deserto is much more difficult. for difficulty: 10
the story of the level pack is an original story. the story is not about individuals saving the planet and become great heros and everyone put their trust in saving them whenever there is truble, the story is more about an individual that sees how he’s planet beeing destroyed and people get hurt or killed and no one accept themselves protect the little that left to protect. the hero in the story does not rest at all, he continiues to fight till he can’t fight no more, and becouse of this sacrafise the story ads another dimension into it and becoming more interesting for the player. so for story:10
for conclusin i want to write that: “this is a deffenit download recommandation, go and download this level pack, it’s sure fun”

Not recommendedReview by cooba

28 Mar 2006, 12:06 (edited 28 Mar 06, 12:08 by Cooba)
For: Golden Bricks
Level rating: 4.8

>O Fearofdark officially gets the Overrater of the Month award.

Theming and Eyecandy – 2 out of 5

I’m not sure how to describe the eyecandy here. While the layer 4 looks oderately decent (if tad bit bland), the background is what threw me off while playing the level. Layer 8 is untextured (…), and layers 6 and 7 consist of lots of golden blocks slowly floating over the background! Just like in levels from 1999. Most of the level was also quite squared off and not really looking good. One thing the author did take care of is the lighting effects; they aren’t good enough to improve the eyecandy as a whole, though.

Gameplay – 1 out of 5

At the first sight, this level looked like it could have decent gameplay. However, the first sight popped like a bubble after I actually began walking around it. This level suffers from several crucial problems which no battle level should ever suffer from anymore. Like _*Hurt events*_. Hurt events are something you should NEVER put in a Battle level. The rest of the level is rather mediocre as well. The flow is rather quirky (“challenges”, as Fearofdark puts it, should never be used in a multiplayer level), the level is small, and also somewhat cramped in itself. Fun? Not really.

Eventing – 1 out of 5

The eventing was about as sloppy as the gameplay. There have been a few really bad things here, namely a 40 second Water Shield out in the open. I can only condone a shield if it’s put in an expensive coin warp or if it’s a 15 second shield only. Also, this level has TNT and Frostbiter ammo (always a bad idea to put those two in battle), horizontal springs and pinball objects (ruin the flow), and too many carrots/powerups for this size. Not a very interesting placement.

  • The eyecandy isn’t what Zappo Egypt is…
  • Basically the rest of the level.

This level is one of your first levels and it shows. Don’t be discouraged, though – a lot of people’s first levels were like this. Also, if some things in this review weren’t particularly clear, read this article. It should explain most of stuff you didn’t understand. That is all I have to say.

RecommendedReview by CrimiClown

27 Mar 2006, 19:36 (edited 27 Mar 06, 19:36)
For: Random Race Levels
Level rating: 9

Starting Comments
Cooba made me do it… And I’m glad he did, too.

The flow of the two levels is just amazing. You just soar through awesome levels. Especially Velocity is a fast level, like a race is supposed to be. Shooting from building to building, dodging trap holes and deep pits. It’s like a race I’ve never raced before. Absolutely brilliant.
Gameplay = Very good

The placements of ammo and even enemies is quite decent. The ammo is nice (for example the Gun9 in the zig-zag tunnels is handy) and the TNT blows up parts of the tunnel, hindering other players. Very nice. Also, the ravens add an extra touch. If you hit one of the springs in Boomerang, you will be kicked back to the ground, into a pit, with the ravens following you. Even though you just KNOW you’re gonna lose, at least it looked pretty neat!
Placement = Good

The eyecandy looks like a whole new generation of JCS’ing. The walls and ceilings look like they should, but had an extra sprinkle of beauty-powder. The layers were well used, the background looked nice. There was nothing to complain about, actually.
Eyecandy = Like, dude, yeah!

The music is exellently chosen. Both tracks give you that extra boost you need.
Music =

Boomerang is an awesome level. After you think you’ve reached the finish, you get stopped by a “?” sign. After you fall in a pit, you’re told you need to go back. When you do so, the track seems slightly slower (Because you have to climb some distance) but still fast paced. Also the seeker ammo shows you where to go in order not to get trapped.
Originality =

I had fun playing these levels and I hope I always will. These levels are a great addition to your host. No doubt you will agree with this 8,5!
Score = 8,5

Added Score = 0,0

Download Recommendation

Further comment
IC ftw y’all!

RecommendedReview by cooba

27 Mar 2006, 18:23 (edited 27 Mar 06, 18:24 by Cooba)
For: Foo Breakout
Level rating: 8.1

Theming and Eyecandy – 4 out of 5

This level uses the somewhat unpopular and overlooked Hocus Pocus EP1 tileset. Not many levels use this set, but for some reason all the levels using this set wind up looking good or at least moderately good. This level certainly falls under the first category – some of the eyecandy is pretty and creative, for example the translucent “signs” on brick background walls. However, that’s about the only one kind of decoration you may find on the layer 4 background – the rest of the brick walls are somewhat bland. So are bland the masked tiles on the layer 4 – there’s barely any different kinds of bricks used there rather than just the typically used 2×1 light brown brick from the ep1 forest levels. The background layers are a different story though, the color the background fades in looks natural and nice, and the background layers also look good enough. One thing bugging me is that layers 5 and 6 remain unused. So much could be done with those! Like changing the layer 7’s tile colors into something else with some translucency tricks. Too bad D=

Gameplay – 5 out of 5

The gameplay was done well. The flow was decent (aside from one place in the level where there was a lot of springs). The level was actually quite smallish, but it used its space well for the most part and wasn’t cramped. Actually, most of the level was rather open, and that allowed to easily dodge the available weapons. Also, both teams should be rather balanced overall in a match. Not much else to say here.

Eventing – 3 out of 5

This is where this level falls prey. First of all, why is it the defending team who has access to the control room? I’d say that’s what the host has to do, not some random players. Also, one thing I also didn’t quite like is carrots in the playable area. Carrots by themselves are okay, but this time they seemed to be just scattered. If you’re going to put in carrots, put them in a team’s spawning place. Speaking of the spawning places, the attacker’s spawn spot seemed unnatural. If the level is about breaking into a dungeon, why do they warp in the middle of the dungeon itself? There’s the roof of the castle where BN resides, that could have been a good spawning place for the attackers. Also the powerups seem to be also quite randomly scattered. You could have made it so that both teams spawn with a few PU’s on their own and don’t get anymore ammo from that point.

  • Pleasant eyecandy
  • Decent gameplay and flow
  • A logical layout
  • Somewhat illogical carrot placement
  • Mildly scarce ammo

This is a pretty decent Assault. Aside from some placement problems, it’s a level worth an occasional hosting. I wouldn’t be surprised to see it used in a JDC event either… so go download.

RecommendedReview by master sven

27 Mar 2006, 17:10
For: Ctf4all vol.2
Level rating: 8.4

This seems to be a the best download after Jazz Sprite Dynamite, lets review.

Lava Domain

The eyecandy is very good and i really like the background, its just perfect.
Could be a bit better with a bit more things to do but is still very good.
Ammo placement is spent some time on, I think and is placed with not too many in one place.


The Gallery

The eyecandy is the less part of this level with blue and white blocks in the background who in some places don’t make the level more beauty. (while they could)

The gameplay is good however you can bump easily to some things.

There are too many mellons in this level and there are a bit too much weapons for this size.


BONUS: nice music (+0.1)

Review by jazzgal

26 Mar 2006, 16:13 (edited 26 Mar 06, 20:40 by Violet CLM)
For: Sparky Mix
Level rating: 5.8

0_o yum I LOV IT. i totally disagree with all u moo moos
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. ~Violet)

Review by jazzgal

26 Mar 2006, 16:09 (edited 26 Mar 06, 20:40 by Violet CLM)
For: Santa's Gone Nasty (Candion Remix)
Level rating: 4.6

(Totally unsupported rating (10) removal. ~Violet)

  1. 1
  2. 386
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  11. 1302