calm down tube electric is like the best i can help but bob my head. im a huge fan of tube electeric ;)
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. Incidentally, if you like it so much, at some point you might want to decide how to spell it. ~Violet)
it rocks. you guys may not think tat but ill give it a 10. im a huge fan of tubelacteric
(Unsupported rating removal. ~Violet)
i dont know about u guys but i love it
[Inappropiate rating (10) removal. Will you please check out our rules before rating? Your review violates the rules – FQuist]
i love it!!!!!11
espesshaly with the roller coaser visulation
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. ~Violet)
I felt like reviewing some random level, and got this through review ideas ;P.
Apocalyptic Afterworld is a nice piece of work by Magoo (who should make more levels ;P). It’s got some bugs and poor planning in some parts which could’ve been fixed/avoided, but generally its a good level worth your attention.
I’ll start off with the mood. The level has a nice feeling when you go through it (I like the backround) and some lighting to aid to the feeling. I personally would’ve chose a different music though, but whatever.
Layout is alright, and took me some time to get used to. It has a lot of rooms only accessible by warps (Seeker, Full NRG) which makes happy campers just wet their pants with excitement =P. Instead of having rooms for the Full NRG and Seek Pu, you couldve put them into tubes so people cant just hang around them and kill whoever enters the room (at least the full NRG isnt the only carrot in the level, or that would’ve been very, very bad). I’m not too big of a fan on how the layout of this level was made, but its acceptable and I wouldn’t mind playing in it.
Eyecandy is great. The only thing I that I can complain about with eyecandy is that the red rocks were used in layer 5 which might make it confusing for some people to tell if they’re solid or not at first. I didn’t notice that at first at all, so it didn’t bother me one bit.
Flow could be improved a bit. Springs like the one around 126, 60 could be made to have you hit the next spring on the ledge to the right instead of flying over it and going into the side of a wall. The ledge at 63, 50 could be raised so you don’t fall onto it when running from the PU and instead fall down the gap (this doesn’t happen with the ledge next to the PU on the right side of the level which makes the right side have a bit of an advantage). These little annoyances could’ve been fixed easily had a tester noticed them, but I found no significant flow bugs which means that the testers didnt entirely sleep through the level =P.
Ammo is alright. You have to jump for a lot of it though. Magoo also included ice ammo for some reason (if you include it, at least give it more of a use). Otherwise, ammo placement is nice and nice designs are made of it.
Overall the level is pretty well made. A few tweaks could be made here and there, but it still gets an 8.2 the way it is. I don’t know why I havent reviewed this until now ;|. Download reccomended (although most of you have probably downloaded or played this by now anyways)
Not a huge amount. Tree thingies in the backround and some annoying stuff on the foreground. The level could have some more eyecandy in the backround though.
The gameplay used in this level is just about te same in a mediocre level. There is no gamplay with any action and not many fun areas.
Some items placed OK. PowerUps hidden a bit easy though. The rest however is just….well…plain.
There we go….A good sized battle with areas that are not too small, but not empty either.
Sorry, but the standard JJ2 ending music just doesn’t suit the level. Use IT, XM, S3M or MOD files. +0
I will award a point for using a JJ2 tileset almost perfectly.
BONUS: 0.1
FINAL RATING: 6.8 (6.7)
DOWNLOAD?: N/A (Requires a 7)
If you want a better rating, make these levels more fun.
2 things you need to fix:
1. Some levels can’t be found when you try to open them, like FODDiamintro.
2. You need to hide the level from the “Home Cook” list so we know which level to start on.
That’s all I have found as what is worng, so far. Fix that then reload.
The song is a good remix of sluggion and I think the song sounds good for like a rush level. But I think the beggining beats are too long for the amount of time you made for the main course. Nonetheless, I still like it.
I decided to review this in return for mixing this episode up with chandies.
For both levels, the eyecandy was more detailed and made it feel more……exotic. There was origional gameplay like in every level only in this case, there were mini puzzles such as finding crates whilst being attacked by flying jazzes. The items were layed out OK but items in the walls show because layer 3 doesn’t cover much of the passage. The boss used is uterus which I think is an OK choice if you want a challenge.
Again, thanks to your tileset, it feels like more of a city except for the lack of animation. The challenge is the 2nd level where if you fall down, you must type JJK to go back to the beggining or a save point which is annoying. I also saw these unusal items from the tileset that don’t do anything which I think is also pointless. The boss in this level is a robot which is a step down from uterus. Maybe a tuf boss with regenerating bats.
RATING: 6.5 (I don’t rate bonus levels unless they are completely linked with the story)
This was a dissapointment. Level 1 was OKish but the idea of ‘die when you fall’ is used again and so are the pointless items. Level 2 was obviously ment to be challenging. Jump across some gradually smaller platforms to end up in a machine. Also, level 2 was uglier and fustraiting.
Larks remixes and a fairly good s3m file. And I just cant help not to give a bonus for my music file.
I like you’re tilesets and these are OK JJ1 conversions.
BONUS: 0.3
I think this can stil be improved and so close to a download recommendation.
The shortest and fastest rendition of Sluggion you’ve ever heard. Plain and simple.
Song Analysis:
From what I can tell, this song is the first several seconds of Sluggion, but not quite. The “echoing chimes” bit has been replaced by a simple guitar riff that scales downward for eight notes then repeats. The song itself is very short, comprised mostly of two patterns which repeat the same drum loop and guitars perpetually. While it sounds good, it doesn’t make for a very good Jazz Jackrabbit remix.
Sample Analysis:
Crisp. Clear. Well used.
Final Analysis:
A nice, short piece of work, really. Despite the fact it’s very short, I like it all the same. I guess I’m just a big fan of short, well-done songs.(Hey! Better a short, well-done song than a long, horrendous one.) Truth be told, there’s not much meat to it, but I think much more to it might be excessive.
Score: 3.4
“I Like It Regardless” Points: 2.3
Total Score: 5.7
Totally. It’s fun to listen to. Dunno about the “level” aspect of it, though.
The “Simon Cowell” of Jazz 2 Online‘s Music Scene… Joseph Collins
“Dr Lithius” or “LithiuServer” on Jazz 2
Now zen,
FILE TYPE: Tileset
Ouch, thats bright. The light blue backround doesn’t give the tileset a cityish atmosphere. The colour for the sprite tiles is OK though.
Not good. The ground isn’t even and the backround came out of the trash. If you tried your best to make a level out of this, it would be hard to make it fit.
There is not enogh tiles to make this work. There is not enough tiles for eyecandy or makeing gameplay out of this.
Surprisingly, I don’t see how any tiles could be animated.
The tileset is under 4. Therefore, the example level makes not a great impression.
0.5 Point bonus since its your first tileset.
BONUS: 0.5
FINAL RATING: 3.7 (3.7)
RANK: 3 Very Bad
I would try again.
i like mythbusters. i watch is every monday on SBS because i live in australia and i don’t have payTV.
no… JCS saids not very exciting looking.
You could have made it longer than 39 seconds. The song was too fast and the guitar samples were annoying. Metal songs should have at least 10 samples (In some cases more than 50!). The song is very repetetive which doesn’t help and makes it more annoying. 30 seconds crap: I agree.
RATING: 3.1 (3.2)
RANK: 3 Very Bad
Rating J2lc Easter
This tileset is not very practical. It is pretty small an I can create only a sky as background.
Rank: Not good
It is a beautiful tileset. I love the eggs in the ground. But is is small.
Rank: Sufficient/OK
It is not very orginal. There is already a tileset. And this is the worst: that tileset (not this one) is a standard one!
Rank: Very bad
Example Level:
This tileset doesn’t have an example-level. Ooohh, dear!
Rank: Horrible
Final Rating: 3.6
Download recommendation: No
It’s pretty good, starts not that great but gets better.Sound old and a bit cheap, lacking in quality. But its Danyjel first 1 so its good for a first
the tune:OMG! sounds as if it’s in fast forward, and it’s like 30 secs long and its cheap sounding to.And it also is sort of off beat and i think this song needs retuning, then mybe it will sound ok… i think.
Advice:try again, slow the song down a little and give it a better beat
why:the beat and the speed and make it longer.
Probably my favorite level pack in the site. Even better than the first level pack. Here are my ratings.
Difficulity/Replay Value: 9.5/10 This was challenge for me on any mode, even on easy.
Tileset/Placement: 9.5/10 The tileset fits in with the story, and the levels very well. Great Job!
Eyecandy: 10/10 Great Eyecandy. ‘Nuff said.
Music: 10/10 The music also fits in very well in the story.
Pros: Almost everything
Cons: Game’s too hard on most modes (even on easy).
Bonuses/Subtractions: I’ll give you a 1 point boost, for a nice sequel, making your average above 10!
Download Recommendation: YESSSSSSS!
This was a rollercoaster ride through the whole game, and the Invasion of Deserto was also a good Level Pack. Keep the good work waaaayyy up!
At beginning of the review I would ask… WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED WITH YOU, AEGIS???
It’s somewhat like resample, but but but… Poor resample. With one new, ungood pattern. The tune is 39 seconds long, but almost all patterns are used twice. Bass sample sucks my balls, it sounds like some uh-oh electric flute, but apparentely, it has to be bass-guitar. Lead sample could be okay, if it wasn’t used in way how it actually is (20 tones per second is way too much). Rhythm is too monotous for “metal” one.
Aegis Aegis. Don’t smoke weed when tracking. It doesn’t make tune better.
I give you one hint JazzBusters: Or you stop doing this stupid thing on the download section and start a Topic on the forums, or I’m gonna give these ‘lvls’ a real rating!!! Be warned >D XD >)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.