Review by Sharzowski

10 Mar 2006, 21:37
For: Mud and Grass
Level rating: 5.3

I didn’t like the tileset and the gameplay was just about zero for this in my opinion. The layout seemed unoriginal and just lacksidasical. There was some eycandy but not much.
Hmm… I’m not sure about a download recommendation. It is borderline yes or no.

RecommendedReview by chandie

10 Mar 2006, 20:17
For: Journey to the top V2.0
Level rating: 5.5

So here’s the review
It was very very hard to play. Not enough carrots and 1ups and the ones are hidden hard. So you always loose lives and start from the beggining. And this makes it a little boring. Except the difficulty, generally it was good. The levels were well-built, long enough to have fun.

Goodies and Baddies: As i said, there were lack of carrots and extra lives. Also there were too many types of ammo, this was pointless. Foods were fine, not much gems. (not that important) Baddies were fine and enough.

Usage of Tileset: This tileset is a good choice for a single player pack. The usage was good and ther were no tile bugs. (At least i didn’t see any.)

This pack is original. There are lots of fun with original ideas like the falling and moving crates. Also there was an interesting story. I was sick of the Devan stories. So this pack shows us a single player pack should be good without the Devan’s ‘Destroy Of Somewhere’ plans.
This makes me give a 8.2 for the originality and break points just for the goodies and the difficulty. I highly recommend you to download the pack.

Not recommendedReview by n00b

10 Mar 2006, 19:02 (edited 12 Mar 06, 01:47)
For: Journey to the top V2.0
Level rating: 5.5

This pack was rather interesting, for all the wrong reasons. Also, I will have to pick at other reviews, something I despise doing, but feel is very neccesary in this case.
The back of the gamebox(AKA- Download info) reads as so:
“You have found out that the evil Big Corp. is evil and have found ut they ae makeing weapons. But for what reason? And who is the owner of the factory?”
Ok, if no one could figure out that the “Evil Big Corp.” was evil, then I doubt the success of the mission. There also many unexplained bits in the story,spolier alert

such as why Big Corp was going to bomb the turtles

End spoiler
or what the ‘Trigger safes’ had to do with anything. There are also major plot holes. such as why were the turtles working for Big corp if they were going to be see above spoiler.
Very little adds up, and once the true villain is revealed you’re going to be very confused. And as mentioned before, his motives are extremely unclear. Sure it didn’t include Devan, but it might as well have. spoiler

Just replace the Turtle City as a Rabit City, and bolly as Devan, and you wouldn’t know the difference

end spoiler
And what is wrong with Devan being the main villain in a pack? Play the IoD seiries made by Evilmike for an example of an excellent story involving Devan. Heck play that for an example of an excellent story ‘cause there ain’t one here.

Gameplay and Level Design-4/10
Listen it’s possible to make linear levels that are good. If a level is linear, and it’s still pretty decent I give it a decent score. The 2nd level was a grand example of this, too bad it was pretty short compared to the waytoolong first level. However the first and third level are prime examples of poor linear levels. The puzzles and secrets are so simple to solve and find, it’s pretty embarrising. So is the unforgiving level design. Theres more than enough carrots, but all in places you dont need them in. The level formula for the first level is this: Shoot, run, solve simple block/crate puzzle, run, shoot smash trigger crate, rinse wash repeat. You’re bound to get bored playing throught the first level normally. Now add in a couple of deaths, and too-far-spaced-out checkpoints, and you’ve got a breeding ground for more boredom and some frustration. Not to mention of the last segment of the first level is a downer.
The third level also follows a formula and its : Stomp crate, enter newly opened area, stomp crate, enter newly opened area, stomp crate, enter newly opened area. And then a boss fight in a pinball arena. Wait- Pinball arena? Why does Big Corp. have a huge Pinball room? And doesn’t a Corp. have extermintors to take care of the rats, bees, bats, and ravens? To tell you the truth, the pinball arena is very poorly done, and makes the fight easier than it should be. Finally here is the bit where I pick at another’s review:
When Chandie said that the moving crates was ‘innovative’, I was thoroughy confused. The concept of moving/ falling crates have been used in levels before. While the majority of those aren’t ‘Single Player’ levels, the idea has been done. Innovation usually means something new, and there isn’t anything in this pack I haven’t seen before

Secrets,Puzzles, and Pickups-2/10
I’m sorry, but if you cant solve the puzzles in this pack, then you need to get a new brain, and an IQ above 2. I never felt like I was solving a puzzle at all in this pack, although there are some bits that try to disguise themselves as a ‘puzzle’. Puzzles should be slightly dificult, not braindead easy. Same goes for the secrets: Make them secret! All of the secrets in this pack can easily be found. A simple way of finding secrets is this: If you can see it, chances are theres a ‘hole’ in the wall/ceiling nearby that sends you to the secret. Pickups are horrendusly useless, with the exception of a few carrots and 1ups, I don’t think anything I found was particully useful. The ammo only got in my way, and when I want to use the blaster over the seeker, you know that extra ammo is useless.

Final Score*- 3+4+2=9 9/3= *3.
DR?- No. I can’t say I reccomend this pack. And trust me, I have played some packs I’d love to reccomend.

Review by fearofdark

10 Mar 2006, 16:12
For: Mud and Grass
Level rating: 5.3

Twenty downloads and no review. Well….Heres a review. Now onto the review.

There are no tilebugs but there is no stuff in the backround or the foreground. Layer 5 has been used as a backup for layer 4 in parts of the battle though.

Not a lot. The level felt quite empty without gameplay. There were some texts that said ‘DANGER POWER TOO HIGH’ in them which I really didn’t get the point of, since the lighs went out (wouldn’t the lighting be set higher than normal if the power was high??). To sum up, just some springs, sucker tubes and vines.

The items seemed to be placed with too many in some areas bt not so many in others. There was a passage with some ammo crates, but its impossible to shoot them all and you get loads of unwanted ammo. I don’t see the point in puting stuff like that in levels.

OKish. There is a lot of space to move around in but sometimes, areas are too open and empty.

Hell music for something that seems like a nature battle?? Also, too original. +0.1

Different. Not many hotel tilesets are used for battles, then, It quite stupid.

BONUS: 0.2
FINAL RATING: 5.7 (Rounded 5.7)
RATING RANK: 5 Average
Its a rating that can be improved.

Not recommendedReview by DennisKainz

10 Mar 2006, 09:09
For: 'Tempel Level'
Level rating: 4.5

Here is it. A small, thin 3 for your level. I didn’tlike it. I searched the entrance for 2 minutes and there were too many enemies into the tempel. And the cats were useless. And the background with same speed of the sprite layer in high detail was a bad idea.

Review by chet208

10 Mar 2006, 01:30
For: no surrender and spooky
Level rating: 1.9

Those deth pits make it fun, anything wrong? I think n00b dosn’t like deth pits and this level of mine is good for geting your skills up.

Review by fearofdark

9 Mar 2006, 17:05
For: SOS (remake)
Level rating: 4.5

The second version of Chets SOS levels.

This level is ust simply ‘get from here to there’. There are no tile bugs but no eyecandy for the backround or foreground. The backround is textured with no bugs. The items in this level: some types were completely overused like extra lives and carrots. There isn’t enogh ammo or food. The enemies were overused in some parts but others had none (eg. The fencers near the exit). There was not enough spikes which caused the overusage of enemies to make the level harder.
The good thig about this level was that there was a veriety of gameplay but you could have used more spikes.

This one was better. There was more eyecandy and ammo. But you still overused extra lives (I had about 9 by the end of the game). The destructive blocks took too long to shoot and there wasn’t enough enemies. But the level kept you thinking ‘what do I do next?’ and ‘Where am I going?’. One minute you could be in this computer room, the next minute you could be in this land full of marsh. Still, the bad point keep this level down.

Level 1: Basic, Level 2: Made you think.


Level 1: Basic, Level 2: Made you think.


BONUS: 0.4
FINAL RATING: 4.4 (Rounded: 4.5)
I would try these again with a coninued bit but with the advice I gave in the review.

RecommendedReview by Joseph Collins

9 Mar 2006, 15:33
For: Dark Groove (Groovin' Hard Remix)
Level rating: 7.1

Tol’ja I’d do it, and I did it, too.

Kind’a techno, kind of electronica, kind of groovy. This is a Dark Groove remix that sounds like it came

Song Analysis:
The song starts out lighter than Dark Groove and a little faster. In fact, it only sounds remotely like Dark Groove.(A passerby might argue that it isn’t, for example.) It’s also a bit repeatitious all throughout. Around 1:20 does the song start to show a little more “Dark Grooviness,” getting right into the groove with the original notes(roughly) of Dark Groove, which leads to a slight breakdown around 2:07.5. The song more or less repeats its various patterns(with some slight alterations) from then on until we get to around 3:10.5 where it goes into a full-fledged mess of rhythms and notes for a while. And I mean that in a good way. More repeatition ensues, then finally, the song comes to a nice fake close around 4:33 which leads into another breakbeat drum session, and finally, a mellow ending. It works, but as stated, it’s a little repeatitious.

Sample Analysis:
The samples are all much more crisp than the original samples from Dark Groove and, as far as I can tell, not many(if any) of the originals were used. Maybe the drums from another Jazz 2 song. In any case, all the samples sound good, and sound good together.

Final Analysis:
Repeatitious, but very worthy of any given Jazz 2 level. Plus, it’s a lotta fun to just sit back and listen to.

Score: 6.7
“Nondescript” Points: 0.5
Total Score: 7.2

Sure. As stated, it’s fun to listen to by its lonesome and could easily be implemented into any given stage.(Probably Heck or Castle. Maybe some technological stage.)


The “Simon Cowell” of Jazz 2 Online‘s Music Scene… Joseph Collins
Dr Lithius” or “LithiuServer” on Jazz 2

Review by chet208

9 Mar 2006, 00:41 (edited 27 Apr 06, 19:05 by Fquist)
For: Dark Groove (Groovin' Hard Remix)
Level rating: 7.1

I think i just found my new fav music for jj2!
It’s strange it has some wheired sounds in it.. but all the better… I like it, i’ll give it a 9.5.

[Unsupported (9.5) rating removal – FQuist]

Review by chet208

8 Mar 2006, 23:03 (edited 22 Apr 06, 03:13)
For: #racer#
Level rating: 2.7

Well i guess i’ll work on it i’ll work on…

And all that has been changed!

Not recommendedReview by fearofdark

8 Mar 2006, 20:12
For: #racer#
Level rating: 2.7

After chet208s first domonation of the board, I wanted to review one of his/her levels. But the internet stopped working. Chet continues to keep the board covered in his/her name.
Now to the review:

Not a great start, many tileugs espesially on walls and ceilings. No backround or foreground eyecandy. Infact, the 8th and 4th layer are the only layers that provide eyecandy. Next time, use more layers.

Dissapointing, there is a maximum of 2 types of ammo. No food, no gems and no powerups. A wider range of items don’t make the level feel empty. Also the only gun types you used were 2 (ice) and 7 (TNT) which are by far the most dissapointing. Some areas were full of items whilst others had barely any.

A bit of gameplay, but not a lot. There is a vine, some blocks to shoot, a few shortcuts and V-poles. The level still lacked gameplay and made the level feel even more empty.

The race was too short and some areas were too difficult to move around. Some areas were large with no iems in or gameplay and some were small and were filled with items (eg. Near the beggining).

JJ2 menusong for a race?????

The castle theme for a race is good but you didn’t use it as well as you could.

BONUS: 0.1
FINAL RATING: 2.6 (Rounded: 2.7)
RATING RANK: 2 (Terrible)
Make sure you use a wider range of items and fill the empty spaces with items or gameplay.

Review by iluz

8 Mar 2006, 17:36
For: Bonez
Level rating: 7.2

Thanks to ShadowRabbit and n00b for reviews and good rating to this level.

By the way my own best time is 0:25:21.
(I’m not joking).

Review by chet208

8 Mar 2006, 02:27 (edited 8 Mar 06, 07:50 by Violet CLM)
For: Flying Furballs
Level rating: 8.1

Well, it’s sorta good but the level is not my taste so 4.5 ( not that it’s bad or anything)
(Unsupported rating removal. Reviews must be at least three lines. ~Violet)

RecommendedReview by 4I Falcon

8 Mar 2006, 01:45
For: Dark Groove (Groovin' Hard Remix)
Level rating: 7.1

Well, um… hm.

Definitely not what I was expecting, to be sure.

Slow electro is right, for sure. There’s enough of Dark Groove laced in there to be recognizable, but it’s tweaked just enough to make people wonder just what it is they’re listening to.

I find it extremely hard to believe that you mutated Dark Groove into this, GGJ. I would have believed you if you said you made this from scratch. Then again, I haven’t tracked enough to know what is possible and what isn’t.

For sheer musical quality, you’ve earned yourself an 8.2 from me. It’s not really my brand of music, but I tried not to let that faze my opinion. For all of you other persons, download this… it’s the only way you’ll ever really understand.

Review by 4I Falcon

8 Mar 2006, 01:40 (edited 9 Mar 06, 00:32 by Violet CLM)
For: SOS (remake)
Level rating: 4.5

You know, I figured I’d download this simply for the music, but for some reason I decided to actually try playing the level.

Suffice it to say that the second of my decisions was a mistake. A grievous mistake.

Please, please, for the good of J2O… stop uploading things, Chet. It’s unhealthy.
(Oops, missed this. Unsupported rating (1) removal. ~Violet)

Review by chet208

8 Mar 2006, 01:11 (edited 8 Mar 06, 07:46 by Violet CLM)
For: JazzTool 1.4
Level rating: 8.8

It’s great!. But it’s hard to find a sever that has my version of jazz Jackrabbit.
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. That is not the fault of this program, by the way. ~Violet)

Review by chet208

7 Mar 2006, 23:43
For: 50 second fight
Level rating: 7.3

Nice, but it’s to flat and the idea is realy good and original, But i think the level could use some un-flat surfaces. And Its a good level.

Review by Cheese

7 Mar 2006, 23:30
For: SOS (remake)
Level rating: 4.5

it’s tsf.

i have no problem with tsf levels, because i have tsf too.


and also, stop uploading so many things. it gets annoying. upload them all in 1 pack if you have more than 1 level.

RecommendedReview by DanYjel

7 Mar 2006, 22:11
For: Dark Groove (Groovin' Hard Remix)
Level rating: 7.1

Really, couple times better than normally. Firstly, it’s pretty original, second thing is that you managed to minimize the offkeyness almost as much as possible.

Style of the song is very strange, it’s some slow electro, but it sounds good.
New industrial electro melodies, modified original ones, main melody of the original as nice background… I have some reservations to bassline, it itself (even without anything) sounds weird… Like… Offkey ;)
The tune uses nice rhythm combined with disorted, hard drumloop, it perfectly fits to the song, but actually there should be bigger work with drumloop, the tempo isn’t fully adjusted so it’s not right-on-beat (but it almost can’t be heard).
Main power of the song is that it uses number of awesome effects, which gives song the right grades and thanks to effects, song quickly and… effectively ;) transits between its parts.
Imho, tune sounds empty at some places, some string could probably help.

I like this song, although I have few reservations. Originality and cool effects combined with ungood bassline and empty sound, that’s… Great deal! :D

Review by chandie

7 Mar 2006, 21:33
For: The Morph Machine v.4
Level rating: 8.3

Ischa, maybe it’s your opinnion, but i don’t think this is a good reason to break points just because the queen is friendly!? This is just a story, does this really matters that the queen must be evil everytime? This is my idea, maybe that’s yours!
By the way, the music of the second level is one of the official musics of that tileset from Tomb Rabbit. I just wanted to be loyal to that episode, so didn’t change the music. You should not make me responsible for that. I’d be very happy if you’d re-review the level pack according to these.
Thank you

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