Review by fearofdark

28 Feb 2006, 19:06
For: Boss Championship
Level rating: 2.6

I don’t see how this could be rated. The levels are tiny. There are no items and gameplay (well there is but not much). The only thing that you will be rating is the idea which could only count for a small part of a rating (unless the auther requests the rating to be based on the idea).

Review by fearofdark

28 Feb 2006, 18:53
For: Golden Bricks
Level rating: 4.8

I’ve notice your level hasn’t been getting any rewiews. So I bring you my review.

There is no visable backround eyecandy. The only foreground eyecandy is only included in challenging parts of the level.

There are challenges all round the level and a medium amount of normal gameplay (springs, warps ect.)

ITEMS: 16/20
Standard amount of items. A couple of Powerups and a shield.(Rewards for challenges)

SIZE: 17/20
Medium sized basic battle arena. But some areas are hard to move around in.

A good scraparap conversion.

MUSIC: 4/5
Scraparap music But a good remix.

Challenges +3

SCORE: 76/100

Review by Ischa

28 Feb 2006, 17:03 (edited 22 Oct 06, 10:22 by EvilMike)
For: Fall Of Carrotus v1.0
Level rating: 7.8

Review Fall Of Carrotus v1.0

Rating Tilesets: It are good tilesets. I have nothing more to say (aan Frank Quist: kan ik wél een tilesetfactor aan mijn review toevoegen als de makers van de tilesets staan vermeld in de credits ofzo? Mail het me en verander het cijfer niet in een N/A)
Rating: 8.3

Rating Music: Good chosen, but is is classic JJ2-music.
Rating: 5.5

Rating Obstacles: Some levels are very hard, but you can easilly get stuck in the small ‘Bolly-chamber-level’.
Rating: 6.3

Rating Fun: The episode is pretty great. Nothing more to say.
Rating: 8

Punishment of 3 points, because the password of the extra levels is INCORRECT!

Final Rating: 4
No download recommendation.

[Subtracting 3 points for such a reason is inappropriate, and the rating has been removed because of that. -Mike]

Review by master sven

28 Feb 2006, 09:39
For: The Christmas Chronicals 2001
Level rating: 8.5


RecommendedReview by DennisKainz

28 Feb 2006, 09:02 (edited 3 Mar 06, 09:06 by I AM A DISGUSTING PEDOPHILE PLEASE CALL THE POLICE IF YOU SEE ME)
For: Time Rabbit
Level rating: 5.7

Not for n00b’s offensive rating, but just because it’s a great episode. Levels are wonderful and the theme is very good. Prehistoric Carrotus is very good and the gold fever level is also good, especially in the TNT puzzle. The best level is the future level, with robots and a very good regenerating sucker chain. You have also added clones. I like clones. The 2nd world war is also a wonderful theme for an episode with time machine. Last level: Awwwwwww… Classical Jazz2 level. Anyway, the episode is good. Download recommended.


Review by DennisKainz

28 Feb 2006, 08:56 (edited 22 Apr 06, 15:27 by Fquist)
For: Boss Championship
Level rating: 2.6

I thinkthis championship episode is really good. Only people those can play very well can defeat thebosses. It’s a good theme for an episode.
(Unsupported rating (9) removal. ~Violet)
Why can’t i rate it 9? What’s wrong? I give an 8 then. It’s a good episode.

[You can’t rate it a 9 because when rating you need to give clear reasons why it deserves that rating. Unsupported rating (8) removal – FQuist]

RecommendedReview by n00b

27 Feb 2006, 21:28
For: Molten Glacier
Level rating: 6.1

The story is bland, but the music(with the exception of the Maze Level) creates a mood of Urgency through the four short levels. Unfourtantly, with the exception of the second level, it never feels as if there is anything urgent going on. In 3/4 of the four levels all you do is hunt down trigger zones. Players of the more recent “Time Rabbit” episode will recongize the ‘ACCESS GRANTED” text strings. In fact, the boss level feels like a carbon copy of the ‘Boss Championship’ pack. It’s rather sad to see Ischa’s newer packs just being carbon copies of this one. Another thing that you’ll notice is that in the levels, getting to the end area is a breeze. But the end areas are always cryptic in what you’re supposed to do to enter them. This is actually fairly fun, until you’re scrounging about randomly the same locales multiple times. Another downer is that all of the levels are amazingly short. Like really short. I think the whole thing as a whole could really just be in one level if there wasnt a change required for music.
Another thing that ticked me off- The official boss music was replaced. This means once I’m done with the pack I have to re-replace the boss music. All in all, you get a 4.4 mainly for a lack of length, difficulty rarely kicks in at all until you’re about to leave a level, replacing the boss music without any warning until the pack is downloaded and unzipped, ho-hum Boss Arena, and finally tasks that rarely move past “Find Trigger! Now Find Another one!”

Still D/R. Why? Because it’s short, and is highly possible that you can squeeze entertainment from it.

Review by White Rabbit

27 Feb 2006, 17:05 (edited 27 Feb 06, 17:05)
For: 'Tempel Level'
Level rating: 4.5

Too bad I played this one before you uploaded it for the second time. I had a laugh when playing ‘Tempel Level’…things just became worse and worse as you progres through the level. All right, I won’t spoil it for those who haven’t downloaded the level, but you can expect some rather nice effects like a swarm of Sparks following you through a suckertube barely fast enough to outrun them, with a warp at the very end, or how about reading two of the most useful text strings ever? You also get to shoot for ages and ages, good if you want to (accidentally) destroy your keyboard for insurance money, and you will get hurt randomly…all…the time.

The level still manages to not be completely bad…sure, there are surprises, but they only become unpleasant if you are naive enough to think it’s all going to be a walk in the park after being TOLD the level was a bad one. I had a lot of fun walking on spikes with no hurt events while going through a cloud of Cheshire cats that disappear on contact and don’t actually do anything.

‘Tempel Level’ has a spelling mistake in its name and it’s my belief it has absolutely no replayability. But just as you only get one shot at life (unless you’re James Bond), you only need to play this level once to get as much as you can from it. Download at your discretion.

EDTI: Yay, I beat n00b and got the longest review.

Review by n00b

26 Feb 2006, 20:06 (edited 1 Mar 06, 01:35)
For: 'Tempel Level'
Level rating: 4.5

Come on people, I have a quota of exactly 7 comments per upload to uphold.
EDIT- WR, the spelling mistake was a reference to DX’s old episode “The Tempel Episode” and it’s sequel “The Tempel Episode 2” in celebration of the series’ semi-trequel “Jazz X” actually going somewhere
EDIT2- It started that way UF, but it eventually just became a testing ground of any potential horrible gameplay concepts that I had in my head.

Not recommendedReview by fearofdark

26 Feb 2006, 14:46
For: Time Rabbit
Level rating: 5.7

I havn’t reviewed a single player level in a long time. So here’s my review:

I found this one the worst of all of them. The level was extreemly short and there was no gameplay (Except crates). But the music you chose did suit the age, but the tileset wasn’t very….prehistoric…..

This level was slightly longer but was still too short. There was more gameplay but still not enough. Unlike the prehistoric level, this one had more spaces you could move into.

LEVEL 3: (WW2)
In this level, you could easily get lost. I didn’t discover what I had to do until I found the fist plane (which turned out to be the second plane I had to destroy). There was not as much eyecandy as the first level.

There were too many witches in the level and almost no items (same for all levels). Yet again, only the backround layers were used for eyecandy. The music you used didn’t help.

I didn’t get the idea of the level. The level was passworded so I gave up.


FINAL COMMENT: Not great. You need to do better.

Review by tomvalk

26 Feb 2006, 12:24
For: Get up!
Level rating: 7.3

HE i kan not open this!!!

Review by tomvalk

26 Feb 2006, 12:21 (edited 26 Feb 06, 21:58 by Violet CLM)
For: Training Level!
Level rating: 1

No a beginer


(Unsupported rating (1) removal. ~Violet)

Review by tomvalk

26 Feb 2006, 12:16
For: New Discovered Planet X
Level rating: 7.4

good tile 6.9 !
Not good:
animations 4.5

My rating: 7.0 Good

Goed:Tile een 6.9 !
Slecht:anamaties 4.5

Groeten TomV

Review by BattleSpaz

25 Feb 2006, 19:43
For: Green Gem=5 red gems
Level rating: N/A

Next you should test can you ban the hax0rs out of your server ithout they coming to crash your server in next 15 minutes.

But really, this is useless. Go making a forum thread about this, posting these in here is just spamming >_>

(And by the way, rating 1.2 for the level.)

Review by n00b

25 Feb 2006, 19:19 (edited 26 Jul 07, 20:49)
For: Boss Championship
Level rating: 2.6

The short review:
You do not need 12 levels of bland arenas with bosses in them.
The long review:
You do not need 12 levels of bland arenas with bosses in them. With the exception of the Bubba level, all the arenas are little more than some ground, a boss, and some regenerating enemies. The difficulty comes not from the bosses but from the constantly regenerating enemies.
This is a waste of about 618 kb. Do not download it.

/Doesn’t really go indepth enough for my tastes, so I’m removing the rating -n00b/

Not recommendedReview by n00b

25 Feb 2006, 19:13 (edited 25 Feb 06, 19:14)
For: Time Rabbit
Level rating: 5.7

Shadowrabbit, thats the dumbest question ever. Being 12 does not give you a license to be stupid, go check the JazzBuster’s email address and then check Ischa’s.

Anyways onto the review:
The whole Time Zone thing is not really the greatest feature ever, considering each time zone lasts one level and the only way to actually tell what zone you’re in is from the ever there “Credit Signs” in the start of each level.

And secondly, both Secret levels took me back to the ‘Press Fire’ scene. I’m not sure why. That makes two features utterly worthless. Now we move onto the gameplay. With the exception of the WW2 level(which is my favorite level out of the bunch) and the future level, every level is a fairly linear jumble of a mess. No level tells you your current objective, so figuring out how to leave becomes a tedious process of experimentation. This would have been fun if the levels weren’t so ho-hum, but since the levels are ho-hum you’ll have the tendency to skip levels. Theres also a sidequest of sorts of finding crates, an idea that sounds swell on paper, but falls flat because none of the levels feel like they can be explored past the main path. And when they do, you’ll more than likely pick the path to the end of the level instead of the secondary path. This is annoying, since in the caslte level there is a queen boss that you cannot run back from due to activeX events. The WW2 level is less linear, but suffers from a problem of being a bit too open. Same goes for the future level. The final playable level is just ripped from JJ2, and that ticks me off as nothing was changed except for a sign added to the begining. All in all, this pack should not be downloaded since anything that is given with it’s Left hand is taken away with it’s right.

Not recommendedReview by NovaStar

24 Feb 2006, 20:29 (edited 1 Mar 06, 11:07 by ShadowRabbit)
For: Time Rabbit
Level rating: 5.7

Here’s my review!

Old Carrots:
The tileset didn’t really match the theme of the level.
You out Demons in. Note that demons didn’t exist in Pre-historic times, so that kinda ruined it.
The music was a good choice.
Not enough enemies.
Gameplay was basically kill all the baddies, destroy all the crates.
Very short.
SCORE: 3.7

Golden TNT:
The tileset sorta matched this time.
The music didn’t really match.
I branded this level a failure since I couldn’t warp to the puzzle.

Flight Might!:
I liked the music for this level. I’m not too sure it matched but it was good.
The textured background didn’t work but was still pretty.
Very large and I got lost the first time. The second time I got it, but it required extensive searching.
Very annoying since crows and bees come after you.
The eyecandy was average, maybe a bit above.
SCORE: 4.7

Frog Thunder:
Pretty good eyecandy. Ischa seems to get the hang of making good levels now.
Then I see a witch. And another one. And another one. Now the level seems to be a survivor test. Dodge the spells, go back to the start if you get hit… well, for a start the concept of that is a bit… let’s just say not very good. I was forced to use JJGOD to get through it all. Altho upon un-JJGODing I discovered how to beat them. Yay!
The music started off quite good but then I hear Medivo plonked in randomly. Yeurk. At least it isn’t too bad.
I didn’t like the disappearing bricks, they annoyed me and forced to cheat again, this time using JJFLY.
A little too big. Two of the crates were unreachable.
Now it’s getting WAY too large, same mistake as Old Carrots.
I come to the Queen. Hmmmm… this looks familiar… where have we seen this type of seen before? Why, of course, Knight Cap! Quite a rip-off you have there Your Majesty.
SCORE: 3.9

Future Frenzy:
Very good music, matches the level… grooves
The sucker chain was kind of pointless, but then I noticed they move in a chain.
I liked the MCE use of the buttstomping Jazz. Especially since it counts as an enemy and dances.
Had to use JJFLY and JJNOWALL to get up the top. Also the copters are non-Lori-friendly, did you know?
But in the end I gave up. I saw no point in the level at all other than to show that the level maker’s gotten slightly better. I failed this level.
SCORE: 1.2

Bad Pitt:
JJ2 Bad Pitt rip-off.

NOTES: Not very Lori-friendly (which makes me mad as I’m a Lori user), nice music, gameplay concept not too good, very basic.

Nice music choices. +3

Too short. –4
Bad gameplay. –5
Lori-unfriendly. –3

So, let’s see… 3.7 + 1.9 = 5.6 + 4.7 = 10.3 + 3.9 = 14.2 + 1.2 = 15.4 – 2 = 13.2, so that’s the level score.
Add the pros, 13.2 + 3 = 16.2, and take away the cons, 16.2 – 4 = 12.2 – 5 = 7.2, – 3 = 4.2, round it off to a JCF and it’s still 4.2.
OVERALL SCORE = 4.2. Not too bad, very good for a beginner (if you are one).
DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATION: Unfortunately in my ratings it takes a fairly good score to get a DR, like around 5-6, so I must say no unless you want some tilesets and good music.

Review by White Rabbit

24 Feb 2006, 16:15
For: JJ2 ModPlayer
Level rating: N/A

Are you two absolutely sure that you followed the instructions in about.txt?

The access violation is necessary and isn’t actually an error, for the reason given in this post by UF:

Review by SpZ

24 Feb 2006, 14:51
For: JJ2 ModPlayer
Level rating: N/A

Acces Violetion whatever I do.

  1. 1
  2. 395
  3. 396
  4. 397
  5. 398
  6. 399
  7. 400
  8. 401
  9. 402
  10. 403
  11. 1303