Review by fearofdark

20 Feb 2006, 19:36
Level rating: 6.3

I needed something to review and the music file was the only thing (appart from my battles).

The song sounded nothing like labrat at first. Just this repeating sample sequence and some beats. The drum fills took forever. The begging only uses about 7 samples.

Near the end of the song, the key changes and so does the sequence. But then the same thing in the first half of the song happens. This long drum fill, then some beats.

Then the song ends instantly. The same 7 samples are used..

Judging but how many samples are used and how the sequence goes, this deserves no more than 4.5.


RecommendedReview by Joseph Collins

20 Feb 2006, 19:26 (edited 20 Feb 06, 19:27)
Level rating: 6.3

A techno/funk arrangement of a well-known Jazz Jackrabbit 2 song, and a chunk of a lesser-known Jazz Jackrabbit 3 song.

Song Analysis:
The song starts out with the opening “wiggities” from “Laboratory Level”. Around 50.5 seconds in, it coasts into a smooth arrangement of the last bit of “Jazz Jackrabbit 3”(the title song for said game) with some drums here and there. Overall, it’s a short song, but it sounds pretty decent, if not repeatitive.

Sample Analysis:
I dig the samples used in this song. Even though you used the same sample for the Labratory Level and Jazz Jackrabbit 3 main melodies, the samples themselves are nice. Not grainy, not fuzzy, not even slightly skewed. Ah, the wonders of FastTracker II Format.

Final Analysis:
This ain’t as much “Laboratory Level” as it is “Jazz Jackrabbit 3”.
(Specifically 1:44 onward in the original song.) While incorrectly titled(in my opinion), I can’t really think of what else you might call it, so… Yeah. Good, short song. Great for listening to. Not so great to use in a level.

Score: 3.5/7.0
Jazz Jackrabbit 3” Points: 2.7/3.0
Total Score: 6.2/10.0

Sure! As I said, it’s pretty fun to listen to.


The “Simon Cowell” of Jazz 2 Online‘s Music Scene… Joseph Collins
Dr Lithius” or “LithiuServer” on Jazz 2

RecommendedReview by OM2004

20 Feb 2006, 17:35
For: Christmas-X-Core
Level rating: 8.7

THat is a very good song. I like what u did with the endding too. Well done.

Review by fearofdark

19 Feb 2006, 16:03 (edited 19 Feb 06, 16:04)
For: Spaced-Out
Level rating: 6.7

Well…….This level is called ‘Spaced out’. Since NOOBs 4000th download, there have been more rating over 8 than i’ve ever seen, with your level be one of them??


The backround has been used OK and so has the sprite layer. At the bottom of the level, the foreground mountains block your view.


There is a lot of gameplay at the top of the level (including transporters)
but at the bottom if you stomp the BRIDGE OUT obstacle, you get stuck and this text saying DOH! appears.

ITEMS: 16/25

A bit of ammo and a PowerUp but nothing big.

SIZE: 9/15

A bit small. You could make some bigger spaces to move around in.

MUSIC: 7/10

Basic, JJ2 style.


RATING: 6.7 (OK)

Review by Galavant !

19 Feb 2006, 09:59
For: Ischa's Mine
Level rating: 5.8

This Mine looks Average, because all is too simple, and it is monocolor tileset! Also background are bad, and disguising. Main layer are better, there are some eyecandy, but not enought. It not looks like real mine. Furthrmore, Author maked something like desert!

Review by JelZe

18 Feb 2006, 22:43 (edited 20 Feb 06, 11:23)
For: Colosal
Level rating: 7.7

What is this, Biased City? I refrained from reviewing hoping someone rational would do it first. Guess I was wrong ;P Just to set an example (again) I’ll be reviewing this.

For those who have WBRG (Where Bad Rabbits Go) by Skulg will find this set strangely familiar. It’s not just the setting, it’s style. While WBRG takes place in Hell, Colosal seems to take place right above it, at a “gate” mayhaps. Rocky, desolate, with some ruins, the reddish colors really give a hellish atmosphere, which has been done before (like Raging Inferno by Disguise). Colosal is one of the better ones, but does have its faults.

Regular Tiles
What is Colosal like WBRG? The style. The walls and ground are entirely black with red outlines and inlines inside the rocks on the outside. The rocks are actually set in a pattern and each rock fits to the other like a pieces of a puzzle. Geometrically speaking, they’re all pentangles, meaning they each have five corners, and they’re all irrgular. Unfortunately the author went the easy way and used the same pattern for the ground, wall and ceiling tiles: all he needed to do is flip it, and for corners he overlapped. And that had a nasty consequence: the corners can only be placed at one spot in the pattern without creating tile bugs, which hampers the user-friendly a bit.
The rocks are just one part of the set, the ruin part is also there. Pretty generic, it’s nothing more than a collection of bricks. They do come in several sizes and have nice gradients, there are even some for the Layer 4 background (i.e. unmasked tiles).

Background tiles
The Background consists of two things. The first is the obligatory mountain background. They come in three variaties: black with red outline, dark red with regular red outline, and red with an orange outline. As you can guess, the fiery nature grows in intensity the closer the mountains are ;) The peaks are rather smal, but it does like a chain as there’s more than one row in each layer. Speaking of which, you can make it one of two ways:

1) Give each variaty its own layer
2) Include more than one in a single layer

That I really like. The other part of the background is nothing more than a ripped pillar from the Beach tileset. Somehow, I think it fits really nicely with its new orangy colors.
O, almost forgot the textured 3D background. Yes, it’s there, and if I’m not mistaking it’s an adapted version of Medivo’s. Unfortunately the palette isn’t that perfect, in 8-bit it gets… funny where it fades out.

Event Tiles
Here’s where the tileset fails a little. Basically, you only have 4 things to work with:

1. Vine
2. Sucker Tube
3. Destructable Weapon Blocks: Regular, Stomp, Bouncer, RF
4. Invisible Blocks (I’m cluding them here for lack of room)

Nothing else. They’re all original as far as I can tell. My only gripe is that the vine is on a blank tile only.

Eye Candy Tiles
Failing a little again. You’re restricted to the blackness beyond the rocks (kinda catchy). You can fill it stand-alone pentangle rocks or small round one, or maybe even Birdie’s name ;) For the ruins you can add a little pulsing animation, but that’s it.

Nothing to complain about, everything is smooth to the touch… except for one area: the rocks next to the vine in the set is a bit jagged. Granted it’s a smal dent, so you wouldn’t get stuck, but it’s still a bit sloppy. And it seems hidden mask messages are a standard now.

Shadow Version
I can’t believe I forgot about this one! The same things about the regular version can be applied here, except for the colors of course :p The red and orange have been replaced with shades of purple and violet. A pretty good choice as the cold purple contrasts with the hot red.

Final Verdict
Despite its limitations and faults, it’s a pretty good attempt. The theme hasn’t been done (well) that many times, which is a plus. It’s worth checking out at least.

- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3

Not recommendedReview by Ischa

18 Feb 2006, 18:03 (edited 26 Feb 06, 18:37)
For: The City of the Crab King
Level rating: 6.1

Rating City of the Crab King

RATING TILESET: It’s a classic one. But it is one of my favorites and I have a good day today.

RATING MUSIC: No classic, but not very good chosen… it’s more action-style… and it is a beach-level,

RATING OBSTACLES: This level is large, but I can finish it in one minute.

RATING FUN: Again, this level is large, but I can finish it in one minute.

RATING GAMEPLAY: This is always the average of the other 4 ratings.

RATING UTERUS: This level has an Uterus at the end while I hate it. But again, I have a good day today.

No Download recommendation.


Review by NovaStar

18 Feb 2006, 16:24
For: Jazz2 ServerScan
Level rating: 8.8

Run-time error ‘339’:

Component ‘MSWINSCK.OCX’or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.

RecommendedReview by fearofdark

18 Feb 2006, 11:50
For: Colosal
Level rating: 7.7

A 9.5? Is the tileset really that good??

When I played the eg levels, I didn’t find many animated tiles and there wern’t a wide range of tiles but the colours were great and like Uniacke said about the tileset easily being changed to night, that was good aswell.

I think this deserves a 7.7 because there are equally good points and bad points.

Review by hazzaman8

18 Feb 2006, 03:31
For: Fast Duell - JDC
Level rating: N/A


RecommendedReview by Uniacke1

18 Feb 2006, 00:10
For: Colosal
Level rating: 7.7

A Cool looking tileset, with a rock theme.
Includes both Day and Night versions, and two sample levels. It would fit very well in a lava level.
I find it slightly blocky, and small animations such as lava bubbles etc. are not present. A very good start to a tileset. I think we can expect it to get better as development progresses. This tileset has great potential. Both Tilesets are interchangable, so a level created with one can easily be changed to the other from a day theme to a night theme.
Good work Birdie.

RecommendedReview by fearofdark

17 Feb 2006, 17:46
For: Race for the vodka
Level rating: 8.2

A race??? I havn’t reviewed many of those. So why not???

The race is very interesting but the main element is that there are many traps. But rewarding in a way because they have ammo (prehaps to persuade). I won’t rate this, but I like the traps.

I’ve changed my mind. I rate this an 8 because:

1) Traps

2) Wierd music use

3) Not many races use JJ1 tileset.

Review by DennisKainz

17 Feb 2006, 15:50
For: Exoticus (updated remake)
Level rating: 8.4

Don’t forget to rate it. OK?

Review by DennisKainz

17 Feb 2006, 15:42
For: Alton Towers
Level rating: 7.2

Remember to rate this set.

Review by Joseph Collins

16 Feb 2006, 18:56
For: Robot Boss Area Clone
Level rating: N/A

…was this trip really necessary?


The “Simon Cowell” of Jazz 2 Online‘s Music Scene. . . Joseph Collins
Dr Lithius” or “LithiuServer” on Jazz 2

Review by Jerrythabest

16 Feb 2006, 18:21
For: J2B to IT converter v0.3
Level rating: 9.1

hmm try converting Carrottus music. It completely messes up. I tried to play all of the conversions but most of them skipped patterns. I’m waiting for v0.4! No rating from me cuz it doesnt really work correctly, but it is too hard to rate this bad…

Review by carrot_girl

16 Feb 2006, 17:52 (edited 16 Feb 06, 20:47 by Violet CLM)
For: Manufacturing Plant
Level rating: 5

Hello Gus

It’s a really good level
Nice tileset!
I’ll give you a 10 to!!!

Greetz Carrot_girl
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. ~Violet)

Review by Ischa

15 Feb 2006, 14:39 (edited 16 Feb 06, 20:43 by Violet CLM)
For: Orbitus
Level rating: 6.3


I’ll give you a 1. A penalty, because this level is inpossible without cheats. I can’t beat Devan Shell! And the weapon placement was arkward!
(Unsupported rating removal. What about the rest of the level? ~Violet)

Review by fearofdark

14 Feb 2006, 17:54
For: Molten Glacier
Level rating: 6.1

I never found out how to complete the first level and it was passworded.

RecommendedReview by fearofdark

14 Feb 2006, 17:49 (edited 17 Feb 06, 17:49)
For: Ischa's Mine
Level rating: 5.8

Yet another tileset by the tileset creator, Gus. This one is called Ischa’s mine.

I’m not a tileset reviewer but I downloaded this because I wanted to check out a few tilesets and do a little reviewing.

The colours in the tileset are mainly what you would find in a mine (brown, gold, grey ect.) You could do alot with this (creating a train like you did in an example level) and there is water but many other tiles are either rock or tiles that say Ischa rules.

I think the backround is….well…rocky.

Overall, the tileset is OK but lose the messages.

Ischa: Don’t blow it.

I’ve lowered your rating. The other half of the train is missing.

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