Review by FawFul

7 Jul 2024, 16:51 (edited 7 Jul 24, 18:48)
For: My First Pack
Level rating: N/A

Your upload misses some files:
- You forgot to upload the tilesets DSM flames.j2t, Gothic 1.23.j2t and medevilmadness.j2t. Luckily I have the these already or I couldn't have played the levels.
- You forgot to upload the music files Fire.s3m, Forest.xm and TEMPLSUN.mo3

There's also a bug in Forgotten castle, spaz can jump out of bounds in the map and gets stuck.

Also, your other uploads today have no files. Please fix all of them.

Review by amir111221

1 Jul 2024, 13:46
For: JJ2 language file editor
Level rating: 8.6


RecommendedQuick Review by minmay

27 Jun 2024, 18:48
For: Knapweed Bog
Level rating: 7.7

Really fun duel level with good focused use of custom weapons. I like the background, but the foreground is underdecorated – there's nothing to see in the big blocky walls except the same tile repeated over and over.

RecommendedQuick Review by Slaz

19 Jun 2024, 14:18
For: Threed Realms
Level rating: 9.7

An excellent showcase of recent JJ2+ features, as well as a big, fun, and balanced level. Did a Hard run as Jazz around release, and yesterday a Hard run as Spaz getting 100% of the skulls. The only downside I found was that after dying, enemies may get in the way of the Skyrunner's teleport locations (carrots also respawn though). Download this!

RecommendedQuick Review by NimoStar

19 Jun 2024, 09:10
For: Find It Out (Single Player)
Level rating: 9.1

Some hiatus that is. My condolences for all the community members that died in between, waiting for the release :P


RecommendedQuick Review by Zerodarkage

4 Jun 2024, 14:07
For: JJ1 Holiday Hare 95 added to 1.3
Level rating: 10

This MOD is really cool! It's great to have everything Jazz 1 in one game! But since its release GOG did a lot of updates for the maps! Would love a updated version of this MOD by the author (Or anyone who know how to do it xD)

Super Cool!

RecommendedQuick Review by Primpy

31 May 2024, 06:25
For: Find It Out (Single Player)
Level rating: 9.1

An amazing, lengthy SP level pack that surprisingly flew under most people's radars. Give it a shot!

RecommendedReview by Lark

19 May 2024, 02:20
For: Indigo Falls
Level rating: 9.3

Okay! Here is a medium sized CTF level loaded with plenty of ammo for some great battles. It is very easy to navigate, but doesn't rely too much on flow. It has a "new" feel to it (if that makes any sense). The center of the level gets to be a bit of a maze, and it's easy to lose your way and fall off the level, fortunately being teleported back up. The level seems to rely entirely on camping, and is a paradise for campers like myself. The bases are right next to carrots and some ammo, making them ideal for sitting at. To counter this, there are a thousand ways into each base, making it hard to defend. Anyway, enough rambling. The background looks wonderful. GREAT JOB on the background. You'll really enjoy looking at the background when you see the way the trees reflect on the water. Anyway… Great level. It's like a 9.3 situation.

RecommendedReview by Lark

13 May 2024, 00:51
For: Saline Shores
Level rating: 9.1

This level is a lot of fun. It is a medium-sized CTF level with a very old-school feel to it. The flow is very tight, and the level is easy to navigate. There are a lot of vines, but the way they are used helps speed you up when flying from base to base. The level is very fast paced, and despite its medium size, it feels a bit small because you're able to fly through so fast. There remain plenty of areas to explore. I really like that about the level. The eyecandy is great. Several different tilesets are put to use, making each area in the level a unique one. Visuals are not repetitive. The background uses a reflection that makes the most realistic ice I've seen in a level. Weapons are mostly new, but have familiar feels to them and are easy to get used to pretty quickly. If I had to be super picky, I'd say the only downside is the number of one way areas. It's not like they're overused, though. Overall great level. Highly recommended.

Review by PurpleJazz

2 May 2024, 16:36
For: Saline Shores
Level rating: 9.1

The crashing in this level when using Boomerang Gun was due to a conflict with a specific mutator enabled in Zeal Duels servers. In normal circumstances this shouldn't be an issue.

Review by kn0b010ck5m0th

24 Apr 2024, 02:31
For: Saline Shores
Level rating: 9.1

We tried to playtest this level while we were playing CTF over the weekend. Unfortunately, players started to crash, seemingly because they used the boomerang weapon. So we weren't able to playtest the level because of the crashes.

Quick Review by DennisKainz

20 Apr 2024, 19:52
For: Shores of Desolation
Level rating: 6.7

This is a nice showcase of the new texture related features JJ2+ has to offer.
And yes, it looks like something that came out of Doom.

Review by Violet CLM

17 Apr 2024, 19:23
For: Good Morning Turtleville!
Level rating: 7

It's challenging to review this because it switches gameplay styles so completely, repeatedly, that it feels like several levels in one. The starting area would indeed be a dubious match for CTF, but it's fine here (though the rest of the level never manages to make Townhouse look quite so good as DanX did). Some plausible enemies, a pretty cool horizontal spring segment.

Then the level turns into trigger crate hell for much too long. Barely-visible walls block arbitrary sections of the level, and you must find trigger crates (sometimes in secret areas) and smash them in an unclear, unguided order before you can finally progress. And then you have to do that same thing again, but worse.

Then the level gets more experimental, with an airboard collectathon, some basic level design, a kind of interesting float-up area, a mandatory secret area, and an area I actually rather like, where you're on an airboard again but this time you're collecting gems as the wind moves you along. There's some confusing eyecandy in this section, and it would be nice if the camera weren't so centered on the player, but otherwise it feels fresh and fun.

Next up is a vine platforming area, and I'm a sucker for vines, although it's kind of messed up by the fact that Spaz can skip through parts of it with his double jump. Also the trigger crate hunting returns for no real reason, and there are a lot of invisible spikes.

The rest of the level is a bit cramped but notable mostly for introducing ice tiles (complete with the Slide event, I think) to Townhouse. It's okay but doesn't really play to the tileset's strengths.

Enemy placement's generally fine, nothing too out-of-keeping with the environment. There doesn't seem to be any ammo at all, though… it's generally thought to be good to give the player strategic options, not to mention it's just fun to be able to switch guns. A missed opportunity. Checkpoints feel about right, though inherently limited because of the trigger crates.

I like some parts of this level. I dislike others. Hard to get more N/A than that.

Not recommendedReview by Violet CLM

16 Apr 2024, 19:37
For: Completed Lost Levels + Battery Jazz as an actual level
Level rating: N/A

I like the basic idea here but I don't like any of the execution. There's not enough recognition that the base designs might not be perfect.

Dean Tube is just as visually confusing as ever, perhaps even moreso, but now with lots of enemies and powerups. The EB powerup makes sense because of the sparks in the walls, but after a while it's clear there are just powerups for the sake of powerups. Enemies are placed without regard for which tileset they're in—having sparks and pacman ghosts in the same level feels especially egregious. None of the original level's weirder features are normalized, there are just more events. Even the missing animated tiles aren't fixed.

Forrest Jump (I do like the name) does a bit of decent background layer work, even though it doesn't seem to understand the concept of animated tiles. It connects the last loose bit of layout to the rest of the level and adds a lot of carrots. But mostly it's barely changed. Inner wall tiles still appear freely on the sides of walls, branches still sprout into nowhere, walls are still mostly gemless.The idea of following an extremely cramped level section with an extremely open level section is kind of interesting, but little about the new area feels purposeful or elegant (especially the swinging platforms), and the way out is marked with an arrow made of pickups, but if you eat those pickups before hitting the trigger crate, what are you supposed to do?

I didn't get very far into Battery Jazz. It's a bunch of weird mechanics poorly matched to limited use of the tileset. Smart tiles would help, but besides that, most every problem in it would be solved by just making a Battery Check level instead.

RecommendedReview by Tik

13 Apr 2024, 15:18 (edited 13 Apr 24, 15:33)
For: Threed Realms
Level rating: 9.7

Preamble (geared towards other elderly fans of JJ2):
As someone who grew up playing Jazz Jackrabbit and now rarely opens it aside from the odd Anniversary Bash, I have memories of a game that even pre-2010 seemed stretched to its limits by the community. Feeling a bit dissatisfied after barely playing in this year's Bash, I figured it was a good time to get re-introduced to all of the wonderful ways the community has expanded the game (specifically in Single Player which was always my favourite mode) while I sort of looked on from the periphery. I guessed that a recent upload from Violet would be a great starting point. It was a very, very good guess. She delivers.

That said, I don't want this review to just be gushing about how heavily (it seems to me anyway) that this level features JJ2+'s capabilities. It's just relevant for players like me who might be looking for a fix of their old favourite with a lot of the new bells and whistles to marvel at. You'll be impressed.

But as delicious as it is to encounter new enemies and use new weapons and everything, is it actually fun? Well yeah.

Weapons, Enemies, Difficulty:
As minmay said, the new elements make you approach the enemies in a fresh way that didn't get stale. Standard weapons variety is very deliberately limited, but I am not sure why. Perhaps it was done for simple thematic reasons? Custom enemies are used well and provided great novelty, although I don't know if I would say they were challenging enough a lot of the time. I probably need another play through on harder modes. The boss, however, was another story for me..

Theme, Goals, Gameplay:
So, the actual goal of the level was not clear to me for quite a while. It may have just been that I wasn't paying close enough attention initially. I wasn't sure whether I needed to collect a certain amount of skulls or coins or if I was trying to open new areas by seeking out trigger crates. To be perfectly honest, for the first few minutes I was avoiding the skulls because they seemed more like enemies. So naive of me. So innocent. Once I worked out that it was mainly about collecting coins, I enjoyed scouring areas again for something I might have missed. There were also times I would need to find how to get a coin just out of reach, which was very motivating and kept me engaged.

The custom platforming elements were very fun, except for the shooting sucker tubes over spikes which, I dunno, maybe I'm too old and I don't have the patience or reflexes anymore. I still adored the trigger crate animated vine/tree platforms and the custom twisting platforms. And who doesn't love pole dancing? Very fun!

One small issue I had was that (and I assume this is a JJ2+ problem in general?) I couldn't save. I ended up playing for much longer than I intended originally because I didn't want to start over again. I stayed engaged for it but I was rushing towards the end. So a warning: give yourself plenty of time.

Eyecandy, Music:
There are several different themes as you travel around the map. Violet's combinations of different tileset elements were sometimes a little jarring (but maybe that was a part of the point given the spooky theme?) in their contrasting vibes/styles but after a while you settle into a coherent.. setting. She also made use of the newer textured background features to really great effect.

Drastic changes in mode or theme were accompanied by music changes that were both always welcome but also soon became a touch stale as they were, again, a little jarring. And, again again again, maybe that was the point? Very spooky. Very zany. Like a deluge of bees angrily fighting over a split trash bag stuffed with sprinkles that had passed their use by date.

A very fun, sensational level absolutely stuffed with engaging new kinds of gameplay opportunities. Definitely recommended for Single Player fans, especially those of us looking for a taste at what JJ2+ has on offer. (And I know, I promise this review isn't just about JJ2+ itself, but good god all of you guys are absolute legends <3). While I found myself a little frustrated or confused sometimes, and I didn't like that I needed to complete the level in one session, it was novel in a ton of different ways and left me smiling. Definitely have a go!

RecommendedQuick Review by Superjazz

13 Apr 2024, 14:41
For: Burrowsville?
Level rating: 8.6

Here's some classic good Single-Player gameplay combined with small scripted twists and neat tileset mashes. Have to say that especially the Holiday Hare and Carrotus tilesets work together really well, although fixing the flawed masking of Holiday Hare requires quite some manual effort with MLLE.

RecommendedQuick Review by Superjazz

7 Apr 2024, 10:22
For: Mini Boss Rush
Level rating: 8.1

Here's some good showcasing of what's possible with AngelScript when it comes to raising the intensity of typical boss fights in JJ2+. Too bad the fun is over quickly.

RecommendedQuick Review by Superjazz

7 Apr 2024, 09:07
For: Threed Realms
Level rating: 9.7

This was definitely an entertaining experience! The level required me multiple attempts to finish, as the gameplay is versatile and it is easy to get lost in the level on the first try. Still, all the custom enemies and approach to the available weapons is very refreshing in the modern SP scene. Download recommended!

Review by kn0b010ck5m0th

2 Apr 2024, 16:50
For: Jackrabbit Group Fight
Level rating: N/A

The webpage is supposed to refresh on a double-click at Jazz's face. However, it might not be notice-able when the webpage does refresh.

RecommendedQuick Review by kn0b010ck5m0th

28 Mar 2024, 14:12
For: Find It Out (Single Player)
Level rating: 9.1

Gud SP episode; interesting story, cutscenes dun rly well. Fun lvls & bossfites. Bossfites 2 ez (in ez mode) w/ toast PU. Annoyin pits, 2 many of `em: myb mo` baddies insteada pits … Zelda-tier block puzzles; luv when blox freeze w/ ice & not defrost w/ toast. Now curious Wizard Character's full story. Imprisonment w/o explanation = hyper-realism

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