I love the recolours, but the contrast is too high in this one.
Over all the font looks pretty neat, thou I question the dissension of making only an outline font.
Especially since most modern programs have an outline function so it would be more useful to have the inside filled and one can just apply there own outline with what ever colors they wish.
but it does look exactly like the in-game font.
By no means a bad level, but very plain in every meaning of the word. The winding S-shaped corridors are overused and having to go through them all the time gets tiring fast. I dislike both carrot placements but the top one is particularly bad. Lastly, it’s not atmospheric enough. No parallax layers. It feels like a soulless collection of blocks.
Fun level, the middle area including the 2 carrots and the Pepperspray is cool especially when you fall from the top to the bottom. Though some “zigzag” areas (6 of them) are kinda bouncer biased
Let’s review this!
I think I should start with cons. Won’t you object?
First of all, all the events work only on hard difficulty. Was it supposed to be like that? Yeah, I’ve noticed your warning, but what’s the point of depricating medium and easy difficulties?
The usage of tiles is decent but far from perfect. There are edgy sides here and there and I also feel a lack of eyecandy – pots, ruined walls, armours, cannons, ect. But it’s not a pity, the more experienced JCSer you will become the better you’ll be in this.
And one more thing. You forgot to upload music files. That’s why the levels are mute.
The gameplay is fine. There are well-placed secrets and spikes (damned spikes!) Probably the level is easier with Spaz – he is good in avoiding them. You don’t have to solve damned puzzles in order to proceed (many JCSers out there overdo this) you just run and shoot. Or, better to say, ran, fall into spikes and shoot. :D
Well, I sence a potential of a great levelmaker in ya. All you need is practice. And a proper feedback. So, I’m looking forward your future works. Let’s see if you’re mad enough to make all 12 levels!
Sorry, but I don’t think one can call mere changing of the music and tilesets a “remake”
While a bit uneven in terms of flow and aesthetics, there’s definitely an appeal to this level. It’s action-packed with plenty of pickups to facilitate large events, and I enjoy the vibe that the visuals in combination with the music choice gives. The Orbitus tileset has been used very creatively in some areas.
Despite its small size and relative simplicity, this is a solid CTF level with franatic yet tactical gameplay. The top part is fairly campy, but also quite open which leaves players open to long range Fireball shots. The real star of the show here is the theme and the eyecandy; FS masterfully uses the PK2 tileset to create a convincing environment.
A pretty small level compared from what we’ve seen from blacky. Though the visuals are still pretty neat to look at. Though it’s really hard to navigate in this map since it’s dark. That’s the main reason for me not to rate this higher. Though it’s layout and gameplay is decent. The background looks wonderful with the scripted additions.
I really enjoy the coin concept as it adds a layer of tactical depth not seen in many other levels. While visually the sprite layer is quite spartan, the atmosphere crafted with careful attention to colours and small motifs is nonetheless incredible. The layout is also well crafted and facilitates intelligent play as opposed to mindless ammo spam.
The eyecandy is phenomenal while the gameplay and layout are decent for a duel map. Duels might take a while even when there are only a few paths to traverse. Theme fits well with Jazz’ standards. The script is a nice addition to the map giving the theme an extra boost and more impressive eyecandy with this ‘hard-to-use-tileset’. D/R (Y)
Quite an impressive level visually, although the amount of detail in the sprite layer background may be a bit overstimulating for some. The layout is well constructed and feels more like a collection of areas rather than random platforms or tunnels, with a good variety of open and more enclosed areas. Pickups are well distributed. D/L!
This map certainly takes a big turn while it comes to making big maps with a small tileset. Though this might be a downside of this map that you can easily lose track of yourself. The eyecandy is just pleasant to look at, with just a tiny script, though it might confuse you were you are. The map itself has plenty of powerups and carrots well spread throughout the map. It definitely fits the standards of a great JDC Event map and won’t get boring any time while you play here. Download recommended!
Great eyecandy lies with a decent yet great layout. This map is fun to play and is balanced despite it’s asymmetrical layout. The map has three powerups well spread throughout the map and has one full carrot and one normal carrot. Some flow-issues but you can easily adjust to them. Download recommended!
While I am not a huge fan of “occult” themed levels, I think Nocturne is generally visually appealing, with “off-colors” giving a surreal feel to certain parts, but some of the eye-candy is slightly distracting. I consider the layout, game-play etc to be generic.
Well designed, but those terrible recolors of Medvio and Waz18 are just unacceptable.
Fun level, pretty good eye candy and the background is unlike any I’ve seen in JJ2.
Very impressive layout and outstanding eye candy, especially if you consider that it was all done in only 4 days?!
Cool level! I like all the stuff done with scripting and while in my opinion it isn’t the heavy mappool quality some players demand, at least it has great eyecandy and you already have fun just by running around the level!
Great layouts and rich eyecandy. I like them all but Riddlehamhope hall is my favorite.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.