Rating City of the Crab King
RATING TILESET: It’s a classic one. But it is one of my favorites and I have a good day today.
RATING MUSIC: No classic, but not very good chosen… it’s more action-style… and it is a beach-level,
RATING OBSTACLES: This level is large, but I can finish it in one minute.
RATING FUN: Again, this level is large, but I can finish it in one minute.
RATING GAMEPLAY: This is always the average of the other 4 ratings.
RATING UTERUS: This level has an Uterus at the end while I hate it. But again, I have a good day today.
No Download recommendation.
Run-time error ‘339’:
Component ‘MSWINSCK.OCX’or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.
A 9.5? Is the tileset really that good??
When I played the eg levels, I didn’t find many animated tiles and there wern’t a wide range of tiles but the colours were great and like Uniacke said about the tileset easily being changed to night, that was good aswell.
I think this deserves a 7.7 because there are equally good points and bad points.
A Cool looking tileset, with a rock theme.
Includes both Day and Night versions, and two sample levels. It would fit very well in a lava level.
I find it slightly blocky, and small animations such as lava bubbles etc. are not present. A very good start to a tileset. I think we can expect it to get better as development progresses. This tileset has great potential. Both Tilesets are interchangable, so a level created with one can easily be changed to the other from a day theme to a night theme.
Good work Birdie.
A race??? I havn’t reviewed many of those. So why not???
The race is very interesting but the main element is that there are many traps. But rewarding in a way because they have ammo (prehaps to persuade). I won’t rate this, but I like the traps.
I’ve changed my mind. I rate this an 8 because:
1) Traps
2) Wierd music use
3) Not many races use JJ1 tileset.
Don’t forget to rate it. OK?
…was this trip really necessary?
The “Simon Cowell” of Jazz 2 Online‘s Music Scene. . . Joseph Collins
“Dr Lithius” or “LithiuServer” on Jazz 2
hmm try converting Carrottus music. It completely messes up. I tried to play all of the conversions but most of them skipped patterns. I’m waiting for v0.4! No rating from me cuz it doesnt really work correctly, but it is too hard to rate this bad…
Hello Gus
It’s a really good level
Nice tileset!
I’ll give you a 10 to!!!
Greetz Carrot_girl
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. ~Violet)
I’ll give you a 1. A penalty, because this level is inpossible without cheats. I can’t beat Devan Shell! And the weapon placement was arkward!
(Unsupported rating removal. What about the rest of the level? ~Violet)
I never found out how to complete the first level and it was passworded.
Yet another tileset by the tileset creator, Gus. This one is called Ischa’s mine.
I’m not a tileset reviewer but I downloaded this because I wanted to check out a few tilesets and do a little reviewing.
The colours in the tileset are mainly what you would find in a mine (brown, gold, grey ect.) You could do alot with this (creating a train like you did in an example level) and there is water but many other tiles are either rock or tiles that say Ischa rules.
I think the backround is….well…rocky.
Overall, the tileset is OK but lose the messages.
Ischa: Don’t blow it.
I’ve lowered your rating. The other half of the train is missing.
Great, thanx dude.
its works perfect for me i didnt get the point at the beginning but now i know and it works great!
its just got a 7 well apart from there is NO MUSIC and NO TILSET .
But if you get thease things the levels kinda great .
Its simple but there is a few bugs in it.I like the layout of the level.some bugs.
ammo placement is pretty great to.
So i would give this a download recommendation but there is no tilest or music.
So avery one get the tilset because the level is not bad.
Rating Triple Defeat
RATING TILESET: The tilesets are very, very good! Only ‘Whatta’ has a classic JJ2-tileset.
RATING OBSTACLES: The enemy-choice is good and the levels are very hard!
RATING MUSIC: Very good, but I must downloaded thr music before I can hear it.
RATING FUN: Well, it’s very good… very, very, very good! I have nothing more to say!
RATING GAMEPLAY: Is always the average of the 4 last ratings.
RATING UTERUS: This episode has 4 bosses, but nĂ³ Uterus!
RATING: 10.0
If you like this level, you should try out some of my other ones :
hai ik heet roy ik wil in je spel
(Unsupported/foreign rating (7.7) removal. ~Violet)
At these times, single player levels start to be ordinary. So in my opinnion sp the second hardest section to make a good job. (The first is tileset)
Because of that, building good levels doesn’t make sense. You have to make sth different. You can make an extra-ordinary story or make a jj2 version of an old game, or you may put some interesting stuff in the levels. Otherwise, you can’t have a high mark.
Except these, the eyecand, enemies and other stuff are good. The point is, no fun! So i will give you a 7.7 for your level design.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.