RecommendedReview by Sucer

6 Feb 2006, 15:11
For: Electric Danger
Level rating: 8.4

I liked this level. It doesn’t have many pro RF climbing places, but it sure is a good level. I like it becouse it has a weird and extraordinary gameplay. It might not be fun for duels, but in teamplay this level rocks. Good job Yasco!

Review by CrimiClown

6 Feb 2006, 14:59
For: Robot Boss Area Clone
Level rating: N/A

Soo… You want me to rate this or something? ;o Wasn’t a PM enough? ;o

RecommendedReview by Blackraptor

6 Feb 2006, 00:40 (edited 6 Feb 06, 00:40)
For: Electric Danger
Level rating: 8.4

Yasco asked me to review this (several times…;P) so I’m finally going to.

Electric Danger

Okay, layout isn’t symmetrical so that’s a pro, but base placement is kinda weird. Having the bases like that could lead to a lot of problems having the level be fair for both teams, but I haven’t had a chance to play this online with another player thus so far I cant criticize the level for biasness until I find a reason to. Eyecandy was nice enough. The middle of the level was rather boring though as I’ve seen eyecandy like that done a lot, but I like what Yasco came up with on the border walls in the level with the foreground layer.

Ammo needs creativity. It’s placed in large chunky squares. Maybe make less of those and place ammo more creatively (and more accessibly so you wont have to stop to collect all of it in the level, and can just pick all of it up on the run).

Next, carrot placement. Two full energies, both next to each base. I guess it could work, and I haven’t seen it done for a long time.

Flow is kinda meh. Wasn’t too easy moving around, some stuff shouldve been unmasked completely (like some metal poles near a gold coin which were half masked), and some places could’ve used alternative tiles in the set for better masking.

Why does blue base have an RF powerup right next to it that’s not even in a wall? Makes me want to be on blue team if I ever play seriously in this level.

Few more points about eyecandy: Backround could be more detailed since it’s dull right now, and sometimes eyecandy gets confusing since you cant tell what metal pipes are in level 4 and which are in level 3.

Rating for the level: 7.7 for now, until I play this level in more depth. Download reccomendation? Yeah. The things you did with the side walls and foreground layers inspires me to do something like that.

Review by Yaxo

5 Feb 2006, 21:45 (edited 2 Aug 06, 15:09 by Cooba)
For: Race for the vodka
Level rating: 8.2

Like jarno said , not many Races been uploaded lately. This one is really cool,though!!!!!The obstacles in this races are really good. The eyecandy is also very good ,nice color-use too , but that might be the tileset. And also , the music is very funn! I really fits in this level! Good job , BlaX! Download recommendation for sure!

[Rating (9) removal. There clearly wasn’t enough support for the given rating. ~Cooba]

Review by n00b

5 Feb 2006, 21:45
For: Electric Danger
Level rating: 8.4

Why is it in a seperate folder?
I see no reason why it should.

Se, my “JCS User’s Guide ot Bad level making” would be useful if people actually studied it, and avoided doing anything in it(Like having the level unzip into a seperate folder).

RecommendedReview by elfpudding

5 Feb 2006, 21:34 (edited 5 Feb 06, 21:36)
For: Electric Danger
Level rating: 8.4

Like birdie said nice eyecandy!
The flashing light thingys seem like they go on and off with the beat of the music. Also I like the asortment of ammo and it’s well placed. Good job. ;D

RecommendedReview by fearofdark

5 Feb 2006, 12:32 (edited 5 Feb 06, 12:34)
For: The Twilight Park
Level rating: 8.9

I’m not going to rate this in my usual way but this is 10x better than Disguises Mega Metropolis. Eyecandy tiles for the backround and foreground and colours mix in with the atmosphere.
The tileset has also a strange feel to it.

Its a 9.7 from me.

EDIT: Great example level too.

Review by Jarno vos

5 Feb 2006, 12:14
For: Tilted Coaster
Level rating: 3.8

Oh, dear!
You have stolen the idea of gus!!

RecommendedReview by Jarno vos

5 Feb 2006, 12:10
For: Race for the vodka
Level rating: 8.2

Starting Comment
I like this level and as many people know when levels are good i review them so here is the review.
Game type
Race levels arent much played but some of them are good this one will appear in that group.
I think its really good cause i won 10 times from my dad here!
Game type rating 8.7
Good,I always liked eyecandy.
You added tubes acid and more its really fine.
Eyecandy rating 8.1
Hehehe,When i heard you used this music i did know at the beginning you had a good sense of humour!
this music is really funny and i like it.
Music rating 8.6

Donwload recommendation
Yes, u get one sure.

Final comment
I liked playing this level and i hope u liked this review.
The final rating is an 8.5 and i hope many people will download and enjoy this race.

Review by Ischa

5 Feb 2006, 12:06
For: Tilted Coaster
Level rating: 3.8

Oh, dear!

I’ve forget the bonusses! I’ll put them immediately!


Review by fearofdark

5 Feb 2006, 10:59 (edited 5 Feb 06, 12:37)
For: Tilted Coaster
Level rating: 3.8

What am I doing reviewing this early in the morning??

Eyecandy 15/20

You have the same nice eyecandy as the example level on Gus’ tileset. Would of scored 17 but please, DONT BE LAZY.

Gameplay 4/20

Just enemies, a boss and something to keep you on the coaster.

Enemies 8/20

You could have used something other than monsters. But there is a robot boss at the end.

Items 0/20

No Items…….

Size 12/20

Well, It is big but when you are playing it, you cant control yourself.

No Bonusses

Total Score 39/100

Rating 4

Final Comment


Review by fearofdark

4 Feb 2006, 20:38 (edited 4 Feb 06, 20:42)
For: The 4000th Upload
Level rating: N/A

You call this a level??

It doesn’t even have an exit. If you want to stare at the no. 4000 whilst you’re stuck, download this.

(Hey, I’m just commenting. But this is pretty pointless. Who would waste a 4000th download on this small thing??)

Review by fearofdark

4 Feb 2006, 20:31
For: Laser shield fix for TSF
Level rating: N/A

This doesn’t work on TSF:

I thought it was a thingy to get the lazer shield running on TSF. Instead, I don’t even have the laser shield on there.

When I also tried running JJ2, I found tht I had no lighting effects (and the Ambient Lighting option is on).

Not recommendedReview by fearofdark

4 Feb 2006, 20:25
For: Relaxing Song 6
Level rating: 1.7

If you want a completely dead version of JJ1 Song 6 (It would be surprising if you would) this would be no1 to download. This doesn’t make you fall to sleep in a relaxing way, this will make you sleep in a ‘let me kill myself/why am I listening to this ****’ way.

A song shouldn’t use only 2 samples.

Review by fearofdark

4 Feb 2006, 16:51
For: Spring battle
Level rating: 3.7

First uploaded level eh?


There is no eyecandy (except for the sprite layer and backround but you don’t get many points for that).


There is plenty of gameplay but too much of the same. This needs something else.

ITEMS: 6/20

You put only 12 items in the level. You could have put 2 different types of ammo.

SIZE: 9/20

Its probaly no larger than 30×30. Battles should be larger to fit even 2 players in.


The whole level is an obstacle with all those springs squeezed into such a small space.





FINAL COMMENT: Next time if you’re doing a spring battle, try making the level bigger and try adding a little more gameplay (and less spring so you control yourself). Oh and its not great for a first level.

Review by JazzBusters

4 Feb 2006, 13:21 (edited 12 Jul 06, 09:22 by Cooba)
For: Manufacturing Plant
Level rating: 5

Rating Manufacturing Plant

Rating Practical:
It is the most practical tileset I’ve ever seen! Perfect for Future-levels!
Rank: Perfect

Rating Beauty
It is a very beautiful tileset.
Rank: Perfect

Rating Orginatility
It is so orginal. Very orginal. I have never seen a tileset like this.
Rank: Perfect

Rating Example Level
I can see very good how I need to create a level with that tileset, which enemies I should use and which boss is the best.
Devans Robot and Bolly are good bosses for this tileset. This tileset has all what is required for an ‘Perfect’-rank.
Rank: Perfect

Final Rating: 10,0
Download recommendation: YES!

[Extreme (10) rating removal. No valid reasons for the tileset’s high rating were given. ~Cooba]

RecommendedReview by KboutR

4 Feb 2006, 10:57
For: Alton Towers
Level rating: 7.2

The best thing about this tileset is the layer 6+7 background. There are lots of attractions like rollercoasters, merry-go-rounds, flight simulators ect. These are all animated and look great (especially the rollercoaster). It really feels like a view over a funfair. Sadly the layer 4 tiles are pretty boring. There are some concrete (floor) tiles, a horizontal rollercoaster rail, and some food-kiosks. The tileset also contains signs, destruct-blocks and letters.

This tileset is nice, and the background is very good in my opinion. Also, the example-level called Roller Coaster!!!! or something like it was very good. It reminded me of the T-rex chase in Ninja-Dodo’s lost world pack, but this examplelevel is better.

Do I like it: 4/6
Eyecandy: 4/6
Event Tiles: 4/6
User Friendlyness: 5/6

Rating: 7.2

Download rocommended

Nice Job!

Review by Ischa

4 Feb 2006, 07:13 (edited 27 Apr 06, 18:44 by Fquist)
For: Alton Towers
Level rating: 7.2

This tileset is very great too! All that attractions, you can let move all the attractions and I’ve seen that a lot of background possible is… You are the best tileset-creator that I know! I can create a whole rollercoaster-level for a new episode!
That level is online now!
Congratiolations! A ten! And good luck with your further episodes!


[Unsupported rating (10) removal – FQuist]

Review by DanYjel

4 Feb 2006, 00:04
For: The 4000th Upload
Level rating: N/A

“…it’s by far 10x better than Danyjel’s “BESTEST LEVEL EVER!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111!!!”…” Nothing can be better than the bestest, you should know it. Damnation, poor people live in this world.

Review by Ischa

3 Feb 2006, 18:12 (edited 12 Jul 06, 09:23 by Cooba)
For: Manufacturing Plant
Level rating: 5

Rating Manufacturing Plant:

Rating Practical:
This tileset is very usefull. I have used it for my episode Time Rabbit.
Rating: 9.0

Rating Beauty: It’s a beautiful tileset with robots and lots of metal. A good tileset for a robot-level. (logical, isn’t it?)
Rating: 9.0

Rating Orginatility: Very original. I have nothing more to say about this chapter.
Rating: 9.0

Rating Example Level: I can see very good how I can use this tileset.
Rating: 9.0

Bonus from 1 point because you have used 3 tilesets and you are my best friend.

Final Rating: 10.0
Download recommendation: yes!

[Extreme (10) rating removal. No valid reasons for the tileset’s high rating were given. ~Cooba]

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