Not recommendedReview by Ischa

14 Jan 2006, 07:47
For: Lostvikings space trip Episode
Level rating: 8.1


Your rating:

RATING GAMEPLAY: So-so, the levels are are still too short, but sometimes very funny.

RATING: MUSIC: Nothing to say. A 7.

RATING GOODIES: There are goodies, but most of the goodies are too hidden. The most not-hidden goodies are not so much.

RATING: 10.0


Review by NovaStar

13 Jan 2006, 03:41 (edited 13 Jan 06, 09:51 by ShadowRabbit)
For: Kansas
Level rating: 8.1

It is finished!
Well done to those who helped.
Now to get ideas for LMAT Feburary.
I’ll be helping! :D

(Unsupported rating (7.7) removal. ~Violet)

Well, it wouldn’t let me post if I didn’t rate it…

Review by Lark

12 Jan 2006, 00:20 (edited 14 Jan 06, 17:55 by Fquist)
For: hotel2000
Level rating: 4.7

This level upsets me greatly. While it shows potential that you may be a good level maker in the future, this is definitely a 1 in my book.

The layout of this level shows no thought put into it whatsoever. It’s extremely blocky, there are dead ends everywhere you look, random warps that you don’t even expect to run into, and you’re gonna have a heck of a time trying to navigate the level easilly.

The ammo placement is quite pathetic as well. There are some random clumps of ammo here and there, leaving lots of places with nothing in them at all. The red base hardly has any ammo in it at all – in fact there’s pretty much nothing in the red base, it’s just some flat and sloped ground, and then a huge dead end with a sign there. Too bad the sign’s not readable since the author put a generator event on it.

As indirectly mentioned above, this level has balancing issues. The red base consists of four +3 ammo events, and two ammo crates – one of which has ice, so it’s useless. The blue base has plenty of places to hide, and get lost in, and much more ammo than the red base does, clearly giving blue the advantage.

Last but not least.. actually, yes, least. The eyecandy is embarassing. For one thing, everywhere you look there are tilebugs. The author made no attempt to make this level look decent; bricks will just end suddenly in mid air, the stairs have no railing, I see floating golden pillars on the roof… and none of the supposedly animating tiles are animated. I see fire but it ain’t moving. What’s up with that. In terms of appearance, this level looks extremely ugly, I see some attempts here and there, but it doesn’t work.

Overall, this is a terrible CTF level and I think it deserves a 1. Don’t download it. Hotels are evil, bad CTF levels are eviler, both of them in one are the devil.

[Administrators are currently debating over this review. Rating may or may not be restored in the future.]

Yeah right Newspaz. You’re ruining this site, you just bully and censor everybody in the downloads section. If my rating’s not back soon or I don’t get notified of why it was removed, I’m putting it back myself.

That would get you a warning. NS is an admin, appointed by me in trust, and because of his position you should listen to him, wether you agree or not. Additionally, as you can see from his pointer, he is not doing this on his own – FQuist

Review by NewSonic

11 Jan 2006, 21:00 (edited 12 Jan 06, 19:18 by Violet CLM)
For: The JCS User's Handbook to Bad SP Levelmaking
Level rating: N/A

I Really, Really DO NOT use CHEATS.
Because you know what cheaters have got.
(Unsupported rating (1) removal. ~Violet)

Review by master sven

11 Jan 2006, 20:13 (edited 11 Jan 06, 21:58 by Newspaz)
For: hotel2000
Level rating: 4.7

Ratboy why do you do write a so long review well its not a review its more a like you know a promotion for ur brother and you you know made it so long to you know hope it wil hopefully not be editted by a MOD or ADMIN.

In other words: Just write a real revieuw with some real tips!

( My review might be comming soon )
( I gave its a grade because its said this wen i selected N/a Comment Please select a valid rating (1-10) Rating: )

[Rating removed, please review before you specify a rating.]

RecommendedReview by NewSonic

9 Jan 2006, 21:17
For: Episode Two: The Rebirth of Evil
Level rating: 9.6

Hi Guys!
This is my first review on this Site since 2 Years. Before them I got a new PC and it was the first time I was able to play 3D games like Serious Sam.

Now I Returned to here because my search for Original and just Fun entertainment, which I cant find in today Games.

But now to this Download:

The only thing I can say to this is that peoples like you are keeping that community alive with ever and ever new ideas how to create levels…
This pack is amazing-
The Gameplay is so good and after almost every Level you ‘‘get payed off’‘ by an animation lvl, which are made as just better than the Standart J2 Animations (You know, I mean the Intro and Outro’‘Movies’‘.
It is just fun to play this, and I hope to get my Gamepad back from my Friend soon- because with my Keyboard I cant finish it in Normal Mode!

Not recommendedReview by White Rabbit

9 Jan 2006, 18:49 (edited 9 Jan 06, 18:49)
For: hotel2000
Level rating: 4.7

steals Odin’s system

Layout: The whole level is built like a hotel. There’s a big, green lobby in the middle, some rooftop areas, and some rooms at the bottom. The level is small and fairly open, but you can still move around quickly with the help of warps and springs. There’s a Battle 1-like dead end to the right of the blue base, but people will have an opportunity to either go up by the green springs or take the secret warp in the far-right room (except the warp will just warp th player back to the dead end…). Both bases are quite defendable, even with just a blaster, which isn’t that fun in 2v2s. On the other ahnd, the bases can be attacked from the outside with gun 9s, which helps deter some camping (also, campers are kind of stuck if they go into a base because they can’t then safely go out again).

Eyecandy: Not so good. All the basic tiles are there but the tilset usage is poor and the level offers little eyecandy. There are no animations either, despite animation tiles being used (namely the fireplace). I really don’t like the huge mass of TVs in the lobby. ;-P

Gameplay: The level has actually got good flow, but it is very biased towards the blue team. It has got all the good warps, easily defendable warp targets and almost complete control over the big lobby, which takes up 25% of the level.

Events placement: All the weapons can be used to good effect here, including TNT (because this is CTF). Again, the events placement is not entirely fair. The carrot warp, bouncer PU warp AND seeker warp are all extremely close to the blue base, while red team members must venture far away from their own base in order to get power-ups/carrots. The ammo is also sligtly sparse, so there’ll be a reliance on power-ups. Finally, the start position events seem to have been misplaced. Swap them around.

Other: Odin, there IS a carrot here, it is ONLY singleplayer that removes the flag from the player when he enters a warp. That never happens in multiplayer…

Download recommendation: No. This is a typical, average level with nothing new for anyone, but keep trying since it’s not bad for a first try..

Review by ratboy

8 Jan 2006, 20:46 (edited 9 Jan 06, 03:09 by Violet CLM)
For: hotel2000
Level rating: 4.7

i cant rate this because im apparently jamster because i live in the same area and because i did not say it takes a lot to impress i got bored of saying that ages ago but im not jamster im his brother i dont see him much because im always out but for god sake i like this level give my bro some credit this is his first ctf level alot of people like it maybe a a expert wont but maybe people who have not played jazz2 long like it im sorry if i being rude but us non experts need to stick up for people who try i have played on this level with my bro lots of times and with friends we love it i would say download recommended sorry again if this is rude this ratboy sticking up 4 the people sorry j2o but i love the site its good great i rate it 10 best jazz site ever but god i rated this good because my bro is still a beginer the rest are not i would like to say j2o rocks and so does this level thank u
(I’ll leave this rating alone from now and let Newspaz or someone tackle it, but I would like to respond to this review as it’s a fairly common position. Within reason, it can be kind to give someone new to the field a small points boost, just so they feel happy and stuff. However, rating something a 10 because the uploader is new is not the best practice. A 10 is unimprovable – it is not possible to create anything better. By giving a newbie such a high rating, he or she may then feel that there is no need for him or her to improve, even if his or her levels suck, because people will give him or her randomly high ratings anyway.
From HONEST ratings and reviews, uploaders actually get a sense of what quality level/tileset/whatever they are capable of producing. If JJ2 can hold their interest, they may work to improve their rating on the honest universal scale. If you find some people who are uploading, say, 7.5 or 8.2 files, and look at their list of files, you may notice that they did not always get so high a rating. People improve. But a 10 is not a good incentive to improve. ~Violet)

Review by ratboy

8 Jan 2006, 20:35 (edited 9 Jan 06, 02:51 by Violet CLM)
For: Tilesets
Level rating: 1

a 9 u ask why well il tell u why reason 1 its his first tileset and it better than mine and ripping stuff is hard i will make a level out of this yeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\
(Unsupported rating removal. I’m not entirely sure what “ripping stuff” has to do with your giving this a 9, but it’s really a very quick process. In any case, a set of tilesets being better than what you can do is not the best reason for any rating, and more evidence and logical backup must be given for a valid review. At the moment I have no proof you have even downloaded the tilesets. ~Violet)

Review by ratboy

8 Jan 2006, 20:27 (edited 9 Jan 06, 02:57 by Violet CLM)
For: Alien Temple ][
Level rating: 8.1

disquse your tilesets rock all of them are just so good how do u do it the aliion thing is cool
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. You get bonus points for devoting five words to the specific upload and only misspelling one of them, but this still appears to be a five second review. Please elaborate on why Disguise’s tilesets ‘rock’ and are ‘just so good’, preferably basing that description mostly on this tileset in particular, and preferably going into logical detail. ~Violet)

Review by ratboy

8 Jan 2006, 20:24 (edited 6 Feb 07, 20:02 by Cooba)
For: ETs Planet2 version3
Level rating: 8.7

this level is great but thats just wrong what u did with jazz any way the tileset was good much better than the new blade battle pack the waterfalls are great

[Unsupported rating (9.2) clearance. ~Cooba]

Review by ratboy

8 Jan 2006, 20:17 (edited 9 Jan 06, 02:55 by Violet CLM)
For: The Twilight Park
Level rating: 8.9

blade this is the best level i have ever seen its a lot better than your other levels because for example the glacier level it was like used by paint it was to drawn u know it looked liked it was drown by paint i see nothing wrong with this level great job island one was good but the tileset was hard to use and i like tilsets more that use hotels citys possibly factorys if they are in the way i like them but the example level is good because it gives u a taste of what u can do with it so well done happy new year
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. Despite my best efforts in searching, the only truly relevant parts of the above block of text seemed to be that it wasn’t drowned drawn in paint and that it was very good. This review shows a good sense of the value of comparison, but you mention a lot of other things and don’t really say much about the actual upload. By reading this review, I would not have even the faintest notion regarding the nature and appearance of the upload.
For future reference, it doesn’t hurt to know what it is you’re reviewing. A level is not a tileset. ~Violet)

Review by the jamster

8 Jan 2006, 13:11 (edited 8 Jan 06, 19:59 by Violet CLM)
For: Boss - The First
Level rating: 5

very bad sorry but u know some levels are good some are bad i like some.
(Unsupported rating (1) removal. Very philosophical, but it really doesn’t contribute much as a review. I didn’t get much of a sense of what the level was like from reading your words. ~Violet)

RecommendedReview by Odin314

7 Jan 2006, 22:40 (edited 8 Jan 06, 02:42 by RoW_Odin314)
For: The Twilight Park
Level rating: 8.9

Artwork: Wonderfully done. The tileset has the Blade lineart touch we’ve all come to know and love, and yet still brings some new stuff to the table. Attention to detail is awesome. 9/10.

Eyecandy: Chock full of eyecandy, any level in Twilight Park made well enough can look very polished. Only thing I don’t like is the lack of detail in the cityscape. That, and the buried bucket and cell phones have shadows there there shouldn’t be. 8.5/10.

Masking: Well done. Almost impossible to get stuck here, unless if the level designer’s acting nuts. 9.5/10.

Other: I know I shouldn’t rate the example level, but it was so well done that it’s a work of art in and of itself. Also, the music selection was great, and while you could tell by the vocals that it wasn’t made by Epic, it has a really Jazzy feel to it. +.6 bonus points for that.

Total: ((9 + 8 + 9.5) ÷ 3) + .6 = 9.433334 ~= 9.4. Highly recommend downloading, if only for the example level.

Edit: Added formatting.

RecommendedReview by CrimiClown

7 Jan 2006, 20:34
For: The Twilight Park
Level rating: 8.9

Starting comments
I’ve been waiting for the new Blade set since I saw the preview screens. Here goes my rating.

Looks (General)
Apart for being a cool concept for a tileset, this tileset looks great, as we’re used to coming from Blade. Personally, I like the paved ground tiles best.

Easy to use?
This tileset is ordered in a more logical way than Islands… =P It’s indeed very easy to use and has plenty of possibilities.

This tileset has loads of eyecandy. From wooden fences to flickering streetlights to breeding birds. This tileset has everything you might possibly encounter in a park (Exept UFO’s). The background looks sweet, the layer 5/6/7 tiles looks sweet, the pipes look awesome. Good job.

Example level
The example level gives a great idea of the whole tileset. It shows many eyecandy tiles, as well as logical structure required for any level. The example level makes even newcomers handy in using this tileset. And, just to finish it, the best Urban music file I ever heard is included with the level (Although Streetwize ( comes close…)

This tileset is ideal to use in any town-like episode. I would like to see some good levels with this. Might even consider picking up my JCS again… =D

This is one of the best tilesets that I know (so far), so I’ll rate this as one of the best tilesets. You’ll get a 9 from me. And, because of the cool example level and music, make that a 9 point 5! And, ofcourse, Download Recommendation. Everyone should have this tileset.

Further comment
I’d love to see another tileset anytime soon. :) If I was gay, I’d love you.

Review by CrimiClown

7 Jan 2006, 19:31
For: Kansas
Level rating: 8.1

I’m forgotten! \o/

But, on a more serious note, the tileset rocks and is certainly worth downloading.

Review by Jarno vos

7 Jan 2006, 15:22
For: Kansas
Level rating: 8.1

Glad to hear that its finally uploaded!
thanx cooba!

Review by fearofdark

7 Jan 2006, 13:16 (edited 7 Jan 06, 13:18)
For: Devan Shell Search
Level rating: N/A

I won’t rate this but I will point out a few things:

Some of the levels made you dizzy or sick. After I played the asteroid level I had the contant view of stars whizzing across my eyes. And the levels where you have to climb up many platforms whilst there is a moving backround made me feel dizzy as well.

EDIT: Please in future make levels where you can find the exit.

Review by the jamster

7 Jan 2006, 10:37 (edited 7 Jan 06, 19:52 by Fquist)
For: Frog SP Level-type-sux
Level rating: N/A

ok its a bit good

[Inappropiate rating (2.0) removal. Please provide a reason for why you think something is good or bad. This is a review, not a rating, so you are supposed to actually review the file. – FQuist]

RecommendedReview by Ischa

7 Jan 2006, 07:09
For: Jungle rabbit episode (Reuploaded)
Level rating: 8.5

Hi, Satan!


It’s a good game with so much levels, five zones to destroy and endbosses.

It’s good music… nothing more to say.

Only the Spaceport-tileset is made by you… the rest are standard JJ2-tilesets.

Very good… sometimes it’s pretty hard to destroy a base!

There are a lot of bosses, but NO Uterus. WOW!


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