Review by Ischa

29 Jan 2006, 07:14 (edited 27 Mar 06, 21:39 by Fquist)
For: Labrat Down Under
Level rating: 7.7

Rating Labrat Down Under:

Rating Rank: Horrible

Sometimes there are too many enemies for one place and the other places have no enemies at all.
Rating Rank: Average

So-so. Not enough for a big level.
Rating Rank: Average

Extra score:
No extra scores.
Rating Rank: N/A

Final Rating: 3.7
Download recommendation: No

[You are disallowed to review. This obviously includes editing reviews to post a new one. – FQuist]

Review by jazzgal

29 Jan 2006, 00:45 (edited 29 Jan 06, 21:12 by Violet CLM)
For: Stone Forest V2
Level rating: 4.3

how do u use other peopels tilesets with the jcs
(Unsupported rating (1) removal. Put the .j2t file into your Jj2 folder with all the other .j2t files, and select it in JCS using the tileset dropdown menu in the upper left quadrant. ~Violet)

Review by Ischa

28 Jan 2006, 15:25
For: Very very very strange boss!!!!! [ Dont rate! ]
Level rating: N/A

Interesting level… but if you like to rate your level, I think I don’t give much higher than a 3 because I hate Uterus Bosses. But it’s not so creepy as the real one…

Not recommendedReview by Ischa

28 Jan 2006, 15:22 (edited 5 Mar 06, 16:58)
For: 3 X lvls
Level rating: 2.8

Rating 3 X lvls

OK, here is my rating:

Rating Gameplay: These episode have classic JJ2 levels. Sorry, a 1.

Rating Music: Classic Jazz-music, so a 1 again.

Rating Tileset: Classic Tilesets and I’m not happy today, so this factor gets a 1 too.

Rating Uterus: In the hard level is an Uterus at the end, I hate that boss and it is too hard to beat him, with the two other bosses


Review by n00b

28 Jan 2006, 02:07
For: Ultimate Uterus
Level rating: N/A

Alright so this is basically another Mythbusters clone. Only outiftted for JJ2 myths and such, how niftalicious.
Unfourtantly, both examples included aren’t all that great. I went through both without finding a pre-boss fight uterus. A much better way to show this myth is true(which I know is true, since I first hand experienced a Uterus in an edited Gargoyles Lair level that had no activate boss events.) would be to show us a recorded video of the myth occuring and post it in the neglected “Other” section.

Review by Sucer

27 Jan 2006, 08:14
For: HappyCTF
Level rating: 8.9

The best pack I’ve ever played. It contains my favourite level Happy Semi conductors CTF and the other levels are good too. Backgrounds are excellent, but I didn’t like the Jungle level at all.

Review by BlA5t FiRe

26 Jan 2006, 05:25
For: The Royal Blue Tileset
Level rating: N/A

oh i didnt know there was already a Blue World o.0 and ty for the comment btw ;)

Review by Games Bond

25 Jan 2006, 21:21 (edited 7 Sep 06, 19:47 by Cooba)
For: Carrotus Competition
Level rating: N/A

Hmmmm, very nice, open level… I special like that there is only 1 carrot…It’s not small level it’s much bigger that battle 2…download recommendation

[Rating (8.2) clearance. Please write more support for your ratings in your reviews. ~Cooba]

Review by Falcury

25 Jan 2006, 14:09
For: The Royal Blue Tileset
Level rating: N/A

Disguise has already created a tileset named Blue World, so consider changing the name of the tileset.

I like the transparacy effects in your tileset!

Review by Grytolle

25 Jan 2006, 06:28
For: The Royal Blue Tileset
Level rating: N/A

I had to replace something in my jj2 folder… Has there been another tileset made with this name?

Review by n00b

24 Jan 2006, 22:21 (edited 26 Jan 06, 20:08)
For: Manufacturing Plant
Level rating: 5

(this segment removed due to deleted comment)
Opening up the tileset in the JCS didn’t really wow me. In fact, the tileset looks really small. But I loaded up the example level, and started playing it. It blew me away, and shows that if someone applies themself using this tileset, amazing eyecandy should be acheivable.

RecommendedReview by Dorian

24 Jan 2006, 17:50 (edited 24 Jan 06, 17:53)
For: Episode Two: The Rebirth of Evil
Level rating: 9.6

over the years, after i played rhg and tomb rabbit and a few other sp’s i began to think that making a sp like those i mentioned is something that a few people can do, not many becouse it’s hard work and the fact that those people have to be very creative with their levels, so what i’m going to say is: The Rebirth of Evil is the best sp i ever had the plessure to play with. the levels, the tilesets, the amazing music and a great story are the things that make TROE the best, for my opinion sp ever.i would like to say that making so difficult sp is a thing that not many sp designers can pull off, it’s hard, it’s requires patins and a great love for jazz jackrabbit. so for the end i want to say, EvilMike you’re a good level designer and you deserve the highest score from me. hope you release the third episode quicly becouse i can’t wait. by the way, cool eyecandy, delicios.

Review by best72

24 Jan 2006, 10:32
For: Relaxing Song 6
Level rating: 1.7

i think the reason why there are not many reviews is that this song is so boring it puts the reviewers to sleep!!! this song is mostly repetitive patterns so it gives the sleepy feeling…

download recomend: if you want to put some1 to sleep or have troubbles sleeping….

Review by DennisKainz

24 Jan 2006, 09:03 (edited 22 Apr 06, 15:20 by Fquist)
For: Devan Shell Search
Level rating: N/A

You made a good job. This is a good episode. Levels are fantastic. I liked all the levels. Nice job.

[Unsupported rating (10.0) removal. Aside from being very short and overly general, this review strongly goes against the other comments provided here, without justifying why. -EvilMike]

OK, I’ll change my rating.

I’ll give a 7.7 to this episode because retrying to play it i’ve realised that there are no pickups and no ammo. Ischa likes hard levels, and even I like hard levels, but this is a TURBO level. Anyway, there are no other matters, if I can call these lacks so.

Download recommended.

[Inappropiate rating (7.7) removal. Can you please give some reasons why this level is as good as you say it is? When you review, please make it clear that you actually played the level and can argue why it’s good or bad. – FQuist]

RecommendedReview by WaterRabbit

22 Jan 2006, 18:17 (edited 22 Jan 06, 18:21 by BloodRabbit)
For: Garden Brawl
Level rating: 8.7

Garden Brawl
This is one of Fire Sword!‘s best levels that I have seen. Read the rest of my review to find out why.

Eyecandy: 2.5/2.5
The eyecandy is incredibly beautiful. Lots of differnet types of eyecandy such as: waterfalls, trees, grass and diamonds. The background has been done nicely. The layers have all been used very nicely. There are also falling leaves in the foreground.

Ammo Placement: 2.0/2.5
The ammo is placed quite well in my opinion. There is a good amount of ammo throughout the level. Lots of places have ammo in them, so I think the ammo placement is excellent.

Level Structure: 1.5/2.0
The structure of this level is very good but it can be quite confusing at times. But overall it is not that bad. So good job on the level structure.

Gameplay: 2.5/3.0
The gameplay of this level runs quite smoothly and I think that it is very fun to play this level. The gameplay was made very very well in my opinion. So good job on the gameplay and continue to do this in your other levels.

Overall: 2.5+2.0+1.5+2.5
I think overall that this level deserves an 8.5 beacuse it is just excellent. Keep up the good work Fire Sword!

Download Recommendation: Yes!

Host this Often:
If you love battle levels then, yes you should host it often.

RecommendedReview by KboutR

21 Jan 2006, 19:27
For: Kansas
Level rating: 8.1

Swimming in acid is not advised.

This tileset has three main floor/wall types. The first one consists of green plants, with some red and blue gems, the second type consists of (brown) rocks, and the third type can be described as some kind of wooden tubes. If you want, these three types can be easily mixed together, because there are lots of connection tiles in the tileset.

There’s enough eyecandy in the tileset, there’s a textured background but you can also use a starfield as layer 8 background. You can use water or acid as layer 6/7 background, and there also is a nice layer 4 background. There also is an acid-fall and a sword-in-a-rock.

The tileset contains hurting electricity/fire, poles, hooks, vines, signs, tubes, water block and even a fooruman with a bowler hat (omg). The only thing I’m missing is destruct blocks. Ok, there are buttstomp blocks, star blocks, ?-blocks and empty blocks, but no weapon-specific blocks or countdown blocks.

This tileset is pretty easy to use and contains lots of different tiles. There’s also a night version of the set. Sadly there’s no example level, but I think you’ll get more original levels because of this. I think I’ll help with LMAT February.

Do I Like It: 5/6
Eyecandy: 5/6
Event Tiles: 5/6
User Friendlyness: 5/6

Rating: 8.5

Nice Job to all of you! (Yes, my English sucks)

RecommendedReview by KboutR

21 Jan 2006, 11:57 (edited 5 Mar 06, 12:16)
For: Exoticus (updated remake)
Level rating: 8.4


This tileset is some kind of remake of the JJ1 Exoticus Set, and it consists of three types of scenery: Brown rock with grass on it (a lot like the original Exoticus set), Brown rock with brown grass, and some beachy stuff. It looks a bit cartoony, but it’s pretty nice.

The bad thing about this tileset is the lack of eyecandy. There’s no eyecandy in the rocky part of the tileset (Gus solves this by adding some “small tree” -events at his example level), only the beach part of the set contains some starfish and shells. The set also has a layer 4 background, containing the same rock, but this time purple colored.

The tileset has a textured background, and for layer 6 and 7: ocean and some grassy fields. This looks pretty nice, but still a bit empty. Also, the acid from the original Exoticus tileset is replaced by grass. (even the hole in the background with acid coming out is replaced by a hole with (non-animated) grass coming out!)

The tileset contains spikes, all kinds of destructable blocks, signs and one-way floors. But sadly, no poles nor animated tiles are added. Making this tileset a bit simple-looking.

This is a nice and big tileset (Disguise also hardly used animated tiles), it looks a lot better than the original Exoticus, but maybe you should have added some more (eyecandy) tiles. (BTW I forgot to mention, this tileset is very user-friendly!)

Overall: 4/6
Eyecandy: 4/6
Event Tiles: 3/6
User Friendlyness: 5/6

Total rating: 7.0
Nice Work!

Edit: Hey is this your first tileset? You ‘re good!

The tileset has been updated, and it has improved a lot. The acid is now animated, there’s more beach stuff and background added, some flowers and vines, plants, a waterfall, and lots of colored blocks like in the JJ1-Exoticus. These tiles make the tileset look a lot more colorful.

Also, the nessecery event tiles are added, like poles and vines, and platforms moving up. Still, some things could use some improvent. The colored blocks, especially the bigger ones, look very simple. And the grassy/rocky part looks still a bit empty. Maybe you should add some plants growing from the ground and some holes in it. Still, the tileset looks really good, and it deserves more than a 7.0.

Overall: 5/6
Eyecandy: 5/6
Event Tiles: 4/6
User Friendlyness: 5/6

Total rating: 8.2

RecommendedReview by Ischa

21 Jan 2006, 09:10
For: The Episode
Level rating: 8.9

Rating ‘The Episode’

The tilesets are good, but I must back to Jazz2online to downloaded them because they are not in the pack.

Great! The background is great. The levels are great, but sometimes a little too easy.

Great-great-great. Nothing more to say.

Good: the enemies are good chosen and the levels has obstacles… but they are a little too easy.

This episode has NO Uterus! Yes!


Review by DennisKainz

20 Jan 2006, 15:51 (edited 22 Apr 06, 15:19 by Fquist)
For: Chez
Level rating: 8.4

This set is WONDERFUL. You made a really good job. This is the best set i ever saw. It’s FANTASTIC.

(Inappropiate rating (10) removal. Could you PLEASE give some reasons with your review? – FQuist)

Review by DennisKainz

20 Jan 2006, 15:35 (edited 22 Apr 06, 15:17 by Fquist)
For: Nature's Ruins
Level rating: 8.9

Great job. This set is made very, very well. I liked very much it. I liked EVERYTHING. It’s WONDERFUL.

(Inappropiate rating (10) removal. Could you PLEASE give some reasons with your review? – FQuist)

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