Great, great and great again. Sorry, nothing more to say! The music, the background and the enemy-placement… super! It’s a ten!
(Inappropiate rating (10) removal. Could you PLEASE give some reasons with your review? – FQuist)
You made a good job with this fruit tileset. I liked very much everything in this set.
(Inappropiate rating (10) removal. Could you PLEASE give some reasons with your review? – FQuist)
whoa this is a nice song i like is kinda catchy but it does sound a bit empty but u’ll get better..
I’ll decide to give you a 4.7 because of
1.well chosen samples
2.there are some good leads
3.i like the drumbeats
4.not many beginners start off this good
and 5.i like it
although it’s a bit short i hope you will remix some more good songs for J2O
I think the best thing of this set is that you made it for your best friend. I think that the presents made for friends are very good. Mirrow is lucky because he has you as best friend. All your creativity and your skill are better used for a friend. Long Live the friends.
[Inappropiate rating (10) removal. You need to review the whole picture, you cannot just give a tileset a high rating because of one factor. You need to review everything – FQuist]
What a good set. I like the green color and I think you were really good at making everything in this set. The green water, the green pole and the green sky. In conclusion, you made well everything green.
[Inappropiate rating (10) removal. Please explain properly why you like the set. Your liking of one colour and how things were made in one colour does not express well enough why this set is worth a 10. – FQuist]
I think this tileset is really good. The only problem is that a color index in the 8bit textured sky is white, but in 16bit the sky (and anyother thing) is wonderful.
[Unsupported (9.5) rating removal. Please give more details in your review. You need to mention more about why you rate it the way you did – FQuist]
I don’t really think this needs to be TSF… care to send somebody the source files (tileset and mask) to someone to compile it in 1.23?
This is neat, btw.
WOW! What a rich tileset! You made a really good job! There are a lot of beautifications and realistic things. And the background with those skyscrapers is wonderful. I hope this set will have the best ever rating!
(Inappropiate rating (10) removal. Could you PLEASE give some reasons with your review? – FQuist)
Ofcourse! There is a lot of eyecandy. There are things underearth, such as the telephone, the toys etc. It’s also 1.23 compatible and the textured sky works even in TSF. Other users made skies in 1.23 those weren’t compatible with TSF (maybe because 1.23 uses more indexes). I think that Blade only could make WONDERS like this. Not even Disguise’s city tilesets (one of them was exactly made for Blade) were wonderful and full of eyecandy and fun like this (no offense for the master Disguise).
I didn’t like very much the third part. There is too much blood and the devils bother me.
(Inappropiate rating (2) removal. Please rate the ENTIRE download, and don’t give a certain rating just because of one factor. – FQuist)
It couldn’t patch my j2tsf.exe :((
Now that we can finally review without scores again, I want to say that this is a wonderful program. Now everybody should have the chance to live a crashless life. Good job.
Very very… wierd.
(Unsupported rating (8) removal. ~Violet)
wow soic the hegehog is a brillant game but combining it with jazzjackrabbit makes it even better but u did not make the last tileset also the backgrounds were not to good like labrith maze and scrap brain zone on real sonic they are a lot different still wish u made the full version any way great job
[Unsupported rating (9) clearance. ~Cooba]
there already is ShadowGpW :P
Your rating:
RATING GAMEPLAY: So-so, the levels are are still too short, but sometimes very funny.
RATING: MUSIC: Nothing to say. A 7.
RATING GOODIES: There are goodies, but most of the goodies are too hidden. The most not-hidden goodies are not so much.
RATING: 10.0
It is finished!
Well done to those who helped.
Now to get ideas for LMAT Feburary.
I’ll be helping! :D
(Unsupported rating (7.7) removal. ~Violet)
Well, it wouldn’t let me post if I didn’t rate it…
This level upsets me greatly. While it shows potential that you may be a good level maker in the future, this is definitely a 1 in my book.
The layout of this level shows no thought put into it whatsoever. It’s extremely blocky, there are dead ends everywhere you look, random warps that you don’t even expect to run into, and you’re gonna have a heck of a time trying to navigate the level easilly.
The ammo placement is quite pathetic as well. There are some random clumps of ammo here and there, leaving lots of places with nothing in them at all. The red base hardly has any ammo in it at all – in fact there’s pretty much nothing in the red base, it’s just some flat and sloped ground, and then a huge dead end with a sign there. Too bad the sign’s not readable since the author put a generator event on it.
As indirectly mentioned above, this level has balancing issues. The red base consists of four +3 ammo events, and two ammo crates – one of which has ice, so it’s useless. The blue base has plenty of places to hide, and get lost in, and much more ammo than the red base does, clearly giving blue the advantage.
Last but not least.. actually, yes, least. The eyecandy is embarassing. For one thing, everywhere you look there are tilebugs. The author made no attempt to make this level look decent; bricks will just end suddenly in mid air, the stairs have no railing, I see floating golden pillars on the roof… and none of the supposedly animating tiles are animated. I see fire but it ain’t moving. What’s up with that. In terms of appearance, this level looks extremely ugly, I see some attempts here and there, but it doesn’t work.
Overall, this is a terrible CTF level and I think it deserves a 1. Don’t download it. Hotels are evil, bad CTF levels are eviler, both of them in one are the devil.
[Administrators are currently debating over this review. Rating may or may not be restored in the future.]
Yeah right Newspaz. You’re ruining this site, you just bully and censor everybody in the downloads section. If my rating’s not back soon or I don’t get notified of why it was removed, I’m putting it back myself.
That would get you a warning. NS is an admin, appointed by me in trust, and because of his position you should listen to him, wether you agree or not. Additionally, as you can see from his pointer, he is not doing this on his own – FQuist
I Really, Really DO NOT use CHEATS.
Because you know what cheaters have got.
(Unsupported rating (1) removal. ~Violet)
Ratboy why do you do write a so long review well its not a review its more a like you know a promotion for ur brother and you you know made it so long to you know hope it wil hopefully not be editted by a MOD or ADMIN.
In other words: Just write a real revieuw with some real tips!
( My review might be comming soon )
( I gave its a grade because its said this wen i selected N/a Comment Please select a valid rating (1-10) Rating: )
[Rating removed, please review before you specify a rating.]
Hi Guys!
This is my first review on this Site since 2 Years. Before them I got a new PC and it was the first time I was able to play 3D games like Serious Sam.
Now I Returned to here because my search for Original and just Fun entertainment, which I cant find in today Games.
But now to this Download:
The only thing I can say to this is that peoples like you are keeping that community alive with ever and ever new ideas how to create levels…
This pack is amazing-
The Gameplay is so good and after almost every Level you ‘‘get payed off’‘ by an animation lvl, which are made as just better than the Standart J2 Animations (You know, I mean the Intro and Outro’‘Movies’‘.
It is just fun to play this, and I hope to get my Gamepad back from my Friend soon- because with my Keyboard I cant finish it in Normal Mode!
Jazz2Online © 1999-INFINITY (Site Credits). We have a Privacy Policy. Jazz Jackrabbit, Jazz Jackrabbit 2, Jazz Jackrabbit Advance and all related trademarks and media are ™ and © Epic Games. Lori Jackrabbit is © Dean Dodrill. J2O development powered by Loops of Fury and Chemical Beats.
Eat your lima beans, Johnny.