Review by n00b

4 Jan 2006, 23:00
For: Kansas
Level rating: 8.1

Perfect, now people can stop whining about it. And I can stop whining about the whiners.

RecommendedReview by Niels aka ChippieBW

4 Jan 2006, 20:24
For: Cold Waves
Level rating: 7.5

Cold Waves
As I promised DarkSonic, I’d write a review for it’s latest release (also because there are no reviews for this upload yet) so lets test this, alright?

EYECANDY: 1.9 out of 2.5
First thing I noticed when opening this level was that I used an relatively few-used tileset (Nippius) Nippius is a decent set with a reasonable amount of eyecandy opportunities for the courage designers, but it has it’s down sides as well. This becomes clear when watching the caves, those merely look like big fat grey squares. The layer-8-background isn’t too bad, but not impressive either. Overall, the author has done enough to make the level worth looking, especially with the given tileset, but it’s not that impressive. 1.8 out of 2.5 points.

PLACEMENT: 2.0 out of 2.5
DarkSonic often knows what to do with the placement in a level, and this is no exception. Again working with a triple Powerup system, this level has a Bouncer and Toaster PU (one near each of the bases) and the RF as main weapon. The placement of the Full NRG carrot reminds me much of the placement in Security Breach v2 (placed on a small platform in the sky, near the roof) but it’s a good location here. The loose ammo could have been donne better, I suppose. Everything is floating around in the air and with a simple run strategy it’s hard to collect much ammo. Overall, placement is decent, but could have been better on some places.

STRUCTURE & GAMEPLAY: 3.6 out of 5.0
The level doesn’t have a clear structure with a meaning, most of the platforms are hanging around in the sky. The places between them and the corridors are board enough, so there’s enough room to navigate without much trouble. The layout is, however, a bit standard without many secrets or originalities. The level name “Cold Waves” probably refers to the water in the lower side, but you can’t get in this water. Gameplay is solid as always, but like the layout a bit standard. Nothing wrong, but nothing innovating either.

This level is the first made by DarkSonic in a while, and the level veteran appears to not have lost his skills in level design. In my eyes this level isn’t as good as, for example, X-Station or Apple Land, but it’s decent. Next time something more original please, that would increase the ratings a lot. For now, you get a 7.5

Score: 1.9 + 2.0 + 3.6 = 7.5
Download: Yeah, it’s a nice level to watch and play a few times in.
Host: Perhaps a few times.

- ChippieBW

Review by Aegis

4 Jan 2006, 10:17
For: Menusng vs. Medivo Remix
Level rating: 6.6

the internet is small

Review by the jamster

3 Jan 2006, 11:23 (edited 18 Apr 06, 10:47 by Fquist)
For: Villain Village
Level rating: 8.1

yo coob its me jamster BB i will be using this in BB hostup very good level ok time to rate it

eyecandy 9
placement of stuff 8
music 7
tileset choice 7
start pos 6.5
background 7.2

[Inappropiate rating (9) removal. No proper reason was given as to why the level was rated this way. – FQuist]

Review by n00b

2 Jan 2006, 22:39
For: Charnel Keep
Level rating: 9

Danyjel, Blacky remade Battle1 by changing it’s concept and moving stuff around. Stop saying it’s not a remake.
Review coming soon.

RecommendedReview by DanYjel

2 Jan 2006, 18:24 (edited 2 Jan 06, 19:40 by Danyjel)
For: Charnel Keep
Level rating: 9

Well. From beginning, you should know this is not remake, concept of the level has nothing to do with concept of Battle1, no main idea, nothing. Just few copied details, which could contain really any level. It won a remake contest maybe unfairly, but the thruth is that this is one of the best CTF levels ever.

First Impression
Ladies and gentlemen, wow. The level uses BlurredD’s very night version of Castle tileset and I wonder what is, and always has been possible to do with it. But you need to Blacky. The abstract work with anything how Blacky does it, it’s awesome.
Eyecandy is in one word fantastic. The main part of the eyecandy is fruit, probably. The contrast between extremely dark, black level and those bright limes and lemons works greatly. The main color combination is awesome, I think all levels before just had to be as colorful as possible… Eyecandy is completed by ammo, by just two or three pieces of seekers or fastfires in the area, so it doesn’t have any bigger functional meaning. Just Blacky’s system of eyecandy. Cool.

The… Level itself
Two bases at two ends of the levels, weird, isn’t it? The level is, as we are habituated in Blacky’s levels, symmetric, but today it’s like 10 times more symmetric than anytime. Not the eyecandy (the occasional ammo is mainly the eyecandy, as I said), but all gameplay stuff. Warps to bouncer power-ups at both two bottom corners of the level, seeker power in the middle of whole level, RF above seeker in the wall.
There are three totally different ways how to get to the base (in one you are using vines, in second copter, in third warp), which makes the games a bit more interesting ;)… It’s much bigger fun etc. There are also shorcuts to the bases, but… Skill needed ;p
Flow… Well, it’s probably the main reason why I didn’t give 10 to this level. Although the level is symmetric, you will need to train here long time for knowing the terrain perfectly. There are things like six-tiles wide hole near the base. It looks like you can just run, but if you’ll do so, you will fall down and you may lose a point just because of this. You’ll often jump to the walls, which you will not like ;p. But if you’ll learn the level and you will use springs in way you have to and jump where you should, you’ll love the flow. It’s just made for experts in the level, that’s that.
Ammo placement. Sometime it’s placed in spring holes, as it was in battle1, there are also two gun barrels, which will not cause lag, in my honest opinion, because they will not be used much ;p. There are also gun crates, here it will be worse.
Balance of the level. Horizontal balance is total, absolute, etc. Vertical balance – well, the main powerup of this level, RF one is placed at the top, same with bases, +1 carrots and bouncer PUs, but the players are mostly in the bottom, more open and “airful” part of the level. I am a bit scared they will camp near to full energy carrot and seeker PU, which are placed really, really near to each other. And mainly, for going from one part to other, you need to go thru carrot or seeker. That’s not well, really.
It’s impossible to play this level with Jazz, Spaz biasing is way too big. Music choice rocks, unfortunately I use WinAmp. Few Battle1 places like +1 carrots or ammo tubes (which were near bouncer PU) looks nicely ;p

Let’s duel… Or do you want 4v4?
I tried duel couple times and the level and it works, although it’s really big. Duels are possible, but expect longer games than normally. It’s fun to play 2v2s here, 3v3 games are okay also. It’s the big plus of the level, you can play it in number of players that you want.
There is milion of other things, cool details in gameplay, which I haven’t mentioned just because I don’t have infinity of time.

Go download it. Now. But don’t call it a remake. Okay?

(it contains some bugs but I am going to tell Blacky about them as soon as he will be online, so I am not counting with them in the final rating and I, as you could notice, I haven’t mentioned them in the review ;p)

Review by n00b

1 Jan 2006, 19:36
For: Bonus Holiday Pack
Level rating: N/A

There was a secret code? I never noticed that while reading the readme.

Review by Aku Rabbit

1 Jan 2006, 16:49
For: fixed frog race/test
Level rating: N/A


RecommendedReview by Newspaz

31 Dec 2005, 15:05 (edited 31 Dec 05, 15:12)
For: The Lost Battle Game
Level rating: 8.2

This download consists out of two levels. The first level (ICbattle4.j2l) is a remake of the level that came with the OEM versions of Jazz2. It’s not a perfect conversion but it comes very close. I wouldn’t bother playing it online because it relies heavily on the fact that in the OEM version TNT could do damage to other players. But I would like to note that I think it’s very nice we can play that level with 1.23 now. So it’s a nice added bonus to the remake. Now, let’s rate the actual remake.

Eye Candy
First I would like to mention that the eye candy is superb. It looks very nice, although I can imagine that some people don’t like the amount of foreground eye candy. I myself like that so it won’t affect your rating. There also are a couple of nice touches like the light effects, moth events, and you even see a leaf fly by occasionally. When you look at the original level (ICbattle4.j2l) it becomes obvious why the level needs this much eye candy.

The level isn’t much more than a big open area with some platforms in it. Which is obvious because the creators tried to remake a level with the same problems. They did a nice job disguising the problem with the eye candy I mentioned earlier. And I really don’t want to lower my rating much over this slight problem. They also did lots of things to improve the level flow such as adding a bunch of springs, flow up, and one way events.

Ammo and pickup placement
I think the level is slightly out of balance, it has three carrots and they are quite near to eachother. The variaty of ammo is pretty good as well. There are three power ups to be found, and this should make playing this with couple of people a lot of fun. I’m not sure if I would prefer this for duels though. I don’t really get how I should take the seeker power up, but perhaps I’m not the brightest star out there.

Very nice level nonetheless and the original battle4 is an extra bonus. I will definitely host it a couple of times.

RecommendedReview by Ischa

31 Dec 2005, 10:16 (edited 5 Jan 06, 19:19)
For: SCE-Here we go again
Level rating: 8.6

Hi, Piccolo!

I’m sorry for that 1 yesterday… here is my new rating…

OBSTACLES: Good enemy-placement… very great… nothing more to say…
Rating: 9½

GOODIES: Really good too… but 1 tiny little problem… in one of the levels, the bonus warp is free! That’s a pity…
Rating: 9

TILESET: A lot of tilesets… and all maked by you… great!
Rating: 10

UTERUS: I hate Uterus Bosses… and at the end of the Psycho Hills-level is a Uterus… but it is only one… and I can’t see him in high qualifity…
Rating: 8½


Review by Gizmaluke

30 Dec 2005, 15:49
For: The JCS User's Handbook to Bad SP Levelmaking
Level rating: N/A

Ischa: Bad level, and I HATE UTERUS BOSSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That gived me an idea….

RecommendedReview by Ischa

30 Dec 2005, 15:46 (edited 5 Jan 06, 19:21)
For: Jungle
Level rating: 8.4

This level is really good… look at this ratings:

This level has beautiful Jungle-obstacles… that’s good for a Jungle-level, isn’t it?
Rating: 10!

A perfect number of goodies: not to much… not to less! GREAT!
Rating: 10!

Very, very great. A lot of trees, bushes and caves. And not only on the Sprite-Layer, but on the foreground AND background too! It’s hard and I love hard levels, so a perfect rating!
Rating: 10!

I hate Uterus Bosses, so I give a rating for the Uterus too. And this level has no one Uterus. It has an Tuf Turtle, one of my favorite bosses. Great!
Rating: 10!

Yes, yes, yes… your final rating is a 10, a 10, a 10. CONGRATS!

RecommendedReview by Ischa

30 Dec 2005, 15:41 (edited 16 Feb 06, 15:52)
For: Green Hare Down
Level rating: 8.7

Rating ‘Green Hare Down’

TILESET: Is good chosen. Battleships. It is a classic one, but a very good one.

MUSIC: Good chosen too, nothing more to say.

STORY: What is the story of this level?

OBSTACLES: The level is very hard with a boss at the end.

FUN: It is a very nice level. With a good background and it is pretty long and hard too.

GAMEPLAY: Average other 5 ratings.


Review by Ischa

30 Dec 2005, 15:35 (edited 7 Jan 06, 13:05 by Newspaz)
For: The JCS User's Handbook to Bad SP Levelmaking
Level rating: N/A

Bad level, and I HATE UTERUS BOSSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Unsupported rating (1) removal. Please specify an argumented reason as to why you gave your rating. The reason provided was not enough. – FQuist]

Review by Ischa

30 Dec 2005, 15:34 (edited 30 Dec 05, 19:18 by Fquist)
For: Some Continueing Episode beta
Level rating: 7.4

Not bad! A big, fat 7½

[Unsupported rating (7.5) removal. Please specify an argumented reason as to why you gave your rating. The reason provided was not enough. – FQuist]

Review by Ischa

30 Dec 2005, 15:31 (edited 30 Dec 05, 19:19 by Fquist)
For: Doom
Level rating: 4.9

Not bad… I’ll give you a 6½.

[Unsupported rating (6.5) removal. Please specify an argumented reason as to why you gave your rating. The reason provided was not enough. – FQuist]

Review by Ischa

30 Dec 2005, 15:19 (edited 30 Dec 05, 19:17 by Fquist)
For: Windows 98 tileset
Level rating: 3.1

A 2½, this is one of the worst tilesets I’ve ever seen.

[Unsupported rating (2.5) removal. Please specify an argumented reason as to why you gave your rating. The reason provided was not enough. – FQuist]

Not recommendedReview by Ischa

30 Dec 2005, 15:16 (edited 14 Mar 06, 14:06)
For: Pokémon Tileset
Level rating: 1

Rating Pokémon tileset.


-Copyright (-5)
-I don’t like Pokémon (-2½)
-It has no example level (-3)



Final Rating: 1.0
Download recommendation: no

Review by Ischa

30 Dec 2005, 15:15 (edited 30 Dec 05, 19:20 by Fquist)
For: Jill of the Jungle v1.0
Level rating: 7.3

This is not the best Tileset I’ve ever seen. I’ll give you a 5½.


[Unsupported rating (5.5) removal. Please specify an argumented reason as to why you gave your rating. The reason provided was not enough. Why is it not the best tileset you’ve ever seen? Try to explain that – FQuist]

Review by Ischa

30 Dec 2005, 15:09
For: Quicksand is Mighty
Level rating: N/A

What’s this?

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