Rating Zagazorf Palace
RATING TILESET: It is a… ehhhh… palacy one? It is very good and no classic Jazz Jackrabbit 2-tileset! Great!
RATING MUSIC: Good chosen… but too stressing…
RATING OBSTACLES: It’s very good! I’ve never thought that you can use a Queen as a part-boss and not only as an end-boss!
RATING STORY: It is a good story. You can read it in the description.
RATING FUN: It is a good level with queens!
RATING GAMEPLAY: The average ratings from the ratings tileset, music, obstacles, story and fun.
RATING UTERUS: It has no Uterus!
RATING: 10.0
Download recommendation!
Rating Frogger Levels
Rating Story: (max: 10 points)
There is no clear story. Please, next time, write the story in the Level Description or the Readme.
Rating Length: (max: 20 points)
Six levels, not bad. But some levels are a little too short.
Points: 11
Rating Obstacles: (max: 20 points)
The levels are sometimes very easily to complete. However, in some boss-area\‘s are not one, but two bosses. And then is it harder to beat them. That is good.
Points: 13
Rating Bonus Placement: (max: 15 points)
Is good! Not too much, not too less!
Points: 14
Rating Eyecandy: (max: 15 points)
Foreground: So-so: 8 points
Background: Good: 12 points
Path: Also good: 12 points
Points: 11
MAX POINTS: 80-10(story)=*70*
Final Rating: 7,0
Download recommendation: N/A (requires an 7,5)
Rating Frogger Levels
Rating Story: (max: 10 points)
There is a good story, but please… write the story next time in the Level Description!
Points: 7
Rating Length: (max: 20 points)
Seven levels, one cutscene and one final. That is very good! The levels are pretty long and that\‘s very nice!
Points: 17
Rating Obstacles: (max: 20 points)
The levels are very, very hard! And there are also good bosses in two levels. And in the final. And I also liked the guards in Mellenwah.
Points: 18
Rating Bonus Placement: (max: 15 points)
In almost all levels are much too much bonusses.
Points: 6
Rating Eyecandy: (max: 15 points)
The foregrounds are good, especially in Mellenwah. You have also decorate the foreground good and also the background is super!
Points: 13
CALCULATING: 61/8=*7,625*
Final Rating: 7,6
Download recommendation: YES!
Rating Boss Practice Levels:
This episode is not good. Just six levels, with nothing more than a boss.
No bonusses, no other enemies and a bad eyecandy.
If you want to practice with the bosses, this is not a good choice. Jazz Jackrabbit 2 has a total of 10 working bosses. The fat ones are not fought in this episode:
There are no enemies and I have seen pretty much Boss-area\‘s that does have enemies. There is also no way to refill your health. I call that very inportant in a practice-episode.
The best boss-practice-episode on Jazz2Online is Boss Rush Mode, made by CrimiClown.
If you want to practice with the bosses, this is not a good choice.
Mark: 1,0
Download recommendation: NO!
its coolllllllllllllllllllllll
[Unsupported rating (7) removal. Please specify an argumented reason as to why you gave your rating. The reason provided was not enough. – FQuist]
Review time ;D (I haven’t reviewed in forever)
Okay, let’s start off seeing how this compares to what its remixing (Xmas1). Listening through it, all the patterns from the original are in the remix (and all have been made to sound better), and LRK has also expanded the song with more good sounding patterns to make it play even longer. In conclusion, he stuck pretty close to the original melody of the song and you can find what patterns are where pretty easily.
As for how the song plays, it plays really well. The instruments go together well and make the song a pleasure to listen to, even if you didn’t like the original Xmas1. Percussion sounds really nice, and guitar is great too.
Finally, you can tell this is a quality song when you look at it (in ModTracker, for example). LRK made this very well and didn’t just stick in random notes in places, and it shows. It’s a very good remix, and definately deserves a download and a few listens. Great job on creating an awesome tune!
Hey n00b there is a trigger to open the pink wall, but it’s hidden.
I can add playing s3m modules and sound effects from sounds.000 by FMOD library ;)
Jarno, read before you post .
This is a stupid level :P I got stuck in the beethingie in the beginning. Maybe post a link to it from an tutorial or something to show that this is a bad ample? But anyway, nice job on fitting so much stuff in there and showing it like this.
I have a question : why do you upload files when you already know that its bad?
Arti : Some admins said please dont upload things here if you know its bad.
No it wouldn’t work as an article. I can say “Don’t use straight rows of enemies” but it doesnt mean much unless you have to waste time having to destroy a row of hatters.
Also the error came from having one of each boss, and then some enemies to boot.
But you shouldn’t do that anyways so its all part of the lesson.
I couldn’t run the level; apparently there were too many enemies or something.
Also, this would probably be better off as an article with a link from the JCF.
Jarno: n00b wanted to show people like you why you don’t do certain things in SP levels.
come on somebody plz rate this D:
or at least review
Sick in Christmas is the amazing story of Jazz saving the town of Carrotlyn(get it, it’s a rabbit-fied Brooklyn) from a diesease. You see everyone in the town is too weak to go to the pharmacy for some cold medicine, so the Mayor gives Jazz some money to run the errand.
I don’t know about you, but a town with only 2-3 houses seems more like a tiny neighborhood. Anyways, you then get to visit the Carrotlyn Mines and Forest. There’s also a rocket factory where you can buy ammo. But you dont have enough money. From there, the level plays like a nifty chain of events, and since his level is fairly decent I won’t ruin what that chain is. The level is unforutantly, very short. I would have liked to see more puzzles. On a plus, there is less random stuff to collect(which was seen in Iluz’s earlier levels) and there is no Bilsy boss(who is the cliched boss of choice for Xmas levels). On the negative side, there are a few instances where you have to destroy mass enemies placed in a linear row. Honestly, the only time this works is with flying enemies, and that should be used sparingly(like one time a pack), since sometimes the action is intense, and other times it’s lame.
The level itself is split into two levels, the second one is basically the same as the first, but empty. I’d would have liked some more challenge in returning the medicine to the village.
All in all though, this is a fine holiday level that should make for a quick diversion.
Another thing is that Iluz is improving, one thing that I especially like is that he takes the comments from reviews and actually listens to them.
Final score- 6.4
Ok, so I’m a month late.
Anyways, this here level is a sequel to a pretty bad test level. It seems Illuz took ALL of my suggestions. Gone are the lush, open, elliptic spaces. They are replaced by green, small, linear areas.
The level starts with 3 routes(there may be more I couldn’t tell) each on easier than the last. I found a frog route, which was near murder, because the frog can’t attack and he’s bombarded by air and land enemies. Which isn’t too bad on paper, but since the air assault is from bees, and the areas are too small to actually jump over anything, it’s pretty bad in execution.
An alternate route turns you into a hip-hop and you go to an area that is rather open, but stuffed with float lizards and spike bolls, so it doesn’t matter. I think I only lost two hearts there.
The final route I discovered, was Jazz/Spaz/Lori(the ideal character being SPaz, more on that in a sec) falling down a pit with lot’s of dragonflies. If you buttstomp, theres no challnge. All 3 routes lead to a warp where you have to copte ear down another pit with more spike bolls. The pit leads to a water sequence where you dodge fish in linear tunnels. The water sequence leads to some overly long sucker tube finale, which then leads to the exit. This seems like it was built with the original flashing blocks, because the ending says “Ah my eyes, the madness is over!” Which leads to a normal looking Tubeelectric level.
The ending screams “NO SEQUEL!” And I say good riddance. The level design went from Open to Claustraphobic, and the eyecandy went from Flashy(literally) to dull.
But hey, it’s better than the original.
I’m gonna make this as quick as possible…
This is a CTF remake of Battle 1. The changes are very dramatic, however. In fact, when I first saw this level, I didn’t know it was a remake, and I didn’t realize and resemblance at all, but after replaying it and knowing that it was based on Battle 1, I could easilly see references to the level throughout.
This level seems to flow very nicely. It makes you have to jump a lot and maneuver yourself manually while still not making it a pain to get around. That’s a big plus in CTF levels. The layout is very creative, there are a number of ways into each base, but you’ll probably usually be using a respawning copter to get onto the platforms that the bases sit on. The level is mostly symmetric, so it’s not too hard to learn, yet at the same time the layout seems complex enough to keep games exciting and chaotic. It’s also constructed in such a way that a two player match here would work just as well as an eight player match.
The eyecandy is very creative, I’ve never seen the castle set used quite like Blacky used it in this level. It seems very nice. Maybe a bit confusing at first as some of the pillars and blocks are in the foreground and you may expect them to be solid at first glance, but you should be able to adjust to it. The background works great, there’s plenty going on in the foreground to keep the level interesting, and the music fits perfectly.
Overall, this level gets a 9/10 and a download reccomendation. On a closing note, please don’t ask me to review your levels. I reviewed this because Blacky’s special. Not that you’re not, but Blacky’s just really special, okay? He’s like heroin sipping through a little glass. Understand?
Everyone find a way to make this your ringtone for yuor cellphone even if it’s not christmas.
Why? Because when you answer your phone with this as your ringtone, you didn’t just answer your phone:
You answered your phone AND ROCKED TO THE MAX.
That is all.
Download now.
The tile set was alright, but too hard to figuer out if something was thee or just a background. The levels were way too easy, I could just run through them getting hurt and make it to the end. The short films I though were ok, but too short. And you could have done much more with the plot you were using. The reason why I’m not give a 3 is because of the tile setting, the short videos, and one of your levels was one of the best levels, and that would be when you run away from the dinasure. That was the coolest thing, and would be better if made longer, or more diffacult aka more obsicules.
Sounds like a great campine, but after I downloaded the levels my game never picked them up, so I can’t play any level. I recommned looking this over.
Update: After chandie kindly guided me how to fix my problem I played the campain and it was very good. The levels are long but entertaining, it\‘s diffacult but not unbeatable, and I thought it was alot of fun with the frog. I wish the campain had more levels, but there could alwas be a part two. Highly recommend this campain.
The music was good, and the levels were all puzzles, which is fine if you like playing puzzle games, but I like some fighting in my games. The end was disaponting. But still the tileset was very good I liked it alot, and all in all is was good
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.