Review by PakoMegaN00b

28 Dec 2005, 08:41
For: OpenJazz source code
Level rating: N/A

oh, it stills doesnt work on my computer… if i would know HOW to fix it…

RecommendedReview by OM2004

27 Dec 2005, 16:32
For: Time Tripping - JJ2 (aka Hocus Pocus Episode 1) (patched twice)
Level rating: 9.4

I thought the levels were too easy for anyone, but still ALOT of fun. Everything was great and I liked the last level the most, that was very cool.

Review by Falcury

27 Dec 2005, 14:09
For: Dangerous Castle
Level rating: 6.2

I’m the 100th downloader :)

Eyecandy – reasonable
You did fine for the standards of the tileset, but I wish you had chosen a less overused and more challenging tileset. No major eyecandy bugs.

Gameplay – average
A flow is missing. When you are down there, there isn’t a lot of room for movement. Those poles are irritating as well. Next time you should concentrate on what the player would like to experience; obstacles aren’t generally welcome in battle levels. Secrets were ok, except you have to know them; they’re difficult to find, e.g. the “floating” warp and the secret area up there. Goodie placement is ok, but don’t give an unfair advantage to the players who know where to find the golden coins… you placed the ammo generally well, I think. Remove the respawning crate in the secret area; causes laggggg…

Overall rating: 6.2

Review by White Rabbit

27 Dec 2005, 10:25 (edited 27 Dec 05, 12:16)
For: CashKeep 0.3
Level rating: N/A

This is quite a creative and interesting program, IMO, and I’m testing it right now.

One recommendation:
When CashKeep is activated, I recommend warping the player ONCE to 2, 2. Currently, the program warps you to 2, 2 for an indefinite number of times, so if you have not completed the level, you can never get out again until you’ve clicked ‘End Keep’ and jjnowall/jjfly your way out of there. This can also be a big problem if you do not click ‘End Keep’ before the next level loads, since you’ll just warp immeditely to 2, 2 and get stuck there…

Perhaps you could reupload an updated version? ;-)

EDIT: In fact, the program warps you so quickly to 2, 2 that it doesn’t even allow you to fall down into the Exit event. The player must click ‘End Keep’, then quickly ‘Start Keep’, and finally ‘End Keep’ again.

EDIT 2: The program seems fully functional in TSF. The method I had to use was different from the one Cash Keep told me to use, but it still works twice, and I was impressed enough (and kinda forced) to run through all 3 Cash Keep levels twice. Even though this is still v0.1, it works well enough and people can already start making levels with it. I will rate this when a newer version comes out, however.

…and I just found out you can’t recommend an upload without rating it. Well, I don’t care! DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATION!

EDIT 3: Well, the program is now more easier to use, and works just as well in 1.23, but things have taken a turn for the worse, as the program sets singleplayer to co-op, meaning that you can no longer use any cheats, and you will not be taken to the Game Over screen when you run out of lives. Instead, you will have no choice but to start the levels from the very beginning, rather than from the level you died in, which is a problem for big level packs.

Review by Falcury

27 Dec 2005, 09:45
For: CashKeep 0.3
Level rating: N/A

“I also hereby copyright the above idea. Use of it is prohibited until I use it in a level pack. Or something.”

You can’t copyright ideas, only finished products ( :P
By the way, it would be quite selfish of you to stop other people using CashKeep in the way you suggested. Funnily enough, I thought of using it to make powerup stores as well. I feel that everyone should be able to use the program in that way.

Review by n00b

27 Dec 2005, 02:09
For: CashKeep 0.3
Level rating: N/A

Finally, I can get to work on that JJA remake.

RecommendedReview by OM2004

27 Dec 2005, 01:25
For: Episode Two: The Rebirth of Evil
Level rating: 9.6

I think it has a great story behind it, but the levels are very confusing for playing the first time. In some levels you have to die if you do something worng, or it seems as if that is your only option…overall through I still think it can be alot of fun.

Review by Odin314

26 Dec 2005, 16:34 (edited 27 Dec 05, 17:21 by RoW_Odin314)
For: CashKeep 0.3
Level rating: N/A

Sounds great. This could really open the door for some innovative SP packs (for example, imagine collecting coins along the way to buy ammo/powerups at save point stores).

I also hereby copyright the above idea. Use of it is prohibited until I use it in a level pack. Or something.

Falcury: I was kidding. I know I couldn’t copyright it, and even if I could, how would I enforce it? Nonetheless, this is an awesome idea, and i’m really happy you made it 1.23 compatible.

Review by Alister

25 Dec 2005, 22:30 (edited 25 Dec 05, 23:19 by Toxic Bunny)
For: OpenJazz source code
Level rating: N/A

Oops, sorry. Press space.

Great big edit:

To switch between fullscreen and windowed modes, press alt + enter.

Menu controls
Choose option: Up & down arrow keys
Use option: Spacebar
Change option: Left & right arrow keys
Quit: Escape

Level controls
Move left: Left arrow key
Move right: Right arrow key
Jump: Right alt key (Left alt in Linux)
Skip to next level: Spacebar
Return to menu: Escape

“Cutscene” controls
Return to menu: Spacebar or escape

Known bugs
-Horrible physics, especially in higher resolutions.
-None of the events work.
-You can’t shoot.
-Sometimes you appear in front of the foreground, notably in sucker tubes.
-Some colour animations shouldn’t be there. The most obvious are some of the stones in the Temple of the Turtle and Eva’s dress.
-Colour animations are too slow. This could easily be fixed, but I view it as an improvement.
-Cutscenes only display the first picture.
-Some cutscenes don’t work.
-And many, many more.

Review by White Rabbit

25 Dec 2005, 22:07 (edited 25 Dec 05, 22:51)
For: OpenJazz source code
Level rating: N/A

First download and review. ;-D

Could you please tell us how to use OpenJazz.exe? Neither Start nor Quit will work with the Enter button, but the Level and World selections are fine.

Is there a jump button? We can hardly explore the levels. ;-)

There appears to be a few colour problems with World 40, Level 0 (the pink colour of Eva’s dress is distorted).

In higher resolutions, Jazz’s slope navigation is seriously messed up. He moves slowly up slopes and can’t keep his feet on them when moving down, which is different from his moves in standard 320×120 resolution.

RecommendedReview by Odin314

25 Dec 2005, 03:27
For: Christmas-X-Core
Level rating: 8.7

First glance: Another remix by Lark. Don’t see many of these too often. But this mix, just around holiday time, makes a great addition to your holiday mix CD.

Tempo/beat: Very well done. Kept faithful to the original song, while adding it’s own charm and even a new verse. Only part I don’t like is the end, where the jingle bells suggest a higher tempo than the song really is, and it kinda throws me off. 9/10.

Instruments: All high quality samples used wonderfully. If you look at the samples, you’ll see samples like glass breaking and a Chinese cymbal. Very well put together. 9/10.

Overall composition: Excellent. Polish it up and submit this to OCremix, they just might accept it. It’s a damn shame it doesn’t work in JJ2, this would be excellent for a battle level. 9/10.

(9 + 9 + 9) ÷ 3 = 9. Download recommendation twice over.

Advice: Keep on rockin’, Lark. This is excellent. Also, see if you can’t make this JJ2-compatible.

Review by Devil boy

24 Dec 2005, 15:11 (edited 24 Dec 05, 22:38 by Violet CLM)
For: Devil May Cry !!
Level rating: 8

wayyyy Das ist sehr schön level.Prima.Level name ist sehr schön(Devil may cry)
(Unsupported rating (8) removal. Please, this is an English site. ~Violet)

Review by anti-DEVAN Ati

24 Dec 2005, 15:02 (edited 24 Dec 05, 22:38 by Violet CLM)
For: Haunted House Lite
Level rating: 9.1

good TSF’s haunted house but 1.23 !!cool but i think this tileset’s gameplay is hard…
(You can’t bloody PLAY a tileset! Unsupported rating (9) removal. ~Violet)

Review by Devil boy

23 Dec 2005, 21:02 (edited 23 Dec 05, 22:20 by Violet CLM)
For: High Voltage
Level rating: N/A

fena diil abi daha iisini yap
(Rating (3) removal. I don’t know what you said but it’s not long enough to be a supported review anyway.)

Review by WaterRabbit

23 Dec 2005, 20:03
For: Exodus
Level rating: N/A

You forgot to put the music and tileset in the zip file.

RecommendedReview by The Emperor

23 Dec 2005, 19:40 (edited 23 Dec 05, 19:41)
For: Cappuccino Sky
Level rating: 8.7

This is a exceptionally good remake. I first thought it was missing something, when I soon found out that it had it all, just scattered and hidden. The level varies a lot from the original, but not too much for it not to be a remake. Good job.

Review by Devil boy

23 Dec 2005, 19:19 (edited 23 Dec 05, 22:20 by Violet CLM)
For: Funky Punky Beach...
Level rating: 7.5

nbr len mnyksss bölüm olum helal ossun devam et bak on veriom daha çok çalış hadi göriiim seni lebronum
(Rating (10) removal. I don’t know what you said but it’s not long enough to be a supported review anyway.)

Review by White Rabbit

21 Dec 2005, 23:02
For: Cappuccino Sky
Level rating: 8.7

Haha, just look at that! 4 TSF uploads in a row.

Anyway, this will be my ‘HQ review’, where I can awkwardly quote people and respond to questions and comments.

(Dx, please don’t shout at me. I’m using a TSF-only tileset. ;-P)

Review by Tomas_M

21 Dec 2005, 19:40
For: Megabattle
Level rating: 6.7

Thanks for review!

Review by DanYjel

21 Dec 2005, 18:05
For: Megabattle
Level rating: 6.7

Nah, Czech is okay ;D

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