Review by White Rabbit

21 Dec 2005, 17:29 (edited 21 Dec 05, 23:08)
For: Megabattle
Level rating: 6.7

First download and first review! Yay!

Well, well…this is certainly an interesting battle level.

First of all, it uses the old J2LC Easter set with completely disdain towards the actual holiday season it is released in. Second of all, the level is big. Very big. It takes up a third of its 255×255 size, but that’s still big. Yes, yes, very big. :-P

Basically, Megabattle has several arenas, each with its own special characteristics. There are airboard arenas, huge pinball arenas, swimming pools (some large, some shallow) and…‘springs-galore-make-player-go-crazy’ areas. The warps in the starter area are at first slightly confusing, but they keep the level unpredictable, because the layout is basically a whole bunch of platforms with or without stuff on them. The idea isn’t that original, but it IS rare (possibly because it doesn’t work…I don’t know), so people who want to try something different (not new) should have a look at Megabattle.

Ahem. Megabattle uses one of J2LC’s many poorer tilesets. There is little eyecandy available, and the tiles themselves aren’t that functional, but they’re good enough for this kind of level. Megabattle is actually quite complex, if only due to its size. And the eyecandy? Well, it is unfair to demand a good-looking level with J2LC Easter, but the author really should’ve used a better tileset.

I would never duel here. It’s not a duel level. It will all go horribly wrong if you try to duel here. The level is too big, it has no carrots(?) and there is little strategy involved here. I’m sure it would be great for public games, however, especially large ones (note to self: recommend this for a JDC AYCR event). This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I can see that the author worked quite hard on Megabattle, and he has come up with lots of ideas in order to make every part of the level unique. The level is probably as good as it can ever get, with perhaps a tileset change the only thing it needs. I recommend True Rabbit Hotel, or even Easter 99!

If you’re a regular server hoster or are expecting many people to join your game (necause many people is what you need in order to actually make Megabattle FUN), download this. Otherwise, don’t bother, since there are better, more refined battle levels out there. I’ll try hosting this one day and see what happens… ;-)

Megabattle gets a 5 for duels and a 6.7 for larger public servers. No one is mad enough to duel here, I hope, so I’ll give it a 6.7…

Also, please DO translate the text to English. :-)

Review by cooba

20 Dec 2005, 17:38
For: Tungstelectric
Level rating: 3.2


Review by NovaStar

20 Dec 2005, 09:01
For: Tungstelectric
Level rating: 3.2

Eh… how do you listen to the music without playing it in JJ2?

Review by DanYjel

19 Dec 2005, 18:23
For: Have a CrimiClown Christmas! V 2.0
Level rating: 7.4

i’ll do some three-sentence review…

Same things as I wrote to your Battle1 remake (except for better placed blaster power-up and less tileset bugs).

Still, it’s only retilesed, they are just some little changes such as power-ups in Battle2, nothing special. But we have winter versions of our original battle levels… Not much more, nothing less. If you like original, you’ll probably like this ;p.

Review by Bad_Bunny

19 Dec 2005, 16:21
For: Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Font
Level rating: 7

I have a Mac, and this font works. :)

RecommendedReview by anti-DEVAN Ati

19 Dec 2005, 09:25
For: Holiday Hare '05
Level rating: 7.3

good perfect =)but 3. level is very hard..i use jjgod cheat =) and 3.level don’t start because start point is near the wall..fix it…and now i will give it 7.5…

Review by NovaStar

19 Dec 2005, 06:51
For: Christmas Disco
Level rating: N/A

Follow the arrows like you’re supposed to, text says Entrance—> _

Review by n00b

19 Dec 2005, 04:07 (edited 12 Mar 06, 14:27)
For: Major sting
Level rating: 1.6

Ok, I’m freaking tired of this being in the Review Ideas area. After making what I percive to be a simulation of the tilset, I found this level to be a horrible, simple maze with nothing to break up konotony other tahn you can’t see where you’re going. Real original. I’m afraid I can rate this thing higher than a 2. You get an extra .5 for effort, and a .1 for staying on the review ideas list so long

RecommendedReview by n00b

19 Dec 2005, 03:43
For: Holiday Hare '05
Level rating: 7.3

A fresh Holiday Hare adventure since Epic is too busy not making one. Heck I doubt they’re even making an xmas Unreal Tournament level pack.
Anyways, Holiday Hare 05 has you on Holidaius on a mission to track down Bilsy and his holiday terrorists.
Each level has it’s own spefific puzzle or challenge.
One level has you hunting down Silver crates ala a small segment in Holiday Hare 98. Another has you battling a snow storm while trying to complete the level.
Unfourtantly, the enemy placement seems lacking. Some areas seem content by tossing tons of baddies at your face, while others just leave around a raven or two and call the job done.
While we’re talking about baddies, the boss fight with Bilsy is a real downer. You may feel tempted to use the tunnel at the left, but its really useless and will just get yourself killed. And thats the problem, without the tunnel thing, the arena is just a small, flat one. I was able to outrun fireballs easily, and if you know how to make Bilsy disappear before he fires at you then the knowledge make the fight more easy and boring.
Despite the enemy shortcomings, it is incredibly fun solving the puzzles and overcoming nature’s obstacles. The only level that didn’t really deliver a lot of fun puzzle/challenge-wise was ‘Bilsy’s Lair’ which was essentially a fetch quest.
While some would want longer levels, I don’t mind the shortness. Mainly because if the levels were longer they would all feel like a one-trick pony respectivly. Since you’re not going to get an Official Xmas pack from Epic, and it seems Odin’s pack is currently the only choice for new Christmas levels this year, Holiday hare 05 is a reccomended download. Also it’s not half bad of a pack so yuo should download it anyways.

Review by Odin314

19 Dec 2005, 01:51
For: Holiday Hare '05
Level rating: 7.3

OH CRAP. I’ll fix it.

Review by DaPete10

19 Dec 2005, 01:35
For: Holiday Hare '05
Level rating: 7.3

Fatal Application Error
No such file: holpack2.j2l

Review by jackhabbit

19 Dec 2005, 01:07
For: Chrysilis played with guitar
Level rating: 5.5

theres no fuckin way this has been downloaded 938, someone please tell me if that is a typo or glych of somesort

Review by fearofdark

18 Dec 2005, 18:55
For: Christmas Disco
Level rating: N/A

Firstly, since I’m in a christmasy mood, I will be nicer than I normally am. Secondly, this is something you wouldn’t rate so ill just comment on this.

When I first tried I fell into a dead end after I couldn’t find the entrance warp. Then after when I tried again I found the warp. Anyway, discos are really common anyway and get bored of downloading these. You should put these in a hotel because then it isn’t such a waste of memory.

Review by Arti

18 Dec 2005, 14:57
For: Christmas Disco
Level rating: N/A

Uhh… yeah. I fall down and I’m stuck in a dead-end. Make a better level, sorry.

Review by DaPete10

18 Dec 2005, 02:55
For: Invasion(anti-bugs version)
Level rating: N/A

That, and it’s TSF

Review by CrimiClown

17 Dec 2005, 20:33
For: The BrainFart Castle
Level rating: 7.7

I promised to give this a good review, but I won’t. At least not at the moment. I found some obvious bugs, which I told to Ðx. He promised me he will re-upload it soon. As soon as he does, I’ll review it for him.

RecommendedReview by Odin314

17 Dec 2005, 19:27
For: The BrainFart Castle
Level rating: 7.7

First Glance: Yet another castle1 level. But wait! This level looks and feels solid, and you just might find it on a few servers.

Gameplay: The gameplay is above average, but nothing too fancy. Apart from a few hiccups, this level flows quite smoothly. 7.5/10.

Eyecandy/atmosphere: Looks very nice. Minimal foreground eyecandy, enough to embellish the level but not too much as to distract from the battle. Some original ideas here, and the music selection perfectly captures what I feel to be a stronghold of cranial flatuence. 8/10.

Layout/tileset use: Some very original ideas, and smooth masking more than make up for the hiccups in the layout. 7.5/10.

(7.5 + 8 + 7.5) ÷ 3 = 7.67 ~= 7.7. Recommend.

Advice: Make the layout a bit smoother next time, don’t use as many springs, and maybe add some food.

Review by Ðx

17 Dec 2005, 19:21 (edited 18 Dec 05, 08:11)
For: The BrainFart Castle
Level rating: 7.7

Nothing, its just the castle of the Brainfart ppl :P

Thunder: Do i need it?

Review by PakoMegaN00b

17 Dec 2005, 18:04 (edited 6 Sep 06, 22:05)
For: The BrainFart Castle
Level rating: 7.7

Well, this is a nice level, but what’s so brainfartish of this?

Not recommendedReview by fearofdark

17 Dec 2005, 15:07
For: HotelBunnyTbt
Level rating: 1.6

Firstly, these are the worst levels ever. I did them in barely 2 minutes.
Anyway, I’ve rated levels that you could complete in 3 seconds, overuses enemies and ammo and the layout is a complete mess. These levels are all of those things.

Dragon ball2

This is the smallest level I’ve ever played. Its only about 20 squares long and high and there is bareley enough space to move around. How did you manage to fit over 8 powerups in less than 40 squares?

Rating: 1.0

Feyenord 2:

I did not have the tileset, you didn’t supply the tileset. N/A


I did not have the tileset you did not supply the tileset. N/A

Hotel Bunny:

I did not have the tileset, you did not supply the tileset. N/A



What was that?? These levels are as bad as the ‘Falling in an empty square’ levels I create (I don’t put them on the site).

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