We should be seeing a lot more of this level; it’s fun, smooth, even a little strategy is involved. However, there are a few quriks you should consider for it to become popular:
I suggest making a v2. Get rid of the carrot barrel by the bouncer powerup, it’s critical you do this. Take that extra green spreen out at the top left, you know which one, it disrupts the flow. There are some tiles you can get caught on at around the pos 26,31, they are annoying. The +1 and ANOTHER Bouncer powerup at the right side should definitely be taken care of: rid of or move the +1 and replace the bouncer power with some other powerup.
Begin Comment
Great this level is one i really need to review!
here you go.
sucker tubes good weapon placement shortly : SUPER!
Gameplay Rating 9.8
Whee i love good eyecandy.
some lava falls good suckertubes
and secret areas its got all eyecandy the tileset gots!!
Bonus Stuff
no that not but but that doesnt matter.
Bonus Stuff N/A
Yipeee thats music i love!!
Here you go a 10 for music!
Music Rating 10!!!
Download Recommedation?
End Comment
I did really like to play this this one NEVER leaves my Harddisk!
End Rating 9.9!
[Just using a lot of line breaks isn’t going to make this a good review. Badly reviewed and overrated.]
Edit : Sorry!
This is my favourite battle level that anyone (but me :P) has created.
Its layout it very impressive, it looks like a cool ship from the outside and the background makes it look likes it moving!
The eyecandy i cannot fault in any real way. Its totally amazing. You must have put a lot of work into this level.
Gameplay is great. However, for me its not something that could be like an official duel level or w/e.
Nice level.
(Just for what it’s worth, you seem to be describing the graphics in both Layout and Eyecandy. Layout usually deals more with the level’s mask. ~Violet)
Hey! Awsome level, XLM is getting active again :)
Awsome, wicked! ts perfect. I like the idea’s in the ship effects with the ammo around and on it.
Wicked flow. I like it. Its not spaz or special jazz based. Also i like idea of the airboard going outside in space and play football.
Nice placed, found the bouncher power-up. The rest is fine. Could be fun in instagib mode to the 60 :D
Overall :: 9.0
Download this :D
Good :D There’s caves and plants. The level does look a little bit empty at a few places, but most part has eyecandy :D
Really good. The level flows and there are a few dead ends, but most of those are filled with goodies or a warp to a goodie. there are a few obstacles which slow the player down (Stomp-Block/Destructoblock) which is good. Copters might be a problem for Lori players, since Lori can’t use copters.
Weapons: Nicely placed. There is enough ammo for lots of players (Played in server :D). There’s only ice, which practically is useless in battle :S
Bugs: Copter for Lori (Not a big deal though) and a little more eyecandy. That’s it.
Comment overall level: Great! I recommend you download it, or buy pie. Take the 8 :D
im pleased, u gave this 7.7. this is probably my least faourite level ive made lol
meh, seems like my S32EVNT1.dll file is broken, even if i downloaded it again…
The weather whist this review was posted was raining but thats not important. On with the review:
Like many levels there is not a lot of foreground eyecvandy in the level but the backround is filled. Tilebug at position 60,75. Is that meant to be there??
Some areas lack gameplay but you stuck loads of vines in and used springs sparingly. Good use of fireballs.
ITEMS: 16/20
Some areas lack items but you stuck a good amount in places and used powerups sparingly.
SIZE: 18/20
Good medium sized. Loads of space despite vines.
OTHERS: 17/20
Not bad music file used. Good tileset used but you could have stuck in more of the features it included such as the fountain.
Fireballs +2 points.
I mainly get 7’s so I recommend staying out of the 7 area. I would download this though.
Well heres a review for you :).
Good good level…
The eyecandy and style of this level is amazing, you have put a lot of time into it and its great! The colours go0 together very well, the background layers suit the sprite layer and the music is techno, which suits the modern look of the level. For me, its perfect on the eyecandy part.
However, this levels gameplay, (tho good :)), isn’t great in my opinion. Its not characteristic in strategy and looks a little platformy. Other ppl may think the gameplay is better than ive said here; however, your lucky to actually get such a high rating from me with the type of level uve made :P im not a fan of these platformy levels, but ive got to hand it to you, WELDONE. If i can say anything now, try to make your levels have certain areas like in battle 1, instead of it look samey all over.
Forgot: Download recommendation! It’s nice and easy to use, you have no excuse for not viewing this!
Starting comments:
Long time since I reviewed a tileset… Here goes.
The looks
The tileset doesn’t quite look like a ‘planet’, but it can be used for an office or building pretty well. The background in the example level was really neat. It doesn’t look too bad. But still, I’ve seen better tilesets using a block theme. (Mez tilesets)
-Background (although it’s not a textured background, it looks pretty neat)
-No vines, but the poles could be used for vines.
-Also no destruct-blocks
-Even a HareKing logo. :)
Yep, quite complete.
Sadly enough, besides the good looking background, there are no eyecandy tiles. Although you could make complex looking walls and backgrounds with the normal ground tiles, you could have added a few eyecandy tiles, such as life wires, broken blocks, etc.
Not the most original concept I ever saw, but the idea was nice. It seems to miss the form of a ‘planet’, though. The signs look totally l33t though. :)
Example level
Good example level, a bit too linear. but it shows the benefits of the level very well.
You added music with the tileset name, so I figure it must be rated, too.
The music really wasn’t that good. It’s a simple beat, only drums, which continues all the time. But, for some reason, it fits. It’d fit a treasure level more than a SP level, though.
Nice looking tileset, ideal to work with if you are a ‘JCS Newbie’. It’s worth a 7, in my opinion.
Further comment
The music seems a bit… rushed. Spend more time on it next time. =)
Props to the moderator who deleted all the spam.
Please rate this level, i spent more than usual time on it :D
Agama – the best female tileset creator…
hmmmmmm….. no
….probably the best tileset creator – she has the top 3 rated tilesets.
(Really unsupported rating removal. ~Violet)
new on jazz online takes a lot to impress more challenging
tiles 7.0
music n/a copy
background 6.0
number of tiles 4.5
[Unsupported rating (6) clearance. ~Cooba]
new on jazz 2 online takes a lot to impress
tiles 4.0
background 5.0
music 6.0
number of tiles 4.5
[Unsupported rating (5.7) clearance. ~Cooba]
new on jazz online takes a lot to impress
tiles 8.8
background 4.0
music 7.5
number of tiles 7.0
best leval i have seen so far agamas levals comes second to this next time you make a leval like this make a more interesting bacckground also funny tiles i love the pengwins good job
[Unsupported rating (10.0) clearance. Please provide support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. ~Cooba]
new on jazz online takes a lot to impress
tileset 4.5
music 2.0
number of tiles 5.0
background 4.0
[Unsupported rating (4.7) clearance. ~Cooba]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.