Review by ratboy

30 Nov 2005, 19:36 (edited 6 Feb 07, 20:00 by Cooba)
For: Spacey Universe
Level rating: 9

new on jazz online takes a lot to impress

tiles 8.0
music 6.0
background 4.0
number of tiles 5.5

ok leval

[Unsupported rating (6.5) clearance. ~Cooba]

Review by ratboy

30 Nov 2005, 19:32 (edited 6 Feb 07, 20:00 by Cooba)
For: Mega Megatropolis (1.23 version)
Level rating: 9.1

new on jazz online takes a lot to impress

tiles 8.0
music 7.0
number of tiles 8.0
background 5.0

great leval i like it love the pink leval

[Unsupported rating (7) clearance. ~Cooba]

Review by ratboy

30 Nov 2005, 19:18 (edited 6 Feb 07, 19:59 by Cooba)
For: Egypt
Level rating: 9.5

im new on jazz 2 takes a lot to impress me

tileset 7.0
music 7.0
background 5.5
number of tiles 6.0

once again agama a good leval very detailed your levals are one of the best i have seen keep it up

[Unsupported rating (7.2) clearance. ~Cooba]

Review by ratboy

30 Nov 2005, 19:10 (edited 6 Feb 07, 19:58 by Cooba)
For: Heaven v.1.1
Level rating: 9.6

im new on jazz online i will start reviewing thease tilesets it will take a lot to impress me more challenging for ya

lets get started
background 6.0
tiles 9.0
music 8.0
number of tiles 7.0

basicly good leval i like the example leval as well well done

[Unsupported rating (7.2) clearance. ~Cooba]

Review by Violet CLM

29 Nov 2005, 03:28 (edited 29 Nov 05, 03:28)
For: The Return Home
Level rating: N/A

I think we can already see some trends emerging, in the sense that those available sprites which look somehow generic – shield diamonds, bridges, birds – are going to be used to create new events, while the existing stuff seems generally content to remain the way you might expect it to. This level does contain some inventive switching of behaviors – a giant gem speeds up your music at one point, and some glistening yellow specks restore your health – but for the most part it’s a fairly standard JJ1 level, some experimentation with multiple paths, which has a little fun with creating strange moving events near the end.
I like some of the ideas in this level more than others… the rabbits seem somewhat familiar, however replaced, but again, that sort of thing is probably going to be standard until someone gives us the ability to create/insert new animations into level files. I’m not positive about the author’s claim that this is longer than most JJ1 levels, either. Most of its length seems to stem from the fact that you can go in multiple directions a lot, although they always seem to end in dead-ends, allowing only one final route through the level which would seem somewhat quick if taken by itself.
I noticed a number of masking bugs in the level, as well, although this is somewhat of a minor point. J1CS does not allow you (I believe) to view the collected mask of a level, only individual tiles as they are being placed, so it was probably easy for the author not to notice that many of the walls in the levels had unmasked portions. Fortunately this never affected gameplay, but still should have been noticed and fixed.
The Return Home, is in every sense, an early JJ1 level. Standards have not yet been developed and the idea behind new events is “whatever doesn’t look horrible”. Presumably, unless J1CS somehow dies off, our level making psyches will eventually mature and this will be seen as a childish attempt, too much in common with the original game, perhaps, not enough experimentation, eyecandy too bland. (Granted, Diamondus is somewhat limited in terms of originality, as far as I can tell.) So be it. A first step is important.
AtomicFeline’s creation offers nothing special in terms of level design, and is not particularly inspiring by itself. it is a good effort. Hopefully more shall follow.

RecommendedReview by DanYjel

28 Nov 2005, 11:12
For: Chrysilis played with guitar
Level rating: 5.5

Mini tune – mini review.

The tune is about 1:15 long, mp3 format. The metal remix sounds really accoustic. 3 instruments used – drumset, lead, bass. I have no reservations to drums, lead guitar is okay, also. The bass is a bit louder than it should be, it’s also too simple.

Tune contains basic Chrysilis melodies, author didn’t care of song arrangement, as we can see. There are some mistakes in lead and even in bassline. I like the original ending.

(+) Ending
(+) Accoustic
(+) Drums
(-) Bassline
(-) Mistakes
(-) TOO short

If it was longer, and if it had better preparation, it could be nice tune. Also, make bigger band :D. Go download it, it’s interesting, anyway.

Not recommendedReview by patrickstar_2005

28 Nov 2005, 01:21
For: Jazz in Nintendo Land DEMO
Level rating: 3.1

Here are my ratings

0/10 for music (What Music?)
6/10 for Idea (Try a different idea)
3/10 for easiness(Too Easy)
3/10 for tileset (Just boring)

Don’t DOWNLOAD this!

RecommendedReview by ThunderPX

27 Nov 2005, 17:58
For: Chrysilis played with guitar
Level rating: 5.5

Although the Chrysilis track doesn’t lend itself for this kind of remix very well, it’s pulled off nicely.

Near the start of the track, I think there’s a bit of a mistake where the guitar doesn’t match the original melody. I immediately notice how the drums are somewhat drowned out by the other instruments. From there on, it’s a pretty accurate rendition of Chrysilis. I like how the bit at the end worked out.

Oh, and maybe you and me could team up sometime, I play drums =p

Review by Odin314

27 Nov 2005, 17:50
For: Big Test. Ziped With WinZip!
Level rating: 3.2

I have to say, it’s kinda sad when the fact that the download is zipped with Winzip is actually a FEATURE.

Review by Jarno vos

27 Nov 2005, 17:47 (edited 27 Nov 05, 18:05)
For: Big Test. Ziped With WinZip!
Level rating: 3.2

Well done,your first good zip!

Replay on Odin :
well marcin packed his files always before into rar files!
this is his first zip!!

Review by EvilMike

25 Nov 2005, 00:55
For: Episode Two: The Rebirth of Evil
Level rating: 9.6

There wont be one unless this gets more reviews.

Not recommendedReview by DanYjel

24 Nov 2005, 17:07 (edited 29 Nov 05, 22:52 by Danyjel)
For: Triple Tower Terror
Level rating: 4

Well, some really short review.

Firstly, this level is unplayable without any editing, there is a crate with about thousand ammo. That causes lag.
EDIT: Thanks for removing it officialy a lot, it can be hosted now.

I like the main idea, the schema. Relatively small level, for 2-4 players, two towers with flags, relatively close to each other with ample underground. But in the result, the level is very unbalanced. Mainly because of empty underground. It’s nonsense to go to lot of (empty, really empty) places there (which should be, in normal level, the most important). Ammo and carrot placement is, with a bit of irony, great. Two carrots and only power-up in the level can be accessed only by warp needing uncolectable 20 coins.

Flow of the level is ungood also. You need to have undestroyable jump key and strong nerves. And I don’t like dead ends.

Quickly to eyecandy: It uses layer 3 sometimes, layers 6 and 7 are used for rain. It is really simple, no masterpiece ;p. The level has some eyecandy bugs sometimes.

(+) Nice schema of the level
(+) Simple eyecandy
(-) Flow
(-) Ammo placement
(-) Really unbalanced

Interesting level, which SHOULD be redone a bit. Add flow, remove bug, balance it, remove the dead end in the main room in the level and… Everything should be O.K. But not now. Fully.

And bye, Jelly, it was always great time with you… And thanks for all those reviews XD

EDIT: R3p, I thought vertical balance. Underground, that’s the place where we should collect everything. It’s… empty… And, JelZe has removed that bug. Nice eyecandy review, though.

RecommendedReview by arjandevries

24 Nov 2005, 08:41
For: Episode Two: The Rebirth of Evil
Level rating: 9.6

Evilmike asked formore reviews here I have one. It’s very short but ok.
This episode with invasion of deserto are the best packs I’ve ever played. I thought the first one was very good but this one is just GREAT. It has great story, it is difficult and has many new things in it. Well I hope there come more reviews soon because I can’t wait for ep3


RecommendedReview by Jarno vos

23 Nov 2005, 12:15 (edited 3 Dec 05, 14:47)
For: 4.Waterfall Gardens
Level rating: 6.7

Begin Comment
Well i think this level is really good now here is the review.

Good weapon placement
coins included good places where you can heal yourself and get some ammo

Gameplay Score 8.8


Good job,fearofdark.
The eyecandy is super!
Clouds has been placed on good places.
water also included.

Eyecandy Score 8.3

Music Used
Well i like the music you used but iam not sure i can rate that too so i dont.

Edit :

I do like the music but i already got that file but the music is cool!
Music Score 9.1

Extra Stuff

The level did have an bonus nothing more but good job.

Extra Stuff 8.2

End Comment

Well i did like to play it.
And i reccomend to download.

Download Recommendation
And sure i give one!

End Score =
An fat 9.4!!

Relay on fearofdark :
well…err………its yours!

Review by The - Wrath

22 Nov 2005, 18:36
For: Black Fate
Level rating: 5.7

It looks like youve speed rated, please dont do this. Did you notice Jarno vos’s coment before yours? You havent taken the level in at all.

Review by Zinser

21 Nov 2005, 14:07
For: Diamonds of Diamondus
Level rating: 5.7

I don’t like levels like this because:
-Not much things to do
-No secrets

But it’s better than my levels. :P

and fearofdark if you don’t password the levels someone is gonna change a few things and steal that level.

Not recommendedReview by fearofdark

19 Nov 2005, 22:26
For: Black Fate
Level rating: 5.7

I have (almost) downloaded and rated every newest level there is. Just one note: Please, someone upload something new (No JJ1 levels). Anyway, the review:


What? There should be more eyecandy. There is only a building (or something) in the backround. Anyway, I either forgot some other eyecandy or that is about it.


Er….. Use the evnt ‘sucker tube’ to keep players out of bounds and not wind. Wind is annoying and can cause fustration. The good thing is that you used the green spring and float up properly so it (kind of) even out the bad thing that I mentioned.

AMMO: 9/20

There is not enough ammo. Also there isn’t a giant range of ammo.

SIZE: 12/20

Small Small Small……. Too small. If the level isn’t big enough it can cause a range of problems. Limits the amount of ammo and gameplay.







Er….That concludes all I can rate for the moment until something new comes out or levels with errors (Can’t play) are fixed. I will be resuming my project. Oh, and I wouldn’t recommend downloading this.

Review by fearofdark

19 Nov 2005, 11:41 (edited 19 Nov 05, 12:05)
For: 3.Lost Town
Level rating: 7.3


I will tell you where eyecandy bugs are. I will replay your levels and try to look for hidden passages.

EDIT: I have now edited my review and improved your rating.

Review by .Nose.Soft.

19 Nov 2005, 08:14
For: 3.Lost Town
Level rating: 7.3

Ok, firstually, it’s a well done level.
And like Ense said, the music doesn’t fit on it good, but it’s not a big problem.
And there is a eyecandy bug. you can see the
backround under the palms. And sometimes some places are little too.. empty or something, don’t know. without the palm bug, eyecandy is good. Well done. i think you deserve a 7.2!

RecommendedReview by Ense6

18 Nov 2005, 23:55
For: 3.Lost Town
Level rating: 7.3

First, I’m going to rate your level, then I’m going to explain a few things about ‘wrong rating’.

Your level was quite good, I just saw two bad things(1 which not anyone finds bad).
I think the music sucks with this level and it was too many floating platforms and too less real land.
I give it a 76%

And now, about wrong rating.
My level, “Holy Gardens”, DID have hidden passages, and if you opened your eyes, there was much eye candy. And tell me where you saw those tile errors.

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