Review by The - Wrath

8 Nov 2005, 16:38
For: Swamp drop
Level rating: 7

Thanks, ill try to improve from what you have said…. anyone else got any good comments??

Review by Arti

8 Nov 2005, 15:15
For: Swamp drop
Level rating: 7

Another level by you :)

Eyecandy: This is still not a lot. Background is there and there also is a tree, but overall very basic. There are also a lot of bugs like at pos 47,188. You should search the right tile to fill up the green block. Also a lot of things have been cut off. At 26,167 you can see the cut off, and right next to it is a tree which also has been cut off in the middle :/ The background also has been cut off (Layer 8), add some of those root things. I got a screenshots of the level in JCS. The rest looks fine and the leaves are good :)
^— Circle around the cut off tree and the tiles in the wall. Also use those things on the left to make the background in layer 8 look not so cut off.
^—- the cut off background and the ledges were Jazz has to run fast and leap to a platform while Spaz can double jump.
this is at pos 58,170 to 82,170.

Gameplay: This is nice. There are a few dead ends and it seems spaz-biased though, look at screenshot 2. The water is cool too, that you can walk in it. You used it really good. The level is kinda small though.

Weapons: Not a lot, but it could be enough for few players. It’s nicely spread out over the level. Maybe try to hide the powerups in a wall and add the electroblaster so they have to shoot it through a wall. Or coins. Right now it’s easy to get all the powerups.

Comment overall level: I’s okay :) Maybe should have better music? This getting better.

RecommendedReview by The - Wrath

7 Nov 2005, 23:42
For: Battle 2 Dimensions
Level rating: 6.5

I agree with RoW_Odin314, it is a battle 2 remake, its not that bad but its not that great either.

The power up added i believe takes away from the gameplay as there is only one carrot on the level – hard to recover from a pu.

However I would recommend downloading it as an alternative to the overplayed battle 2 :D.

RecommendedReview by The - Wrath

7 Nov 2005, 23:04
For: Rocky Gardens
Level rating: 7.5

Very nice eye-candy, the tileset is pretty cool and the way the tileset has been used is also cool.

The structure of the level is what i’m most miffed about, I have seen so many levels that look like that its unbelievable. You may want to consider re-submitting this level as a CTF instead, this is not a taditional battle level – its not a battle level i would particulary enjoy playing on – tho its still a good level, I just disagree with the style.

Well chosen, ive not heard this before and it suits the levels kind of mood – old worn-out looking, erm i dunno.

Its an eye-appealing level and the items placed on the level are not in bad postions at all, but to be honest its really platformy and to me all these battles with many type “islands” all look the same to me

I would still recommend downloading this level, there has clearly been a lot of time spent on it.

Review by DanYjel

7 Nov 2005, 18:44
For: Rocky Gardens
Level rating: 7.5

Rock Garden is level from Tyrian ;)

Review by Arti

7 Nov 2005, 17:02 (edited 8 Nov 05, 05:55)
For: The Yelp zone
Level rating: 5.3

Reviewing… The Yelp Zone

Not real good… there could have been a lot more eyecandy in the background. There are also a lot of eyecandy bugs you can see from pos. 89,69, that piece of wall is just made of blocks, while the rest of it looks right. The candles with the float up part look a little bit weird too. Maybe cover the bottoms up with the sprite forground layer with some ground, because the bottom of the candle doesn’t look nice on the block of ground under it.

Fairly ok, there is enough space to move around. There are only a few dead ends, that most of the time have a goodie (or a weapon bomb). There seems to be a Spaz-biased place too, like 57,43. Is the sucker tube supposed to bring Jazz up? Jazz has to use his uppercut to reach the platform and Spaz can easily jump to 62,40, while Jazz has to go trough the sucker tube (Or Uppercut, which takes longer than Spaz) then go down again to get there. I liked the place with the glass balls and the hooks ;P I did think the candles with float ups were nice too.

Nope. There is way too little ammo for this level. They come in pairs of 3 pickups, or only 1. Around pos. 106,90 there is a large amount of ammo and even a powerup stuffed in a dead end. This should have been spread out more. There is just way too little ammo for 6 players.

Comment overall level:
It’s a little below average, but more eyecandy and more ammo could help a lot.

Review by fearofdark

6 Nov 2005, 20:00
For: Diamonds of Diamondus
Level rating: 5.7

Please do not password levels!!!

Review by stuntman021

6 Nov 2005, 13:57
For: Tomb Rabbit v1.23.2 (updated)
Level rating: 9.3

i cant even use this. can someone tell me how?

RecommendedReview by fearofdark

6 Nov 2005, 12:54
For: Virtues
Level rating: 8.4

I feel very tired.


Good eyecandy in the level if I remember well. The tileset used is a bit boring and music (which won’t apply to you EYECANDY rating) is basic but good work.


A fair amount of warps and stuff. There is a copter in there somewhere which is different.


Great ammo placement in a few areas but I think you may have exeeded the limit of carrots. I would say a maximum of 1 or possibly 2 carrots in a medium sized level and I think you have used 3.

SIZE: 17/20

I like medium sized levels because you don’t lose your enemy. One concern is that some areas have not a lot of space to move in.


There are many falling obstacles in the level…..


Basic music -2 points
Good level out of basic tileset +7 points.

Total Bonus/Loss: 5 points
Tatal Points: 86/100
Rating: 8.5
Download it?: YES!!

FINAL COMMENT: Yay! A good level!

Review by Xobim

6 Nov 2005, 08:29
For: 1. Falling Cliffside
Level rating: N/A

The level is too small, it shakes when you move to one side. You should solve that problem by making the map a bit larger…

Review by Jarno vos

5 Nov 2005, 18:08
For: 1. Falling Cliffside
Level rating: N/A

Hehe, i like this way to make an battle!?

Not recommendedReview by fearofdark

5 Nov 2005, 15:34
For: Mr Wolf's Battle pack 1.00
Level rating: 1.4

These tile layouts are not your levels but as usual I will rate.

There is such a thing as too many shields. A better version of battles would be to have better eyecandy and more gameplay (Springs, places to get to ect.) not fill the level with bonuses. Rating: 2.0

Same as level one. I only found 1 or 2 new areas. New areas should expand the level but it will seriously damage your rating to cut out new areas and create others from scratch. Rating: 1.5

Same old comment. NOTE: Overusing pinball events do not improve the level and again damages the rating. RATING: 1.7

You did not make the layout or backround. -0.2

Overusing ammo. -0.3



Please note that you will recieve bad comments for making origonal levels worse.


Review by spooky spaz

5 Nov 2005, 13:16
For: Miracle of Sun
Level rating: 9.5

I’ved look for tilesets that have many characters. One day, i were downloading tilesets, and i saw it: miracle of sun.
I downloaded it and played it AND LOVED IT, because it has:
+many characters, furniture and other fun stuff.
+cool red colour (Muhahahaa; i wrote from it!)
+there is VERY many pieces of terrain, and not only ground; there is also houses and trees and other stuff
+Eyecandy is great! there is so many pieces to do it!
-bacround is very hard to do.

Overall, it is the best tileset what i have ever played.

Review by MSB3000

5 Nov 2005, 03:24 (edited 7 Nov 06, 18:25 by Cooba)
For: Crukked Temple of templeness
Level rating: 3.7

Well I like it. Catchy. But short. If I had a cell phone this would be it’s ring tone.

[Rating (6) clearance blablabla ~Cooba]

Review by MSB3000

5 Nov 2005, 03:17
For: ToobElectuube
Level rating: 6.8

Mostly good. I like it’s fast beat.
(I guess I’m not in the mood for an interesting review.)

Do Orbitus next, or Scraparap.

Review by PakoMegaN00b

3 Nov 2005, 21:20
For: Penguin Hotel
Level rating: N/A

hmmm… it needs some work, but isnt bad for being your first level :)

Review by marcin

3 Nov 2005, 07:24 (edited 4 Nov 05, 06:43 by Violet CLM)
For: How to do Flying Crates !!!
Level rating: N/A

Level This Super!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Unsupported rating (9) removal. Table fix. ~Violet)

RecommendedReview by The - Wrath

2 Nov 2005, 21:55
For: Hot Springs
Level rating: 6.9

I really like this level and if it wasn’t for the bit you can get stuck at in the bottom i would have given it an 8.

EYECANDY: The eyecandy is probably at a score of 8. Its a good and different looking tileset – also effects have been used like falling lava and stuff – it looks cool!

MUSIC: Well chosen, its though a little big in file size, however when you have all the files to play this level the music goes great with the whole theme.

GAMEPLAY: The gameplay i think scores a 7. It would score an 8 in my mind if that bleeding error was sorted – so sort it please! lol. The gameplay is good because the structure is tactical and the chosen power ups are ideal – bouncer and blaster; if for instance the level had the seeker power up – the players would just constantly use that and cover the place with seekers – it would be boring this way. The fastfires also go very well with the fact the blaster power up is in the level.

This level is original, eye-appealing, and fun to play on. Weldone.

Not recommendedReview by The - Wrath

2 Nov 2005, 17:34
For: Mr Wolf's Battle pack 1.00
Level rating: 1.4

To be honest i found this pack pretty pointless, not to be rude :P.

If your a new level creator, dont get bummed down by this and keep creating, but seriously, what you have done is not original, nearly every jazzjackrabbit 2 player has added to the 3 defalt levels.

What you actually added took away from the gameplay and the eyecandy of these 3 levels – battle 1 has some shields added – this just makes it silly because everyone will just have a shield and be indestructable all the time. You have also put fires in the walls (where they really dont look right).

The sections you added to battle 2 dont do anything other than crap the level up – by putting masses and masses of extra ammo available – which really makes the level look over the top and will damage the gameplay.

Battle 3 is hardly altered, you have changed the destructable blocks into flashing blocks and added some TNT ammo and stuff – it really doesn’t work and i don’t know why you wanted to remake these battle levels, surely everyone has done a similar sort of thing before – but realise, you need to make fresh levels and start looking into real detail about gameplay and eyecandy factors.

Review by The - Wrath

2 Nov 2005, 17:10
For: Green onion
Level rating: 4

Seriously, when no one is submitting hardly anything anyway, how am I flooding with 4 levels in a row?

Arent I just giving some more downloads?

And I stopped several days before your message

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