RecommendedReview by CraccoBoy

30 Oct 2005, 16:54 (edited 2 Nov 05, 21:20)
For: Virtues
Level rating: 8.4

I like this level very much, duelled in here (won ;D) and the gameplay is good.

Eyecandy: obviously it has been made with the most default tileset, however its definately worth looking at – the level has most certainly got enough variance of the tileset within it that makes “castle” bareable to look on once again.

Gameplay: this is the best factor of the level, as the gameplay has been tweaked and tweaked for great flow and tactics. The way the whole level is fought upon (in a 1:1 or anything else) with an even amount of time between each section – as the goodies are cleverly spaced out, and there are a lot of heights, corners and dykes. The power ups and ammo have been chosen very wisely – as there are seekers, but no seeker powerup, so clearly you can use this easy and cheap weapon, but it wont do 2 hearts of damage; where as bouncers and the toaster each have a power up – making a lot of bouncers verses flamer action apparent on this level. Finally electro blaster ammo has been put into this level and there are many situations where it can be used very effectively.

To sum up this level: it is very cleverly made – it has a strategic structure, items are placed in great locations and the right ammo and power ups are used; as well as the level being pretty good on eyecandy – i couldn’t see a single tilebug, and the non sprite-layers have been used most effectively to aid the eyecandy. All in all, a fantastic level for the default castle tileset. Keep it up Wrath!

RecommendedReview by The - Wrath

30 Oct 2005, 16:49 (edited 31 Oct 05, 21:55)
For: Coral Coves
Level rating: 8.6

This is a truly stunning level. You are fantastic and finatic Firesword.

The eyecandy deserves a 10 without question.

-it is very original looking and very colourful – this colourfulness matches the whole scene that it is a bunch of coral coves underwater, its flawless really.

The gameplay deserves a 9.

-it is very hard to get a 10 for gameplay, and i feel that the hard(ish) to find exit ruins the gameplay a little, as i spent 30 seconds looking for it but i only found it because i tripped into it – this could be quite annoying to someone less lucky.

However, the gameplay is still amazing in itself – the way badies are used in the level so that people can loose their gems from the water creatures (as well as their opponent) is an original factor that i really like. Also, the structure of the level is very good for a treasure hunt, the web of caves is set out very effectively.

All in all, the best treasure level ive ever seen and probably the best treasure level period.

Score awarded: 9.5

Review by Jarno vos

30 Oct 2005, 15:27 (edited 31 Oct 05, 17:25)
For: Black Fate
Level rating: 5.7

Wow keep making battle levels please i like this one!
oh and thanx for uploading the good file!

Review by Jarno vos

30 Oct 2005, 15:24 (edited 1 Dec 05, 16:10)
For: Green onion
Level rating: 4

Why you dont make an levelpack?

replay on The – Wrath :
well its handy to make an pack with 2 or more levels than 5 levels in 5 zips the download section will be a little…how should i say it..FULL!

Replay on Odin

WoW did I make sense that will be the first time in my whole life!!

All we love making sense!!

RecommendedReview by The - Wrath

29 Oct 2005, 15:41 (edited 31 Oct 05, 22:42)
For: Flooded Valley
Level rating: 6.3

Your level is not bad at all, don’t listen to the previous guy, although ive rated it a 6.5 i nearly put a 7.

Good points to the level:
The tileset is nice and detailed and appropriate,
The name “flooded valley” is quite effective and a good name for the level,
The structure of the sprite layer is quite strategically laid out,
I just love that bit on the left where you can fall all the way down the level,

All in all its just a nice level, however you can make some improvements, ofcourse :P.

Bad points to the level:
The background is quite bad, and this is probably the level’s worst quality – it is really half-arsed done lol, one of your background layers only has a width of 1 block! However, on this kind of level a simple background is quite ideal, though not as simple as you’ve made it.

The level is also a bit platformy and veering towards being a capture the flag level. You could benefit from closing off a few passage ways and making the level more one-way style, but not too much.

Some parts are quite hard to jump to, especially with Jazz, you may want to make the jumps less extreme, however your springs are placed in really good locations and this kind of makes up for this.


Weldone, this is a level that I wouldn’t mind having a few battles in with 5-16 people, however its not suited much for one on one basis.

The background is its worst asset and the structure of the level is probably its best asset, but however with the size of the level you have chosen and the tileset’s simple nature, you would find it hard to make a level under this specification that goes beyond a 7.5


RecommendedReview by Superjazz

28 Oct 2005, 18:19
For: Tube Dreams
Level rating: 7.9

I’m now a quite late reviewer. It’s been more than a year since this was released, and I was too lazy to review this, but lately this level has really impressed me. Excellent job Snooze! Here’s what it’s about:

The eyecandy is used in several layers and ain’t after all that confusing since he used only specific tiles for each layer. I thought that you, Blax, sometime even liked solid tiles in bg-layers, eh? Anyways, there was even put some extra to the front layers. But Snooze did really good work with this still however.

The size of the level(small-medium I suppose) fits the layout perfectly! The sucker tubes are great thing if you’re at low health and/or chased. With them, you can trick your opponent and as well set camp to the bottom of the level if he/she is not familiar with them. There are some thinner platforms, as well there are some really solid ones. It was still possible to get stuck into the walls covering the tube near to the blaster-pu. Though the layout and flow were quite fantastic, the level itself still lacked of even a small original concept which high-quality levels should have, though Snooze’s levels have mostly been like this however. A few other start positions could have been nice also.

The placement of stuff is somewhat allright. The choice of 2 +1 carrots for their positions is great but the way ammo was placed could have been a bit better. The PU-choice(Blaster, Bouncer, Toaster) wasn’t a bad idea either, nor that approx. half of the pickups were food, which would give the player sugar rush after playing some time.

So overall I’d say this is worth of 8.2 and it has lately been one of my favorite battle-levels. Most people have still ignored it due to probably that Snooze’s previous uploads hadn’t had as high quality or something. I’d probably given Snooze something around 8.7-9.2 even if he made a pack with dozen of levels with this quality. I would like if he sometime converted this into tb or ctf, because I even thought of how the bases could be placed really well!

So download this and go host, or ask somebody else to host if you can’t. Though I believe barely anyone will happen to read this review because this level’s that old already. Well, if you did, then GG. =D


Review by princeton

28 Oct 2005, 13:55 (edited 30 Oct 05, 21:18 by Violet CLM)
For: 1.23 JCS patch
Level rating: N/A

it was the best
(Unsupported/undesired rating (7.5) removal. Even ignoring the low quality of this review, the author has requested that the upload not be rated. Reviews of this upload will no longer have the capability to include a rating, to fulfill the uploader’s desires. ~Violet)

Review by Odin314

27 Oct 2005, 01:17
For: Penguin Hotel
Level rating: N/A

8 hours isn’t really a lot to spend on a level. Most good levels are done in the course of a week or so. Some levels in more advanced 3D games take up to a year to make by one person!

Just remember, the amount of time you spend actually working on your level, tinkering with it and changing layouts to make it fit better, will increase the level quality and playability by a lot. If you can’t think of anything else to add, host a beta test server and ask for ideas. Unless you get a server full of idiots that say “rotfl add ten million tube events lolzord” or something like that, you’re bound to be able to get new ideas. That brings up one more point; be able to take criticism. Most people won’t flame you, but if they say stuff like “the way you did the eyecandy was pretty awful,” don’t feel bad about it. Everyone can improve, and you’re just starting out anyway.

Review by Gizmaluke

24 Oct 2005, 06:58 (edited 30 Oct 05, 21:20 by Violet CLM)
For: Electric Ir as Jazz Jackrabbit (clip)
Level rating: 8.4

(Unsupported rating (9) removal. ~Violet)

Review by Jarno vos

24 Oct 2005, 06:43 (edited 26 Oct 05, 07:35)
For: Penguin Hotel
Level rating: N/A

sorry, Shadowrabbit but i think wadle is right this SUX
(and i dont say i have a good day today…)


Edit : Ok very sorry i didnt know this was your first level iam sorry so SORRY!

Review by wadledee

23 Oct 2005, 15:48 (edited 24 Oct 05, 17:08)
For: Penguin Hotel
Level rating: N/A

It is that I’m nice today, but a level like this, OMG!!
This is a hotel?? It doesn’t have a right start pos, it’s no nice eyecandy (ahum) and the gameplay sux.
Happy reviewing and playing? I don’t think so…

[This review was writen by Wadledee aka Carrotpie]

EDIT: Sorry Shaddow Rabbit, I didn’t knew that, but still its not a real/([good]) lvl

[This review was edited by Wadledee aka Carrotpie]

Review by NovaStar

23 Oct 2005, 11:39
For: Project Controller 4
Level rating: 9.3

How to fix:
Delete all Controller Files (except zip)
Unload all the files again

Keep repeating until it works!

Review by thebigspaz

22 Oct 2005, 21:59 (edited 30 Oct 05, 21:20 by Violet CLM)
For: Forest of dormant-ness
Level rating: 6.7

Awsome level!
(Unsupported rating (7.7) removal. ~Violet)

Review by KK

22 Oct 2005, 18:29
For: Forest of dormant-ness
Level rating: 6.7

It’s a fun level, I like it. Good for your first post. Good luck in future levels!

Review by Battousai

21 Oct 2005, 00:18
For: Dusky Siegeness
Level rating: N/A

Nice Replica of Undersiegness. Oh and i also like the changes you made :)!

Review by Crusader

20 Oct 2005, 19:40
For: ToobElectuube
Level rating: 6.8

which song should i remix next….?

RecommendedReview by fearofdark

20 Oct 2005, 19:24
For: The City of the Crab King
Level rating: 6.1

2nd review after holiday!!

Great eyecandy!!! You’ve use the backround layers and foreground layers perfectly. Ther only thing that got on my nerves was that some of the foreground eyecandy was blocking the view.

I was not sure on the gameplay. There are a few obsticles in the game which are too easy and some are too hard. Still not the best gameplay.

ITEMS: 16/20
The items seem to be placed properly. My only concern is that there are some places with 2 or 3 carrots in one area and need to be scattered (and get rid of a few).


Replace a few crabs. The hurt scenary is fine but you are overusing crabs in this level.

OTHERS: 15/20

The size of the level is normal but I got stuck at one point.

SCORE: 76/100


COMMENT: Good rating and I would recommend dowloading this. There is still room for improvement but a 7.5 isn’t bad.

Review by musti

20 Oct 2005, 15:59
For: Death Controller 1.1 [1.23 + tsf]
Level rating: 8.9

I think very good,easy and useful program.
9.2 or 9.5 from me!!
Do you know different version of this program?Send me a private message please if you know.

Review by AtomicFeline

20 Oct 2005, 14:40 (edited 20 Oct 05, 14:57)
For: Sparkz
Level rating: 7.7

I was browsing levels and I noticed that since these levels weren’t actually rated and only a few jj1 levels were actually made, I decided to rate them. That and the fact that jazz1 levels are a pain in the neck to create more than justifies this review.


Pretty good. When moving from one area to the next, tiles seem to flow into the next. One minute you’re in a yellow cavern and the next you’re in a darkened open area with suckertubes. Background tiles are used in a unique fashion giving each of these areas a real unique feel. This gets an 8 here.


These levels were clearly just modified versions of the originals, so this takes a toll here. However, the fast cloud moving sparks and moving electrical barriers add to these fast paced levels. The shootable ground shooters add a nice touch for if they are carefully taken out, doing so can make a particular area much easier.

This gets a 7.0


Albeit these levels are fast paced, they aren’t just shoot-kill-move-to-the-next-area kind. The levels breathe of many secret areas and sidepaths that house a plethora of goodies and baddies. Some spots are arranged in such a way that if you move too fast then they send you back to earlier parts of the levels, so the gameplay doesn’t drag you down.

8.5 here.


Platforms are well placed and allow easy access to the next area. Some spots have difficult to climb platforms or obstacles to get to secret areas. Ammo placement is good as well and the length adds to the level’s overall funness. However, although each area is original, the player feels like he’s in a suckertube half the time, causing everything to pass by in a blur.

7.5 here.


The levels aren’t very memorable, but you certianly enjoy playing them.

Overall: 7.7

Note: These levels are for the shareware version only.

Review by best72

19 Oct 2005, 22:24 (edited 6 Nov 06, 19:58)
For: ToobElectuube
Level rating: 6.8

The song isn’t bad just sounds like it lacks something a to me…not really sure what..anyway good song!

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