Review by Dr. Eggman

19 Oct 2005, 21:45
For: ToobElectuube
Level rating: 6.8

I’m the second :)

RecommendedReview by MoonBlazE

19 Oct 2005, 21:42
For: Episode Two: The Rebirth of Evil
Level rating: 9.6

While I’m not really a talented reviewer, I’ll give my best shot commenting on this pack. Some of the cons was the eye candy. While Evilmike sure did focus on getting the levels huge, there was no special touches in this that drove you..

What am I saying?!? This thing rocks. Go download it now. The levels are worked well through, the music zooms you into the levels. Jumping from spaceship to spaceship and destroying a whole fleet, performing advanced missions such as destroying central computers, this pack brings an amazing new style.

Go save the universe, fanboy!

Review by n00b

19 Oct 2005, 21:32 (edited 19 Oct 05, 21:34)
For: ToobElectuube
Level rating: 6.8

Not only am I the first downloader, I am the first commenter.

I particulary liked this tubelectric remix, but it feels like a mere instrument change at times.

Review by fearofdark

19 Oct 2005, 17:56
For: Gameworld2
Level rating: 5.5

This is the first review i’ve done in several months, but anyway:

Not very good. Poor eyecandy for most levels that get 7.

This has good gameplay but not the best. Pinball is interesting but the frog game is hard and I don’t really like tooo hard. You were right about the matrix.

ITEMS: 7/20

I can’t really describe items.

SIZE: 14/20

For a game level it should be big. And it is.

OTHERS: 12/20

Thye matrix game let the level down but the game was interesting.



COMMENT: To be honest, it’s not that great but it is over 5.0 so it’s not completely bad. A dissapointing start for me.

Review by DanYjel

19 Oct 2005, 15:31
For: The Crazy Warehouse Race (1.24)
Level rating: N/A

you lost sapphire spaz :(

RecommendedReview by iluz

19 Oct 2005, 09:21
For: Battleship?!?
Level rating: 8.2

I really liked this level.
The tileset is great and the moving backround is awesome.
The placement of enemies was good to.

Download recomendation: Yes

Final score 8.5

Review by FireSworD

19 Oct 2005, 01:33 (edited 19 Oct 05, 01:49 by Fire Sword!)
For: Episode Two: The Rebirth of Evil
Level rating: 9.6

An extremely solid episode containing a few revolutionary concepts involving the aforementioned alternative endings. The deepest most involving story to have ever been told in a jj2 pack and debatably any other two demensional game. The author has spent a great deal of time perfecting this episode, there are very few if any aspects that seem tacked on or reflect the author being lazy at all.

There is nothing more to be said. This pack is for everyone. It doesn’t get any better than this. You won’t be disappointed.


RecommendedReview by CrimiClown

18 Oct 2005, 20:28 (edited 22 Oct 05, 18:36)
For: Episode Two: The Rebirth of Evil
Level rating: 9.6

Edited Section
I just want to add that I am STILL playing (or trying) your episode on hard, rather than playing World of Warcraft. Keep up the good work, Mike, and don’t let me down on the third!

Starting Comments
The long awaited sequel to Invasion of Deserto is finally here! I finished this episode after a long night and seven cups o’ coffee, but I did it!

As for the story… It’s a little… Well, err… Basic. Devan this, evil scheme that. BUT! (There always is a but…) This one is not about mass destrustion or stealing diamonds and girlfriends! This story is one of the GREATEST DEVAN RELATED STORIES I have ever hear of. Ofcourse I won’t tell more details, play it yourself.
Story = Great

This pack sure was hard. Hard as in “KICK SOME LIZARD” hard! The puzzles were amazing, the enemies and ammo were well placed, but it was hard. I finished it in easy (Both endings(!)) and still had a tough time. Although, the fact that I made it through this pack says a LOT!
Balance = Nearly Perfect (True perfect does not exist.) :P

First, I have never seen Top Secret used like this. This isn’t Top Secret anymore, this is ‘teh b0mb’. The first level was the best, IMO. You really feel like being in a scorching hot desert area… :)
Eyecandy = Super!

I noticed many of the things I saw in this episode were also in my latest project. I am not saying that you stole them (Or that I stole them…), but I also have multiple endings, layer 5 speed used to make you move faster, vehicles such as the escape pod, etc. Although, I won’t complain about this any further. :)
Originality = Nice to others, but because I knew it already, just a little bland. ;)

This nice pack DESERVES to be a nice pack, and should be rated as such. If you played Invasion of Deserto, this pack is a MUST2PLAY for you! And, if you didn’t, I suggest you scroll down Mike’s download page and GET IT NOW!
Score = 9,5

Any bonusses/substractions
Nothing TOO MUCH outstanding to earn a bonus… No flaws, either. ;)
Bonus = 0

Download Recommendation
Ah, heck, why not. :)

Further comment
I hope you are motivated enough now. :) I’d like to hear from you sometimes. You got my MSN, dontcha?

I can’t wait for Episode Three. And I will review it again. You can count on it. :)

RecommendedReview by Fawriel

18 Oct 2005, 16:46
For: Episode One: The Invasion of Deserto
Level rating: 9.1

Haven’t posted a review in a long time, and I didn’t exactly take notes on everything, but here is an impression.

Design -10
Brilliant. Very, very evil, but brilliant. The levels look very authentic. I’d often really sit and just look at the screen thinking “Prettyyyy…”… and the way you revisit places throughout the story, and how they change and affect stuff… a very powerful effect. Can’t really be done any better in such a simple game.

Challenge -9.5
Challenge indeed. It was there a-plenty. However, there were also a bunch of places that were just unfair. Oftentimes you’d suddenly walk into enemies without having any chance to evade them. At least a carrot follows right after most of the most unfair spots, but still.
However, apart from those points, the pack is excellent in this field. There were many great challenges that were just that: Challenging. In the ???? level, I almost panicked when I suddenly found that a lot of the bees instantly respawned after being shot, but when I got a grip of the situation, it was just challenging to evade bees. Rushing through a landscape fleeing from and destroying enemies all the time is a quite interesting gaming sensation, very different from what you usually get, which is either a crapload of enemies all over the place or a few very meanly placed ones, which slows down gameplay a lot.
Another really cool place was the one in the end of the castle with the collapsing scenery and freeze enemies.
Examples of unfair places are the room with the animated disappearing blocks and the spikes underneath in the Temple, which is extremely hard to beat with Spaz, as well as one spot in the castle where you have to bomb through pillars with spikes inbetween, where the TNT is quite likely to just blow you right into the spikes, and a place right after that with a high wall right after you fall down a pit at the bottom of which two bats will immediately attack.. I never did figure out how to get up there without cheating… although that probably doesn’t count as an unfair spot.

Story -8.7
The story seems decent. Of course, I cannot say much about it yet, not knowing about plot twists that will follow, although I can guess that Devan will be resurrected in the second episode… it has been done before, but the plot works well in that it creates suspense, with unexpected plot-twists such as the setting of the bomb.
I don’t know what was up with Bilsy and the green place, but oh well. I hope it will be explained in a later episode.

And before I sputter any more unintelligible nonsense, take a few extra points for cool stuff like effects ( teleport-effect, flood, intro and outro, eavesdropping scene, etc. ), and take the 9.5.

Review by Nycky

15 Oct 2005, 18:57 (edited 16 Oct 05, 06:33 by Violet CLM)
For: JJ2 Muckamok
Level rating: 8

This Muckamok Level is very good, especialy the music! I would like some more JJ1 levels from you!
(Unsupported rating (9.7) removal. This is a TILESET. You do not rate the example level. ~Violet)

Review by musti

15 Oct 2005, 07:58 (edited 16 Oct 05, 06:34 by Violet CLM)
For: Project Gamma
Level rating: 9.5

This program is really useful.Perfect!!Everyone has to download this i think :P
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. ~Violet)

Not recommendedReview by JelZe

14 Oct 2005, 21:03 (edited 14 Oct 05, 21:08)
For: Jazz 1 Marbler
Level rating: 1

This review will be a tad short, because two glances was all it took to have a verdict ready… and it’s not that good :P

Conversion Completeness
First of all, this is a conversion done straight from the .anm in the Tiles Folder of JJ2. Everything that it had is present, but nothing, but nothing was added. At least the colors aren’t off which can plague such a conversion, I guess some brownie points are in order.

Added Stuff
See the previous section. This will be more of a tip section for the author. By today’s standards, a conversion should have most, if not all of the following, if applicable:
o vines
o poles
o destructable blocks
o hooks
o sucker tubes (à la Tubelectric)
o conveyor belts (à la Labratory)
o a textured background
o a working color palette
This conversion has all that stuff missing.

Auto-mask, ‘nuff said. Seriously, the mask should have nothing but straight lines, here everything is masked so Jazz will bump into everything.

Final Verdict
Need I say more? This conversion is very subpar and unusable because he only took one single step. Add the fact it’s Marbelara yet again, and it’s definetely not recommended.

- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3

Review by Radium

13 Oct 2005, 20:39
For: Sparkz
Level rating: 7.7

Wow, that’s a reason to stop if I ever heard one.

Review by Jarno vos

13 Oct 2005, 17:44 (edited 15 Oct 05, 09:17)
For: Sparkz
Level rating: 7.7

please stop making jj1 stuff lots of people dont have it

(Lots of people do have JJ1. In any case, it doesn’t matter, because this is based on levels in the shareware version. Just download the JJ1 demo and play this pack using that. ~Violet)

Jarno : Sorry..

Review by Spaz_Jackrabbit666

13 Oct 2005, 10:35 (edited 13 Oct 05, 18:10 by Violet CLM)
For: Agent Jackrabbit
Level rating: 8.7

COOOL GAME!!!!!!!!
(Totally unsupported rating (10) removal. ~Violet)

Review by Crusader

13 Oct 2005, 02:53 (edited 13 Oct 05, 02:55)
For: Dr33mp33pz
Level rating: N/A

like the drums…. but the main lead at the begining played out through out the whole song… was pretty annoying aftter a little while. very interesting indeed…. plus… I HEARD NECROS’S BOBOBASS SAMPLE NEAR THE END :D

RecommendedReview by CrimiClown

12 Oct 2005, 20:26
For: Dreams of the Jackrabbit 2
Level rating: 5.8

Have you noticed this level has the most downloads on the whole page…? :)

Wow… The sequal got a bit dull… Mostly everything what n00b said… I’ll let you off with a 6 this time… Sorry… I really liked the first one, but this one is a bit short…

Nice touch on the Cheese of Doom, though.

Sorry for the late review. Next time, I am going to ENJOY that level! AND YOU BETTER MAKE IT ENJOYABLE! I know you can. I’ve seen it before.


Review by PakoMegaN00b

11 Oct 2005, 09:33
For: Project: S ..[Very Early BETA]..
Level rating: 8.1

it doesnt work for me… :-(

RecommendedReview by EvilMike

11 Oct 2005, 00:21
For: The Sancitity Of Sun and Moon
Level rating: 8.8

This is an overall solid pack. While the levels are very linear and aren’t extremely original, they are well constructed and pretty fun. The lack of a story does lead to some problems though, since this means the pack is just a series of levels with no real point. This can lead to boredom in some areas.

I noticed a couple of fairly large bugs in this pack. Electro blaster can be abused to get powerups, and hit save points (you can skip pretty much the entire last level this way). Also, when you come back from the bonus level, there is no water which means you can touch the bottom of the level.

Event placement is well done for the most part. Annoying enemies like ravens and dragonflies were a bit too common in my opinion though. I also thought that powerups were placed in far too easy areas, and that made the coin warps pretty pointless.

Overall the quality of this pack is roughly on par with the standard jj2 singleplayer. The tileset even has a different pallete for the second level using it, like standard jj2.

I give this an 8.5. Most of these levels are around 7.0 quality, but this pack overall deserves more than that.

Review by spooky spaz

10 Oct 2005, 07:58 (edited 10 Oct 05, 20:00 by Violet CLM)
For: The Crazy Warehouse Race (1.24)
Level rating: N/A

This is great level, my cousin (he is REALLY my cousin!) eyecandies,500 bumps, (too hard) and other great stuff! how did you do this all? (tää oli sit englanniks että muutkin vois lukee tämän…)
(Unsupported rating (9) removal. Reviews must be at least three lines of relevant English material, and contain adequate supporting evidence for the rating to be viewed as appropriate, especially in cases where bias is likely such as relatives. To restore your rating, please write an objectively detailed review giving more information than the level having eyecandy and 500 bumpers that you approve of. ~Violet)

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