Review by DoubleGJ

1 Oct 2005, 14:28
For: Dr33mp33pz
Level rating: N/A

Modplug Tracker, sometimes with addition of SoundForge.

Review by Niels aka ChippieBW

1 Oct 2005, 13:32
For: Dr33mp33pz
Level rating: N/A

Nice track. What software did you use before? Cubase?

Review by n00b

1 Oct 2005, 03:01
For: Dr33mp33pz
Level rating: N/A

I love this tune. It’s the first remix of Dreempipes I have heard that really shakes up the normal Dreempipes formula.
If you get my drift.

Review by DanYjel

30 Sep 2005, 16:14
For: JJ1 Remake Pack
Level rating: 4.7

We all know, Odin. And you too. We know who The He is.

Review by DanYjel

30 Sep 2005, 14:14
For: Dr33mp33pz
Level rating: N/A

Nice nice nice. Just because I started doing with FL two days ago. Wow ;). It’s awesomely hard program.

Review by Spaz_Jackrabbit666

30 Sep 2005, 11:50 (edited 30 Sep 05, 18:37 by Violet CLM)
For: Jazzix
Level rating: N/A

(Personal attack/unsupported rating (1) removal, generaly useless review. ~Violet)

Review by Spaz_Jackrabbit666

30 Sep 2005, 11:47 (edited 30 Sep 05, 18:37 by Violet CLM)
For: TilesetPal 1.1
Level rating: 9.7

MSCOREE.DLL Is not way for my computer!!
(Unsupported rating (6) removal. I’m not quite sure what you’re trying to say, but it sounds as if you can’t find a .dll to get the program to work… if so, why did you rate it? ~Violet)

RecommendedReview by wadledee

30 Sep 2005, 10:18
For: Coral Coves
Level rating: 8.6

My first thought by playing this level:
WOW!! WTH!? This is beautifull!

My second thought by playing this level:
How big is this anyway!? And how long
would it have been to make such lvl as this??

My third thought by playing this level:
OMG where is that dopefish animation? I can’t find it =) And where are the rest of the diamonds? How to get that TNT??

My last thought by playing this level:
Where is that idiot exit!? =P

As you can read, it’s a difficult Diamond Hunt. I was thinking there wouldn’t be an exit, but hey, whats described on that wall there?

You must have put much time in this lvl by eyecandy, cause it rux. There is nothing more to say about it. It’s so beautifull…
Gameplay is great, cause it’s just like a puzzle! Diamonds here, diamonds there, I’m still finding some diamonds!
O, this was the last one =).. I was just shooted pass the exit with these tubes, so you hadn’t enough time to see a sign with ‘exit’ on it. Many corridors and caves everywhere in the lvl. Just like White Rabbit said: sometimes you just swim against the wall, and sometimes you swim trough it. Irritating, but than on the fun way.

Placement is also nice, but I saw there where so much diamonds next to each other, so I got something like 23 allready when I where swimming something like less than a minute.. But then, the line of it just disapeared. Where are the rest of the diamonds!? I still need 77 diamonds! But what are these MCE’s doing here? =)

If you want a REAL Treasure Hunt, host this one. No fighting, but a real SEARCH. Oh and one more thing before I end this review:
.. Nope doesn’t work.
… also doesn’t work…

This level just needs a 8.7, no discuss about it.

Review by Slaz

29 Sep 2005, 09:52
For: 3D Level Thing
Level rating: 6.5

Nice to look at. But I don’t think this will become a success in a real level or level pack. I don’t make a real review for this but be happy with my meaning.

Review by KboutR

28 Sep 2005, 15:10
For: 3D Level Thing
Level rating: 6.5

yeah its pretty cool but i dont think its very useful to use in a real level, maybe for cutscene thingies?

Review by Jarno vos

28 Sep 2005, 11:56 (edited 28 Sep 05, 16:08)
For: 3D Level Thing
Level rating: 6.5

Welcome PakoMegaN00b

Hey welcome to Jazz2online!

lol this one is really cool
the race’s and battles will be harder with this.

go create a level with it.


Replay on massage from Kboutr :
Yes i think you are right

Review by CrimiClown

28 Sep 2005, 09:13
For: 3D Level Thing
Level rating: 6.5

Hmm… This could work if the background had some graphix to show you’re really standing on it. Nice find.

(I found the hurt in the ceiling! X-D )

Review by n00b

27 Sep 2005, 19:29 (edited 28 Sep 05, 18:46)
For: 3D Level Thing
Level rating: 6.5

I think it’s cool too, but I think it’d better if you can only switch between the two ‘planes’ at certain spots a’la Wario Land for the Virtual Boy.
(And blast you for havin n00b in your name)
Reply to KboutR: Find a Virtual Boy Emulator, and then a Wario Land rom for the Vitural boy. That game shows the best way to use something like this in an SP level. If only one could get the background to look good.

Review by PakoMegaN00b

27 Sep 2005, 19:24 (edited 8 Oct 05, 17:58)
For: 3D Level Thing
Level rating: 6.5

Well, i was thinking on making a race or a bettle with it, thx!
EDIT: Ill make a sort of single player level, Between Death or Life, ok? oh, and is impossible to make a battle, i think. -Pako
EDIT: Oh, that Between Death or Life was stupid, so ill make some sort of chase with devan….. OK!?!? yeah B-)

Review by Ðx

27 Sep 2005, 19:11
For: 3D Level Thing
Level rating: 6.5

Haha its nice i like it, try to make a level with it?

Not recommendedReview by KboutR

25 Sep 2005, 09:11
For: Castlebattle
Level rating: 4.5

This level has two areas. The right area is rectangle-shaped and every tile on the floor contains a blue spring. There are a few floating platforms with weapons on them, and some well hidden tunnels, taking you to the other area. This second area is called the Duel Arena, and contains nothing more but platforms with powerups and fastfires on them. There’s also a lizard-helicopter to fly you back to the first area.
This level isn’t really fun, too much springs in a battle level can get really annoying and it’s hard to get to the other area. The gameplay isn’t that good either. The reappearing time of the helicopter is too long, so you have to wait (I think) 30 seconds before you can get the next one. This wouldn’t have been too much trouble if the helicopter made you able to reach a secret, and not the main area of the level. The background eyecandy is ok, but there are a few bugs in it. There’s also a layer 5 eyecandy but this contains the tiles actually meant for layer 4, making the level confusing. The layer 4 eyecandy is just bad. There are a few parts where wall and floor tiles are used but the biggest part of the level only contains the bricks at the bottom part of the tileset. Sometimes there is layer 4 background, but also here are a lot mistakes. The event placement is ok, but there are too much powerups placed in the Duel Area.

Fun: 2/6
Eyecandy: 2/6
Gameplay: 3/6
Event placement: 3/6

This makes your final rating a 4,5

Don’t make boring rectangle-shaped rooms, but use diagonal floors and and walls. There are enough good battle-level showing you how a battle level could look like. Also, use more paths leading to the rooms. Springs are ok, but the best use of them is to gaurd weapons and powerups. Also try to avoid using passages just 1 tile high, becouse if you meet an enemy here you can’t avoid its shots. Look at the battle1 level and look at how the tileset is used. You can learn very much with looking at a level in JCS. Look at how the tileset is used, look at the different ways the player can take and the obstacles like shootable blocks and springs. I hope I can help you with this, but I can’t give you any higher than a 4.5

RecommendedReview by n00b

23 Sep 2005, 19:10
For: Dreams of the Jackrabbit 2
Level rating: 5.8

I’m the third downloader and first reviewer.
What we have here is the sequel to the wonderfully quirky Dreams of the Jackrabbit 1. It’s still quirky in dialouge, but the execution falls flat.
It starts off wonderfully, you must go ensure the safety of Dreamworld by grabbing the cheese of doom back from Bilsy(Maybe after an epic battle, those demon types ussualy are fond of epic battles). Outside are some fancy animations. Goombas look out windows and Bowser breathes harmless fire(He’s blocking blue meatballs you can use as ammo). Theres two passages you can take to get to the castle, one is more hidden than the other and is called ‘Bonus’. Both areas have their share of cool things. The bonus has the return of the firewalls, and the normal path has Jazz exchanging dialouge with a Tuf Turtle.
Either way you end up at Bilsy’s castle, where you fight bilsy in a cramped arena.
It’s shorter than the original, and not as fun. As I mentioned it has some of the quirkiness of the original but it doesn’t feel as fresh and fun anymore.
“Oh” you’ll say “Theres more of that Oddness from the first level” and then move on.
Download Reccomendation? Yes but you might want to consider if you werent a fan of the original. The reason why I am so fond of the first levrl was because it was short, didnt copy much from high rated packs, and therefor wasnt much of a pain to sit through. The second is shorter and therefore shouldnt consume too much of your time, and by the time you have decided you hate it the level will be over.
Final grade -5.6
It’s not as great as the first, but it’s still great if you enjoyed the first one.

Review by KboutR

22 Sep 2005, 07:24 (edited 22 Sep 05, 07:25)
For: System Crash
Level rating: 5.8

I completely agree with n00b, but I don’t think this deserves a 5.3

This pack is pretty original. You are inside an operating system and have to flip switches and find root keys to gain access to other parts of the OS. This makes the pack a bit like a puzzle, but sometimes you don’t know what to do next and need to search through the whole level to find a difference somewhere.
The second and third levels are much the same, but they’re a lot shorter than the first level.
The eyecandy isn’t that good, but this isn’t required for an OS, and the tileset hardly has eyecandy tiles.
There are a few enimies, like dragonfly’s and turtles, but I don’t think they fit in an OS (or have they escaped from the Jazz Jackrabbit window?). Also there are hardly any secrets.
Still I don’t think this pack deserves a 5.3. It’s fun to play through and has an amusing – but sadly a bit overused – gameplay.

Fun 4/6
Eyecandy 3/6
Gameplay 3/6
Event placement: 3/6

This gives you a 6.2

Review by Bad_Bunny

21 Sep 2005, 16:15
For: ElektrikParadise
Level rating: N/A

This level is fot 1.23 too. ;)

Review by Bad_Bunny

21 Sep 2005, 16:07
For: Castlebattle
Level rating: 4.5

This Level works in 1.23 too.

  1. 1
  2. 414
  3. 415
  4. 416
  5. 417
  6. 418
  7. 419
  8. 420
  9. 421
  10. 422
  11. 1302