RecommendedQuick Review by Ragnarok!

6 Sep 2017, 00:02
For: Complete Pipe Dream
Level rating: 9.1

The new custom weapon is really nice, and really goes well with the level’s layout. The level’s layout is pretty enjoyable and easy to learn, and offers quite varied gameplay throughout. Also, good call on adding the cobalt version because the original is a bit ‘jarring’ as the description says. Cool look otherwise. Great lev. DL rec!

RecommendedReview by Stijn

2 Sep 2017, 13:47 (edited 3 Sep 17, 08:51)
For: Kangaroo
Level rating: 9.1

This is very nice. The small kangaroos are like a souped-up version of the Fencers, swapping that enemy’s defensive parries with offensive jumps that go surprisingly high and far. They’re not impossible to avoid, but will certainly present a greater challenge than most vanilla enemies, which is a point in their favour as far as I’m concerned. One complaint I do have is that whereas all original enemies have a simple looping idle animation, these kangaroos stand completely still while not attacking. Which is fair enough, as animations are a lot of work, but it does look a bit strange and makes it obvious that these are imported rather than vanilla enemies.

The boss is a bigger and badder version of the small kangaroos, adding extensible boxing gloves to simply jumping at you to attack. The boxing gloves are a nice idea but perhaps a little too hard to avoid, reaching high enough that they’re very hard to not touch even when double-jumping over the kangaroo. This would perhaps be worth balancing a bit more.

But overall this is a very useful addition to the game, giving single player level makers more tools to work with and adding some variety to JJ2’s by now stale palette of enemies.

RecommendedQuick Review by Jelly Jam

2 Sep 2017, 01:14 (edited 30 Apr 20, 20:15)
For: Fauztinville
Level rating: 8.3

I like balanced asymmetric CTF maps, this level is one of them. The carrot area has many ways of entering and defending.

Though the blue base is kind of too open for bouncers. It would’ve been cool if it was like that from both sides.

RecommendedQuick Review by Jelly Jam

2 Sep 2017, 01:11
For: Forest Swamp
Level rating: 8.8

The eyecandy and layer work is probably the best part, but it seems to have nice gameplay as well.

Not recommendedQuick Review by Jelly Jam

2 Sep 2017, 01:08
For: Maps
Level rating: 1

xd sorry but these levels have so many flaws to be battle levels.

RecommendedQuick Review by Jelly Jam

2 Sep 2017, 00:45 (edited 2 Sep 17, 00:46)
For: Complete Pipe Dream
Level rating: 9.1

Overall a good map for events with lots of people. I like the custom weapon and the level generally looks cool, although I like the cobalt version better because I dont like the way the dark purple radios look in front of the light blue background .

RecommendedReview by Jelly Jam

2 Sep 2017, 00:39 (edited 2 Sep 17, 00:40)
For: Arcane Weapons
Level rating: 10

Well the mutator does exactly what it is supposed to so there is no reason not to give this a perfect rating.

I guess I should at least point out how it’s great that none of these weapons copy the standard JJ2 weapons in any way (that I know of) and every weapon is useful in it’s own situation, where they both have pros and cons, making some kind of balance between the weapons.

The animations look cool and I like the small details on the ammo boxes and powerup monitors.

RecommendedQuick Review by FireSworD

20 Aug 2017, 03:54
For: Corridors of chaos
Level rating: 7.8

Quite a solid level, which means it’s not very chaotic unfortunately. Bouncer pu doesn’t really offset RF pu with this layout though.

RecommendedReview by Slaz

17 Aug 2017, 10:37
For: Yellow Diamond and Inside Level
Level rating: 5.7

It’s always nice to see new singleplayer released, and this time by a new author! First things first, I appreciate the choice of community tilesets for a first release, especially with MLOrganic which I don’t think had been used after the initial example level was made.

This pack contains 2 levels, and starts with ‘Yellow Diamond’, using the Lava version of the Diamondus Beta set. Once started, it becomes quickly apparent that these levels don’t make very good use of vertical space, although there are many slopes and vines to jump on. It feels a bit like the original Jazz2 SP levels mixed with horizontal Mario stages.

There are many crate ‘puzzles’ along the way, most of which are quick and easy path-clearing. Yet some crates don’t really make clear what they do and why they’re even there. There’s also many random warps, and some have their Warp Target very close to enemies causing unavoidable hits. Also, the coin warps don’t have their usual Coin Bunny present to tell you it’s a paid warp. A lot of walls are tilebugged with improper edges and eyecandy is quite scarce.

As far as pickups and enemies go, it’s a little all over the place but not too bad. Enemies are a random mix of walking and flying enemies, and as usual the Diamondus level is full of bees. There was enough food to gain 2 Sugar Rushes and gems are plenty with maybe too many Blue Gems.

While the levels are pretty easy, the only real chalenging part was the ‘wind tunnel’ with collapsing ground and many bees.

I recommend this download if you want to have a quick blast at single player again while seeing some rather unusual tilesets. Otherwise, you may better look for other SP levels out there.

And good luck with further JCSing, bpulido!

RecommendedQuick Review by Seren

10 Aug 2017, 00:00
For: BoredSet
Level rating: 8.4

Likely the best tileset by Disguise, one that actually shows some artistic skill and includes a background that won’t make you feel embarrassed about placing it in your level. Not a whole lot of eyecandy and a few flaws here and there but overall a very decent set. Would be nice if warm weren’t the only tasteful palette though.

RecommendedQuick Review by Seren

9 Aug 2017, 23:35
For: Prismatic Palace
Level rating: 8.6

This is a great, versatile tileset when it comes to basic ground tiles. There are numerous ways to get creative with them. The glaring issue is that it has almost nothing else to offer. It’s as if the LMAT team challenged themselves to create a tileset without inputting any artistic prowess, only basic geometric shapes, CG textures, and gradients.

Quick Review by Seren

9 Aug 2017, 23:11
For: Nature's Ruins
Level rating: 8.9

The decorations available for the ground are masterful and it’s good that there are two types of ground. That’s about it; the perspective on slopes is Picasso levels of messed up, the trees look like a bunch of flat Play-Doh pieces, and the background ones look like they were drawn by somebody who only knows trees from tales.

Quick Review by Seren

9 Aug 2017, 22:58
For: Stargazer
Level rating: 8.2

This tileset is functionally sound but not really attractive. The 3 types of ground all look very similar, and everything has a somewhat generic, unrecognizable texture. One could say it’s possible to tell what things are meant to be thanks to their shape, but not what they’re made of. Other than that, it’s just not a very interesting set.

Review by Jelly Jam

25 Jul 2017, 00:43
For: Calculator Core
Level rating: 5

The +1 carrots at the bottom are a bit campy. To add to it, if you go in there, you can get completely rekt because there is no other way out. The FullNRG carrot in CTF is the easiest JCS trick that generaly works well, so I’d recomend sticking to that trick in your next CTF level.

The teams are balanced when it comes to ammo in my opinion. That’s a good thing, of course.

By the way, it’s barely possible to get to the top carrots as Lori, you need RF to do it. But since you tagged this as a 1.23 level I wont let this ruin my rating.

Review by Jelly Jam

25 Jul 2017, 00:37
For: Flow - JJ2 Episode
Level rating: 5

First of all I’d like to mention how I’m doing a review exchange thingy, so I apoligise to EchoNox for this low rating even though he gave my level a high rating, which I thank him for.

Well first of all, the whole .j2e thing doesnt work for me. I have labrat3 but I dont see why would that be the first level of the episode since:

1. It’s not your level
2. It cycled to another level completely unrelated to this level pack (labrat1n).

Maybe it’s just my problem but I still dont see how to get past it.

Alright, the levels. Not sure how to properly review a single player level since Inever released one and all of my VIP single player levels are gone and they sucked.

Well, the levels are too short. It’s just ordinary lineral gameplay with a bunch of enemies on your way and much more pickups, there are so many pickups I was equiped for the rest of the pack even after level 1.

At least you made another path in level 1 that leads you to a gold coin, so you have to kill enemies on your way, making the gold coin a reward (the bouns warp needs 5 coins). This is a nice start. So, reward the player for going off the main path in future levels somehow.

The boss arenas are too big for bosses that are slow and easy to beat, you should’ve made a lot smaller arenas with maybe hurt events here and there to make the boss fights more instense, but here even the blaster ammo is enough.

Oh and Diamondust and diamondustN are basicly the same level with a diffirent tileset palette, i dont see why would they be in the same episode. Well actually after passing diamondust and cycling to diamondustN it took me a minute to realise i was playing the same level.

The levels dont have any tilebugs it seems, however, they barely have any eyecandy. It’s simply boring, you could’ve at least put something in layer7.

Well this is all I can think of ATM. I dont want to be mean or anything, but it’s just the way it is! Try looking up to some popular single player releases on J2O and find some cool stuff could try to use! No one got a perfect 10 out of their first try! Please dont let this rating stop you from JCSing!

Quick Review by EchoNox

24 Jul 2017, 15:59
For: Corridors of chaos
Level rating: 7.8


RecommendedQuick Review by EchoNox

24 Jul 2017, 12:19
For: Molten Core
Level rating: 8.6

This is Good!

RecommendedQuick Review by DawidPL

29 Jun 2017, 15:23
For: Arcane Weapons
Level rating: 10

Amazing mod, PJ!

RecommendedQuick Review by Jelly Jam

28 Jun 2017, 21:31
For: Multi-Layer Level Editor (v2.20)
Level rating: 9.6

Way easier to use than JCS and the features are more than useful.

Quick Review by ForthRightMC

16 Jun 2017, 11:10 (edited 17 Jun 17, 00:58 by cooba)
For: Polaris
Level rating: 8.9

That laser blaster reminds me of System Shock 2 game. The colors of Laser Blaster are the same as in SS2’s Laser Pistol: blue(normal mode) Red (over mode)

By the way 10/10 download recommended

[Please rate the level and not a custom weapon it features. ~cooba]

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