I always liked those casino levels from Sonic. And, I like this tileset because of that. It’s a shame that you had to take out so much from the original though.
Remake ice mountain zone next plz.
WOW you used my music! ;p And only because of this I realized how terrible stereo it has ;) Plus I reuploaded it in version 2 some time ago ;).
Good tileset, easy to do, with some interesting ideas.
Download this for the music and as a screen saver.
[Inappropiate rating (1.2) removal. No reason was given for this rating, at all. Try providing one. – FQuist]
I agree with Snooz
[Inappropiate rating (7.7) removal. “I agree with Snooz” does not look in any way like a personal opinion about the download, which you are required to give in order to rate. Snooz broke the rules here, too, but his review was old and therefore left unedited. – FQuist]
I think treasure games can bring out the worst in people. Most of the time, people will just fight each other, steal each other’s gems and they’ll never stop because they want revenge on having their precious gems stolen (of course, it wouldn’t hurt if you took surplus gems from your opponent, as a form of interest). While battle games stimulate the good, old hunter instinct, and CTF games encourage team work, treasure games are all too often about jealousy and greed, which is why I appreciate a level that’s more about gem finding rather than gem fighting.
FS’ treasure level looked overwhelming at the start, and, to somebody who has never this before, Coral Coves often appears full of life. I’m quite used to the eyecandy and enemies by now, but it is still the most realistic JJ2 coral reef I’ve seen so far. While there aren’t that many animations (and I couldn’t find a SINGLE dopefish either, despite the presence of a dopefish animation), the level is full of bubbles, moving sea creatures (beach-going tube turtles not counted ;-)) and there is always a wide variety of tiles, both in background and foreground layers. The blue tiles are used well, with lots of curves and different shapes, and give the appearance of size. What’s not so realistic is that sometimes the same tiles is used over and over again in one place, like the green starfish round pos 132, 22, but it looks pretty enough. The eyecandy sometimes obscure obstacles and may leave players swimming into a wall for a few seconds (like at pos 21, 73) but it’s something people can easily learn to avoid.
Not all tiles of Violet’s CoralC are actually in the level, but FS has used the tileset very well, and there are almost no tile bugs (the only ones I could spot, and I’m not even sure if I’m right, are the edges of the red algae bush at pos 55, 55). Also, the fish are too nicely camouflaged regardless of the background, and you end up meeting a wide open jaw more often than not, which is very annoying if you’re the host. Still this is a minor problem since there is also a lite version. You simply have to look at Coral Coves for yourself to appreciate its eyecandy.
The gameplay of Coral Coves does not stray much away from those of other water levels. As usual, there are very few platforms and most of the swimming takes place in tunnels. The level is divided into two parts, with the right side basically being just one huge underwater cave with a big, coral-covered rock in the middle, and the left side consists of a narrow mouth, leading to the surface, which divides into 3 other tunnels, which then also divide into 2 tunnels each, and so on, until it reaches the bottom of the coastline, 69 tiles down. This tunnel system is excellent at spreading players apart, provided they are willing to do so. The tunnels to the left can get quite tight (wonderful exploration experience, however :-)), and that makes seekers very powerful. Bouncers are also useful when being chased, but RFs and toasters are only really useful on land; toasters for obvious reasons, and RFs because of the lack of straight tunnels and its shockwaves, which bounce you around. The TNT is also quite hard to get in smaller games, especially when there are experienced people around, who will try to avoid fighting there, in case a hurt opponent goes into the TNT hole, busts open 3 barrels and suddenly becomes 100 gems richer. FS tried to ‘entice’ people to get near the TNT by placing two giant gems, and a lot of red gems near the TNT area, which solves the problem for larger servers, where fighting is bound to take place.
Players in Coral Coves should either avoid other people, or make sure to get the first shot, from my experience. Coral Coves’ flow is decent because you can go anywhere when underwater but the level isn’t very fun to play in if there are less than 6 people in the server, because of the humongous amount gems at the right side (two blue gems, a whole line of red gems, followed by gem rings, two green gems, and more red gems, and that’s only in the middle of the tunnel). Whoever gets to the right side first will almost certainly win. Although the left side has more gems, it takes much longer time to collect them, not to mention the fact that the largest gem deposit, 79, 23, is quite far away from the entrance to the left tunnel system.
The best way, in my opinion, to solve this problem is to set a higher gem limit for smaller servers using Controller. Increasing the limit to just 120 already improves the winning chances of players collecting gems on the left side in the lite version.
There’s not much to say about ammo placement. Perhaps there are too many seekers. That only applies to smaller servers, but the concentration of seekers isn’t done that well, because most of them are near the wrecked ship so those who can’t get there in time must be content with finding much smaller amounts of seekers under the surface. The enemies add greatly to the eyecandy, although you end up ignoring them after a while. They can be quite annoying to the host, especially the fish, which are hard to spot. FS claims that the enemies make you able to get into fights without fear of gettin hurt, but they are more of a method of escape from fights, because you can’t hurt others while blinking.
Coral Coves is overall a unique treasure level and it is lifted up to the higher realms of quality due to its underwater tunnels, the highly polished layout and the presence of marine life (despite this, I do not miss them at all when playing the lite version).
FS’ treasure level puts many creative ideas into action, but still feels like a well-made, conventional underwater level. There really aren’t that many new treasure level these days, which helps make this level stand out. If you like treasure, you’ll love Coral Coves. Heartily recommended.
EDIT: I got the longest review!
I’ll try to make this quick, but I’ve been known to get carried away…
First really good treasure hunt level I’ve seen in a while. FS wanted me to review this, and there’s no doubt that it deserves a review. I’ve just been a little busy… okay, so I’ve been playing Advance Wars Dual Strike. Whatever. On to the review.
Gameplay – 9/10
Great gameplay. Most of the level takes place underwater in maze-like tunnels. The level’s pretty hard to learn at first, but after a while you’ll notice that it’s really not that advanced. The layout is made in such a way that there are two ‘sections’ in the level. The main section is on the left. That’s where most of the action will take place. There’s another section to the right which is only reachable by land. The advanced layout and myriad of gems here make this level able to hold 16 players easilly, making it ideal for mass events. Of course, it also works for smaller games, but they’ll be kind of short.
The most original aspect of this level’s gameplay is the enemies. Using MCEs, several enemies including fish, tube turtles, and crabs have been placed in the level. They will hurt you, making you blink, slowing down your gem collecting prowess. They can also kill the server, which can be a problem, so FS conviniently included olcclite.j2l, which has no enemies.
Eyecandy – 9.5/10
This level makes great use of a seemingly limiting tileset. Lots of things have been put in the level to enhance it’s appearance, from gem barrels to fish to bubblers. This is the best looking level I’ve ever seen using the CoralC tileset.
Item placement – 9.5/10
Great. There are plenty of gems here, but not too many. There is also some TNT hidden in the level (I won’t tell you where it is or how to get it, I want you to download the level and read the readme) which can blow up the various gem barrels found underwater. These contain lots and lots of gems, making them strategically important. You’ll also find bouncers, seekers, and toasters (fairly useless, but you’ll still find them).
Overall (not an average) – 8.5/10
Amazing treasure hunt level. Host this. Play this. Review this. Wait and see if I’ll feature Noka’s tileset or this level this month (not even I know which I’ll do yet! Can you feel the suspense? I sure can.)
Overall pros: Great gameplay, really nice looking, etc., etc.
Overall cons: You’ll need a lot of players to really play this level at it’s best, hard to learn, the enemies are annoying for the server but take away from the level when they’re not there.
Lark! You forgot to put him into the credits! You used his melody from Toxice Eclipse, if you don’t know…
EDIT: Thanks. ;P
miksi mun peli ei toimi?
ku mä lataan downloadista vaikka esim. Ice joku… niin sitä ei voi pelata? miksei??
[Inappropiate rating (1.2) removal. Please give your opinion of the level in english. Other languages are not supported by this site. Also, from the looks of it you haven’t provided a properly detailed reason for giving the level this rating. When you write your reviews in english, please state good reasons for your rating. – FQuist]
Sorry but 13th Vortex was much better. I dont like this tileset at all…
First of all I want to say that when I saw the review of my tileset by Moonblaze I thought that his tilesets would be really great and that Moonblaze is really good tileset-maker because he pointed out all the things that were wrong, he was describing how the good tileset should look like and how it suppose to be done, but when I looked at this tileset I said eghhh…. What a hell is this??? (FTR) Even the textured background is ugly! All background tiles are simply made in paint I can see it. The only thing that looks kind of nice is the grass from the brown , dark ugly ground… This tileset is so small and has nothing interesting in it, no interesting eycandy, only thing are some spikes, poles, vines and some strange slopes which looks like they were made by just simply pasteing some triangles, it look bad! There are also a few rocks which are ugly too….
I must say that I tried to do an interesting level with it, but like I am saying – I TRIED! Because you cant make a good level with it, every level made with this tileset will be boring and bad… Good thing of this tileset are masks. They are almost perfect. But what can I do with good masks when graphics are so badly made like here?
Oh and I agree with Violet CLM: your tilted rocks, look really boring if you had several in a row! (really boring!!) You didnt even put any effort to seperate the small rocks from big one so it woild look better…
Final rating is 6.2 -> Bad tileset small and simply made in paint ( this tileset is like 10 hours of work for me… ) I would rate it lower but masks are done perfectly. I dont understand why this tileset had so big rating…
No download recommendation because you cant really make good levels , this tileset is useles in my opinion.
[Flame tag removal – FQuist]
Well, I usualy don’t rate levels, but this level is special, coz there is almost no level O.o And the awesome music…I’ll listen to it all day now! THX :)
Ok, I wanted to give you 10, but I don’t want to make Fquist sad because of his work ; ( So no rating, sorry, blame j2o admins ; (
Gj, anyway ;P
/note: Fixed./
/note two, it is best to go to the last paragraph to avoid the long part of the review/
This Sequel to Iluz Land answers some questions, and opens some new ones. While the first featured many lands, the second only features 4 areas. In that sense, it isn’t bigger, but it is better. Also it is impossible to play as Lori.
Right off the bat you’ll notice that somethings here were ‘borrowed’ by Invasion of Deserto. The intro level runs just like the one in IoD, and that one bilsy related episode that Criminiclown. Anyways, the story is that Iluz Land was actually a trap(I love how it was called a scandal as well :]) which was set up by Devan. I can only assume that then trap was a VR simulation, but who knows. Jazz goes to Devan’s castle, named Castle Devanestien. And battles Devan, loses and is tossed in the Dungeon. Jazz finds that Eva is also tossed in a dungeon. You find a secret exit(Devan seems to have a tendency to leave those around. Hmmmmm) and promise to save Eva after you find and defeat Devan(Because he has the keys or something).
What follows is one of the best levels Iluz has produced. You’ll notice multiple pathways, and bats in decieving areas. Sometimes the bats have the advantage because of their number, or because they blend in with the scenary, some even wait out of your reach. This is a step up from Lost in Many Worlds. There are some hidden areas, and dead ends. The eyecandy is above average, and certantly is not bland. You must find a way out alternative to the front door, and that path happens to lead to the pack’s worst level.
The pack’s worst level should be skipped. It does not include any good pieces of info to the story and is not very well constructed. Take the level ‘Madness’ Put it in a bland frozen hell setting, and you’ve got this level.There are many instances where the challenge lies in defeating tons of enemies that are hurled at your face. Not very fun in my opinion. There is a Copter Carrot session, which is very bland and not worth the trouble. Fourtantly, this bland challenge is at the end of the level, so if you actually play this level you will know where the end is. Your rabbit will proceed to hop up some icy steps and will enter the world above.Also worthy to take not eof is unlike the game’s other 3 areas, the hell under Devan’s castle is only visted once, and good riddance. Outside you’ll notice that it has gone from a red evening to a purple night. There is a bit of story that is easily missed, a mysterious being named Somebody tells you to find some coins to use as fare to get onto Devan’s space station. The Bank is closed, so one must hunt down another way to get some loose change. This level’s quality is in between the first and second playable level’s. It is also very maze like. This area also borrows the most from IoD. One eventually finds the east caverns which leads to a showdown with Tuf. Tuf is apparently the only person around with money, and he’ll part with it if you defeat him. Beating Tuf displays the pack’s first backtracking session.The following level is essentially the same as the last, only with some key differnces. First is the starting point where you now can collect a coin. Next is the fact that the bank is open. Apparently lots of people needed to use the bank, because it’s crowded. The only way to make a withdrawal is to take out the float lizards, and take a coin from the safe. The next is either some karate kicks, or constant space bar tapping. You then return to where you met somebody now that you have enough coins, and he instructs you on how to use them. You are then taken to Spacestation Etta.
This level is like QoB. Infact, it’s alot like QoB only it’s on a much smaller scale, the emphasis is on finding many triggers instead of confusing locales, and there is a showdown with Devan. Defeating Devan takes you to a redux of the level where you must find a way out. Both levels are highly confusing with bland eyecandy and cramped areas. But it’s a nice change of pace from battling a line of 30 enemies. Escaping the space station returns you to carrotus, where it is morning.
Somebody is missing, but the castle is open. This level has the layout intact from previous backtracks, but you only need to visit a tiny bit of it. Which returns you to Castle Devanstien, which is also essentially an empty daytime version of the original. However a few bats are still left over. The real final battle is when you go to where Eva was being held, and you must defeat two Bubbas. Unfourtantly the pair makes for a lame final boss. Which leads to a credits sequence that basically screams sequel.
All in all, this is not a bad pack, however some levels are still lacking in quality. The enemy placement in some areas is a step up from past packs from Iluz, but the eyecandy could use some work in some levels. Also some areas were too empty while others were too packed with enemies. And he story was a nice touch, unfourtantly it can only be properly understood if one tries as hard as possible to find all of the text strings. For most players, this pack will be very mudane, but if you’re like me and all you’ve recently played is “Lost in other worlds” and other lowly reviewed levels, this pack is a breath of fresh air.
Final score- 5.2
Download reccomendation? Yes, but only if you’ve been playing levels that are rated under 3 points for the paste few weeks.
Review also serves as- an extensive journal of what I did in the X edition of Iluz land, so if you’ve been betatesting FSP 2 or some other stellar level pack like that, you don’t have to waste the time to play the levels.
[Apparently, FSP is regestered as FPS in my brain. Also you can now download the missing tilesets.-n00b]
Yes! this is indeed a really great tileset and Im creating a level with it just as I speak!
There isn’t anything to do, no eyecandy except 2 tubes and black background. Only you fall down and reach to the warp, then start from the beginning. So, no rating from me! Cause it’s useless
Finally! This is what I was waiting for so long time. 1.23 version. Thanks. Thanks a lot!
Danyjel has amazed me.
This level is breathless. It’s a new landmark for JJ2 levels from which all levels should be judged. How? Let’s find out. :)
Danyjel has created a realistic looking drop area. How this was accomplished with the tileset, or even JJ2 is beyond me. THAT’s just how good the world you play in looks. Nextgen systems got nothing on this. Even Jazz looks better!
There is a very enticing story that is here. But it’s up to you to create it! How astonishing!
Everything in the level is placed correctly. No warp bugs or missing warps at the end. Yay.
This level is beyond words. You can do many things on your plummet. First choice: Do you want to fall as Jazz or Spaz? And using Jazz 2’s cheats you can even change your rabbit midflight! And if you so wish, be a frog or a hip-hop! Amazing! You can also change what direction you are facing! Such grand choices. Clearly the sandboxy nature of this level makes it the most advanced level currently made for JJ2.
Final Verdict-Excellent level, and great music. You just have to play it to belive it. Do I get my 100 euros now?
Final Score- 10/10
Download Reccomendation? Yes!
Play Co-op/Online? Of course! Not sharing this experience would be plain mean!
Also useable as- A handy thermos.
[Inappropiate rating (10) removal. Unfortunately inappropiate, for obvious reasons.. Quite funny tho. – FQuist]
I guess I should write a review for this. It deserves one. I’d also say this tileset is well on it’s way to being the featured download for this month.
Here we have two tilesets by Noka – Toxicus and Lavapolis. Both are very similar, with a few minor changes here and there. Toxicus has toxin, mountains, and what looks like rocks, while Lavapolis has lava, buildings, and metal. Originally, these tilesets were bigger, and TSF only, and were supposed to be a remake of Technoir.
Graphics – 8/10
Just about everything looks really nice. Very high quality, and lots of detail put into it. I do have a few complaints, though. The biohazard tower looks kind of dithered, for lack of a better word. Also, I can’t say I love the mountains in Toxicus. Other than that, everything looks fairly good.
Mask – 9.5/10
Hardly any problems here. My main concerns are how the disappearing blocks are somewhat jaggedly masked, also that’s not too much of a problem since you’ll almost always be putting one way events on these tiles. The other thing that really bugs me is that there is no invisible masked tile (atleast not that I can find). Other than that, I can’t really see any problems.
Animations – 9/10
Pretty much every animation you’d want in a lava / toxic refinery tileset. Lava / toxin falls, conveyor belts (which are kinda weird looking but still look pretty nice), radio antennaes, and more… there’s not much else you’d want in a tileset like this. Everything is animated pretty well and smoothly. The lava and toxin falls seem rushed, however. The foam they create looks like it’s ripped from Jungrock, for one thing, and it doesn’t really move (it just changes colors). It looks decent, I guess, but it could be a lot better.
Palette – 8/10
Everything seems fairly nice. All palette events look good except for the carrot pinball bumpers which look buggy in the Toxicus sets. Water works well in 8bit in all the sets besides Toxicus vs. Lavapolois (it looks slightly buggy here). The main flaw in the palette is that you didn’t take advantage of some of the things 8bit can do. I would’ve loved to see green water in Toxicus, and red water in Lavapolis, but I’m not gonna complain too much since not that many people use 8-bit anyway. Snow works, too. Not that anyone would want to make it snow here.
Eyecandy – 8/10
Meh, could use a lot more eyecandy, but I’m not gonna take off too much because I know Noka would’ve added more if 1.23 had a more convinient tileset size limit. You can still make a great looking level with this set, as seen in the example levels.
Event tiles – 9.5/10
Pretty much everything you ever wanted in this area. Could use some more destruct block types, though.
Overall (not an average) – 8.2/10
Great tileset. I’m really glad you made a 1.23 version of this. Download reccomendation.
First of, minus 0.5 points for saying the level is 1.23 while it is for TSF only.
This level isn’t so bad actually. It’s very trigger based, you have to solve a lot of puzzles, like finding trigger crates, using the right ammo to blast a certain block or moving crates into TNTs while you’re Froggy or the bird. The problem: this has all been done before thousands of times. From the other reviews I expected worse though, and the level was quite challenging. I liked the bird part with bees chasing you (I managed to lure one into TNT though =P). The eyecandy was standard – just like any other diamondus level out there. No story or plot, but it was ok.
Overall this was an average level with some good ideas, which sadly, have been done before a lot. Puzzle friends will probably like this, fans of fast paced action won’t.
I would’ve given a 6.5, but I find it annoying how every third upload says it’s 1.23 while it’s for TSF only. A single click would have saved me some time.
I want to thank this level and it’s creator for getting me my first Featured Review. And, White Rabbit, ofcourse. =D
Starting Comments
Best level ever? This I gotta see…
Well… Actually… None… You fall down for lots tiles and start over… Wow… Fun…
NONE! Black background and 2 blue tubes you fall through… Yawn…
Music Choice
Now THIS is where I like the level! The music made me laugh. The music really speaks for your level: “Hey, this stuff is useless!” This is where you made some score at least!
Good thing
Music choice.
Bonus Points: 2.0!!
Bad thing
No actual level…
Bonus Points: You’d wish…
Download Recommendation:
Yes, if you got ADHD or a good sense of humor. It was kinda fun for the hyperactive people on this earthball. =D
Further Comment:
Make some real levels, ok?
It’s interesting how these ratings are actually valid. Then again, I can’t find anything to prove them wrong.
EDIT: Okay, they aren’t. Fooled me.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.