This tileset looks very good to me. It has enough for nice levels and other things. I can say its a good tileset and easy to use!
I only review when a level deserves it, and the loved Foo Races were nice, so why can’t the team races be? So, I would like to see other reviews that are nicely rated, not including mine. Otherwise I will do 683 different points of view in a minute! =O Banned from China.
Team Foo Race 01.
Not much eyecandy effects can be done with this tileset but some stuff are impressive. I guess the eyecandy is okay, for such an overused, 2D set. ;( No offence. It’s still nice. I guess it can be stopped blabbing about or something now.
The flow is simple, a bit biased, but still the same around, not really any tactics but using ammo wisely and smartly. Anyway, if you are dumb, this should be near impossible.
The layout is okay, but races don’t have expected layouts, this is jus quite warpy. But if you really want extra points from me, there would have been a level where all players can meet (and attack eachother if they are dumb/smart enough), maybe even a split way for teams, like a player has a choice of 2 ways to go, despite the JAZZ/SPAZ stuff.
Ammo Placement was good. Nothing to say its race.
Team Foo Race 02.
The eyecandy is okay again, nothing to scream about like WOWOWOWOW! Nothing to scream in fear about. Some interesting unused things, not much but there you go.
The gameplay is quite simple in this one. You SHOULD know where to go. Its basically move down and do what I say. The I being the sign. ;)
The layout is a vertical tower where you descend upon your victory.
The ammo placement? Not much ammo, not much needed!
Team Foo Race 03.
Okay, a few eyecandy bugs here, and I dont really like the set at all, you used it okayish however. There are nice decorative areas.
The gameplay? Its nuts. Just don’t be tempted by the mad rooms, I have to admit, I ran for the bouncer PU a few times.. ;( Sorry spoy. Anyway nice tempting rooms for distractions, would be as hard as ever if you are dumb.
The layout being a big sort of loop that goes close to lines but dont join if you see what I mean.
The ammo is perfectly placed here.
Team Foo Race 04.
The 4th level, well okay eyecandy again, nothing to gasp about. Nothing to cry about. This probably being my favourite one has two things I particularily like. The jail at the end and the moonish lookish pillar.
The gameplay is simple, but may need a brain. Some people lack that factor. Anyway, a lot of repetition if you arent wise. Same sort of layout as 1st. And same sort of ammo placement.
Team Foo Race 05.
The eyecandy has a few bugs and some sexy MCEs. Not much I need to explain. There are loads of JJ2 tilesets morphed together and a lot of fun to play.
The gameplay is smooth for this one, but it can depend on teamplay and waiting behind for slower players
Or they might be doomed to be stuck.
Then the layout comes in, a bit loopy but not a circle sort of thing, you go to various places twice. Ammo = s3xy
Overall ~ How I rate the pack
The pack deserves a high rating, and I felt it should get an 8 from me, maybe a bit low, but im mean. ;( Anyway, I feel the pack is a lot of fun to play online and so you need to download it or be eaten by a fish called Jim!
I guess I’ll review this, since this needs a review =P.
Firstly, I had to look in JCS to find out what to do in the level (how to get into control room, etc). This isn’t too bad, since chances are nobody else would know how to get into the contol area, but it would be nice if there were some arrows pointing where to go that would be turned off by trigger crates once you went where they pointed to.
First, I’ll start with the layout outside the fighting room and stuff. It looks kinda overcomplicated. You have this weird room with lots of text sign blocks with no text in them except for 1 string mentioning r3ptile in it. That place seems kinda useless, the only benefit of it is that it looks nice and provides more room so people arent all squished together in one spot. There’s also a warp to some room with text signs explaining rules and stuff in it, but I had to look in JCS to find out that there was a warp there ;p. Again would be nice if an arrow or something pointed to it, especially cause rules are usually important in a level and should be read (noone will be able to read the rules if they cant find them =P). (Edit: Rag informed me that this room is actually the hall of fame. With only one person currently in it. Yay)
There’s also a bunch of nicely made spectator rooms. In the same warp leading to them, there is a random room owned by FS, and a turret tower. The turret tower has turrets (omg!) pointing into the arena, but they’re blocked by solid tiles so only bouncers get in. Although its fun shooting in the arena and killing people and watching them get angry, I would imagine in a serious game if I was playing someone in the arena, I would already be worried about dying or falling, and wouldnt want to be worried about people outside the arena killing me as well (after all, in tourney levels, its you vs your opponent, not you vs your opponent vs everyone). It would be nice if there was some host controlled trigger crate or whatever which could disable shooting into the arena. There’s also a warp leading to a room filled with carrots (you can get here from a warp in the start too). Its called the ammo dump or something, Im guessing youre supposed to refill h or waste ammo here or something (why would you want to waste ammo anyways? ;p). A sucker tube leads from that room to under the arena where you can pick up any ammo that was shot down (which is a nice idea). A lot of this seems overcomplicated (especially since places like the Owned By FS room are easier to find then places like the room with the rules), but thankfully at least there is a text sign in the start telling what warps take you where. One more thing, its easy to get stuck when on the blue spring when the host hits the crate to start (i’ve seen this happen quite often). Although standing on the turrets when ready to start would be a better idea than being on the springs, nobody does that for some reason ;(. There is no warp or anything to free you from being stuck, and that couldve been fixed too. Oh well, nothing major, and more the fault of the players than the level I guess.
Now, for the layout in the arena. There’s only one way to get to the top (through a floatup vertical tunnel in the center) which makes camping there easy. There’s also a lot of places where you can fall (two large chasms) so you have to be careful and stuff. The bottom right of the arena seems kinda useless though unless you’re trying to hide (and there are even better places to do that in imo). Thankfully, there are two diff. routes to the carrot. Overall, the layout of the arena makes it easy to camp, but its both jazz and spaz friendly it seems.
Rating: 7.9
The eyecandy here was great. Lots of times it made otherwise boring areas look good. Use of transparent tiles to make other tiles seem a different color was also a nice addition and well used. I loved the backround, the castle surrounded by the clouds =D. Don’t have much to comment on eyecandy, except the tileset use and stuff was original and overall the level was pleasant to look at.
Rating: 8.6
Placement of Stuff:
Hmm…The two significant pus are on the top of the level (where there’s only one way to get up to), and both are as far away from the carrot as possible (without being too near each other, that is). Gun8 powerup is in the bottom right, not worth getting it really imo. I wouldnt mind seeing the Gun8 pu being switched with the bouncer pu or something. There’s only 1 carrot here, making camping important and hard to stay alive. It also makes it annoying for people at low h because chances are their opponent will be making life tough for them and camping at the only source of health. Ammo also seemed a bit too sparce in the middle/bottom area of the level, and I would have preferred to see more +3 ammo instead of the +15, since some areas could’ve used at least something placed there to prevent them from being empty.
Rating: 7.5
Heavily based on camping. The lack of springs made the level interesting though, as floatups and sucker tubes filled the gap.
I found it really hard to survive if you were at low h in the level, because chances are if you have a bad start you will lose. This leads to frustration, but also makes strategy essential to win, and having to think of a winning stategy to survive rather than mindless killing is fun. Level flowed alright I guess. Some places jazz had to uppercut in because the vine was 1 tile away though, so that couldve been fixed or something (I dont really care since I play with spaz anyways =P). Still too heavily reliant on camping imo.
Rating: 7.8
Overall/not an average:
This level was nice. It was original (in terms of gameplay and eyecandy and things) and looks like a lot of effort has been put into it (looking at all the triggers and add ons and stuff). The level played alright and looked great, and it seemed to work. I wouldn’t mind playing it, or hosting it, somewhere in the future. Good Job!
Rating: 8.2
Additional comments: Music kinda gets annoying after you listen to it loop like 20 times while reviewing…And the next level setting is wrong.
Final rating = A Perfect 8. Just fix the next level setting or something =P. Download reccomended.
(Dont you hate it when your computer crashes when youre just about finished a review? I had to write this one out twice argh)
This just about passes my scale of a great level. A few odd things but everything else picks up and cancels that out. I’m being kind to review some levels that some friends made. And this review is mainly coz you beat me. D;
Anyway, BlackRaptor obviously worked hard and tried to make such a good level. Nice new eyecandy stuffz and interesting level. Lets see how well he did …
Rating : 8.5/10
I kind of have to down-rate you a tiny bit because the overused tileset, and a few places not looking so spiffy like the middle. I have to comment on the orange cheesy blocks; they look nice! A load of pinball bumpers and loads of circular blue block things, that looks nice like a pinball bumper with color sucked out, and turned blue of course. Okay, also there are radio blocks on the base areas, I think that was used in FS’s instagib. But again great job.
Rating : 8.0/10
Okayz matez, somez upratingz. Anyway… The layout is nice and solid, solid and amazing that is. Dead ends? Maybe, but those dead ends were covered. ++Warps and such. Anyway, BR obviously thought about his level, planned it, pwned it and uhm made it? It has about 3 blocks im guessing? 1 for each base and the solid outline. Not so platformy at all. Nice and solidy. But the one thing that I need to complain about is that I dont like the bottom quite so much. It seems a tiny bit rushed, much like my levels I’m sure. =( Gj anyway.
Rating : 8.0/10
Okay, new technology here. Suits the tileset eh? Anyway the level has new technology of transport and flow. Pinball bumpers as platforms, Pinball Paddles as springs, a bit of stuff like that. I dont believe in a terrible level, just a bad maker. Obviously that works vice-versa. But vice versa, it is a good level too. ;)
Anyway, the flow isn’t bad, the warps can be told apart and stuffz, so good stuff. Stuff. Stuff? Im banned from China for saying stuff like stuff. ;(
Next important part is the stuffz like camping and tactics. Camping isn’t so easy yet so hard either here, quite a few big camp-spots, which need a bit of changing.
Now, the level has a few tactics, maybe a few RF tricks to move around faster here and there and a few bouncer things, but the walls arent necessarily thick enough to produce everything. Quite a few bombarding tricks and shortcuts and uhh things that help you go faster. GL HF finding.
Rating : 8.0
Okay, the ammo and power-up placement is very super uber sexy. However, the powerups has one little dib that is bad. Dab or dib, who cares? Anyway, I feel that it is too chaotic with 2 RF PUs, and they are quite close too. But I suppose it suits this level as you cant chase very well.
Rating : Chinese 8.2 Or something.
Shup. Nice level GG. Download have fun, just shup?
Yeah,Sure I Like This I Like all Foo
Products (Thats why i dont review this)
It looks like this is your third level. In that case it isn’t that bad. Go on and read my review!
You need to go from down to up on the tower until you reach the Devan Boss. The way up is a long way, so I would say that this level is big. Puny that you haven’t much freedom in levels where you only need to go up.
This level is not that standard. At the beginning there is a Queen Boss to defeat and after that you are able to continue playing the level! It also has some original parts with enemy’s. Well done!
There is no food placed. not much ammo. But still some good gameplay parts and enemy placement. but the main errors are the glitches, like the Queen Boss is standing one tile above the ground. The Devan boss jumps out of the level because you forgot the No Enemy events. And anyway, it’s impossible to finish this level as Jazz, and even with Spaz it’s frustrating hard! Try to fix those glitches and place some more pick ups next time.
It’s simple, the idea of this level is great. But it just has to much glitches and other not-right stuff. But don’t be sad. I know your levels will be great someday! Here is a 5.0! Download still recommed if you want a chalenge.
Heh… Well, Cruk you must practice, but I think you’re going up and up :)
There is very good idea in music and merging some samples together.
Ending of song and rythm is nicely invented but can be heard some piece of non-advanced musician work…
You must make up tuning and other things connected with samples. I give you 5.5 cuz it’s very good begining. (This rating is so high for beginners, trust me!)
I’ll tell you according to Danyjel: Keep remixing!
Small info: I’m Crusader’s mix-teacher).
Yes, it is great pack! There are much actions and killing and Survive! 90% of Levels are bulid using my fauvorite tilesets, and all of them are very playful. But Anti-Jazz system are not work too good. Then I play with 4-5 players, it’s frustring to start this fun! Many of levels are too simple, but have perfect decoration!
Yes, this is the powerful Tileset!
But where are too much blocks. The backgronud in 4 layer you can do in 5 layer and you can delete a half of tileset. Also is very hard to use. But anybody can download this to see this incerdible tileset. But I don’t see any “good” levels based on this tileset
Firstly, always include the tileset with your upload. Although Coolday is a common set, I didnt have it in my TSF folder and had to get it from my 1.23. Although this doesnt affect the rating it gives me somewhat of a negative view of the upload, which could potentially indirectly affect the rating.
First obstacle already. Powered up RFs are much worse for wallclimbing than normal ones, bleh. I wasted all my powered RF ammo and got the norm from the crate nearby so it will be easier.
Past the part where you get stuck in a wall and go through a tube, you can get stuck in the diamond shape tiles you put in very easily. There is a warp to get you back, but you’d have to slide down the lower wall of the triangle to get to it. I almost didnt notice it. Instead of placing bugs so you can fix them, it would be better to just not place them at all (ex. a square instead of a triangle could’ve prevented this, among many other possibilities, some which probably would’ve kept the obstacle of climbing diamond edges unchanged).
Next come spike balls. I dont remember whether or not they can kill you in treasure, but they’d either be a major nuisance if they did, or barely an obstacle if they didnt. (By the way, Im assumin you set the game mode as treasure, as the author gave no information about that).
Then comes more RF climbing. Yay. Nothing interesting either. After that comes running in darkness, which was actually mildly fun for me in my bored state, but anyone could just turn the lighting off at any time to make this easier. Following that is a lot of pointless running and jumping which anyone can do. Next part is slightly amusing, with flashing blocks you need to run by. So far my favorite obstacle as it’s at least sorta original. Sadly after a while those flashing blocks can give you a headache. You could also skip most of it quite fast if you just jump out and run on top of the blocks instead of through the passage they form.
Finally, the level ends. This is definately not 8.5, for the reasons I’ll state below.
Gameplay. The obstacles weren’t new at all, nor were they entertaining. Except for the RF part anyone could win these, which wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the RF part because those people would be able to beat anything except it. Running and jumping all the time got boring too.
Eyecandy: Well, first the positive. There aren’t any extremely noticable tilebugs, but that is because the author used 1×1 tiles everywhere. Except for the snow which itself doesn’t look great,there is basically nothing to look at in the level. Not even layer 4 eyecandy.
Music didnt fit much at all either, I found it kind of weird that medivo music would be in a level using such a happy bright tileset.
Overall, this level was long and monotonous. Didnt throw anything surprising at you. If the author him/herself admitted the level is long and stupid, why did they upload it?
Final Rating: 5.5. Definately not a download reccomendation, nor deservant of its currently overrated 8.5.
Finally, after two long days of waiting, this level was released.
Medium / small sized CTF level by Blackraptor. Should be fun for 2v2’s and duels, but I wouldn’t try to put more than six people in it without things getting a bit too chaotic.
On to the review. The overall gameplay in this level feels very good. Pinball events are put to good use in order to make this level have a unique feel to it. Something I look for a lot when I play CTF levels is whether or not the layout generates a good balance of jumping and not jumping. Nobody wants to play a level where you can navigate the entire thing, or almost the entire thing without jumping. Likewise, levels where you constantly have to jump, and you struggle to move around with ease are no fun either. This level has a fairly decent balance of the two, leaning slightly towards the not-having-to-jump side.
On to eyecandy. This is Tubelectric like I’ve never seen it before. One of the things that immediately caught my eye was the fact that Blacky effectively used the stereo equiptment meant for background layers in the sprite layer. Translucent tiles are also put to good use here by changing the colors of some tiles to red, with a brick textured. Kind of weird when you stare at it for a while, but so is a bunch of rabbits running around a pinball arena shooting eachother, right? Plenty of animated tiles, lots of stuff going on. Eyecandy gets a solid 9/10 from me.
Ammo placement is ADEQUATE, as Sciz would say. That’s pretty much all I have to say about it. The full energy carrot is placed in such a way that you can strategically shoot it down, thus making your opponent have to buttstomp pinball bumpers to get it, slowing them down and giving you time to hit them with some of the RF missiles in the level from afar.
Music choice is decent, I guess. I’m not sure I love the song, mainly because the stereo hurts my ears, but it seems to fit. Kinda reminds me of some One Must Fall music.
Overall, this is a solid, original, easy to learn CTF level. I really hope to see this used in some 2v2’s or duels.
Final score: 8.2/10
Hmmm… whatever happened to the bomb at the end?
Anyway, it’s an original level I guess. Lots of difficult jumps and a wide variety of enemies. But it was too short, and some parts got pretty boring. There were lots of tilebugs but I guess that’s expected in a beginner’s level.
A slightly below average level. I’ve played better, and worse ones. Keep it up.
I’ve Never actually heard the original Fanolint. But I have heard many remixes of it sooo… yea I came up with this.
HAH! The original Fanolint is weak :P
I think this song really deserved remixing :P
See, this reminds me of something Future Crew might’ve pumped out back in the day, now. But only because of the added channels, really. I’ll write something a bit more comprehensive later. I need sleep right now.
The “Simon Cowell” of Jazz 2 Online‘s Music Scene. . . Joseph Collins
“Dr Lithius” or “LithiuServer” on Jazz 2
Lizard Base is a relativly long, above average single player level, based in the labrat tileset. It’s mainly just going from group of enemies to group of enemies to group of enemies.
Monotonous. Today is the modern age of level making, and you’ve got to show flare when you make your levels. What is supposed to be there that makes your level stand out among the rest? Well, in this case, nothing. This level basically has really really easy puzzles that I actually didn’t notice on my first run through sometimes. They usually involve geting ammo from one cornor of a 10 by 10 room and running back to destroy something with it. There are a good number of enemies here, making it so you have to creep along and shoot at the large forces ahead. However, there are 2, count em, 2 1up crates, both of which are really easy to acsess. Carrots are placed evenly, so you’ll never go below 3 hearts. Coins are thrown about, sometimes better hidden then others.
Pros: It does good at what it does.
Cons: It dosn’t do much of anything special. 1ups and large amounts of carrots and enemies make the level very easy.
Design: Winding around a large base area. It has a veried feel to it. In some parts it plays like a pro did it. In others it’s more along the lines of “What was he thinking?” For instance, the rediculous sucker tubes. It’s not good to take control away from the player for more than a moment or two, but sometimes when you use a sucker tube you can sit back and relax for about 10 seconds. And you aren’t even looking at anything! Just tubing through a wall. Also, some rooms are really cramped while others are nice a spacious.
Pros: Some very good parts.
Cons: Some weird or poorly designed parts. Strange use of tubes.
Eye candy: The eye candy is average or worse of a level using Labrat tileset. There could always be more stuff, and stuff is good. However in this level, eyecandy is sometimes used rather sparingly. There are no uses of foreground layer eye candy, and unoriginal uses in background layers. I won’t be too mean though, because Labrat dosn’t have much in the way of eye candy, but then again, you weren’t too inventive either.
Pros: Well, it dosn’t look awful
Cons: It still looks pretty bland though. Add more stuff, you didn’t even touch the little tubes with liquids in them or anything.
Overall, a slightly above average level with some great flaws in difficulty and such. It does show a very competent creator who needs to learn some pit falls to avoid though. Good job.
D.R.? Your call, you’re not missing much.
Errr thanks for the review, but is it really necessary to minus a point off just for that small mistake? (forgot to place some tiles on layer 5) I’ve re-uploaded it. And you can freely move, I just used sucker tubes most of the time instead of warps (the sucker tube which sucks you near the bottom of the level took me about 30 minutes to make).
Once again, thanks for the good, detailed review, but perhaps can you ummm… forget that tiny mistake and not minus a whole point off from it (pretty pleeeease)? Oh, and good work on finding that secret (sometimes even I forget where I placed it).
Thanks CrimiClown for that. =)
Inf. Spaz, the reason why I didn’t use those tubes with the liquids in them was obvious, they are A. hard to work with and B. don’t look too good.
But thanks for the review, I guess.
Aww aww aww… First remixes. Almost always suck and are totally unlistenable. In most of cases they are just bad resamples or milion of unsynthesized channels at once. I thought I know what I can expect…
Whoa Whoa Whoa!!! I suck :). And you rock, apparentely. Of course, it has features of begginer’s mix and 95 % of people recognise that this is newbie’s piece, but it does not mind. Because this is just great start, Crusader.
No offtuned channels, original melodies, good samples, nice effects, awesome background melody… Not everyone can vaunt of so good start.
I think every pattern is fine, although it doesn’t sound so good altogether. Too many only-actual-lead breaks just… break it. Samples, as I said are chosen very well, original melodies are nice also. But the thing I had really problems to put with, was the rhythm. Thanks to fast rhythm (what’s well), there are too fast beats. Hi-hats work similary like clasps, normally, with difference of that clasps are normally on second, not first beat… Clasps here work as ordinar hi-hats, with some oww moving by two rows. This sounds bad in this tune, just because you are begginer, but I think when you will play with rhythm a while, you will be able to do just fantastic rhythms.
The tune is very, very short, has only 1:22, what’s really dislong. During that, tune is grading, (bass, beats, back, hi-hats, clasps, lead) and the climax is about 0:45, where lead starts. That’s pretty late, but it’s okay here. Cause lead begins to be repetitive and one little really nice modify is only at the end, after playing five same lead melodies from Fanolint, which itself is pretty repetitive… Song reminds me Dr Eggman a lot, it will be apparentely because of the samples, which Eggman and Crusader use.
(+) Great start in remixing
(+) Good, very well modified background melody
(+) Harmony
(+) Samples
(-) Breaks between patterns
(-) Rhythm
(-) Length
(-) Repetitive at the end
You see rating. Why only 4? Cause I must be fair, I review tunes, not artists. Really, not everyone get four points for his first mix. Just keep practising, and you’ll be great. You have talent, I am sure. But don’t forget. Practising.
And download recommendation? Sure, if you want to hear original melodies, which don’t hurt to ears. But… Expect begginer work. Although great, still begginer.
To Crusader: So go download it all. It’s all uploaded on lot of places, Jazz2Online is no except. Or, if you have original Jazz1, you can listen to PSM music in ModPlug Tracker. You must keep remixing, I really see that you have talent, in difference of someones…
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.