The music brings me back to the days when I was still playing DOS games (gotta love Tyrian =P).
As for the tileset I thought it was pretty good, but I didn’t like the hills because they looked a bit too daggy and something you could make in a matter of seconds. But the tileset is easy to use, and has everything you really need for a level. Waterfalls, caves, ruins, it’s really good. As someone said before, it was missing V and H poles but I’ll let that slide.
I give this an 8, and a download recommendation.
Hey, this is really cool level! It’s true, that you don’t end this without cooperativ (it frusted me). But this level are very playful! But tileset can be better (variety is ok, but no colors).
I write a short:
-Intresting bosses but
Frustring me a GreenKiller (What I must do to kill him)
(Unsupported rating (8.7) removal. Greenkiller can be killed by shooting him until he disappears. In any case, this review does not mention much except the bosses, which is hardly enough to give a reader an accurate picture of the pack as a whole. Try to go into more detail and explain more sides of the upload. ~Violet)
Och, this is very Coooool Pack!
I like them very much, because is not too hard and not too easy, and are very playful. Good Job!
(Unsupported rating (9.2) removal. Try to comment on more than the difficulty, which is what I assume this review was about. I think we also have a three line minimum. ~Violet)
Starting Comments
This was… Interesting… Some parts were…
Trigger Frenzy
A puzzle level. Finally… Reminded me of QoB, by the way… Anyway, as I was hoping for some good stuff, this turned out to be VERY cheap stuff… The eyecandy was fine, the enemy placement wasn’t… The weapon puzzles were almost invisible, making it very annoying…
Score: 4.0
Good thing
You morph into a frog during the battle with SchwartzenGuard. Find the crate to revert morph. Good idea.
Bonus Points: 1.0
Bad thing
Visibility of the weapon puzzles…
Bonus Points: No substraction.
Download Recommendation:
No… If you are bored only.
Further Comment:
Work for your levels. Something I used to lack in too, I didn’t WORK.
LOL i dont think Dr Eggman willl be too happy:p, or he might be, I dont know.
This is a really exciting song… Lots of rock/bass. Many changes made. Loops nicely :p and gives oyu a dark scary feel…
Hehe… This isnt that bad. Although I do like the beeps. I cant say I quite like the strange BG guitar at about 30… Sounds akward. Theres a long beginning, but made it sound nice with the chords at about 4. Also I REALLY love the opening at 9 :D
(+) Electronic style( I like elecronic)
(+) Nice Chords
(+) Some well chosen samples
(-) Beginning = WAY TOO LONG
(-) The weird guitar at 30
DL rec… If you want…
This is the beginning of another tileset review.
Grove Shrine is a tileset by Labratkid/LarK of OLC. I downloaded it and after I saw it I immediately made a level with it. This level still wasn’t completely finished when I was writing this review. But now I’ll start with reviewing the tileset and I’ll tell some of my experiences as well.
I looked at the tileset and I immediately liked it. It’s really simple but has everything I’ll need for a level. So I was starting a level with it. I’ve looked in the example level and I saw some tricks with the tileset. I’ve included them in the level as well. The tiles in the tileset are well created. It’s not that bad if you flip them. Some of them are the same when you flip them. It wasn’t so hard to do eye candy. The example level showed alot of the eye candy you can use in the tileset.
Easy to use, or not?
This tileset is fairly easy to use. The platforms to walk on are easily made, and they have 2 different slopes that are perfectly for a good layout in a level. The eye candy in the tileset wasn’t hard for me. Shouldn’t be too hard for others either. Finding the exact tiles for the platforms can be annoying, but I haven’t had alot of problems with it. The tileset fitted perfectly with the idea I had in mind for my level. I think that this tileset is a good one for people who don’t want to use an overused tileset.
Eye candy
To go further about the eye candy, there is enough in my opinion. Some stones and flowers can be placed on the ground. There are also trees, pillars, waterfalls etc. It’s possible to transluce the pillars and waterfalls. There were also unmasked versions of the pillars and other things. The backgrounds are simple. The mountains are easy to place. The sky that should be placed in layer 8 is light blue. All other stuff I didn’t mention was nice.
There were some invisible tiles in the tileset. Those invisible tiles aren’t very useful, but there are invisible tiles in several tilesets. The masking of alot of tiles is really simple. There are messages in the sky and some of the tiles under it. LRK likes to put them in there, I guess. The other tiles look good enough.
This is a very nice and simple tileset. I like it alot. I don’t make levels with a tileset alot after I just saw it once. But I were just willing to make a level and I had a theme in mind. The level will probably be in a pack, but I will probably ask several other people to beta test. If it’s good enough I might want to upload it. Now back to the tileset, it fits a level based on fruit, and it’s good to use if you just want to make a level based on nature. I recommend anyone who wants to try something original to try this tileset, and do a good job with it.
Download : Yes!
Build with it : like I said, yes.
Final rating : 8.6
Whoa,Look this is music i like
Some Rock bass and that stuff.
Samples 6.8
Yeah Great samples
the samples from robert allen i like very much
(Alex Brandon samples are also very cool)
Instruments 7.0
Also good
P.S Keep Making Music LabRatKid
I don’t care about passwords since I am the proud owner of a TE*C*JCS! T*h*anks to who*e*ver posted the link on J2O a while b*a*ck.
Played the level, didn’t really lik*e* it. Some parts were longer than they should be because of constantly dodging a bee or two. Or maybe 4 *r*aipiers.Anyways, I could tell you all the pass right now but instead I have hidden it(Very poorly I might add).
It’s because many people release the password in a readme. By the way, if somebody REALLY wants to look at it the pass is CHEATER.
EDIT2- This comment is in need of so much repair, I’m going to leave it be and hope you forget about this level.
RoW_Odin314, I appreciate your review but -1.5 for passwording the level and not releasing the password? Do you do that to all the levels you review? You’re pretty obnoxious.
Ok, I played halfway, then I put down my controller and decided the level sucked.
The enemy placement wasn’t very hard. More bees/tuf turfs in narrow areas would’ve made the game harder in that department.
The “puzzle” part of the game, if you can call it that, is simply jumping around and getting to crates. Smash the crates, scour the level for any changes, repeat. Not fun.
Item placement tries to make the level hard but fails.
In summary, the only thing that made the level “hard” was the puzzles. I put the hard in quotation marks because the level wasn’t fun at all. While I enjoy games that give a challenge (see Eternal Daughter, Tyrian, Kirby’s Dream Land 3), this level wasn’t very enjoyable. Hard levels are fun. Fustrating ones are not.
I give you a 6, + .5 for effort, -1.5 for passwording the level without releasing the password. Unless you want to keep a compendum of every JJ2 level that ever existed, skip this.
x1337 or whatever: A large cut from a good rating would give the author more incentive to not password his next level. Also, you’re lucky I gave you a .5 for effort, I would’ve left you with a 4.5 but I decided that wouldn’t be very nice.
Yea, this very cool pack, and have very good idea! A lot of variety in each other tilesets and other things. But in some moments it’s very frustring.
(Unsupported rating removal, more detail please. ~Violet)
This pack contains 12 single-player levels, a tileset, a few music files and 5 cinematics, but it’s not about the cinematics, but it’s about the levels.
You have been stranded on an island called Site-B. The eyecandy in this level is ok, but the background looks a bit empty. The level disign is in one word: boring. You just need to follow a straigt path from left to right. In games like super mario this would’ve been possible, becouse mario can’t jump very far, but in jazz2 you can just run and jump through this level in 30 seconds, without missing lots of pickups.
Wierd Lizards
This level is not much different than the previous one. The background contains a few trees and rocks and a big hill, making the background again a bit empty. The level design is a bit better than the previous level, more jumping is needed and it’s a bit harder. Near the and of the level you need to climb trees to find the cave leading to the next level.
Under the Mountain
This level was also pretty easy. It’s inside a cave, and you need to avoid a few rocks and jump over a few collapsing platforms. That’s it. Eyecandy was very poor, only the Ground, and a plain rocky background.
On top of the World
This level is on the top of a big mountain or something like that. Eyecandy is still poor but the level design is a bit better. Falling down often results in a deep spiky pit (you can’t get out) and is sometimes unavoidable, being very annoying.
Sorna Falls
This level is nothing but rocks and waterfalls. Falling down a waterfall results in going back to the beginning. It’s a bit a maze like level, which is pretty fun, but the falling down spoils the fun a bit.
Into the Long Grass
This level is into the long grass (what a surprise). Eyecandy has improved a lot, but the level is very easy because you can just run and jump through the whole level.
A Call for Help
This level is mainly inside a house thingy. Eyecandy is ok and this level is a lot harder than the other levels. Sadly, after you exit the house the level is nearly finished. Another 30 second level…
Down the Tubes
Youre inside a sort of sewer. Eyecandy is a bit poor again, and the level is pretty short and easy. There’s a cool trap in the level with raising water and lots of fish.
Goose Chase
In this level you’ll be chased by a T-rex I think. But it’s far to easy and if you shoot and run to the right for 30 seconds, the level is finished. Eyecandy is okay, but the level is just far to easy and short.
Climate Change
Just another boring level with a few dinosaurs. Blah
The Storm
Nothing much to say about this level. This time it rains at the background. It’s again easy to just helicopter-ear over the whole level in 30 seconds.
Coastal Cliffs
This level is very small and easy again, especially for Jazz. You can just fly over the whole level again.
This pack is mostly aimed at realism and at the story, spoiling the fun a bit. The levels are very short and easy, and its often possible to just skip the whole level by just jumping over it. Eyecandy is sometimes a bit poor, but this is often just because of the tileset. Item placement is ok, and so is enemy placement. The cinematics are nice but I dont think it’s worth to download because of the filesize, and because the levels bring not much special.
Fun: 3/6
Eyecandy: 3/6
Gameplay: 3/6
Event Placement 4/6
Rating: 5.7
Download not recommended
Danyjel’s articles bring a smile to my face. They’re so wonderfully messed up. No offense or anything, just… hehe…
Ok, now I feel like i’m obligated to do a review. Here goes.
The song starts off with the normal Technoir beginning. At 0:05, the “ARE YOU READY?!” sample from the Tubelectric JJ2 remix plays. It’s kinda dissapointing because it just blurts out, there’s no fade. After that sample, the music just kinda jumps in. No fade or intro, it just begins. At 0:52, the part that makes the Technoir theme my favorite, the “j-j-jackrabbit” sample plays. At first I was psyched to hear it, then after listening again it sounded too low quality. Perhaps Lark could’ve resampled it using his own voice and applying a few effects. However, it’ll have to do since most Technoir remixes i’ve heard (read: one) don’t have the “j-j-jackrabbit” sample in it.
All in all, it’s a good looping remix, just a bit too short in my opinion. 6 out of 10 +.5 because I feel Danyjel underrated a bit. This remix has the honor of staying in my Winamp playlist (\o/). Download recommendation if you liked the original but don’t like it too much as to be attached to the orignal and not accept any devations from the ordinary. Or something. Use in your Technoir level or any level using a tileset with a tech or abstract theme. Sprinkle some on your pizza!
Hmm… Another Lark’s mix.
Well. It seems to be made for Jazz2 levels, it has well-working loop and no ending ;). And that’s well. We don’t have many of them. But… of what quality..?
Firstly, Lark’s Short Song Syndrom approved to be real. I think all of his recent works (Cerebrum, Tyrian the Level mix, Rock Garden Mix and this (in difference of other, longer tunes, there is not written “Lark” in title of song ;p). Length of this one is 1:26, how everyone of you admits, isn’t much.
Okay, let’s jump into the song. Hmm… Like almost all Technoir remixes, it begins with its background melody. Alex’s Diamondus voice with quiet reversed cymbal and snares… We’re in song. Beats, snares, hi-hats… But… It sounds like I am somewhere in middle. Main Technoir lead is playing, but… from middle. Lark then modified that one lead pattern to nice, well continuous melody. But still, and that’s big minus, we have no lead beginning. And that minds.
Okay. After this comes again original and then (differentely) modified lead. Then comes background with percussion, where can be heared that those two backgrounds are a bit off-tuned. Normal man does not catch it, but after I think 20th listening… It minds… But only a bit, I am not sure if someone different will hear it (just if he will want).
After break, there are orchestra hits patterns. With same orchestra hits samples and Robert’s vocal as in original. Hmm. On rows where are those orchestra hits are also cymbals, which makes the tune more alive, but after ending of those five cymbals it’s more dead than normally. That minds.
It’s once repeated and then lead ends by five radical orchestra hits. Background is still playing and it makes perfect loop.
My review now looks like I hate Lark or this tune. That’s not truth. I just seem it as average.
Tempo is okay, with reservation to hi-hats, repeating every two rows. It’s a bit slow, too… But okay.
Samples… When main passage of song is made from original samples… That’s just bad. But all others works well in this song. Very well.
(+) Most of samples
(+) Lark’s new melodies
(+) Perfect loop
(-) Lead begins in the middle
(-) Original orchestra hit sample
(-) It’s a bit off-tuned
(-) Too short
Now. Download recommendation… Yes or not..? It’s on you. It could be usable for games, which it’s dedicated to. it’s not so poor. But don’t expect hit.
I made a level with this tileset and I just wanted to do a tileset review. So here it goes.
What you can do with this tileset is already clear for me. Levels with this tileset will probably have something to do with water(the levelname). Levels made with this tileset so far had words like sea, harbour, bay and coast in their names) and the tiles are of high quality. The tileset has some tiles I find unneeded, but that’s probably me. Eye candy isn’t that hard to make with the tileset. The caves could be hard to link sometimes, but I don’t think it’s a real problem.
Easy to use, or not?
At first I found it hard to use, but that was mostly because I didn’t check the masks. If you can make the ground well, you’ll have no problems in using this tileset. I thought I’d never use the tileset but I did. Heh. I think the tileset won’t be easy for everyone, I’ll say it’s medium. Don’t use it if you still have to learn alot in JCS. If you make eye candy layer 5 should be used alot in my opinion, or layer 2/3. In a level, layer 4 should have objects in the sand. Be sure to check the masking!
Eye candy
The tileset’s eye candy is very good. What I did with the tileset wasn’t even the best possible. I’ve seen better eye candy in the previous levels created with the tileset. Animations are possible too, they’re very nice! The backgrounds you can make with the tileset are pretty good. The clouds can be used, but also the water with objects in it. The objects even have shades! =D. By the way, the objects to put in the sand look nice too, but don’t overuse them or place too many of the same one too close to eachother.
The tileset’s masking is very nice. I had trouble finding the right masks, like I already said, but it’s fine. The backgrounds’ masks are nice as well, especially the clouds. They look very nice and fit exactly.
This tileset is very nice. It’s one of my favourites. I wouldn’t mind to see more levels with it. (Only 1 CTF, 1 Race and about 3 Battles are made, and of course the example level) The example level was great. The tileset is 3D, has alot of features and I recommend everyone who’s quite good in JCS to use it. It’s not overused at the moment. Any type of level can be made with it. Download the tileset if you haven’t already. My review comes quite late but I just wanted to make a tileset review. This is even my longest tileset review ever.
Final rating : 8.8. Very impressive.
If it had a virus I think it would’ve been removed already. But I assure you there is no virus. Anyways its quite useless now. Unless you want to apply a possibly upcoming patch. shrugs
Yeah. I made a review!
Now on to the review.
The eyecandy was excellent. There is lots of eyecandy such as: trees, hills, a bunch of different signposts, some destruct blocks, some buttstomp blocks etc.
Graphics Quality:
The Graphics Quality is excellent. It is a bit cartoony but that dosen’t make it bad Graphics Quality.
Example Level:
I like the example level. It shows how to use this tileset very well. The hills are used in the background, there are some trees which I agree with Neon PSY that the apples look like they are part of the trees, some destruct blocks and also some butstomp blocks.
The music is an excellent choice. It fits the level very well. Good job on picking the music.
This is one of the best tilesets i’ve ever seen! Keep up the good work LRK.
Overall Rating:
I think this level is good enough that it deserves an 8.0
Download Reccomendation:
Yes! This tileset is excellent. I think everyone should download this tileset. I hope to see ons of good levels made with this tileset. I might be one of those people.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.