Review by iroL

5 Jul 2005, 12:08
For: Jazz 2 Online Winamp Skin
Level rating: N/A

use the regular skin instead!
(Unsupported rating (1) removal. This review does not even MENTION the upload, thus giving no proof that you even downloaded it. ~Violet)

Review by Olsen

5 Jul 2005, 09:29
For: Crystal Blocks
Level rating: 7.9

One note, the level is 1.24, when zapS and me finished everything we forgot that the level is 1.24, so, now you know.

Also, Odin as you said ““kaja” sign (probably dutch for exit or something)”

Is wrong, it’s Swedish for Jackdaw. :)

Review by jensoosterkamp2

5 Jul 2005, 06:40
For: MultiBattle
Level rating: N/A

It’s realy a good level (i think)…
It needs a starting rating…
(Read this link. ~Violet)

RecommendedReview by Odin314

5 Jul 2005, 05:32
For: Crystal Blocks
Level rating: 7.9

Why didn’t you convert it into 1.23? You know that you could’ve easily done so, with the tools we have out now.

Also, why did Violet remove my rating while this clown keeps his 10.0 rating?

Onto the the new review.

Please don’t zip your files so that it unzips into a seperate folder. It’s annoying. -1 for that.

Anyways, this tileset is basically a bunch of blocks. The drawing style reminds me of Reactor Core, and this tileset has just as much eyecandy. It has some rarely-seen tiles, too, like letters (rarely seen outside of tests and hotels), smiley faces, a “boss” sign, a “kaja” sign (probably dutch for exit or something), other signs, key and lock tiles (with color-matching blocks), stomping Jazz (one of which fits right into a single tile, cool-o), and much much more. If you’re looking for a test tileset, this one should work for you. 8 -1 = 7 out of 10. Download recommendation.

Review by n00b

4 Jul 2005, 15:12
For: Stupid Test
Level rating: 5.9

Bah! NO NO NO NOOOO! A test is either cohiced as Other or Homemade type.

RecommendedReview by cooba

4 Jul 2005, 12:11 (edited 16 Aug 06, 18:19 by Cooba)
For: Frog Chase
Level rating: 7.3

First of all, the eyecandy didn’t really impress me. Background layers are all stolen from the official Carrottus levels (bad move), there’s no foreground, and sprite layer eyecandy isn’t all that pretty. Aside from the level being bland, there were barely any tilebugs, something which you don’t see often in Carrottus levels. My only complaint is that after the floor in the arena with Bubba collapses, the text sign still floats midair. Some items tend to float back and forth between layer 3 and 4, too.

As for gameplay… the idea of getting coins and getting back has been done before (in Carrots’ Hot Cross Bunnies or Blur’s Devan Express, for example), although mixing it with a frog-only level was a large leap in increasing this level’s originality factor. Add some push-a-crate-into-TNT things, and you have a nice semi-original level. However, the way your ideas were executed leaves much room for improvement, as following bugs pretty much destroy the gameplay.

  • Bubba is able to jump out and/or fall off the arena.
  • The second TNT stick is able to kill the floating lizard.
  • No one ways on the large four branch trees.

The way events are spread around is nice as well. There are enough (maybe a bit too much) carrots to keep the player alive (something which you’ll need in the hard mode), and most of the enemies seem to be put strategically (dragons and bats, for example). There might be too little coins though, with the limit of 10 coins the level turns out to be a rather small one (pity).

  • Nice mix between a coin hunt and a frog-only level.
  • Fairly balanced.
  • A noticable difference between skill settings.
  • Not all that good eyecandy.
  • Short.
  • Bugs >O!

Overall, this is a pretty nice level, a rather bland a short one though. Keep on making levels, you can get even better. =)

RecommendedReview by CrimiClown

3 Jul 2005, 09:31
For: Frog Chase
Level rating: 7.3

I played it, and now, the time has come to review it! :)

In the very beginning you turn into a frog. Seeming that you can’t attack, you must run from your enemies. When you found 10 coins, you can exit the level. Nice idea, but it needs some improvements, like a story (As you mentioned).

Not much eyecandy… And even a few tilebugs… Try to find the correct tiles for every corner and such.

In this level, loads of puzzles and other stuff I never saw before. Very nice on the sucker tube usage.

Frog levels aren’t that original, nowadays, and also since this level hasn’t got a story… Well, it’ll cost you some score…

Not a very bad level, but at least you had some creative points.

Good Thing
Push a crate on a TNT to explode it.

Bad Thing
Scenery and Tilebugs


Download recommendation
It is worth the try, and you could learn something from the idea’s used.

Review by EvilMike

2 Jul 2005, 04:04
For: Raging Resurrection
Level rating: 7.3

This is a small CTF level by Snooze with a fairly simple design that you can learn in mere minutes. It’s a fairly typical level in terms of quality: nothing special, but good enough to enjoy.

The first thing you might notice when playing this level is that the eyecandy is quite detailed, with no parallaxing background. In other words, the entire level, background and all, has a single scroll speed. Unfortunately, due to the tileset having a limited pallete of colours, this makes the level have a very “busy” look to it. This winds up adversely affecting gameplay; it becomes common for players to not see stray seeker missles and other hazards heading towards them before it is too late, unless they are really paying attention.

While this level is very small, I do not reccomend dueling in it. The level contains only a single full nrg carrot, and while that is not a bad thing, it makes the level much more suited to 2vs 2 gameplay. Anything larger though, and the level would be too crowded. The level thus has a very limited scope, unless you don’t mind dueling in levels with a single carrot.

One major problem I noticed in this level, which is present in almost all of Snooze’s levels, is the prominince of float up events. Using these sparingly is a good thing, but in the case of this level, the authour simply goes too far. These events are used in places where they are very easy to notice, and almost seem like a replacement for springs. There is a reason jj2 has a “jump” key. Throwing float up events all over the place is completely unnecessary.

Similar to the problem with float ups, I noticed that there are a few pits where if you run directly into them and fall, you will go through the side of the pit and hit a spring that takes you back to the top of the platform on the other side. If I run into a pit, I EXPECT to fall through it, not be magically transported to the other side. If I wanted to get to the other side I would JUMP. Several times while testing I ran into this problem, and while it is easy to get used to, it is annoying and pointless.

The level contains a single toaster powerup. Pepper spray and seekers are also prominent, both useful in this level. Finally there are a few electro blasters to get the toaster powerup, and rf missles. I found both of these weapons to be mostly useless. The electro blaster is only good for getting the powerup, and the rf missles are hard to use because the level is so enclosed, not to mention being inferior to pepper spray in terms of range and speed. For some reason I couldn’t find any bouncers, which would have been a great weapon in this level.

Speaking of weapons, I found the location of the electro blaster to be very spaz-biased. They are located in a pit, where spaz could jump down and double jump to get them, while jazz would have to fall all the way through. The lack of bouncers also makes this level even more spaz-biased.

Overall I rate this level a 7. I was considering giving this a 6, but the level was enjoyable enough to warrant a point higher than that.

RecommendedReview by Blackraptor

2 Jul 2005, 03:41
For: Raging Resurrection
Level rating: 7.3

After playing a game in this, and running around in it quite a bit I guess I’ll review it.

It’s really simple. I don’t like the area around the tubes to the base because its kinda confusing and a bit of stuff needs one way in it. This level is also really spaz biased as he could get the EBs so much easier, as well as get up that shaft. Also, its really hard going down here. Whenever Im running from above an am at 1h or something, trying to get to the carrot, either a spring or a floatup always bumps me back up then I get killed. The level is also rather flat. The red spring next to the left base is also useless. It juts me either to nowhere, or into the ceiling of the above platform. Overall, the layout and the flow of this level isn’t bad, but needs fixing.
Rating: 7.3

The eyecandy of the level is rather busy. Nothing is moving though, so that makes it rather flat. There’s a lot of stuff in the backround and it makes things hard to see. Most the time I get killed by seekers I don’t even see coming at me (its not lag either, since I was the host). Other than that, the eyecandy is nice.
Rating: 7.5

Placement of Stuff:
I don’t really like it. One full energy carrot..The level is small, but its kinda annoying. Especially since its not the easiest to get to cause it seems like all the springs and floatups try to make you miss it. The toaster powerup is in a wall. The ElectroBlasters are in a very annoying spot, and are also spaz biased. There’s also a lack of bouncers which definately shows during games. The CTF bases are placed in tubes which, though not extremely original or anything, is nice.
Rating: 7.2

Overall(not an average):
The level seemed alright at first glance, but there are quite a bit of issues with it that, imo, prevent it from being seriously played in. The author also did not seem too happy with this creation either, and there is a lot of room for improvement.
Rating: 7.2

Final Rating: 7.3
Download Reccomendation: Sure, although it’s definately not Snooz’s best work.

Not recommendedReview by n00b

1 Jul 2005, 23:57
For: ilus land
Level rating: 3.3

Bleh, what a poorly constructed pack. However, for first levels there are somewhat nice, but to be fair I must rate these as I would any SP level (pack).
None. I remember someone saying the Forgotten Gems pack was just a bunch of levels loosely strung together. Quite simply, this pack is the same, only being connected by a ‘Next level’ option in the JCS, and not a weak storyline. From the first few levels you’d guess that Ilus is some random dude who has lots of lands and Jazz/Spaz/Lori must go and stop some turtle infestation.
Bare minimum, and some tiles just seem to be tossed in( See: Randomly animated blocks that aren’t there for any real apparent reason in the Tubelectric level)
Repetive, Repetive, repetive. Fight enemies, collect a HUGE ammount of goodies, enter a coin warp, rinse wash, repeat. However the Easter level was actually pretty fun, bringing this from a 3 to a 4.
Enemies in logical, predictable places, too many goodies(I must of gotten 5 sugar rushes at times when I didn’t need them), and sometimes coins seem tossed in just for no reason(Example: the ice level, if there was a working bonus warp, I never found it). However I stopped playing at the beach level(It simply got too boring), so it might have gotten better. Also, some levels have Bosses in rather dull arenas.
None, it’s so incredibly easy, the only way the levels would pose a challenge is if you can’t hurt anything.
Final Score-3.3/10
Verdict- Not bad for a first level pack, but compared to the average SP level, it is very poor.

Download Reccomendation? No, not yet anyhow. Wait until this person becomes very good or average at level making, then download this to see how far they have come. Otherwise, steer clear of this.
Co-op? No. A second player wouldn’t add much to the expereice.

Review by cooba

1 Jul 2005, 18:54
For: ilus land
Level rating: 3.3

Why not use the “REUPLOAD” function…

Review by DanYjel

1 Jul 2005, 17:10
For: Electra
Level rating: 6.2

hehe there is some stupid, really stupid remix (my second, i hate it soo much) called “TubElectra”… just this.

Review by Jo Li KMC

1 Jul 2005, 05:58
For: Jazz Jackrabbit - Orchestal Arrangation
Level rating: 2.7

. . .I think my ears are bleeding. I’d go through with an actual review, but I’m entirely sure that Haze said everything I was going to say and even gave the score I was thinking of. So. . .yeah. Maybe I’ll go through with an actual review if this picks up enough steam and ratings.


The “Simon Cowell” of Jazz 2 Online‘s Music Scene. . . Joseph Collins
Dr Lithius” or “LithiuServer” on Jazz 2

RecommendedReview by valdr

29 Jun 2005, 18:56
For: Islands in the Sapphire Sea
Level rating: 8.6

Blade has never uploaded here a totally ugly tileset and as I can see he progresses in tile creation. Background tiles are brilliant, cool cartoonlike landscape that needs no drastical improvement. But tiles for foreground and sprite layer are still a bit monotonous one coloured, I’d like to see some pattern and shading on the walls. It is possible to do and there are good examples in some tilesets uploaded to this site. 8 points is my final rating – read it as: good but needs some serious improvements to be perfect.

RecommendedReview by CrimiClown

28 Jun 2005, 17:33
For: The Froggy Quest
Level rating: 8.8

Hellow, here to give out some points again… =D

The story was very nice. Nothing like a bad guy and frogs. Apart from that, the levels were a bit crowded. The paths were narrow and loads of baddies, sometimes unpredictable, which can be annoying.

Loads of pillars, curtains and other stuff. No holding back on the eyecandy for you!

I never thought the frog can be so powerfull. The idea of pushing a trigger crate over a TNT wasn’t such a bad idea at all! You got extra credit for this one!

Not the most original, I must say. I still have an old frog episode somewhere, and I’ve seen a few on the net too. Apart from that, this wasn’t bad at all.

It seems like I will give you an 8. It was not bad at all, but it could have a little improvement. Work on ‘space’ and enemies you ‘can’ beat.

Good Thing
Frog can destroy crates afterall!

Bad Thing
Why does Jazz has to crawl his way through these levels?


Download recommendation
Certainly worth the play!

RecommendedQuick Review by snzspeed

28 Jun 2005, 10:36 (edited 13 Sep 12, 00:22 by snz)
For: Episode One: The Invasion of Deserto
Level rating: 9.1

changing my review to QR, as i thought my original one sucked. anyway, this pack is great.

Review by snzspeed

28 Jun 2005, 09:42
For: The cartoon episode 2(Unfinished).
Level rating: N/A

(Semimild personal attack removal. ~Violet)

Review by snzspeed

28 Jun 2005, 09:40
For: The cartoon episode
Level rating: 7.2

(Semimild personal attack removal. ~Violet)

Review by valdr

28 Jun 2005, 06:24
For: Darkness
Level rating: N/A

That is really good levelpack. As a first impression I didn’t like Spaz to be the only playable character, but on second thought there are many packs playable only by Jazz. Leveldesign is really great – many triggers, teleporters all levelspace is pretty well used. Dividing it into chapters is fun idea it gives the taste of storyline but it’s not as boring as in many other episodes, we’re not sentenced to watch long intros with slowly flowing text.
Eyecandy is perfect even colums in the foreground in first levels didn’t annoy me and the tileset usage couldn’t be much better.
Playability – it’s the strongest part of this pack. Challenging levels with strategically placed enemies and items made me to think and plan before rushing forward.
Putting levels into separate subfolder is great idea, thanks to this, levelpack didn’t mess my main jazz2 folder too much I wish other leveldesigners did the same thing.
A tileset is missing for 3-1 level so I cannot rate this levelpack. Fix the problems and I will gladly rate this pack to 9.0 with recommendation.

Review by valdr

28 Jun 2005, 05:23
For: Diamond Factory
Level rating: 6.9

Well designed levels, quite enjoyable and a bit challenging, but way too short, exit is found where one would expect it’s just the beginning. Using short intro music in first level and Lizard room where you may stuck are bad ideas either. 7 points is fair enough.

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