Review by HEART OF IRON ( Artist of the War)

7 Jun 2005, 15:23
For: dx dc UGLY tests
Level rating: 1

holy peace of crap!!!
(Unsupported rating (1) removal. And it’s “piece”. ~Violet)

Review by Avarte

7 Jun 2005, 12:28
For: Tomb Rabbit v1.23.2 (updated)
Level rating: 9.3

Oh my god. This is good!!!!!!!!
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. ~Violet)

Review by Avarte

7 Jun 2005, 12:26
For: The Froggy Quest
Level rating: 8.8

Very good pack!
This pack is also intresting, because it show you, how frog can be powerful!
(Unsupported rating (8.5) removal. Interesting review concept, but it could still use some more information… like how it shows you that. ~Violet)

Review by JelZe

6 Jun 2005, 22:25
For: Bad day
Level rating: N/A

Ok, before I start this review, I want to point out to everyone that this tileset is not stolen. I’ve done some research i.e. downloaded Cool Day, and having the two side by side I conclude the two sets are not identical. Just getting this out of the way.

I honestly don’t know how to start, but since the Bad Day and Cool Day are so much alike I’ll use my “conversion” template.

Converison Completeness
Let me this straightened out: even tho it’s not stolen, it however is largely ripped from Ice M A N’s Cool Day, as the author claims. I say largely because a significant chunk of the original can be found in Bad Day: mainly the texture and bricks. That’s all, the many pieces of Eye Candy however, like the Spaz, the Dopefish (swim, swim, hungry) and sun with the sunglasses have been omitted.

Added Stuff that’s Good
Yes, Bad Day has some “original” stuff on its own. Yes, most of it is ripped too, but from another source: JJ2, which is allowable. From top to bottom we have: the arrow signs from Psych, the teleporter from Castle and Labrat, a blank block disappearing, Countdown Blocks (in two colors, tho it’s barely noticable), Weapon Blocks, the standard Fire, a Helmut and a Spaz animation. From other sources we find a moon, a sucker tube, a Textured background, a regular background, clouds, a waterfall, and splashing water, and that’s what’s bugging me a little. Not just because of the fact it’s ripped, it’s that the sources are not mentioned, which is a big no-no. For your information, the textured background and clouds are from Agama’s Heaven, the water stuff is from a Xargon conversion, the regular background is from Overlord I believe… Next time, credit your sources. Lastly, there is some original stuff: an invisible tile, a pole/vine (?), the army style letters, an elevator and a block with a First Aid kit. Cute.

Yes, a new entry, bare with me here. The colors deserve a mention because… well, it’s grim. Lots of blue-green, grey, black in different shades. In short, not really pleasant to look at. Of course, what did you expect from the creator of Hearts of Iron? Everything fared well with the palette editing except for one thing: the 3D Background. It’s too simplified. Granted, this has happened a lot because it usually has so many colors, it has to be simplified for the transition. Still, there have been successfull rips of this kind, it’s a real shame to let this happen.

Cool Day already was pretty angular, Bad Day is basically the same. If any, the sucker tubes are all unmasked. It would have been nice if the rounded edges were eliminated. Also, what exactly is that pole thing? A vine or a V-pole? It’s useless either way, the mask is done wrong. It’s too thick for a vine, and poles have to be unmasked in order to work.

I’m not going to give it a rating since this tileset is one large rip, not only from Cool Day (the only source mentioned), but from other tilesets as well. The polite thing would have been to ask the person for permission, and credit him if he does allow you to use it. If there was anything worth rating, it’s the palette editing, and even that became a mess with the 3D Background. Not recommended.

- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3

Review by DoubleGJ

6 Jun 2005, 20:02
For: Sugar TranZ
Level rating: 4.4

You win, Dan. =D

Review by HEART OF IRON ( Artist of the War)

6 Jun 2005, 18:11
For: Bad day
Level rating: N/A

well …your right about all those copies ..hehe…sorry,well my tileset hearts of iron looks pretty the same …you can look at it here maybe it look small?..still …ok stupid tileset this bad day ….its just i didn’t know what tileset to make…so i thought only of cool day…

Review by DanYjel

6 Jun 2005, 18:04
For: Bad day
Level rating: N/A

LOL. Please do not rate, it’s not his work.

EDIT: 3 reviews and 1 downloads, that just cool.

Review by DanYjel

6 Jun 2005, 17:59
For: Sugar TranZ
Level rating: 4.4

He likes me ;)

Review by cooba

6 Jun 2005, 17:28
For: Bad day
Level rating: N/A

And have you asked Icey for permission to edit his tileset?

RecommendedReview by Nat

6 Jun 2005, 12:13
For: All Lvls by PoL in 1.23
Level rating: 8

Wow….So many levels I don’t even know from wich levels to start rating!!!! they look great for battle games :)
Nature levels are nice, I like them the most! and I see that the levels were made by a Proffesional! Well They’re nice and they can get aaa…… 8 i guess …..well yes 8!

Not recommendedReview by Joseph Collins

6 Jun 2005, 11:55
For: Sugar TranZ
Level rating: 4.4

Have you no concept of keeping things in key?! Seriously! [cough] Sorry. . . Anyway. . .

“Sugar Rush!” theme from Jazz Jackrabbit 2 done in an apparent “trance” style.

Song Analysis:
This song hurts my head. Even turned down, this song hurts my head. Overall, it’s too darn loud. On some players, it even manages to drown itself out with sheer static. Additionally, the song — and yes, I realize how little there is to work with — is far too repeatitive. It’s the same thing over and over again with different samples. Out of tune ones.
Also, if I’m not mistaken, the song seems to lean heavily to the left speaker. This is unacceptable, considering there’s thirty-two freaking channels which could be mixed around properly. Remember, sometimes it’s better not to have something clear to the right, or clear to the left all the time. A little in-betweening could help.

Sample Analysis:
. . .Paul Reubens?
Anyway. . . The samples are out of key with one-another, as you may or may not realize. The samples themselves are alright, but the way they’re used just doesn’t work very well.

Final Analysis:
This is a horrible attempt at the Sugar Rush theme, but I can definately imagine worst tries.


The “Simon Cowell” of Jazz 2 Online‘s Music Scene. . . Joseph Collins
Dr Lithius” or “LithiuServer” on Jazz 2

Review by DanYjel

5 Jun 2005, 14:30
For: Sand Dessert
Level rating: 8.2

Omigod. This IS unfair. I hate this mix so much and it’s my second best mix (by unfair Josephed ratings) at J2O… OMG.

Review by Olsen

5 Jun 2005, 14:07
For: Jazz 2 Online Winamp Skin
Level rating: N/A

Sorry, but where’s that empty box? I don’t quite understand.

Review by DanYjel

5 Jun 2005, 12:47
For: Jazz 2 Online Winamp Skin
Level rating: N/A

Winamp classic skin.
Nice, but has few bugs which make this a bit unusable thing. For example, no border around the seeker bar, plus it’s too light. There is some empty box, which looks just plain ugly.
Going back to the default Winamp Modern Skin.

Noticed “rate if you like” to deserve high rating… So I am scared of that you’ll get N/A, not 10…

Review by Jarno vos

5 Jun 2005, 12:04
For: Expedition: Underground Tomb
Level rating: 5.7

Hey This Isnt So Bad For An First Level!!!!!
Mine First Was 10 Tiles!
I Don’t Like It Really Much But Because Its Your 1st Level I Geve A 6.1

(Unsupported rating removal. You failed to discuss any aspects of the level other than it being someone’s first level, which is not an acceptable criteria anyway. Rate uploads on their merits and not their dates. ~Violet)

Review by KboutR

5 Jun 2005, 10:09
For: The Forest at Night
Level rating: 5.4


The Forest at Night
This level is a floating platform, with a few smaller floating platforms on top of it. The eyecandy is good, all layers are used, but there are lots of bushes placed, making the level a bit confusing. Lots of ammo has been placed. The gameplay is ok, but I found two places slowing you down, and the lighting has been set to 40%. If you jump off the main platform, a sucker tube will send you to the opposite part of the platform, witch is useful if you want to flight.

The level is cool, but it’s a bit small, and the there’s a bit to much eyecandy. Maybe you could create a pack with more small battle-levels. The sucker tube system is also really cool.

Fun: 4/6
Eyecandy: 4/6
Event Placement: 4/6
Gameplay: 3/6

I’ll give you a 6.7

Review by KboutR

5 Jun 2005, 09:54
For: Betrayed
Level rating: 6.5

Why nobody reviews this pack?

The first short level of the pack uses the Wasteland tileset. The eyecandy is ok, but it only uses layer 4 and maybe layer 3. It took me a while to figure out you have to shoot invisible tiles to create blocks, and some of these invisible blocks lock you in easily.

The palace
This level uses the Dark Reign tileset. There are more enemies in this level and and some trigger crates. To get one of this crates, you must first shoot those invisible blocks. There are a few cool traps in this level, like a small room with raven generators. After a while you’ll have to buttstomp-climb on float suckers above an insta-death pit, being very hard. The eyecandy improved a bit.

Central Dungeon
This very short level uses again the Dark Reign tileset and has the same meaning as the Central Cave of Tomb Rabbit. There’s an annoying slow sucker tube at the start.

Gaurd’s Barracks
This level uses the castle tileset and has a lot of warps. This level is a complete maze and you must find trigger crates to open doors. Eyecandy is a bit poor in this level. The level is ok but there are a few warps leading to death, making this level taking lots of lives.

Central Dungeon
This time you need to collect coins to continue.

The Keymaster
This level uses the Desert tileset. Eyecandy improved a lot but there’s again a stupid insta-death pit with float suckers. You’ll have to find the key and return to the start of the level. There is a cool obstacle in this level with collapsing blocks, but there’s no save point out there.

Central Dungeon
This level is just a short straigt walk to the exit of the dungeon.

Just a little cutscene and the credits, using E.E.H Ending Credits tileset.

This is a nice levelpack, but at some points it could be improved a lot. Like removing the buttstomp-climb on enemies and filling up the not used part of the levels with ground, to make it look nicer. Also dont use hundreds of enemies at the same place. It is harder to place enemies at hard places then placing a lot of enemies. Some of the traps you used are cool, but some of them cost a lot of lives/health. There is hardly any ammo added, making it harder, but a bit more boring.

Fun: 4/6
Eyecandy: 4/6
Gameplay: 3/6
Event Placement: 3/6

I’ll give you a 6.5
Nice work!

RecommendedReview by Blackraptor

5 Jun 2005, 01:53
For: Prime Retribution
Level rating: 8.6

I haven’t reviewed this. Wow. I think I will now.

One Spot

Firstly, the atmosphere in this level is among the best atmosphere I’ve seen. The backround is really awesome (looks a lot better than the default backround) and the music is pleasant to the ears. The eyecandy is also really nice to look at. I don’t really like the flow of the level. Lots of things could use one ways (66, 28), and I’m not too fond of the placement of the full energy. The layout is alright, I like the originality used in the placement of the bases, which I haven’t seen remade to this day. I also kept bumping into walls and solid tiles as I ran through the object, as several areas are rather cramped. Weapon placement is alright, I didn’t really have a problem with it. The right area could’ve used more ammo though, but the bouncer pu might make up for that. Also, the music has a looping bug, so that = bad =(. Rating for level: Eyecandy: 9.5 Gameplay/Layout: 7.5 Originality: 8.5 Placement of Stuff: 8.4 Overall (not average): 8.3 Final Rating for One Spot: 8.44 ~ 8.4 (-0.1 for the music bug) = 8.3 Additional Comments: Its a great level to look at and maybe play for fun, but I don’t think I’ll have any serious games in here. The looping bug of the music also gives you a limited time to gaze at the eyecandy and marvel the atmosphere before your ears get blasted by an annoying repeating sound.

Medieval Skyscrapers:
I’ve played this one a lot (even had a clanwar in it). Firstly, I also like the atmosphere in it. The level shows off what the tileset is capable of, and it looks like a fortress. Eyecandy and tileset use is great. The layout of the level is better than in the last. It allows for strategy, and still has originality involved in it (though not as much as in the previous level). I don’t like how it is so easy to hide in this level (by flying towards the top corners, nobody ever goes there) and waste time, but bleh. I found the placement of things to be alright, except the underusage of RF. There were so many situations where RFs could’ve saved the day, but because they were placed in the most unused passages, few players had them (In games with a lot of people, you rarely will have time to get them). The lack of RFs got more annoying because the level was so open which maximized their usage. At least there was a bit of pepper in the way for use.. Still, I like this level. It may have lost my clan an important tournament, but I would still play in it. The music is a nice choice, too.

Eyecandy: 8.7
Gameplay/Layout: 8.3
Placement of Stuff: 8
Originality: 8.5
Overall (not an average): 8.5
Final Rating for Medieval Skyscrapers: 8.4 ~ 8.4
Additional Comments: Despite the rather low rating the level recieved, it seems like an interesting level to have games in, although most of them would be 3vs3s or more.

The Melting Point:

Firstly, I like the eyecandy in here. A lot of it inspired Zerox. It has a few tilebugs, but I think most of them are fault of the set and its limits to creativity in certain areas. I like the variety of wall tiles used to prevent repetition. Layout is alright. Its symmetrical to prevent bias. I was never fond of Wind Events in CTF (I don’t like levels such as Superconductor for that reason), but here it is reasonably tolerable. Sometimes its annoying trying to get the carrots though. Also, the small L shaped tubes next to each base that jet you out really fast are a bit useless unless you want an alternative route to go up, since most people would just run for the base instead of the tubes. I guess at certain moments they could provide some form of use. This level is rather original, but a lot of the things in it have been remade (like the backround) and a lot ofthem have been done before (the wind thing). I like the idea of having two +1 carrots and no full energy though, but it would be hard to stay alive with powered up weapons firing at you. Overall, it’s a nice level. I might host it time to time, but I would have few if any important games in here since it doesn’t really feel much of an intense level. Rating: Eyecandy: 8.6 Gameplay/Layout: 8.3 Originality: 8.4 Placement of Stuff: 8.2 Overall (not an average): 8.3 Final Rating: 8.36 ~ 8.4 Additional Comments: A pretty good all around level. Too bad few people play it nowadays, since it could be fun.

Non-Typical Battle:

I like this level. It seems like one of those levels you play for enjoyable games with your friends. It’s rather unique, and has a lot of interesting quirks to it like the jail, the interestingly done shield, and the hidden seeker powerup. Eyecandy is good, but in the other levels it was better. The backround is still cool, though, and the eyecandy is still great. Ammo is placed sparcely but often in large clumps. I’m not too fond of the patterns it is placed in, but it is tolerable. Originality is great. The level has a lot of great quirks in it, like jails, the shield, etc. Unfortunately this makes the level seem like its more intended for open servers with lots of people then intense play. Rating: Eyecandy: 8.3 Layout/Gameplay: 8.2 Originality: 8.8 Placement of Stuff: 7.7 Overall (not an average): 8.3 Final Rating: 8.26 ~ 8.3

Additonal Comments: I would play in this level, but most of the games in it would probably be with friends and on boring evenings or rainy days. I still like this level, though.

Final Comments: The thing I love about this pack is that it shines in originality. Every level has something interesting in it, so even if the levels don’t appeal to you, there would still be something cool in them. I urge everyone to download and play this pack else you will miss out on a lot of great things. All of these levels are good.

Final Rating of pack: 8.4, and definately a download reccomendation.

Great Work!

Review by JSZ Mateusz

4 Jun 2005, 20:35
For: Sugar TranZ
Level rating: 4.4

Music is really good, but these drums… you should put some others also, these ain’t good at high acord :P Some techno elements also aren’t good here.

And this moment at 1:24 … Well, there’s something strange in background.

In 1:29 this sounds like Polish :P Train a bit your english speaking :P

From 2:12 there isn’t this ear-hurting background. Good. Also this guitar fits well in melody.

And these dead-ends near 3:00. They aren’t good.

4:12-4:15 : this background hurts.

Ending ? CAN be… but.. ah.. well, nevermind.

Finally: If you would fix it a bit, it would be pretty good i promise :P

Review by HEART OF IRON ( Artist of the War)

4 Jun 2005, 11:38
For: All Lvls by PoL in 1.23
Level rating: 8

Nice levels, but i don’t like the dead ends!!!!!I like the levels with huge space….well im not going to rate it, if only I don’t like it….but i like the tilesets hehe….still for someone this levels would be good….oh yea one more thing…i didn’t want to look at all the levels…:))))so i looked at some….

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