Actually Battery Jazz seems more like the first level of battery Check converted to a Jazz playable format, since many areas seem ripped straight out of Battery Check’s first level.
@Violet: True, but what I meant was the level was remade so Jazz/Spaz could play it and not have to fight 1up barrels or other odd occurences.
I’d say this further shows that your first level in JCS will turn out horrible.
Yeah! It’s really good! This animations and rabbits are COOL! Also it is really big! Great job, Gal!
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. Reviews must be at least three lines long. Your use of the nickname “Gal” also suggests a familiarity with the author, so this rating is probably a bit biased. Try to expand your review more and give a detailed account of what makes the tileset good. ~Violet)
Hmm… interesting. It’s not the first hand-drawn tileset I’ve seen, but it still has a very interesting style. It indeed does look like a strange world of art, and that is a good enough theme to build on. I would say, were you to continue this, try for a lot more eyecandy- some things for the background layers, perhaps. Maybe hills or something. Also, I would say it would be very atmospheric if you were to mess with the palette so that Jazz and all the events were the same colors as the tileset, though I am no great expert of palettes. Also I would say to make better edges for the brick texture and such. It would also be cool if you could put a few gaps in the background, perhaps, with sky or small scenes or something in it- just for variety.
(copy/paste from post)
Structure: 8.5/10
Seeing as how this is meant to sound like something played by a garage band consisted of 3 electric guitars, 2 keyboardists, a knob twister and a drummer.. it’s a little funny but it makes sense the way it’s set out.
For a ‘rearrangement’ of the actual melody, it’s good but I found it a little too long; much better suited for something as to a ‘House’ genre of music. (80’s beat, much upbeat with repeating loops 4 by 4.)
Sound: 7/10
Those extra arpeggios caught my attention. The instrumentation ‘could’ve’ been better, but seeing there had been a fair amount of effort to the whole ‘remixing’ thing…it’s understandable. (Listening through a Yamaha XG synthesizer)
Drumline; it’s suitable but some of the silent parts didn’t sound right with it playing quietly.
Overall: 8/10
Never expected or seen a remix of the ‘LabRatory levels’ from JJ2. I will be looking forward to any more coming, rock_ten.
Ok, ok. So I’m not so good at these reviews. But I know a fun level when I see one—and I see one. This was GREAT! I really had fun winning it. I cannot understand why no one has yet reviewed it. The tests were undeniable original (some of them, at least), and the entire time I was enjoying myself, which is truly what matters in a test level. I gotta hand it to ya, Odin, this was excellent. Some people might think it wasn’t, but I think so.
Ok, so do I have to give reasons? thinks Well, I already STATED my reasons. It’s original and fun. The levels are kinda hard at the end, especially since you keep getting warped back. All I can say is that I enjoyed this and highly reccomend the downloading of it, especially if you like tests. (Hey, I already admited it—I suck at reviews.)
OK, nobody’s reviewed this yet so i’ll do it, being the scavenger I am :)
Lay-out and Flow
For a first level, I don’t expect a mind-boggling lay-out. Here it’s quite simple and easy to grasp. Overall it can be divided into different levels of height; Top, middle and floor. The middle level is an (simplified) arch and the ends of it can only be reached by a hidden sucker tube behind the bases (you end up at the top level), or with Spaz’ double jump. Spaz has a definite advantage here. The top level is just a vertical extension to the ends of the middle level. The floor level however is just one straight line with an “underwater cup” section (more on that later). Overall, you get a “Speedy CTF” level: you just rush right in, grab the flag and rush back hoping you don’t get intercepted by the opponent. However, when both flags are taken, it can get quite problematic. Its simple design makes it like an open field, you just run, run, run.
Tileset Use and Eye Candy
I tell you, the Diamondus beta tileset is becoming as overused as the original JJ2 set in a matter of months! Overall, the use is above average, with some waterfalls in both forground and background and some trees and bushes. The background is very nicely done, tho. The mountain lake is put forward so far, the “mountains” are nothing more than oversized pebbles. Furthermore, the water doesn’t end at the mountain reflections, it goes beyond that without looking odd. Very good job on using the sky like that. The only disappointing thing is that most of the layer 4 eyecandy is on layer 5, even at spots where it isn’t necessary. Still, others have done it before, but when I turn on Low Detail, I sometimes spot a rogue tile of the omitted eye candy. On the bright side, the rest of the eye cnady makes the level look less symmetrical than it already is.
Ammo, Goodies, and other Stuff that’s good
This will be mostly about ammo, as it’s the only type of goodies this level has aside from some Fast Fires in the “water cup”. It’s amazing to see that each side (and therefore team) and level has its own type ammo. I’d like to begin with the sucker tubes behind the bases; Red side has RF, Blue side has bouncer. And let me tell you that compared with the rest, the respawn time is set too low. That makes it easy to stock up on ammo. I won’t go into detail with the rest, as there only Electro Blaster, Pepper Spray (Tip: those two are basically useless), Toaster and Seekers to mention. They’re not clustered, they’re just laying on the floor evenly spread apart. Speaking of Seekers, remember that “Water cup”? That’s where you’ll find the most feared of all CTF weapons: the Seeker Power Up! Evil cackle What’s more, once you reach it, the water level lowers so you can either stomp, kick or uppercut it for max ammo! lots of evil laughter O, Excuse me… on the floor above you’ll find a Super Carrot, if that’s any comfort and normal one hidden in some spikes. On a side note, why is there no ammo on the left top level?
Miscellaneous Stuff
First the music, it’s “The Orion Connection” by Icicle. Not a bad choice, not overwhelming, but it does the job. The next level setting is OK, it’s set to itself.
Final Verdict
Not bad for a first, not bad at all. Recommended for those flag carriers who like to run for their lives. :)
Ok, I have downloaded and looked at the tileset, might as well review it. I will keep in mind it’s a test tileset, so I’ll consider it unfinished for now. If you want to make a level, don’t use this set. Just a warning beforehand.
Well, it certainly is different from what I’m used to see. If I have to make an equation; it’s like a page in a sketchbook, or an etching you see in an art museum. That’s the vibe I get. It really is different, out of this world if you will. The colors really support that; I’d say it’s grey scale, but it looks like beige scale at best. Overall, I get the feeling Jazz is stuck in an artsy sketch world, which is definitely different, weird, but also appealing, because it’s never been done before.
Even though the hand-drawn blocks look like art exercises in shading, it really looks cool. Shading on the computer is one thing, shading by hand and importing them to JCS is another. Of the three pairs of big blocks, no block is like the other. On the bottom you’ll find patterns of rooftops, realistic brick walls and ceramic tiles. The best thing is, they look good when put next to eachother, because the individual pieces are so smal and the colors obscure the minor oddities. There’s a smaller version of the bricks and one of the big blocks for the background. Overall, very nicely done so far.
This is a test tileset, so it’s not surprising you won’t find anything like vines and poles. Still, it would have been nice to see at least a preview of them
Eye Candy
I only have to say this: the eye candy is huge. Here we an open back hand, a torch and the Eiffel Tower on a very, very, VERY hot summer day; it’s slightly bent over. They may have been random, but that only adds to the weirdness of this set. They have that “artsy” feel to them too, which makes them fit in anyway.
Everything is automasked here, as everything is still blocky (even with the sketchyness), except for the three pieces of eye candy mentioned above. You can stand on both the hand and the torch with no problem. The Eiffel Tower deserves a special mention as you can actually climb it! The mask is actually two parts, from the groudn to the first beam, and the second beam. You can’t climb to the top, but such ideas are always appreciated :)
Final Verdict
This tileset is all about looks at the moment, as it has no poles, vines ect. Still, it’s just a test so it’s forgivable. It’s definitely worth checking out for those who want to see something completely different (other than Monty Python). I’m expecting to see a new version with all the extras :)
- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3
Oh…..this level……like that one….another one of yours! it’s small ……I think you better make pack of small levels! then I will give it a good rate! So..the Eyecandy not bad and nothing special! the Gameplay is VERY hard! I mean I easyly stuked in the wall!!! well the it’s good to rate it about 6 or something!
Its a big one, and a pretty good one..
(though I am not a communist, nothing more to say, I am busy :P)
[Unsupported rating (8.5) removal. Please provide a reason for your rating. Saying it’s good and big is not enough. Why is it good? – FQuist]
WoW Cool hotel!!!! If only you made lot’s of levels like this!
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. ~Violet)
AAaaa….? what kind of level is this? I think this level would be good with instagib program! it’s so small and…. the sucker tube is every where!!! No I don’t like this level! I can’t feel my self free in this level!
Wow cool level……nice… but i don’t like how the ammo is placed…different kinds in the same place! well maybe for capture it’s alright! Still it needs something more! 7.7 is the Rate for this level. from me!
this is the best capture level i’ve ever seen i would like to play CW on this map..well i just don’t know what to say about it only that its really good!!!!!
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. Try telling us about the eyecandy, design, gameplay, placement, music, maybe. ~Violet)
Dear gods, that’s one very ugly WinAMP Classic skin. It doesn’t reflect the site very well, either. It just looks like a generic 2.x skin in hues of yellow, white, and orange. . . I don’t recommend this skin. But I do recommend “FruityAMP”. [runs]
The “Simon Cowell” of Jazz 2 Online‘s Music Scene. . . Joseph Collins
“Dr Lithius” or “LithiuServer” on Jazz 2
holy peace of crap!!!
(Unsupported rating (1) removal. And it’s “piece”. ~Violet)
Oh my god. This is good!!!!!!!!
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. ~Violet)
Very good pack!
This pack is also intresting, because it show you, how frog can be powerful!
(Unsupported rating (8.5) removal. Interesting review concept, but it could still use some more information… like how it shows you that. ~Violet)
Ok, before I start this review, I want to point out to everyone that this tileset is not stolen. I’ve done some research i.e. downloaded Cool Day, and having the two side by side I conclude the two sets are not identical. Just getting this out of the way.
I honestly don’t know how to start, but since the Bad Day and Cool Day are so much alike I’ll use my “conversion” template.
Converison Completeness
Let me this straightened out: even tho it’s not stolen, it however is largely ripped from Ice M A N’s Cool Day, as the author claims. I say largely because a significant chunk of the original can be found in Bad Day: mainly the texture and bricks. That’s all, the many pieces of Eye Candy however, like the Spaz, the Dopefish (swim, swim, hungry) and sun with the sunglasses have been omitted.
Added Stuff that’s Good
Yes, Bad Day has some “original” stuff on its own. Yes, most of it is ripped too, but from another source: JJ2, which is allowable. From top to bottom we have: the arrow signs from Psych, the teleporter from Castle and Labrat, a blank block disappearing, Countdown Blocks (in two colors, tho it’s barely noticable), Weapon Blocks, the standard Fire, a Helmut and a Spaz animation. From other sources we find a moon, a sucker tube, a Textured background, a regular background, clouds, a waterfall, and splashing water, and that’s what’s bugging me a little. Not just because of the fact it’s ripped, it’s that the sources are not mentioned, which is a big no-no. For your information, the textured background and clouds are from Agama’s Heaven, the water stuff is from a Xargon conversion, the regular background is from Overlord I believe… Next time, credit your sources. Lastly, there is some original stuff: an invisible tile, a pole/vine (?), the army style letters, an elevator and a block with a First Aid kit. Cute.
Yes, a new entry, bare with me here. The colors deserve a mention because… well, it’s grim. Lots of blue-green, grey, black in different shades. In short, not really pleasant to look at. Of course, what did you expect from the creator of Hearts of Iron? Everything fared well with the palette editing except for one thing: the 3D Background. It’s too simplified. Granted, this has happened a lot because it usually has so many colors, it has to be simplified for the transition. Still, there have been successfull rips of this kind, it’s a real shame to let this happen.
Cool Day already was pretty angular, Bad Day is basically the same. If any, the sucker tubes are all unmasked. It would have been nice if the rounded edges were eliminated. Also, what exactly is that pole thing? A vine or a V-pole? It’s useless either way, the mask is done wrong. It’s too thick for a vine, and poles have to be unmasked in order to work.
I’m not going to give it a rating since this tileset is one large rip, not only from Cool Day (the only source mentioned), but from other tilesets as well. The polite thing would have been to ask the person for permission, and credit him if he does allow you to use it. If there was anything worth rating, it’s the palette editing, and even that became a mess with the 3D Background. Not recommended.
- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.