Some how I dont even have the tileset of the level!! so i can’t rate it!
OMG I LOVE THIS RMX i cant stop listening to it……… its danceish….i dont have the original so ill have trouble rating it. this is prob one of my fave danyjel RMXs. it quiet… makes u wait for the next section of the song… and its a fun song really…
You finally decided to upload it, Congratz =D
Good Work,i like the trees and all the walls how you call those walls like from rome,well the tileset is really good,i like that there are many charackters, this teleset is good for Single player,and one think that i don’t like is that there is too much red ,so you can’t see where youre going sometimes.well 7 for the tileset 1.5 for the charackters!:)
Why do we need to mail you to use it
You have build the super tileset.This tileset is super, but there it builds on it not best backgrounds.There is so super
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. Try explaining why the tileset is “super”. Also, if it has an obvious con (not best backgrounds), why give it a perfect score? ~Violet)
I might as well review this, since Mike wants more reviews. I’ve been putting this off for a while now (every time I was about to play it, something/someone interrupted me and I ended up doing something else).
Basically, one of the first things that made me like this pack was that it had a storyline. Thankfully, it didnt have to do with Devan or saving Carrotus, and it was written well enough for a jj2 pack.
The levels were all either extremely huge or extremely short. Some were extremely hard to beat, some were relatively easy providing you were a bit careful. Lots of them had some original stuff in them.
The structure of the levels was nice. They weren’t extremely linear, but often times I had no idea what to do in certain parts (like what to bomb with my TNT, in the castle level). The difficulty was kinda insane though. Some things seemed almost unavoidable, and I lost over 15 lives trying to beat this pack.
The eyecandy of the levels ranged from average to beautiful. I loved the eyecandy in the level using Dark Reign, and the level based around a really old part of the temple. The only thing that brought down the rating a bit was the repetetiveness. Because the storyline was based around Deserto, most levels were forced to use the Deserto set, and seeing Deserto almost everywhere kinda got dull. Otherwise, Mike did a great job on eyecandy throughout the pack.
The originality of the pack was one of the things that I found shined to me the most. Where else could you find a level where you had to chase down a Rocket Turtle, or jump through a part that looked like it had no gravity in it (in terms of the secret level)? To sum it up, this is one of the most original packs I’ve seen (Along with Blur’s Unleashed Demo).
The placement of stuff was alright. I didn’t really mind the lack of things like non-purple gems (in fact, I didn’t even notice it really). Carrots were a bit sparce when I played in medium mode, but they were still there when I needed them in areas. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten 20 purple gems in any of the levels yet, but I came pretty close a few times.
To sum up my review, The Invasion of Deserto is a must download pack. It has a lot of great ideas implemented in it, that guaranteed you probably won’t see anywhere else, and it was (at least for me) an enjoyment to play. I’ll give this pack a 9.2, and definately a download reccomendation. Hopefully Mike will release more stuff like this in the future.
This level keeps giving access violations! :-(
I meant to place a way to smash the crate at the very beginning, but I forgot how. bleh.
Boring level,too much of every thing guns shooting jazzes flying.I hate levels like that So I will give you for the stupid level…….3 !!!
The level was nice although it’s small I still like this level bacouse its has a small story in it and that you start with frog.This kind of levels I REALLY LIKE!
(Unsupported rating (7) removal. Make sure, when writing a review, that your audience will be able to understand what you’re saying and get a good idea of what the upload is like. ~Violet)
Cooooooooooool ;]
[Unsupported rating (10) removal. You have to give good, valid reasons for your rating. Especially for a rating as high as the one you gave, you have to provide convincing reasons as to what makes it this good. If you want examples on how to create a better review, check out some other reviews, especially ones with high helpfulness ratings. -FQuist]
Yes, the mechanism is good, but the candy gets blown into the wall, and will stay there because you cannot get there.
Handy for a hotel or something…
So,what do you think?Is in good no?
I really liked the first level, the big number of baddies and all that, I liked the other levels too, no doubt about it, the only minor thing that those levels were indeed short. If you all can give me some tips/hints about making levels, please let me know. I’m currently working on an idea of a VERY callenging Treasure Hunt level. If you let me know some tips by my e-mailaddress, I may reveal something that I have in mind… but of course, that is depending on my free time…
Well as i saw the level was very small ,and you were right about the shield i did cheated with laser cause there wouldn’t be another way to win.And at first i couldn’t even find the level witch you made hide from the list!So i changed it and the level was Stupud and I mean it!!!
Okay, I know the reason. It’s because I’m horrible at creating CTF levels, and lazy, and wanted to upload SOMETHING, and for some weird reason, I chose to upload THIS garbage. Because I do not know how to delete it, I’ll have to wait for it to slip out of the recent downloads section. EVERYONE UPLOAD MORE STUFF OK THX
Hmm, i guess im better off at making lvls than music, coz of the other crap music i uploaded earlier. anyways, when i have time, i will get rid of the graphical bugs:P and ummmm, arti, why does ur rating keep dropping???
EDIT: Ah.. I see…
I think this should be uploaded as ‘Single player’
And now, the review:
The tileset is used well, but the allover game was a bit boring and confusing.
Eyecandy was nothing special.
The last level was literally filled with enemies, making it hard and very annoying.
When I finally managed it to survive the last level, I got an error saying that there wasn’t a next level.
A 6 would be enough for this one, though the idea of making castles for CTF is good.
I’m not sure about bownload recommendtion; download it for a good CTF tileset. Don’t download it for the levels.
(Regrettably unsupported rating removal. Try actually reviewing the tileset as a tileset, not as a level pack. ~Violet)
I listen to MIDIs with a custom self-made SoundFont bank on a Sound Blaster Live! card. Here is my opinion, especially on the Turtemple soundtrack which seems to be the most criticized file in the archive.
Turtemple : 8/10
Yes, eight. If you listen to this song with a good wavetable synthesis which does not sound too “classy” or “factory-made”, the Blown Bottle sample that annoys everybody here can sound very good. Mine sounds like a real flute while being more “synthy” than a Pan Flute. The problem is that most “factory” wavetables (eg. uncustomized, like when you’ve got your synth) offer a bad Bottle Blow patch which wants to be too realistic, with a weird noise like when you blow in a bottle, giving a pretty unusable sound. The “Roland-ish” MS Synth and most Yamaha synths are the most affected by those kinds of sounds. Using Gravis UltraSound samples, for example, it sounds correct. Anyway, the author of this MIDI file has made an error, IMO. If you look at the original S3M soundtrack, the main instrument used is named “Shaka” which means it is a SHAKUHACHI patch, and, judging from its sound, it comes from one of the most popular Roland synths of the late 80s, either a D-50 or a U-20. So, fatalM4, you should have used a Shakuhachi (MIDI program #77) instead of the Bottle Blow MIDI program (#76) in this MIDI, it would have sounded far much better for most people. Anyway, the rest of the soundtrack is very good and the instruments are well chosen, especially the Power drums.
Nippius : 8/10
The main bass is very good and is the MIDI patch (Synth Bass 2, #39) that reflects best the original S3M soundtrack, but it requires a very fat and strong synth bass sound like in Yamaha’s synths or some Roland wavetable synthesis (except the MS Synth, its second synth bass is awful). But, according to vanBasco’s Karaoke Player, the MIDI patch seems to be mistakenly defined in the MIDI file (on my Live!, it is not recognized as a GS patch, but is replaced with the GM Synth Bass 2), which explains that it can be skipped with non-fully GS-compliant synths. MaliceX, try listening to that MIDI with vanBasco’s ( or other MIDI player which is able to correct MIDI errors. This should fix the problem. Danyjel, I do not agree at all with you regarding the quality of the lead sample. It’s the MIDI program #98 (Crystal), which sounds excellent on most synths (especially Rolands, I think) and is the most appropriate patch if you consider the XMas-style instrument used in the original soundtrack (probably a sound from a Roland D-50, it sounds very close to its famous Fantasia pad). IMO, if fatalM4 used the Fantasia MIDI program (#88) instead of Crystal, it would have sounded very bad on many synths – the Fantasia pad is a mix of mallet and synth strings sounds, which may give a very bad sound in some situations. But I completely agree with you that the final instrument, which is accurate (it’s a Overdriven/Distorted Guitar like in the original), is absolutely out of tune. It should have been at least two octaves lower, and even with that, it is not played with the correct notes. Only for that, an eight instead of a nine or ten for that song.
Orbitus : 9,5/10
Very good MIDI conversion, the patches are the most accurate (Voice Oohs and Bass & Lead, #53 & #87) and sound very good even on the weakest synths (like that one from MS) which use “doo” voices instead of real “ooohs”. But IMO, it should have been one octave lower…
Slugion : 8/10
I do not have a fully GS-compliant synth, so maybe that the lead sample sound correct on appropriate material… but on my Live! synth (and I think that it is like that on a non-GS synth), the main patch is GM #84, which corresponds to Charang, a mix of electric synth guitars and eventually clavinets. And it sounds inaccurate compared to the original soundtrack, which uses a very strange lead synth sound. But, it’s the same problem as Nippius: GS instruments are recognized incorrectly on non-GS material, but it may be a mistake on your MIDIs; usually, on my Live! synth, GS or even XG MIDIs are correcly played if I have GS or XG instruments loaded on my soundcard (which I’ve done to listen to your MIDIs), the instruments are recognized as GS or XG, even if they are replaced by a GM equivalent if I do not have the appropriate instruments in memory. fatalM4, you should look at your MIDIs with a player like vanBasco’s Karaoke Player, and see if it correctly setups the GS instruments on your material.
Dreempipes : 9,75/10
The best MIDI conversion of the archive. All the instruments are well chosen (a non-synthy electric bass like that Picked Bass was the best choice!), the gunshot is very well used as an enhancement of the snare drums, even if you could have skipped its use because you’ve already used Power drums. And, on my soundcard, the third Piano is the most representative of the one used in the original soundtrack: acoustic with a little electric tone. Nearly perfect, with a little and very minor bug: the Gunshot patch is changed to a Piano 1 when the main pianos start, and as soon as the MIDI is switching to Standard drums…
Hope that this very long review will be useful for the author and the people who will listen to those MIDIs.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.