K. Another remix by danyjel.
I like how this one sounds for the most part, but there’s a few things about it I don’t like too much.
Firstly, the lead (or the beep things, don’t really know how to describe them) sound a bit too loud, they take the attention away from the backround stuff and prevent me from turning up the volume. Once again I like the climax of the song. The melody is interesting, kinda upbeat; I can’t really imagine this being used in any jj level though. Otherwise, it’s a good listen. Still not my favorite by you, but sounds good. A lot of parts in this music bring up nostalgia since they remind me from old games, which makes me like the song more. Yay for replacing a bass sample ;p.
Anyways, I don’t really know what to rate this, but I like it enough to give it an 8.5. And a download reccomendation
~Blackraptor (my reviews for music are really short =/)
Another great pack or level by BR. Its a long, hard fun SP pack. You seem to be journeying through a forest at the start. And off we go.
Wise Owl Forest (Level one)
The swamps tileset was used here, and there was a GREAT effect of a forest. BlackRaptor obviously spent a long time on this. And its time well spent. A good level, where you can actually die. Its not TOO easy. Its fun, not linear, and there are many points to get. You can go so many ways. And there is so much variety in the level. I don’t necessarily love the top area. But its okay. I guess. The level is smooth, with baddies and half way marks at appropriate places.
Rating : 9.6
Demon Forest (Level two)
The tileset really bought you down here man. The tileset isn’t very good at all. The music makes it sound like some haunted village. There aren’t much effects of EC. But the forest isnt so bad.
Rating : 7.6
Foreign lands (Level three)
The level is okay here. Not something to scream YAY about, but its nice. The EC looks good. And the tileset isn’t the best, but its good.
Review unfinished
I’ve never came to review this episode, so I shall do now.
When downloading, I had expected another Time Tripping JJ2. When I was playing, I realised it is a lot better than the above mentioned. Not only does it have an actual story, it is original as heck. Every level lets you do something different. The levels still have the typical Hocus Pocus gameplay, in all levels you’ll have to find a required number of coins. However, they don’t have that “I must get everything as accurate as possible” feeling Time Tripping JJ2 had. The suckertubes are still there, and you aren’t allowed to run, kick, etc., but I can live with that. There are some custom bosses, which are uber-cool. I’ve never seen something like that before, amazing work. Still, the gameplay is not perfect. First, I feel that some parts were really unfair. In the “jungle” level (it was supposed to be a jungle I guess), there is a part with lots of spikes/lava, and you’ll have to manouver over it by using swinging vines. That is not only extremely difficult, I often found myself hurt without having any chance. How could I jump from a vine, land on the floor, get attacked by bat I can’t kill cause I can’t buttstomp and get the next vine without getting hurt? In the ice level I got killed right after I got the last coin by a raven and had to do it all over again. Same in the hologram machine, where a sparks killed me after I finally bet Greenkiller. The boss in the last level I couldn’t beat, but I won’t detract points for that. The levels are overall very difficult, which I like, but sometimes really frustrating and unfair, which I don’t like. The eyecandy is good and uses the tilesets well, and there are some cool effects with light. The story I liked, it made sense while not being dull or boring. I love Spotty’s comments, they add a nice feeling.
Overall this is a very good pack, but it’s not perfect due to a few bugs and some unfair parts which really frustrated me, aswell as an out of memory error when saving in BN’s castle, which could’ve been avoided by using another music file.
Download is recommended.
It is 2MB, Danyjel. The remix is good and I recommend it to download, tho’ if you don’t like midi-sounding remixes, consider choosing ElectroPiZZa’s remix from “A Rather Tasteless Sequel”.
Sorry, I accedentally said this was a multiplayer instead of a battle. Sorry for the inconvenience. I am going to be changing that.
While I don’t really have the time (or the will) to do a full review right now, I will give you some feedback.
I liked this remix very much, and think you should do more. I find it to be a little repetitive, and you should try to add in some new parts of the song here and there just to make it more interesting, but overall, this is one of the better remixes out there and it gets a download reccomendation from me (Wow, that whole paragraph was only two sentences).
OK… first off, the pallete of the tileset is bad. Then the bouncies respawn too fast, meaning that it can cause a vast amount of lag on a server. And getting back and forth from bases is VERY hard. Nice attempt at least.
Stuff Placement:hm?
forgot, this ain’t a level.
ok, i dont need to here the Linkin Park song to know this is a GREAT remix. you musta worked pretty hard on this. its got a nice blend of the two songs. but actually i dont like it too much at the end. cant really explain it. you have to download it first and review it yourself.
I get memalloc()amnesia Out of memory when I try to play this. I have TSF 1.24 so I don’t have a clue on how to fix this problem…
Still think my level sux?
Technodus Cargo Station.
Anyway, Im glad this was FINALLY shown to the public. And I like it. GG FS and CelL.
Hi! HB, even though i am a BIT late. Sorry I wasn’t on at ur birthday. I was throwing up from this crappy fever. I still feel sick.. But this level really deserves a review. On Friday, expect something. And I dno why I just said that. Anyway, nice level, and I snuck on in my schooltime to write this. So flame the WINNER if it sucks.
Eyecandy :
Rating : 8.5
Comments :
Well, a few copied stuff from Zaitox, and to be honest I HATE that level. But this isn’t it so thank GOD. Anyway, the translucent caution things are cool, but I swear Zaitox has em.. ;P Anyway, there are a few nice stuff in the level, like the bottom middle area. It looks nice. How the vines and everything covers eachother up. There aren’t many linear parts or stuff. Or any squared off bits. GJ. ;l
Gameplay :
Rating : 8.8
Comments :
Well, the movement is quite smooth. And this is really nice. It has far enough bases, and there are practically… 2 dead ends? .o0O0o. And yet they aren’t really big. There are a few pointless areas, like near the base, there is a tiny platform, with a spring on it. There is not really a need for it, but I suppose if you don’t want to get the enemy flag whilst getting ready. =\ Well, the huge pillar going through the bottom is good as it has tactic in it. ;D
Layout :
Rating : 8.2
Comments :
Nice layout and good way of removing a really FAST way of getting from base to base. (Going through the pillar if it wasn’t there) The pillar kind of divides the level apart. I hope it isn’t platformy, coz that is what I am saying. Anyway, GG.
Placement :
Rating : 8.4
Comments :
It is somewhat original, and there aren’t really any square placed ammo areas, but I think the blaster PU shouldn’t be so near to the Full NRG. Other than that. GG. GG. GG.
I AM SICK AT JAZZ-UNFRIENDLY LVLS! -0.3 FOR JAZZ-UNFRIENDLINESS!!!!!!!!!!111111 Right, now that I have gotten my point across, I can start with my review.
The Corsair’s Coast is yet another battle lvl using Blade’s newly re-named Islands tileset. I’m eagerly anticipating the race for the first CTF lvl using this tileset, guys. :-) For now, I’ll be happy that I won the race of ‘Who gets to review this lvl first?’
When I first looked at the lvl in JCS I was quite surprised at how 3D-ish the tileset made the lvl look (from 12.5% size). The bottom platform is especially large and chunky. The lvl itself is quite basic and consists of 7 main platforms and the rest are just giant ledges connected to the lvl’s walls/cliffs.
There are not many secrets in this lvl (just 1, involving a suckertube, which will hopefully make you double back faster than your opponent can). The rest are just little text messages. The two coin warps are quite fun and however hard you try, you can never, it seems, be able to run out of coins for the warp but I wouldn’t recommend going to the bottom, gold-chest coin warp unless you got plenty of coins, because without coins, that place is a dead end. Add to the fact that there are seekers, PU bounces and PU RFs in Corsair’s Coast, and you have yourself a serious health hazard at pos 9, 86.
The gameplay, as I’ve already mentioned, is seriously Spaz-biased. (And he can reach two of them easily by using sidekick – bet BR’s betatesters didn’t notice that when they tried to make it less Spaz-biased ;-P), reaching all the platforms, etc. For the most part, the springs are well-placed, the float-up useful when you want to go down but suddenly change your mind, and best of all, you don’t have to be Spaz to jump back up :-P, and the water makes for interesting strategies with RFs, bouncers, seekers and hazardous semi-dead-ends.
There isn’t enough ammo in here. And far too much carrots. Two carrots are too close to each other. I am writing incredibly short sentences. Ahem. Anyway, there aren’t enough toasters, seekers,peppersprays, the electroblasters aren’t close enough to the RF PU, and so on. Not enough ammo, not enough explosions, not enough HAHA-5hks, too much carrots and not a single weapons box in sight. Ok, they cause lag, but just one box for one type of ammo would solve a lot (provided they are placed correctly…but BR knows his stuff :-p).
The eyecandy is about as good as you can expect from a lvl using the newly-renamed Islands, and I just remembered that I mentioned that Islands was re-named in an earlier paragraph. The under-water “hills” should be animated, but since they’re not, I guess that’s Blade’s fault. All background layers are used but there aren’t enough foreground stuff. BR could’ve looked at Blade’s example lvls and put a lot of stuff in the foreground, especially in layer 1 and in the large, yellow, empty sands. It won’t make the lvl look too full and it will only make hapless reviewers like me fall for simple eyecandy tricks and rate 9.2 or something.
There’s not too much to talk about one single lvl. This lvl is basically:
1. Slightly Spaz biased.
2. Has good eyecandy.
3. Apart from points 1, 2 and 3, has great gameplay.
4. Needs more funny text signs (rating not deducted because of an absence of 4).
Corair’s Coast is a solid ****-star lvl. 7.9 and a DL recommendation.
well, i am a jazz player and ive mostly only tested it with jazz :P the spaz players never complained about it
They obviously wanted to squeeze in as much as possible into this upload in order to free up some space in the others.
This is totally unbelievable. Shadow relasing a new battle pack? Is that a UFO outside my window? Shadow releasing it as a new ML upload? I think the UFO is landing. Skulg joined ML a year ago without practically anyone knowing about it? Someone’s coming out! OMG RUN!
So, Street Wars: Redemption is here. So, I failed to run away and have now become brainwashed and a mindless slave of the aliens. I liked the original Street Wars and gave it a 9.2 (back when I was a newbie and couldn’t really get to grips with JCS). I now think that I over-rated it, but Redemption has 3 new lvls which should boost its rating up a bit (say, by 0.2 points……darnit, just gave it away!).
First review? Yay!
I’m actually really confused by the way the lvls are linked up together. I don’t see why Shadow wouldn’t set the next lvl settings to mlnec1, mlnec2, mlnec3, etc, to mlnec5, which will of course go back to mlnec1. Instead, mlnec4 goes straight back to mlnec1 while mlnec5 goes to mluptown and that’s just plain confusing and prevents ppl from playing all 5 lvls in one go. Also, looking in JCS, the 3 new lvls have each got 2 different versions, which makes the whole thing even more confusing. This does mean that each lvl will provide a slightly different style of gameplay, but it would be much easier if Shadow just perfected all 5 lvls and only made 1 copy of each.
None of these lvls are particularly Lori-friendly, which is u.n.a.c.c.e.p.t.a.b.l.e. for TSF lvls. Oh well, screw her. No ratings deducted here, but I think this should serve as a warning to everyone who releases TSF uploads.
None of these lvls are particularly Jazz-friendly either, and it is here that I get annoyed. There are simply not enough one ways, vines or springs of appropriate ‘strength’ to give Jazz at least a decent chance vs Spaz in Redemption. Some places seems specifically designed to force ppl to use double jump, which I take it as making the whole lvl a bit more challenging and interesting for duels but what about poor Jazz? I am not going to screw him off (ahem). I don’t know how much Shadow betatested this pack, but he and/or his betatesters clearly didn’t bother playing properly as Jazz in these lvls.
Hot Town and Rocking Streets are still my favourites when it comes to eyecandy, but the new-comers aren’t bad either. The skies are always of interesting colours, most, if not all, layers have been used and I’m glad to see that all background layers have been devoted to…being in the background. It’s always nice to see that some JCSers, like Shadow, aren’t cheating by using layer 5 as unmasked layer 4, which is a particularly easy and cheap way to create good eyecandy. The lvls do not always use all of the tiles available, but so far, I haven’t seen more creative and original use of Townhouse, probably because there are so few Townhouse lvls…sigh. Sometimes, however, the new lvls’ eyecandy get a little repetitive. Shadow has done a lot of realistic tile-placement, which makes buildings look like buildings, cities look like cities but it make everything look a bit squared, rectangular and un-varied. Downtown is a good example of a lvl that desperately needs urban renwal. (And I’m not sry for the bad joke).
The gameplay of all lvls are generally good to great, if it weren’t for the fact that Jazz unfriendliness prevails. Some springs can get in the way, but at least they’re easily accesible. The semi-secret passages are pretty cool too, and they also serve as eyecandy. The different versions of the 3 new lvls make for different kinds of gameplay and weapons placement. Uptown (mluptown) shows ENORMOUS differences from mlnec3 and it is clear that mluptown is the better version. It’s got better placed springs, more ammo, more eyecandy, etc, which makes me wonder what mlnec3 is there for. Get rid of the bad versions, I say!
The weapons placement seems to focus on getting the player killed and preventing him from getting healed. The bonus warp is a REAL PAIN to enter because there are too many easily accessible power-ups and far too few carrots. And carrots, btw, are for wussies, not *ussies. Shadow should consider his use of language. Sure, everyone has enough ammo to blast the whole Townhouse tileset to smithereens but hardly anyone’s going to be alive afterwards. Well, they’ll respawn, but you get my idea. Another weird thing is that the bonus warps sometimes give players power-ups that they could easily stomp/kick/shoot/uppercut/TNT/freeze for free, outside the bonus room. The bonus warps, which are a hefty 50 coins, are clearly not good value. Shadow has one or two lessons to learn from Tesco, ahem.
I still think the original two lvls are the best of the whole pack so I don’t see why they should be “redeemed” by lesser lvls. It still means that Uptown, Downtown and Metropolis Carrotius are good lvls and all TSFers should DL Street Wars: Redemption. 8.2 and a DL recommendation. Now, let’s get that taser out and free my brain…
EDIT: @Shadow: In that case, why haven\‘t you noticed that you keep falling 2-3 tiles short every time you make a particularly large jump? Or that Jazz almost always need a second step when it comes to some red springs? And, btw, the reasons why Spaz players don\‘t complain is probably because the lvls work fine with Spaz. ;-P
J2o no longer allows multiple reviews.
I Feel Enjoy.
However, what are the tilesets here for? They’re also in the tileset pack.
Strange number of download. 3 and 666? OMG RU devil or satan?
Why do you make these lvls 1.24 >(
Why dont you make them 1.23?
The first level, using a Disguise tileset (I forgot the name) is a good and hard level with some trigger puzzles and lots of suckers. It took a few attempts to complete the level, which is good (I don’t like easy levels). The eyecandy was decent, but what reallly annoyed me here was the foreground layer which hindered my view. After that comes my favourite level of the pack, using the Beach tileset by Nick Stadler. It has some nice puzzle elements with TNTs and great eyecandy. I love the background and foreground layers in this one, they give a cool atmosphere. It was again difficult, but a little less than in the less level. The third was again a good level, but worse than the second. It uses Castle Eclipse by BlurredD and has some of the crate puzzles the first level had, with enemies falling from the top. The eyecandy felt a little uninspired. Most of the time it looked boring. Level 4 was a downfall. After killing a few enemies and collecting some ammo you get pushed into a boss arena with two robots and a bolly, but as the control Devans (for the robots) are at the top you can’t see anything for a few seconds and loose two hearts unfairly. As you try to kill one of the bosses you get hindered by a waterfall in the foreground, and can’t see anything again. I couldn’t beat this level, and gave up.
Overall this is a nice pack, though with some clitches. I liked the puzzle elements and the difficulty (apart from level 4). At some parts it could use more eyecandy, and a story would’ve been nice too, but I enjoyed playing for most of the time.
Nice music joice aswell, except in level 3 (standard castle music is boring).
Download Reccommendation.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.