It’s not the trigger crate what blocks the wallclimb spot, it’s the trigger zone. It’s there so latecomers don’t wallclimb in when game starts. However, this system falls prey when server is laggy, and right now I’m modifying it. Thanks for noticing that, Blacky.
(blah) Nonetheless, thanks for pointing the bugs out, Sonyk. You helped me with making these levels better, thanks to you. =)
China Turtle Temple, another turtemple mix by Danyjel.
I like what you did to the beginning, it sounds different from the original turtemple and also gives that china feel.
I really like the song at its climax (patterns 12 – 14), it sounded great there. Too bad it was only a few patterns (12 – 14 and 27 – 29).
The ending is a nice fadeout, but if you want to use the music in a jj2 level, you won’t hear the fadeout and instead the music would just keep going full volume until the last pattern and then abruptly stop and loop.
Otherwise, I like this better than Templorary Turtle. It has more of an atmosphere and I like the main beat more. A good listen, and a good download =D.
Firstly, let me comment on how the music for this level wasn’t in the zip =D.
Otherwise, I dislike the crate system. It blocks off the wallclimb spot so nobody else could get in after someone gets into controller room. Why did you make that? Anyways, I played this with a lot of people and it got annoying. The actual level is pretty small, and you need TNT to blow up stuff, so its not that fun and chaotic like other ground force levels. eyecandy is alright.
Rating: 7
A Lone Island
Yay music =D. And again that crate system >.>. I don’t like the main arena here much. Eyecandy needs a lot of work and the backround is pretty boring. The delay between the bomb falling is nice, if only you couldn’t reach the bombs and blow them up manually without even hitting the crate.
Rating: 6.5
A Water surprise
Nice atmosphere, and imo this level looks a lot better for me in 16bit =D. I actually kinda like this level. Eyecandy is nice for the most part. I think you put too many carrots in the crates that fall though, it might get laggy. I would’ve given this a 7.5, but I managed to jump out of the gem area the controller gets to when out and back into the arena. You really need to fix that. -0.5
Rating: 7
Blazing Speed:
The turtle shell thing is fun (although not completely original since Blur’s Scatter used it), but some times the turtle shell fell without breaking anything. Yay for LRK’s song. The eyecandy is alright here, and this is a decent level.
Rating: 7.2
Palace of Punishment:
++Music. The concept is interesting, but this level is kinda hard =\. I’d prefer the coin amount you need before you get out to be higher. The eyecandy is alright, but because of color repetetiveness within the tiles it gets confusing.
Rating: 6.5
Windy Carrots
Lol @ tileset. This level was actually kinda fun, and the wind thing was original, but the wind might’ve been too strong. Still, one of the better ones in the pack imo.
Rating: 7.4
10 is a magical number
Dont get the name but k. Destruct blocks took some effort to destroy, and the empty areas in the arena were =\. Don’t really have much to comment on the level.
Rating: 7
Elixir of Distort:
Woah. Pretty big level. Also kinda lacking in music =P. might’ve been funner if the crates didnt drop the bombs on you and in a distant area where other players might be instead. Tileset use was ok. I like the backround
Rating: 7.2
Marbles of Magic:
Hm. Lots of eyecandy bugs in the start area, but I liked what you did in the walls in the arena. I dont like the layout of the level, since its really hard to get up especially if you fall down all the way. Music is nice.
Rating: 6.7
Thunderstorm of the Ancients:
I see rain but I dont see lightning anywhere ;(. More like a huge rainstorm. Level is pretty big too, and the turtle thing is interesting (the shells). One thing I noticed is that people were able to get back into the arena if they rejoined the level (-0.5), and that kinda sucks. I also got killed by the turtles too. Whee. Music is nostalgic though, reminds me of donkey kong 3 (probably cause I think it is from donkey kong 3).
Rating: 7.4 – 0.5 = 6.9.
Rating of the pack: 6.94 rounded down to a 6.9.
Lots of these levels are really buggy and need some fixes, but otherwise some of them are ok and kinda fun to play. I’d give this a download reccomendation, since it has some fairly original stuff in it.
Edit: Since apparently a lot of bugs are fixed, I’ll upgrade the rating of this to a 7.6. GG.
Edit: Some bugs are still there. I can get into the arena after the server and everyone else got in (i.e by rejoining if I get out) and stuff. Back down to a 7.3 until this gets fixed..
Okay, people got all annoied at my “underrating” of this set, but for someone who never used the Access Violation patch, or knows how to avoid common errors and problems… the levels were kinda unstable, which made playing them horrible and all. Anyway, with the fixes the levels are more enjoyable.
Each level is basic ground force, nothing too special about the types. When each level starts, the system is different in each. But the server locks the start area, which makes problems in servers with downloaders.
Each level has its own little “theme” which relates to the levels name, more often than not. Like in ’10 is a magical number’, each block takes ten hits to destroy it. In ‘Thunderstorm of the Ancients’, there are even turtles, which I presume to be the ‘Ancients.’
Overall, the levels are nicely made, but ground force is a ‘you like it; you don’t’ kind of thing, so downloading it is really your choice.
Overall, since Ground Force levels are (in my opinion) not that original, or anything breathtaking, I didn’t really see anything in this pack that really deserved a 9+, but the levels are nice, so an 8 is about right.
EDIT: After playing the levels some more, I started liking them more and more, so, I recommend to download them now. Very much so.
A little note I would like to make to those who blame me for “underrating” as well. A review is how I liked the pack and the rating is what I felt it deserved. As long as I provide reason (which I did) I could’ve made this rating lower or higher. So, I had reason for rating it the way I originally did, and thus, if you didn’t like it, simply ignore what I have to say from now on.
i like pie!!!1
and I’m drunk!!!11
(…I have no clue how this review got here but it’s completely unsupported. ~Violet)
The storyline of this level pack is simple but funny and also original, Jazz needs to go on adventure for days to only bring food and drinks to Eva! The levels are all like one map but the storyline and enemy’s are changed in all of them, very original! The shop is also nice, at first i thought those items where real.. May the BeachTown map needed some more eyecandy, and the map may needed something bigger too, but in general this download is recommed, and will get a 7.5 from me! Keep going on with this!
The uploading date is far back, but I never came to write a review. I just replayed, so here it shall be.
“Time Tripping – JJ2” is a nice conversion of the game Hocus Pocus made by Apogee. I haven’t played the original, so I can’t rate on that.
No one needs the original though, as Violet did exactly convert the game as accurate as possible. Some may like that, but I don’t. Of course it gets unbalanced if one uses running, stomping, etc., but without running it’s kinda boring. I had put less carrots instead, most of them I really did not need. There were also put sucker tubes to prevent high jumping, which often through me into spikes unfairly, which was annoying. The enemy placement of the original must have sucked, because so it does in this pack. Clumped together enemies on every platform, it’s annoying. There were a lot of places were I got unfairly hurt also, because for example a warp target was put directly above spikes in the last level. That’s not Violet’s fault as he didn’t make the gameplay, but I hate it. I just don’t like that Violet sticked to the original so much, leave a little room for creativity. That doesn’t mean the pack wasn’t creative though, some things were done profesionally. I had never thought off stopping Tuf Bosses from shooting with belts. There are a lot of tricks used to make it as accurate to the original as possible. That, however, often ruins the gameplay and looks just weird. It was not bad, but it could’ve been a lot better and I don’t think it does deserve a 10. On a final note, the music annoyed me to hell.
The pack is a nice and very accurate conversion, but freaking overrated.
If you’re a fan of this kind of gameplay then download, otherwise don’t.
I can really spot the upgrades you have made, so you’ll be rewarded +1.0 to your rating.
EYECANDY: Not bad, you have used the foregroung layers and the backround layers well. 19/25
ITEMS: Some places are empty, but others have some items. You could put in some hidden items. 16/25
GAMEPLAY: Good use of springs. I couldn’t find any warps or coins. But other uses are good. 17/25
SIZE: It’s big, but could be bigger. 19/25
Score = 81/100
Rating (Including the added 1.0) = 9.0
Final Comment: Er……Great Level….
Yo, Tubz/Tublear here. Easy rater, I gotta say this song…
Linkin Park – Points of Authority (DJ JSZ JazZ Remix) is hot! You did a great job, dawg, have a nice 9! Download recommendation haha!
You can’t get a 10 because It’s a remix, sorry.
(Unsupported rating removal. You really did nothing more than say that this is good, twice. Try explaining your rating and giving me a feeling of what the upload is like. ~Violet)
More people can play it if it’s 1.23… though 1.24 makes no real difference.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it’s the 53rd review for this darned overrated pack. Oh well.
What we have here is a 17.5 MB package including 12 levels, ambient soundtracks, 5 3D cutscenes and lots of other stuff which I’m too lazy to mention.
A huge amount of effort has gone into creating this episode, however, that doesn’t make it perfect for me.
The story tells the quest of young Jazz, stranded on an island inhabited by dinosaurs – yes, the story’s stolen from Jurassic Park. However, that didn’t matter for me at all.
The levels are all pretty well designed, some with very original stuff, however way too short and easy. I played through this in around 20 minutes I believe (can’t remember correctly), which is way too short considering what could have been possible. The levels are mostly outdoor areas with lots of evil enemies and a few puzzles scattered about. Those were pretty easy though, could’ve had some more depth. The dino hunt level was cool, but too short and easy again.
Like I said, the difficulty of this episode isn’t very high. The enemies are mostly not strategically placed, the puzzles aren’t that hard to solve, what else? Boosted difficulty had made this a lot more fun.
A good aspect of the pack is that it’s pretty creative. There are some ideas and tricks I’ve never seen before, and the dino hunt was spectacular. The puzzles could’ve been better, but overall very nice.
Eyecandy is so-so. In the outside areas it looks nice, while in the caves it’s dull. The tileset is not the best, which could be the main reason. It’s not bad, but it needs a lot more detail, especially in walls. Level 8 had exactly 10 different tiles I believe. Some tricks are neat though.
The story is told in a nice way through short dialoges of the character, and it’s easily understandable even for someone who didn’t watch the film. Some things don’t really fit in like the ammo, but that doesn’t matter.
Overall this pack is nice, especially for those caring about lots of extra features like cutscenes and makros (that are those little recorded games showing up if you do nothing in the main menu), but the levels were a little dissapointment due to easieness and shortness.
Those are my two cents, agree with it or not.
It’s a decent pack though, and worth the download.
I’ve played with my friend in Coop mode yesterday. It was fun, so I’ll increase the rating a bit. :)
(7.7 -> 8.0)
im not going to rate it. but i do think its neat. who cares if he worked hard on it or not, i had fun playing it.
Stuff Placement: cool
Enemies: this is a multiplayer battle
Eyecandy: real cool
Funness: only in multiplayer
if you are in need of a real good battle level for multiplayer, then this is the level fer you.
my only complaint is that the level is too small. you should totally download this.
Stuff Placement: well, there’s black
Enemies: darkness
Eyecandy: howbout you
Funness: not really
just kind of a usefull level.
download this if you like to take screenshots without the backround.
The fog is incredibly annoying. The music is trash, but the game is sort of fun, It’s a challenge only because of the fog in the first level. It will annoy the hell out of you!
How long has it been that I reviewed something?? Well, lets see…
“Island in the saphire sea”… sounds good to me =P, lets download it.
….downloading left…3.2.1.all downloads are finished.
Wow! This tileset is really great! everything is in it, even a treashure chest. How long have you working on this?
The tileset contains enough eyecandy, like treashure chests, caves, spikes, cannons and beautifull background stuff.
When you want to make a nice lvl, I suggest you to use this tileset if you want a nice lvl.
But there are some tilebugs… Too bad… I would give it a nine or something! Also under water, the cannons, cannonballs and even jazz/spaz will turn in strange colours…??
But those 2 things wouldn’t get me off to download this stuff, hear me?? AARGH! I’m the captain of the black peril and next island where we will stop… the Island in th Saphire Sea! WHahaha! AARGH!
Review by Carrotpie
well i think u did a good job on this 1. ur not a BAD lvl maker so a 6 should do it.
(Unsupported rating (6) removal. Try to at least mention the level. ~Violet)
HMMMMMMMM…………………………………………………………………………. this is not a horrible set, it could use some errrrr LOTS more eyecandy. i dont really think u will need an example lvl for this. very small, easy to use ; ) any lvl u might make would be a bit boring. as PHT says, no download reccomendation
I don’t really know how to rate this. I don’t like it much but I like the fact that you can be in the audiance. S0 i’ll just give you a 4.5
(Unsupported rating (4.5) removal. I can’t really get an idea of what you’re talking about or even what the level’s like from reading this review. Try harder. ~Violet)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.