Please make your levels 1.23
This lvl is quite useful, but also a pointless upload because ppl can easily create screenshot lvls for themselves. It would also help if you added some arrows to tell ppl where to go, or enabled low detail so that ppl can see where they’re going before wandering around getting lost. Apart from that…er…yeah, this lvl does its job well because everything’s black…and that’s it. There is a suckertube at the bottom, just for fun. ;-P No DL recommendation, however. :-p
The nxt lvl setting doesn’t work. You might want to fix those kinds of bugs before I start reviewing. ;-P
EDIT: Hey, wow, look, I still haven’t reviewed. How careless of me. ;-(
JOSEPH COLLINS DID IT!!! Sorry for my off-topicity, but this is just great. Get 8.7 from Joseph Collins, it’s fantastic. Great job you both.
it’s maybe not complete but i am not able to do anything with it. Too long time.
I will try to be not too evil. But, in true, I hate Linkin Park. I like only Numb from them, and particulary Faint. Everything other has to be killed, by my opinion.
Note: I listened only mp3 version.
It’s hard to review this, some parts are good, some are bad, some are just mashed-up, some fits greatly to each other. But reason why to download could be great fitting of second Tubelectric theme with POA. And that rap (normally I HATE rap, but this is excellent) rulezZ in combination with that second theme…
Samples are bad, just as original, too metalish. Tempo is slower than in original, beats are okay.
Great Job!!
it’s Awesome It Are On All Places!!!
Yahoo My Friends And I Play This Lvl All DAy On Multieplayer!thy find it great!(Same As I)
I Luv It…Very Much!
You’re A Great Lvl MAker (And I Am A BAD One)
Great!!!!( HAve You Heard That Word Ever Again?)
It’s So Good!
Download recommend!
In true, it’s original. Yes, that’s the right word. Original. JSZ Jazz did something like my ElekTronique Army, he combined his theme with Robert’s Allen Jazz theme. I was doing that more than month, and I guess he wasn’t doing it much less time. My tune was pretty… electronic, his tune has to be instrumental. With some beats. And with some metal.
I like it more than when JSZ Jazz sent it to me when he wanted to timmish his work. My style, how you apparentely know, is electronica, so you think I didn’t like it just cause of that I don’t like anything different, what’s hardly not true. I didn’t like it for its cacoharmony. Now, when I am listening it, I can hear harmony on 90 % of song, it means everywhere where is not that darn Metal Darn, what is big minus for you (from me). Without that Metal Darn was this tune dead, it’s cool how it makes it alive, but author could synthesize it with other samples.
Now, when I am listening it again, the main thing I don’t like is repetitivity and slow tempo. Repetitivity can be good, but with combination of this 1,5 × slower tempo than in original, it’s hardly annoing. That lead melody with those slow drumloops… truly, bad. This is semi-saved by good snares and hi-hats.
Sample choice, except hardly slow drumloops and unsynthesized metal guitar is okay, long strings sound well without any splitting of sample when repeating. Pianos are very good, background chords are just cool. Lead sample, like effects, is without any problem too.
Rating: 6.0 + 1.0 for originality, melodies greatly fit into each other.
Heh, my rate is 8 because I like this lvl, The gameplay was VERY GOOD for me, I play with NICK and KALLE and some people, and i thinks that was very good game ;)
Eyecandy looks nice too.
No many Players makes THAT good BATTLE LVL
Hey a new PoL levels thats INCRIDIBLE!
Much and good too i like the placement and the secrets. Its playable for Ammo results for around 16 players. No ammo bugs or stuck shit found so well done.
Well its fun to play and no bugs that i found, its not spaz or jazz based sp well done again :P Size is Okey. Its nice done :)
Overall ( again >P ) Perfect mayby to much but well done. No bugs the layers ar good used tree\‘s waterfalls and more! Well done
Download Recommendation? Yup
Well another good lvl by PoL.
8.7 from me
Yeah, he must be in a bad mood.
I think this lvl is quite good, actually, and it does remind me slightly of non-new lvls. ;-P It brings back memories of Disguise’s example lvls, Cmdr. Dats battle lvls, stripe’s CTF lvls and Carrotus Squash. :-D
A couple of things seem to have been borrowed from Carrotus Squash, namely the position of the bouncer PU and the fact that there are many crazy springs around the place.
I think I should start with the springs: the point is, some of them limit the gameplay. They force players to go up and since it is usually blue springs that take them up, players often have no choice but to go up or crash into a wall. Pos 64, 60 is a good example of a blue spring you should remove so that ppl can go left if they choose to. Overall, however, the springs are well-placed and the red spring near the carrot solves the problem of the dead end easily.
The eyecandy is great. My two main objections is the ambient lightning, which is too dark, and the usage of the tileset, which, basically, is not complete (i.e. use all the tiles in the tileset: that’s what they’re for! [Especially the text signs]). There are plenty of foreground and background stuff, everything flows around smoothly and the animations should keep idlers busy.
The gameplay, if it weren’t for some of those annoying springs I mentioned earlier, is ok. There is no main battle arena because of the fact that the platforms are more horizontal than vertical, so, most of the time, you just run in straight lines (unless you decide to jump). Horizontal running isn’t itself particularly interesting, but it’s good that you are are making sure that the player runs a bit all over the place. I’m a bit displeased at the severe Jazz unfriendliness of the whole lvl. Some vines are too high up, as are some platforms.
Weapons placement is good but you won’t always have enough if you don’t conserve it.
Yawn. This review took me several hours to write…I think.
1. Great eyecandy.
2. Good gameplay.
3. Generally ok weapons placement.
1. Jazz-unfriendliness.
2. Annoying ambient lightning.
3. Lack of choice when it comes to some of the springs.
4. Not all tiles are used.
7.5, the moment you fix the things mentioned in the Cons area.
For now, a 7.2 and a DL recommendation.
Actually, this level seems to have a nice ancient feel to it in my opinion. Just fix some of the gameplay aspects like the number and placement of the carrots and other previously mentioned problems by the reviewers, then reupload the level.
What’s up? Are you in a bad mood? :-)
Sorry Cooba, but think again about your review, please.
Maybe some people doesn’t like freezer Ammo in battle levels, but some people like it. Anyway, many good battle-levels have got freezer ammo. And the way to the carrot is very short and there is a red spring to get away quickly. The unbordered left side was bad, that’s right but we’ve edited it.
And the gameplay is not so bad, we think. We’ve played this a few times, online, too. It was really fun! Do you have played this alone or did you play it as a real duel with other players?
As we said, think again about your review!
I don’t really feel like doing a full review for this, so I’ll just summarize and not rate it.
I played this map in Single Player mode to get a feel for the map and whatnot. I noticed right away that the tileset was a double-sized one. This doesn’t make it look very pretty, but comparing sizes with the Xargon characters, it’s probably about right. Still doesn’t look very pretty overall, though.
The level itself is nicely designed. Everything works well, and there’s enough eye-candy to sedate even the toughest critic.(Myself included. =P) There’s also a goodly amount of weapons. Toasters, RF Missiles, Seekers, etc. There’s enough to go around without over-itemizing the map.
Overall, it’s a fun map. Blocky, due to the x2 tileset, but fun. Might make a good level to run around on. If I were to rate it, I’d give it a 7.2.
Edit: Cooba has a few valid points, come to think of it. Given that, I’d change my rating from 7.2 to 6.9. But unless something huge is thrown my way, I won’t go a fraction lower!
Second Edit: Back up to a 7.2, my potential rating goes, thanks to the most recent(as of 03/26/05) edits.
Hmm this is an odd thing to rate.
However, the lyrics seem to make since to Jazz Jackrabbit I think a line goes “The Pace is Too Fast, You Just Won’t Last”, and Tubelctric fits in with the song(some points its hard to tell if they wer interwinded or if this was or the song actually is)
It’s more of an curiosity though, like Battery Check. However it may gain a cult following(Such as ZIM or Alien Homind). I personally liked it, and this good for people who like non-video game music and like rock/Linkin Park. The silence at the end is a bit awkward though. Being a fan of both rock and the tubelectric music, this final rating mayb be a bit biased, but I say an 8.
DL Reccomandation? Yes, but more so if you’re a fan of Rock or the Tubelectic music.
(This review has random uses of incorrect captilization, spot some and get nothing)
This is certainly a tricky one.
The songs definitely do seem to intwine fairly well, but you really didn’t do anything new, per se. Besides that, I think Linkin Park is awful in general, but that isn’t really your fault. But there aren’t a lot of vocals (THANK YOU), so it’s not that bad.
As a song, it mixed pretty well. The quality is nice. Transitions between break downs in the songs sound natural. This is still just a mix, though, so I can’t give you that high a rating. I give it a 7.7 and a DR. This is quite usable.
I definitely do not believe it’s a bad remix.
It does not only work, it has some very nice parts to it, both streams flowing nicely along each other. Other parts aren’t as well fitting, but they are outweighed.
I also do not believe that it was simply two mp3s put together. One who pays attention can easily realize that there were adjustments of speed, parts cut out, repeated, etc, etc.
While this is not a perfect remix, it’s by no means a bad one and the author deserves positive feedback.
I guess it’s exactly what was promised. “Points of Authority” mixed with Tubelectric?
Song Analysis:
I. . . I’m not sure. I’m really not sure how to review this. It’s. . .just a couple intertwined files. That’s all. Points of Authority with some slowed-down Tubelectric thrown in. It works. For the most part. It starts to desynch around 1:56, though. Quite noticably. Then there’s an obvious “jump” at 2:16. Then another desynch at 2:56. Finally, there’s a long, unnecessary silence at 3:18 onward.
Mixing Analysis:
It mixes alright. For the most part. As I said, there’s a few desynchs and jumps. The songs could have mixed a little better than this. It’s an original concept, but the mix itself isn’t that great overall.
Final Analysis:
. . .I’m not sure if I should rate this or not. This is one of those. . .things. It’s an MP3 of Linkin Park’s “Points of Authority” lightly mixed with Tubelectric. If I were to rate it, I’d give it a 2.2 for the above reasons and for no other reasons than that. The legality of this doesn’t effect the score at all.
If you like Linkin Park, this is a good download for you, considering it’s an entire Linkin Park song with some ignorable Tubelectric parts. I wouldn’t suggest downloading it myself, however. As I keep saying, it’s not a very good mix.
Edit: . . .eh. I went ahead and rated it.
Second Edit: You people that give this “remix” a high rating make me sad. :x
Third Edit: Eh. Rating withdrawn. Considering I have no idea what the original song sounds like, and furthermore could care less, perhaps that’s not very fair to Jazzy. I was rating the MP3 version to begin with, not the IT version. The IT version isn’t all that much more impressive to me, frankly. It still goes out of synch in some places. There’s a few “skips” here and there. Just ain’t impressive to me. And given the IT version, the score would drop from a 2.2 to a 2, as I’d rate the IT a 1.7. But whatever. I can admit when I’m not being completely fair.
A dry interpretation of the Turtemple theme done up in a dance club styling.
Song Analysis:
You’d be surprised just how empty this song can possibly sound without an actual bassline. Which it does not have. At any given point whatsoever. Definate minus points there. And given the opening sample, I almost thought this was something out of Blaster Master 2 for a brief moment. Anyone else remember that lava level? No? Okay then, nevermind.
Anyway. . . Like I said, without the bassline, it’s a little bit dry. The overall arrangement isn’t. . .well. . .arranged all that much from the original, either. It’s just the same old “dun-dun-dun, dun-dun-dun, dun-dun” cycled over and over again in a fast pace with about three samples. Not much to hear here, folks.
Additionally, it doesn’t really sound much like it’s Oriental. It just sounds like typical American dance music, minus the bassline.
Sample Analysis:
The samples chosen are of high quality indeed. However, it seems to me that the samples are also just a tiny bit out of tune with one another. It might just be me, though. Nothing more to say.
Final Analysis:
Wanted: One Turtemple bassline. Inquire inside. :x
Loud and hyper, but dull and boring regardless. Not particularly worth a download considering how surprisingly dry it managed to turn out.
“Just upload it normally by putting both files into the zip.”
Good luck on trying to upload a .zip which is 5 MB big.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.