It might be nice to know what song it is. Though I know… Fanolint…
Not bad actully. Though, I still don’t know how to really rate music.
Third review scince I came back. Lets see how you did
Heeyy!!! Not bad. You’ve got a stormy backround with pallaraxing stars. And a little eyecandy on the foreground layers.
ITEMS 24/33
Also, not bad. A couple of PowerUps put in and a fair ammount of ammo now and then.
Not bad again. A few warps dotted around the level and many hidden ‘SUCKER TUBES’.
TOTAL = 70/100
RATING = 7.0
FINAL COMMENT: You have earnt yourself a clean seven, better than I have ever gotten. That seven has eant you a download recommendation.
Once again, i have to write another review.
You scored a mediocre score on eyecandy. Most eyecandy you put were on layers 2,3 and 4. You have a moving backround that gives you an extra 3 points.
ITEMS 10/25
There are very few items in the level (CARROTS, HINT HINT). There is no ammo whatsoever.
Not bad gameplay. There are many places where you can get hurt. But no warps or crates.
Definatly the best thing in this level. Just a few too many bats.
TOTAL = 62/100
RATING = 6.2
FINAL COMMENT: Not too bad, not too good. If you just put some ammo in the level, you would have just about earnt a download recommendation.
Another great song by Danyjel.
Crysilis is an overremixed song. I see so many remixes of it and tubelectric. But this one is a good remix.
It starts off catchy and I like the rhythm of it. The lead does remind me a bit of NWCryst, although I don’t like it too much. Some channels like 20 and 21 are kinda boring, but its partially the original song’s fault because those parts in it where boring too.
I like the samples (especially the ones introduced in the few beginning patterns), and the song lenght is about average (3min50sec).
Even though my review sounded a big negative I still really like this song, and will keep listening to it in my mod playlist =D.
Good Job and keep making remixes!
My first review for this year….
Not much eyecandy in many levels and could do with some improvment. This use is used only in layers 3 and 4. Overall, eyecandy is definatly not your strong point.
ITEMS 19/25
Pretty good but still has room for improvment. All types of item has been used in this level. Some empty areas that need filling in.
Again, improvment is still needed. You have used crates and warps. Bonus warped have also been used.
You’ve used a pretty good range of enemies. About 3 to 5 differant types have been used. Boss included.
FINAL COMMENT: A common score (I mostly get this type of score) but an improvable score (Especially on eyecandy). You have just about earnt a download reccomendation.
If I ever figure out how to rip the graphics out of Tile Sets, I might try and VGA-tize it. Just for the Heck of it. But then, I might not. Depends on how abmitious I feel. Anyway. . .on with the review!
Welcome to a good ol’ kick in the pants in Hillville, folks. It’s the Hillville/Slug Village tile set from Commander Keen IV: the Secret of the Oracle for Jazz Jackrabbit 2.
Tileset Analysis:
What can I say? It’s all those warm, wonderful EGA graphics us old-school gamers loved so much way back when Keen was. . .er. . .keen! This tileset brings back such fond memories of zapping Poison Slugs and dodging Mad Mushrooms. . . Everything fits together seemlessly from what I can see.
Functionality Analysis
There seem to be a few masking issues with the tileset itself. Unlike most Jazz 2 tilesets, you seem unable to Dash downhill full-tilt, or in Spaz’s case, jump-kick down or up-hill without being stopped. Additionally, having so many “Hook” events overlapping to make the “climbable” poles seems a little sloppy, but I sure can’t think of a better way to make that. The tar pits and fire also seem a little raised, as far as “hurting” goes. But I blame Jazz 2 more than Labrat for those.
Additionally, I think that the characters might be a little too low on the ground, compared to Keen IV. But I could be wrong.
Final Analysis:
Forget what Labrat said about “feeling like a giant” with this 1x tileset. Jazz, Spaz, and Lori are no taller than Keen himself, if you compare.(Doooo eeeeeeeeet.) I think they might be shorter, come to think of it. Anyway. . . Overall, this tile set gets the job done, and then some, looking good and working pretty well. This would be a good set to make a Capture the Flag level or Race level with, for example. Flaws aside, this is a very good tile set.
I recommend this for download, both as a Jazz fan, and as a Keen fan. I hope to see some levels with this set, too!
Comparing with earlier works I think your attempt to realism has improved. Your metal sounds are realistic and i think to a little extend the Laginuicus from the CD-only episode(only known to the real fellows) are also verbally touched. You tried obvious to spread emotions, I must admit i had quite strong emotions after listening to the tune. Another Key issue is your use of beats. I believe everyone must listen to it himself. The beats reflect the peak of inspiration in my opinion; not just a A B A B beat scheme but more a A A A A beat scheme know from Electrics earlier works, which you will find on his website. If I would interprete this song into colours it reminds me of Violet’s amazing pinkish violetish tileset with its fade and platonic arrangement between the tiles. This is mainly because of your sound wave distortions between the denser effects which you used very well in this track.I believe this music makes mathematically highly sense. It is a typically oldschool style between Coldplay and Jennifer Lopez beats. Very risky but successfully used. Bravissimo.derob.
I love dumb reviews. Thx DS for the GREAT review ;D
Hi Tubular Motion 2 is just a playground with a lot of suckers, springs warps etc. etc.
I don’t see this is a battle level, cuz when you move once to the left/right or you just jump once you will be warped, sucked, jumped to another place.
That’s cool for sometime, but after 20 minute’s playing online I know the whole level and then I’m bored playing JJ2.
The Eyecandy su*ks. You barely used layer 3, wich is Tube electric great for. Atleast you could a bit more in layer 5, wich you also didn’t do. No layer 6, no layer 7, no layer 2, no layer 1. Pfff…
I give it a 6 because the level itself just is once big rollercaoster. And fun to play sometimes.
Seriously, I think that “Helpful Rating” things should be disabled for N/A’s. Look at danyjel’s review helpfulness. It was a comment, not a review…
I use to play it in school
(Unsupported rating (1) removal. You’re not even supposed to be playing JJ2 in school, I believe. ~Violet)
Joseph Collins is cool man. His average rating sctrictness is -1.6 and his average rating is 4.1. His rating sctrictness would be much bigger if his rating wouldn’t count to all ratings. Just try to guess why everything what he rates has low rating.
Awsome done, the music fits with levels, its originel and new to jj2 ( the style ). I like it and used more. The structure is nice, samples used OK.
Mayby make a lvl and include it, so whe can hear if its fit. I am not a MUSIC reviewer but this is very nice.
Rating: 9.2
Dr? Yes
- Dx
Very good tileset!
Very good variety, color (like cartoon!) and many other things!. But this tileset is so hard to use, but you can do with this tileset do the true pirat paradise!
Very good tileset!
This has to be the most cruel, evil, and outright irritating set of “trick” levels known to this website.
Level Analyses:
Wind Meister
I couldn’t get past Level 11, I think it was. The area with the Lit TNT. There’s “hard” and then there’s “throw-the-effing-controller-at-the-screen”.
Wind Meister 2
Couldn’t get past Level 6. I’m not stupid. . . I’m sure if I tried long enough, I could figure it out. There’s gotta be a reason for that Freeze Hourglass to be there. . .
Wind Meister 3
Almost finished this one. No Wind Tunnel stopped me. Nor a puzzle. No. . .what stopped me was. . .a freaking bug. On the “Final” map(I don’t trust that text for a minute), I apparently had enough velocity to throw myself directly through a wall. I tried to get out, but that only made me stick in the wall further. Jumping also made me sink. How throughly did you test this map? You apparently didn’t check to see if the level was Jazz 2-related bug proof. You should know by now if you get enough velocity, you can throw yourself through solid walls. With the combined wind and me Sprinting, it didn’t take much imagination for me to get jammed in a wall. Therefore, I am throughly disgusted with Jazz Jackrabbit 2 right now.
Documentation Analysis:
The documentation was little more than a “Have fun!” notice and a plug for your website. No file list? Some people like file lists in their documentation. . . It helps them host servers a lot easier, considering it’s sometimes hard to remember certain level names.
Final Analysis:
I hate each and every one of these levels. If it were personally up to me, I’d rate this thing a 3.2 and leave it at that. However, I have to be fair about how I rate this package. . . So. . . Based on the interesting and unique level, but buggy designs, and fair-to-poor documentation, I say a 6.7 is fair.
I also recommend this for download if you want to frustrate yourself trying to get through the various devilish and evil levels that “Windy Tests” hath spawned.
Edit II: Rating reinstated and first edit zonked for personal reasons.
It sounds only vaguely like Lagunicus. The insturments don’t really do much justice to it either.
. . .the single-most pathetic arrangement of Dreempipes this site has ever known.
Song Analysis:
Dreempipes, sped up, and almost all samples changed to a trumpetty thing. That’s about it. Trust me, it’s not a pretty sight. It’s off-key and then some.
Sample Analysis:
No. The samples do not work with this sample-swap/tempo-increase arrangement.
Final Analysis:
Horrible. Simply horrible.
A disappointing arrangement of Technoir with some random sound effects thrown in for effect.(Which doesn’t help it at all.)
Song Analysis:
It’s Technoir. What else do you need to know? Nothing has been added(to Technoir’s theme), but a few things’ pitches have shifted dramatically.
Sample Analysis:
The samples hurt my ears. The trumpets in particular. Irritating as all get-out. The random sound effects also don’t add a darned thing to this arrangement.
Final Analysis:
Not worth the time to download. . .
Holidaius, sped up to about twice its normal tempo, and with some supposedly “unused” patterns added.
Song Analysis:
What was the point in increasing the tempo? Seriously? What was the point?
Final Analysis:
You didn’t need to speed it up at all. That made it sound terrible. And the new patterns weren’t worth unburying. No rating given for this one(seeing as it’s not his), but it’s not worth the download.
A remix of the Jazz Jackrabbit GBA title theme that sounds absolutely nothing like it’s supposed to.
Song Analysis:
This isn’t “Jazz Jackrabbit Advance” at all. I’ve heard the title theme playing about a million times due to me playing the game on Normal and Hard mode to unlock everything I could(GameFAQs mission, basically), and this. . .is not the Jazz Jackrabbit Advance theme song. At all. It sounds more like parts of Letni mixed with some original garbage than anything.
Sample Analysis:
The samples are alright, if not a little loud in some parts.
Final Analysis:
This is garbage if you’re looking for something Jazz Jackrabbit-related. Otherwise, it’s an alright piece of original music. I guess. . .
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.