Gah! My ears!! The title — “Lemon Dust” — must be some sort of reference to being high, considering this thing sounds like it was done on a high of some sort. And that’s not a compliment!
Song Analysis:
So. . .many. . .clashing tones! So very many clashing tones!! It’s enough to make one’s ears bleed.
Sample Analysis:
The entire song reeks of very bad tones, bips, boops, and good samples turned bad. The samples themselves are alright, but the way they’re put into the song. . .is not.
Final Analysis:
I don’t recommend this file for download at all. The horrendous noises. . . The horror. . . Arr.
This is one of the worst renditions of Medivo the world has ever heard. Or at least I’ve ever heard.
Song Analysis:
Yuck. The only good part of this song is the parts near the ending. There are like a hundred bad — or at least bad-sounding — notes in this. And the combined guitars at 1:17 just sound terrible. Are you tone deaf or something? Additionally, you keep the original Medivo drums in the background. They’re quite overpowered by almost every riff from your mighty ax, Jack.
You’re obviously not an amateur with the electric guitar(I’m guessing. Heck if I know how much skill it takes to make a guitar go “Dun-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh!!!” really loud.), and yet, this song makes you sound like one. The more I listen to it, the less I like it.
Final Analysis:
If you’re going to try playing this(and other songs, I would assume) on the electric guitar, do yourself(and others) a favour and learn to play the drums, then mix it together. Or even better, get yourself a backup drummer. A good one. I’d even settle for you redoing the drums in Impulse Tracker or FruityLoops yourself.
I do not, under any means, recommend this file for download.
you apparentely think you are funny. and i am apparentely confused because i dont know where is this song from.
I really like name on this level. Stupid. Because that says everything. I never saw any better, more saying name. Congratulations.
And I hardly DO recommend download, cause THIS is totally clear example how to DON’T do levels.
(Unsupported rating (0.1!!!!) removal. ~Violet)
If not supported, show me it in different way…
(You are not allowed to put a rating back when an administrator removes it because it’s not supported. Please give reasons for your low rating. -FQuist)
I promised to review more so here it goes!
Gameplay: rating: 8.6
Before you can play you need to choose a skill. Each skill has his own weapons but also each skill has his own task. One task is defending the base as an other skill your task is to attack the enemy base and some other task is killing your enemies. You really need teamplay because if you dont everybody haves the same skills or all the wrong skills and then your team will lose for sure, so you need to think before you choose a skill and thats something I really like, teamplay. the level itself is also really fun because Blackraptor made some turrets so its hard to camp in the level. There are also enough up and downs in the castles. Outside the castles its flat but I think that’s fun because its hard to get to the castle without dieing so you really need to focus. Also the gameplay keeps changing when you keep choosing different skills witch makes the level even funner. GJ Blacky ;p.
Leveldesign: rating: 8.2
The leveldesign is really well. The castles really looks like castles so the level looks realistic and nice. Outside the castles its really open and inside the castles its really closed and solid and that also looks really realistic. The dungeon is also really well designed and looks believeble. It looks like you really are in a castle with dungeons weapons knights and flag bases ;l. GJ!
Placement: rating: 8.0
The placement is really well. Each skill has his own powerup(s). In the level itself its full with groups of ammo witch are nicely spread out in the level. There is also a full carrot in the center of the level and 2 1+ carrots in the castles witch isnt bad at all. The springs are also placed where its needed and gets you to places witch arent reachable with a normal jump.
Eyecandy: rating: 8.1
Blackraptor always says: Eyecandy>> ALL. And in this level the eyecandy is completely fine, the Background contains an textured background with nice stars and the fade-in color looks really well, also there is a big cloud witch shoots rain down and yes it looks good. The castles looks really well because its full with animated chains, Knights, flames, weapons, shields and many more. Outside the castles there are also some eyecandy stuff like nicely animated flags. Everything combined and BOOM you have a good looking level full of details. GJ Blackraptor
Extra stuff:
Final rating: 8.6+8.2+8.0+8.1=32,9->-> 32,9:4=*8.2*
For me, the Wind Meister tests have always been excellent, challenging (extremely Jazz-friendly :-)) tests and all 3 have provided great entertainment. Although I can hardly notice some of the new stuff when I look in JCS, I can see that everything has been revamped without changing much of the good stuff.
The eyecandy for the first 2 lvls are average and, for some tests (mainly lvl 5 in WM2 and the last few lvls in WM3), using low detail helps you out. I consider this to be cheating but there’s nothing to prevent ppl from doing this, which kinda lowers the difficulty. The 3rd Wind Meister is definitely the most awesome looking. There are plenty of cool stuff and the eyecandy there is way above average for a test lvl.
The gameplay for all 3 lvls are great, but it peaks at WM3 because of a more thoughtful layout and well-placed springs/warps/triggers, etc. In some places the areas can get a bit small if everyone tries to do the same test at the same time, but that’s Wind Meister for you.
Only WM3 has a story, which involves a frog with a computer (?). I don’t understand the story and I don’t see why it is important to the lvl but it’s still nice to actually have an objective for each test.
The difficulty varies for each WM lvl. WM3’s last lvls are surprisingly easy while the last lvls of the other two are really, really tricky. The whole test is long and they are quite varied, so no matter the difficulty, ppl will always find something they like (or hate). I also like some of the non-wind tests in WM1 and WM2.
Overall, all 3 tests are superb and each has got its own cool end-lvl rewards. Anyone who hasn’t played these superb test lvls must do so NOW and anyone who has should…well…do it again. :-P
Download recommendation and a 9.
Hot [explisitive deleted]! Finally, an Idle program that works perfectly for me.
Basically, “Idle Master!” is what it promises, and more! It causes your character to “go idle” in any number of ways, leaving you free to do whatever you want to do elsewhere. Want to leave the server running overnight without fear of being Roasted? Turn on one of the five Idle modes and sleep easier, knowing you simply cannot be Roasted. Let’s go over the various modes this Idle program has to offer.
Regular Idle
In this mode, your character is stuck in a perpetual state of Invincibility.(Like when you’ve been hit or something.) You’re free to move about the level as you might, blinking as you go. The best part of this mode is that no matter what, you can’t be hit by anything the other players throw at you. . .but you also can’t hit the other players with anything you throw. This would be great to use as a “Spectator Mode” in Multiplayer games seeing as you can’t interact with anything at all and if you could use it on Remote games. Yeah, it would be. . .in all modes but Capture the Flag and Treasure Mode. Though you can’t interact with/be manipulated by the other players, you can still pick up items, weapons, flags, gems. . . Ah well. . . Still works for Duel and Race modes. I haven’t tested it in Single Player or Co-Op mode yet, so I don’t know if you can shoot the enemies or not. But I know you can bust up shootable blocks and Butt Stomp and Special Attack the respective blocks. Springboards still work, so I can only assume other “obstacles” work, too.
Sticky Idle
This is a neat variation on Regular Idle mode. Basically, you’re stuck in whatever animation loop you choose to be stuck in once you hit the button with absolutely no controls to use. Want to sit there and constantly yawn as Jazz? Wait until he yawns, then hit the Sticky Idle button. He’ll keep on yawning until you hit the Back button! The downside to this mode, however, is that the player is still able to bump into other players, thus hindering their movement a little. They’re completely invincible otherwise, however.
Duel Mode
I caution you in using this mode. Once turned on, this mode cannot be turned off without exiting the Idle Master! program. What this program does is it relocates the player to Position X0, Y0 in any given map(or just Y0 if they respawned recently). I haven’t been able to properly test this mode for bugs(such as if the players are still able to Roast you or not), but I think it works great if you truly want to be out of the way of the other players. Even if you can’t turn it off without exiting.
Winter Idle
My favourite idle mode. This mode gives you 255 HP and puts you on perpetual Freeze Mode. In Winter Idle mode, you can’t be touched, shot, or otherwise unfrozen. This is perfect for those who want to chill out and do something else elsewhere, like play a PS2 game while hosting, or something. Also, when you turn this mode off, you respawn somewhere else. This is not a bug, but a bit of “instant Roast prevention.” Say you go idle and someone decides to camp out right next to your icey statue. If you didn’t instantly respawn, they could Roast you as soon as you melted! So I think this mode works wonderfully, myself.
Summer Idle(Explosion)
This is probably my least-favourite mode, but I can’t definately say for sure until I figure out if it eats Bandwidth or not. Anyway, what this mode does is it puts you on an endless Suicide cycle.(Until you disable it.) You die, respawn, die, respawn, etc. etc. forever! I’m also not sure how this looks to the other players, considering I’ve only tested it in Split Screen mode. Ah well.
So overall, this has to be, hands-down, the best Idle program there is for Jazz Jackrabbit 2. That’s just my opinion, of course. And I may be biased, considering this is the only program I’ve tried that actually worked properly. Heh.
I highly recommend this file for download if you’re a server host.
Because people with good soundcards can make them sound better then the modules?
No reivews, 34 downloads. How sad. So, out of the goodness of my heart I bring you n00b’s review!
Alrightiness, here we go.
Level Desing-8/10
This level is refreshingly linear. Basically, a level you want to play as a cool down after you beat a rather complex level/pack. This level is a set path, which you sometimes stray off of to hit a trigger crate so you can continue your path. Which is ussualy bad, but Fearofdark pulls this off nicely. The result is a fun level which you will strive to beat(which isn’t all that hard). My 2 complaints are a bug near the end of the level where I cannot hit a spring, thus forcing me to use JJFLY, and the fact there are no checkpoints, so if a raven near the end of the level kills you, you have to start from square one.
In case you’re thinking, “Wow, sounds like a level with no story” you’re wrong. This part of the review will not change the score this time since it is only meant to inform. The story(from what I gather) is this: Devan attacks a city, so you go to stop him. But it’s a trap! So you escape the trap via secret passage way, and decide to rid the city of the remaining goons and leave.
The eyecandy is above average. For the most part it looks like an official level, except bare. And there is one annoyance: The Doodril Optical ads that get in your way. Now, if they had some pratical use for a puzzle I wouldn’t be complaining, I understand something blocking your way can make a puzzle fun(somehow) but in normal gameplay, it’s annoying. Especialy while fighting off ravens.
Nothing too hard, the only thing that made this level challengin is the lack of checkpoints. But if you aren’t reckless like me, then you should beat it no sweat. The puzzles aren’t all that hard either(however, there was one oppurtunity for a great puzzle in which you would have to conserve ammo for, but the author left some of the needed ammo lying nearby. Go figure)
It’s average, but hey, there’s not alot you can do with a linear level. It gets a boost because some of the enemy placement seemed ingenious with the Doodril optical blocking the view, but it ends up being annoying.
In the end, this is an average level which is good to play as a cool down from a harder/more complex level/pack.
Download Recommendation? Yes.
Co-op? Quite possibly, it could help having a buddy to fight off some of the goons.
Download Recommendation NO and you put a THUMBS UP? Try to do things correctly next time.
Starting Comments:
I’m too lazy to write starting comments.
Played with: Lori
On difficulty: Medium
Playing time: 20 minutes
Bah. The level consists of shooting dozens of unfair placed enemies, finding some crates and a coin, and fighting two tuf’s surrounded by lots of other foos at the end. Enemy placement was horrible. I like hard levels, but not if they’re as unfair as this one. In many cases, I couldn’t avoid getting hurt. There was hardly any ammo aswell, the only thing I found was a RF powerup and three electro blasters. Carrots and savepoints were good placed though.
Score: 1.7
Like I said, this level is way too unfair. It took me 20 minutes to finally get to the boss, where I accidentally fell off the arena and quit my game. All the enemies regenerate, and are so horribly placed that you can hardly survive and get hurt unfairly every few seconds. The placement of carrots and savepoints was good, but the enemies were too unfairly placed and too many aswell.
Score: 1.5
Not very creative. Shooting bunches of clumped together enemies which are unfairly placed has been there so many times. There were some elements which required you to find trigger crates and stuff, which made a little change, but still, this is not really creative. There was no plot either, and eyecandy is lame.
Score: 2.0
Dull. Only layer 8, 4 and 3 were used. Most tiles did fit together, but no real effort was put into making the level look beautiful. Very poor.
Score: 2.0
Fun Factor:
I hate unfair levels, which means I hate this one. It’s just not fun getting hurt all the time without being able to help it.
Score: 1.2
Very unfair level, with clumped together enemies, dull eyecandy, and dull pickup placement. Not worth downloading.
Overall Score: 1.5
Download Reccommendation: No
PLZ Fix Bugs
If you uploaded this at April 1st as an april fools joke, you would get a 10 from me. But this isn’t April 1st and not an april fools joke.
I won’t bother going into detail, since the eyecandy sucks, gameplay sucks, ammo placement is horrible, everything is worth a ONE. I’ll just describe the whole “level”.
You start in a 3×3 room, there’s a hole in the middle. It’s a little 1 tile wide pit. At the bottom, there’s a 15 seek ammo crate. And no way out. You’re basically supposed to fall in the little pit, get the seeks and continually shoot up for no reason. Except to reach the roast limit. I just don’t see the fun in this. The walls are very bland, and there’s actually a few really crappy made leaf animations! You used a 256×64 level (unresized =D) and the whole thing takes 6×34 tiles. This is something to be hosted on an april fools server. But not on real games. Never. DON’T. I will save the pain on you and rate this 1 and get a no download recommendation.
If you disagree with my rating, you’re either crazy, or you don’t know the fact that this is not an april fools level.
[Adjusted to use 1 as rating. Previous rating 0.1. ~Cooba]
Introduction : I saw Ragnarok still didn’t get a review for his level, and I don’t want to make him sad, so here comes a review! This is Rag’s first released XLM level, and he used WSF II for this. Personally, I like WSF III more, but that’s just because it’s more dark. Let’s go on now, ok?
It wasn’t a very original choice to use WSF for this level, but I don’t think anyone cares. You can’t do alot of original things with this tileset anymore, because almost all ideas are gone. Ragnarok still tried something, and I found something that’s a bit original. The blue tiles with some ammo on it is an example of this. Not a major thing for originality, but I haven’t seen a level with these tiles before. Ragnarok used tile 2,44 in this tileset alot in this level. The background isn’t very original, but there aren’t many other levels with a good background like this background. The level also uses the more hard parts of the tileset, and the lightning in the background looks good. The level has a turret as well, and I like to see it in a quite small level like this. I can’t say this fortress lacks eye candy in some places, so good job.
This level is quite small, and it’s also quite open. The layout is solid in some places, but there are also some small platforms here and there. The triggers that are in the level are fun. This fortress has a jail as well. Funny to see it has, and also quite original. It’s not too easy to get to the area with one of the power-ups ; the Toasty PU. The one ways are useful, because it’s not fun to bump against a wall. Some places aren’t that easy to reach, like the left side with the Bouncy PU above it. You have to jump sometimes, and it’s Jazz unfriendly a bit, because Spaz can get up there faster. Best thing you can do is that you prevent to fall. The flow in the level is good, so is the spring placement, although the spring at 9,18 can’t get you up that fast if you are Jazz. You need to have good timing if you want to get up there fast.
This is a quite small level, like I said, but I don’t have a problem with the amount of PU’s in the level. This is, because it’s a Battle level. The level has 4 Power-Ups, but 3 of them can shoot 2h off someone. You can only get the Gun9 PU (if you don’t have it) by entering the tube at the right side. The other Power-Ups are Toaster, Bouncer and Seeker. The Bouncy PU is at the top-left, Seek at top-right and the Toasty PU which is quite hard to reach. The Seek PU is in a wall, but you’ll need the Gun9 PU before you can get it. The best way to get the Toasty PU is by shooting through the tube at 63,35. The ammo placement is good. There are some nice shapes of ammo, but also unoriginal ones. The groups of ammo aren’t that big, but others are bigger. The level has 2 carrots. Last version I played had 1 carrot, but that was not that successful because people camped alot(I did as well) The carrots are at 42,5 and 74,24. The one at 42,5 was the one that was the first in the level, and that one gave people the opportunity to camp alot. There could be some ammo around 73,34, but that’s just one of my stupid suggestions. Although the end of the platform at the top with one of the carrots could use a small group of ammo as well.
This level has some original things, even when it uses an overused tileset. One of these original things is the jail. Some placement was original, like the placement of the Toasty PU. There isn’t alot of original EC, but I think there is some. The music file used for the level is used in other WSF levels by Rag(for example Rag’s Stronghold) I liked the textstring about that you are prisoned =P
Ratings :
Eye candy : 8.2
Gameplay : 7.5
Placement : 7.5
Originality : 7.7
Conclusion/others : this is a nice Battle level by Ragnarok with good eye candy, quite good gameplay and placement, and it has some originality.
Host : sometimes. This is a good new Battle level, and I’d say you have to download this if you like WSF alot(like me)
Download : Yes.
Final rating : 8.2 + 7.5 + 7.5 + 7.7 : 4 = 7.725, rounded down to a 7.7.
Oh, and btw. I’d give you a higher rank in XLM if I were Chip =)
Review:Not bad a bit overreacted on the bad guys but good the 1st level was the only one with music but thats ok to
download? yeah
Well, I must admit, it’s my very first campaign with JJ2.
For the eye candy: it took me countless minutes to even find out how the tiles works together(except for the missing tileset: Plastic Dreams), and the decoration in for example the egypt tileset of Agama was kind of weird. I wanted to place some jars somewhere, but the jars are not attached to the ground(floating). I’m surprised I did this in a week, even though I think I should’ve worked longer on it. I don’t know how all the other editors/designers are designing their levels, so it’s kind of… difficult to do eye candy(and I’m a no-qualified story teller/designer).
Starting Comments:
A single player pack? We’ll see what it has to offer. :)
Played with: Jazz
On difficulty: Medium
Playing time: 20 minutes
What we have here is a nice little single player pack with simple SP levels. Nothing more, but nothing less either. You do most of the standard stuff like shoot baddies, find coins, collect food and stuff. That sounds pretty dull, but I found playing pretty much enjoyable. There could’ve been a few more puzzle areas, but overall it’s ok. Pickup placement was nice. Sadly, after the sixth level JJ2 crashed because the author forgot to put in the tileset for level seven. :(
Score: 6.2
The pack was pretty easy. The enemies aren’t placed in strategical locations, and for many, this will be too easy. There are some maze-like elements, but still, the difficulty could be boosted.
Score: 5.5
It was not all that creative, but somehow I liked it. There were also a few puzzle-like areas which gave some changes and made it more enjoyable. The story was not all that good though, and the eyecandy could’ve been better aswell.
Score: 6.0
Eyecandy was bad. Most tiles did fit together, but it was way too less decorated and it all looked boring. Needs work.
Score: 5.0
There was a tiny little story, but it wasn’t that amazing. Devan finds out about a relic called “Lightgazer”, with which he can catch souls. Jazz needs to stop him. I wonder what Devan does want with those souls, but who cares. During the levels you sadly feel nothing from the story. At least there was some kind of plot.
Score: 4.5
A nice little level pack, nothing great, but enjoyable, at least for me. The eyecandy and story need work though, and it could’ve been more difficult aswell. Too bad, I had liked to play it to the end, but the tileset’s missing. :(
Overall Score: 6.5
Download Reccommendation: Yes
For a first work with JJ2 this is kinda good I must say.
Your problem about the jars floating around has something to do with layer properties (PM me if you want to have more information).
It’d be nice if you could include Plastic Dreams in the zip and re-upload it, so I can finish the pack.
Trying to find a good story is annoying I know, but like everything else in JCS, if you work hard enough you can actually come to great results.
Like I said, if you want help with layer properties you can contact me via private message or email me on
Your tilesets still fascinate me, keep up the great work!
Pardon the short review, but I really can’t think of anything to say, this is great.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.