Not recommendedReview by PHT

20 Feb 2005, 11:58
Level rating: 4.5

Starting Comments:

Time for my daily review, and to rate this upload

Played with: Spaz
On difficulty: Medium
Playing time: 25 minutes


The levels mainly consist of very dark tombs (or something similiar) filled with enemies and spikeballs. From time to time you have to find a trigger crate. No goodies or ammo of that sort, just running around trying to avoid bats and ravens coming out of nowhere. I made it to the fourth level, where I gave it up, because it was really frustrating to get hit by enemies I couldn’t see all the time and having no ammo.

Score: 5.0


The pack was somewhat unbalanced. Like I described in Playability, enemies come out of nowhere all the time and you can’t see them, because it’s dark. Often, I couldn’t find the way either, which was frustrating. There’s no ammo, and hardly any carrots or anything else to help you, which frustrates even more. In the fourth level I died, because a sucker tube ending right before a bat, which I couldn’t avoid. Hard levels like Tomb Rabbit are great in my opinion, but they should never be unfair, like this level pack.

Score: 3.0


The pack is not really creative, just hordes of enemies you can hardly avoid, some random passages and from time to time a trigger crate. There were some story bits, but I did not really get the story of this. I don’t think this is really creative, and therefore can’t give a high score.

Score: 4.0


Because of the dark lighting you can hardly see anything, but the parts with higher lighting looked pretty dull most of the time. In the first level it wasn’t bad, but it gets worse the more far you get. Needs improvement.

Score: 5.0

Story / Fun Factor:

I’m not sure, wether I should rate Story or Fun Factor. Like I said, there are some story bits, but I did not really get why I’m doing this. The Fun Factor was not better, mainly because it was so incredibly unfair. Some kind of story would’ve helped the atmosphere of this pack I guess.

Score: 3.0


A very unfair pack, with clumped together enemies and lots of unfair stuff which isn’t fun to play. The eyecandy was pretty dull too, and what is supposed to be the story is not really good. No download reccommendation.

Overall Score: 4.5

Download Reccommendation: No.

Review by Jarno vos

20 Feb 2005, 11:11
For: Lost Gemz, Volume II: Survivor SE v2 (Updated)
Level rating: 9.7


Review by Jarno vos

20 Feb 2005, 10:59
For: Simplest File
Level rating: N/A

TIP : The Same At R3ptile Says Go To Disguizes Tileset …..
This Site Will Help You!

Review by Saphir

20 Feb 2005, 09:22
For: Turtemple (TaZaR Remix)
Level rating: 7.7

Bjarni doesn’t seem to listen to the reviewers….add “”.s3m” works in jj2 if you add .s3m after the filename in jcs” in your explanations…maybe he will understand then.

RecommendedReview by Blackraptor

19 Feb 2005, 21:20
For: gg no re
Level rating: 8.4

bahbah I had a long review for half this pack posted but I pressed the wrong button and it died.

Blizzard Catastrophy

To summarize the long paragraph I had about this level – The eyecandy needs a lot of work. The snow is unrealistic and falls like boulders out of the sky, and much of the level is empty or tiles poorly. Layout – the top part of the level is extremely empty – barely anything is there. The carrots at the top left are also too close. Pickup placement is sparce in some parts, and lacks creativity a lot.

Gold Rush Mountains
The eyecandy here is great – the only setback for it is that it is sometimes confusing and you cant tell what’s what (like bottom left) – try to avoid that in the future. Layout is alright, except for many parts being crowded. I like the coin idea and the destruct blocks in the level, adds more originality to it. Placement of stuff is alright.

Hyperborean Atmosphere

LRK shows us what can be done with a keen set. The layout of this level – except for the unneedingly long top right passage that ends with strong wind – is well done. The eyecandy here is very atmospheric and nicely done – considering the set used. I also like the use of the glass domes. Pickup placement is good.

Superslick Santa Showdown

Interesting tubelectric edit, but I don’t like what’s been done with the palette. It looks like some poorly colored set from an old game, and is dull for the eyes. The eyecandy here is extremely confusing, solid tiles are used in backround and foreground layers and it gives headaches telling what’s what. Layout uses a few interesting tricks, but I don’t like it all that much. Much of it is just….random. Placement of stuff was ok but could use work. Way too many fastfires in one place in this level. Music choice could also be better. Next level setting is nonexistant.


nah I wouldnt say so. This level uses the HH98 set (diff. version then gold rush mountains). Eyecandy here was good, but not as good as in Gold Rush Mountains imo. Layout was decent. The left side of the level was unmasked in some parts (not going to spend time explaining what that leads to), I think there were too many poles on the right, and I didn’t like how the area behind the huge house was a dead end. (Also not all of it was fully covered by layer 3).


Winter Melody

Firstly, the filename of this level in the text was misleading >(. Otherwise, this is my favorite level in the pack. The backround looks great (except maybe in 8bit), and the layout is superb. Placement of stuff was nice and creative. The music choice along with the eyecandy gives this level a great atmosphere.

Snowman’s Land

Using the day version of HH98, another level by White Rabbit. Eyecandy is not as good as in the other level but decent. Layout is alright, but much of it is either too narrow or too open. The bridge was also rather unnecessary. Placement of stuff was good.

Algid Jollification:

I remember LRK showing this level to me a long while ago and asking me to do some part of the eyecandy (dunno if he kept it in or not). Otherwise, the music is quiet but nice. I like the atmosphere and eyecandy of the level. Layout is also a relatively strong point. Basically another good level in the pack (I like this better than Hyperborean Atmosphere).

Merry Hypothermia

Ahahaha the level name, and the beginning of the music gave me a good laugh (even my spaz played the laughing animation). I like the snow (even though it might be falling a bit too slow). Eyecandy is about average, (lots of parts look plain). Layout was generally fine, and so was placement of stuff.

And so, my review ends. I think this pack is good, but a bit overrated.
Average of this pack comes down to a 7.566666666666666667 or something, but I’ll round up to a 7.7. Many of the levels are really good, but some need a bit of work. A (rather) late merry christmas!

Review by PHT

19 Feb 2005, 13:49
For: Jungleswamp
Level rating: 6

Played with: Jazz
On difficulty: Medium
Playing time: 20 minutes

Starting Comments:

This upload was left blank without review, so I clicked ‚Download’ and played.


The concept of this level is to find crates to open doors. To get a crate, you must solve a parcours. Each has different obstacles. For example, in one you’re getting morphed to a frog and need to jump over enemies to find Eva. Another one is an airboard test, with annoying floating suckers. Overall the concept is not bad, but some things just don’t fit to a jungle, which destroyed the atmosphere. For example, why do the green leaves in the airboard test beam you back? A bad point of the level is ammo placement, on which I can be really short: There’s NO ammo. That means you have to get through the whole level with your blaster. The enemies were often placed in strategical places, but sometimes in an unfair way. In the airboard test I mentioned above I often could decide: Either get hurt by a sucker or get warped back. Overall not bad, though it could be better. Also I’ve seen most of the stuff in here before.

Score: 6.2


Some parts, especially the airboard thingy were freaking annoying, because they were unfair, while others like the frog parcour were pretty easy. That made the level very unbalanced. Same with enemy placement. Some enemies were placed well (=they have an advantage, but can be countered), while others were unfair. If the level was more balanced, it would’ve been more fun I think.

Score: 5.5


The concept was not amazingly original, but at least it’s not a standard “find teh exit and kill tha boss” level. Most things in here I have seen plenty of times before though. Nothing more to say.

Score: 6.5


The eyecandy was good. Not amazing, but the set was used well and I saw no tilebugs. Some more foreground stuff would’ve been nice, but it’s good the way it is. Again, nothing amazing though.

Score: 6.7

Fun Factor:

The unbalancedness of the level has really hurt the fun factor, aswell as the “I’ve seen that before” effect. It was not bad, but I’ve had more fun with other levels. Nothing more to say.

Score: 6.2


Not bad as first level, though it really needs to be more balanced. A story would be nice too, because there was no real reason why I am doing this at all. The eyecandy was well done, though not amazing.

The authors have asked to not to rate this too hard, but I’m rating this like everything else, otherwise it would be unfair.

Not a bad level at all, though several things need to be improved on. Download if you like.

Score: 6.0

Download Recommendation: N/A

PS: No offense, just one thing I’d like to tell you, a sentence like “Find the crates to get to the exit !!!!” looks and sounds a lot better with only one explanation mark.

RecommendedReview by Blackraptor

18 Feb 2005, 02:59
For: Medieval Rats
Level rating: 8.5

I guess I’ll review this since LRK asked me.

Firstly, I also really like this song. Two good remixes released so near each other (This and Elektronique army by Danyjel).

Although other than diff. samples no new patterns seem to be added in the song (I didnt check thoroughly so correct me if Im wrong) but LRK did manage to make the song sound great (at least imo) and this even inspired me to make a JCS level ;p. He did a great job combining medivo and labrat.

There’s no real specific parts for the song which stand out that much to me; all of the song (except maybe the beginning, which isnt too great) sounds good.

I’d reccomend downloading this song, since it’s a worthwhile listen. Great work on this one LRK.

RecommendedReview by ConkerHS

17 Feb 2005, 21:35
For: Medieval Rats
Level rating: 8.5

Nicely mixed.

LRK has talent.

A little barren at times, but the other times make up for it

RecommendedReview by Fawriel

17 Feb 2005, 21:34
For: Medieval Rats
Level rating: 8.5

Great remix.
It combines aspects from Medivo and Labrat in a quite interesting manner, and it even sounds good for the most part. Well-pulled of and original.
The only drawback I believe is that the song stays the same too much, something like adding those monk-like voices sing somewhere in the middle of the song like in the beginning of the original Medivo would be nice, and also, the bagpipe-y part in this remix sounds a bit too flat to have any great impact.
Overall, the only problem is a lack of dynamic and flatness of the volume… the basis is quite original and solid, though, and would do great if used in a level.

RecommendedReview by Tik

17 Feb 2005, 21:30
For: Medieval Rats
Level rating: 8.5

This mix works suprisingly well. It doesn’t sound distinctly like either Labrat or Medievo (although you can tell which parts came from what in the song), it has its own new feel that is much more electronic. It’s an interesting listen that is sure to add a sense of action to any level. Great job, Lark.

My only complaint is that these sorts of things aren’t that hard to make since you don’t make up your own parts, so I’ll lower the score to an 8.5 from a 9, which is still quite high. Download this sirs.

RecommendedReview by DarkSonic

17 Feb 2005, 18:55
For: J2LC Summer Pack 2004
Level rating: 7.3

Some fast review. Too lazy to write a long one.
Introduction : J2LC finally released something again. This is a 2-level pack with one level by FQuist, and one of ex-J2LC member Snooze.
Carrottus Square:

FQuist used the Carrottus tileset for this level. This tileset has quite much eye candy, but I find it quite boring and it’s somewhat frustrating to use it sometimes. Or that’s what I’m thinking. The eye candy in this level ain’t the best, but it’s better than the EC in alot of levels I’ve seen with this tileset. It’s pretty basic, but I can’t say I’m too fond of it. The backgrounds are pretty basic as well…. just decent eye candy here.

The level is 110 × 50, but the layout doesn’t make me feel like the level is small. 110 × 50 ain’t that small ; many levels are smaller. The level’s spring placement is good enough, and there are some obstacles between the way to the base. I don’t want to go into further details, so I’ll just continue the review. Btw, there are also some warps.

The level has quite much ammo, and alot of power-ups. It has a bonus as well ; with 2 power-ups and a full energy. There is a +1 carrot in the level, though. You’ll need 25 coins to get the bonus. The coins are well placed. The ammo placement isn’t very bad. I found 4 PU’s in the level. 3 PU in the main part of the level and 2 in the bonus. Yes, there are 2 Blaster Power-Ups in the level. I don’t understand why, though. Everything else is just fine.

There were some funny textstrings in this level, and the level uses a system alot of CTF levels don’t have. I don’t have the music for this level, so that’s too bad.

Ratings :
Eye candy : 7
Gameplay : 7
Placement : 6.8
Originality : 7
Overall : 7 + 7 + 6.8 + 7 : 4 =6.93333 = 6.9.

Deserted Paradise CTF

The level has interesting eye candy. This ain’t the easiest Disguise tileset to use, but Snooze made alot of nice stuff in the layers and also some in layer 4. I don’t have serious complaints… this tileset is hard for me, even. (not that I’m perfect) =P The eye candy ain’t that overused, there’s just enough of it. Nice background(s), btw.

The level is 145 × 53, but doesn’t use all tiles of that(well, duh). It’s quite balanced but not symmetrical. It’s quite easy to get around,like with tubes. The springs do their job. So, this means that the flow is good. The left side of the level is quite irritating, though(the part with the vines and small paths) The layout and stuff is fine, and it’s original compared with other layouts of Snooze(and especially compared with my layouts)

The level has 3 Power-Ups. The ammo placement is good enough in my opinion. I don’t really care about the freezers that much. The full energy placement is good enough ; no complaints. Some groups of ammo are a bit like a rectangle or square, though. There is some food in the level ; no problem with that.

The level uses a tileset that isn’t used that much. I think I only saw 2 levels with this tileset before. Too bad I also don’t have the music for this level. This layout isn’t really like Snooze’s other layouts, like I already said. So that’s a good point.

Ratings :
Eye candy : 8
Gameplay : 7.5
Placement : 7.5
Originality : 7.2
Overall : 8 + 7.5 + 7.5 + 7.2 : 4 = 7.55 = 7.6
6.9 + 7.6 : 2 = 7.25 = 7.3
0.1 bonus. So final rating is 7.4.

Review by EvilMike

17 Feb 2005, 09:12
For: Black Ninja's Castle
Level rating: 7.9

There was a review here, but it was deleted since mike isn’t up to date with the current j2o policies, and did not merely edit it. He won’t do that again. Please do not sue. It was somewhere in the 8.2ish range, and said something like “nice tileset, I like it” or “his tileset is neat i like it” or “nice shoes” or somesuch. Anyway, if the original authour would like to repost it with more detail, please do so.

Review by Crusader

17 Feb 2005, 03:17
For: Where Bad Rabbits Go
Level rating: 8.3

this was one of the best hell tilesets ive seen, but this is MUCH too orange and red. it bores my eyes, HOWEVER the eyecandy is good, tileset is small and easy to use. next time, PLZ add some shades of blue/green/purple

Review by DaThunderPX

16 Feb 2005, 18:48
For: Lost Gemz, Volume II: Survivor SE v2 (Updated)
Level rating: 9.7

I can’t manage to wallclimb.

Review by Saphir

15 Feb 2005, 19:39 (edited 14 Oct 06, 07:42)
For: Fall Of Carrotus v1.0
Level rating: 7.8

The password is NOT incorrect. It only fits for the first extra level, and it is case sensitive.

RecommendedReview by PHT

15 Feb 2005, 15:00
For: Foggy day
Level rating: 7.1

Starting Comments:

I have lots of time, so I shall review this level.

Played with: Lori
On difficulty: Medium
Playing time: 5 minutes


The level was, apart from the fog, a pretty basic single player level. There was nothing really special in gameplay, but I had fun playing. Sadly the level was very short, I played through in 5 minutes. Nothing more to say on this subject.

Score: 6.0


Sadly the level was very easy. I lost a heart or two being hit by fencers, but that’s all. The difficulty should be boosted a lot, by adding enemies in places where they have an advantage, and maybe an endboss.

Score: 5.5


The fog idea was good, apart from that the level is not really creative. Like I said in Playability, the only thing to do is get to the exit. Maybe a puzzle or something similiar would make it more fun, but for such a short level it’s enough I guess, and I did not get bored.

Score: 6.0


The fog in one of the foreground layers looks pretty cool, I liked it. The rest was fine, there were no tile bugs and the Colonius tileset was used perfectly. The sewer area was very dark, which made it look pretty cool.

Score: 7.0

Fun Factor:

The level was very short, and featured nothing really original apart from the fog, still I enjoyed playing, so I guess it deserves a 7.

Score: 7.0


A nice little level to play through. Nothing amazing, but I enjoyed it. If you like Single Player, download this. If you are looking for an amazingly original single player pack you better go with FSP.

Overall Score: 6.7

Download Reccomendation: Yes

RecommendedReview by Gizmaluke

15 Feb 2005, 12:08
For: Haunted House Lite
Level rating: 9.1

At last somebody converted haunted house for 1.23.
Every basic tiles are here.
Trigger blocks added too.
Great work pyramonus.

And hell version is nice too.

Review by BlA5t FiRe

14 Feb 2005, 10:42
For: FrI5t TiLe 5eT
Level rating: N/A


Review by Unknown Rabbit

14 Feb 2005, 08:16
For: FrI5t TiLe 5eT
Level rating: N/A

I was bored, so I created an example level for this tileset. Download it here. Hopefully this will make reviewing easier.

RecommendedReview by Blackraptor

14 Feb 2005, 05:23
For: ElekTronique Army (in War)
Level rating: 8.4

Well, anyways. Im going to rate this since most people here posted one sentence reviews.

Let me start off with the fact that I really love this song. It’s one of the ONLY 6+ minute songs that I listen all the way through each time over. I generally enjoy the entire melody of it, especially parts like patterns 0, 12, 13, 14 etc. The way those instruments are blended in together in one beat, they sound cool. Also the song is very nostalgic; I’ve heard something like this before (and enjoyed it) but I cant remember where.

Although the song sounds VERY different from tubelectric at parts, I can still hear a lot of familiar rhythms and sounds that remind me of tubelectric in it – which is great. I know I’m not all that great at reviewing musics, but you wanted a rating so here you go =P. 8.7, keep making tunes ‘cause most of them are really good.
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