Just a comment, Skype. =P. You stole my quote about eye candy. =O
Because this is TSF, I can’t review this.
pep[si] (reptile) right, Eyecandy is nice… btw. What is my Favorite Candy? Eyecandy >_<
(Reported unsupported rating removal. You didn’t really say anything besides “Eyecandy is nice” to justify your rating, and that one little comment isn’t enough. What makes it nice? What was the eyecandy like? For that matter, what was the rest of the upload like? ~Violet)
Ur music always were Good, But LBR right,
(Unsupported rating removal. I don’t even know what you’re saying here. Try to make yourself clear when reviewing things. ~Violet)
Hmm… I feel Japanese Food when i listen this music ;P
(Reported unsupported rating (7.7) removal. Ok, you feel Japanese Food. How does that mean anything? Is that good? Is that bad? Does it help you arrive at your rating? If not, were there any other factors involved? ~Violet)
well, i dont think this song isn’t that great because the beginning is not all that great; it starts out loud which is not what i look 4 in a song. there is not much instrumental variety and cant be played by jj2. i erally enjoyed Dr. Eggman’s remix much better, maybe Acld could learn a thing or two from him.; ]
Ok, just to get one thing out of the way: Alexander Brandon did the music for JJ2, Robert Allen did the music for JJ1. Somehow people always assume Alex did the music for both games, which is bogus (Alex hadn’t even been hired by Epic in 1994, I think he was still school then)
Hey, just because I “helped” doesn’t mean I can’t review, I only gave suggestions :p
Main Melody
Completely borrowed from the original JJ1 Diamondus song, right down to the last note. Nothing to complain about, it’s his first remix, it’s safe to stick to the original melody. The beat in the background is completely the same, even tho it’s not that noticable unless you listen closely.
If there’s one way to describe them, it’s loud. Ok, the one for the main melody is loud, a loud synthesized (aren’t they all? :p) sound. The beat in the background consists of mellow drums and hand claps (hey, I’m not familiar with instruments, bare with me here :P), and in my opinion they sound great, but with a little more experimenting he could have found some better ones :)
There are a couple of thing I’d like to note. First, it’s the tempo: compared to the original, this remix is slightly faster (like comparing Pezrox with Ceramicus). Also, the last part of the original has been cut (the amplified beat). The result is a shorter, slightly more active song, fitting for JJ1 Diamondus.
Not bad for a first try, not bad at all, it’s worth a listen. He shows some promise. I just wish people would try less conventional JJ1 songs more often, but that’s just me ^^
- JelZe goldRabbit =:3
This is TSF BTW
Also some eyecandypacked levels!
Wow awsome really.
Well this is 10 out of 10 the eyecandy is perfect mayby Overloaded even the first level defeats XLM woods. Really good.
Not spazz or jazz based its good, fine levels for duels. Ani. tiles ar good and no bugs or problems found, go futher to the other 2 levels ar also good. In level 3 some bugs but it does’t really care so much.
Nice placed mayby to much but you can hold it with 16 players or something whe all see that later on.
I must say awsome. This deserve’s a 8.5
PS: Nice credits ;D
I’ll add a full review in a few days, I now know it’s the demo music from Battery Check mixed with parts of Tubelectic(or at least thats what it sounds like anyways)
very very good i give it a 7.7
(Unsupported rating removal. Why is it very very good? Why a 7.7? You do get points for spelling everything right this time. ~Violet)
Satan right, i dont have this titleset too, little mistake huh? :OO but the maps are NICE, but i think, J2LC can create BETTER Maps ;)
(Unsupported rating removal. Care to say anything other than the levels being “nice”? Why are they nice? What makes them nice? Did you notice anything in particular? If better levels could be made, what could be improved? ~Violet)
Best Surviviors!
Better than OLD!
Congratulations Blur!!!
(Unsupported rating (9.7) removal. What makes these the best Survivors? Especially when, you know, you’re supposedly reviewing the whole pack. Can you explain why these are good? What impressed you about them? Why? ~Violet)
Starting Comments:
This pack was uploaded a while ago, but the author is back on J2O now and so I decided to make him happy via writing a review for this pack. :)
Played with: Spaz
On difficulty: Medium
Playing time: 1 hour 30 minutes
The pack started fairly easy, with not too long sewer level. Nothing special about that one. In the second level it gets a lot harder. You travel through a city, where it seems all the rabbits have been killed by evil lizards and rats. There are also lots of passages with spike balls and similiar stuff. The third level was not as hard as the second one, but still it wasn’t easy. The fourth level forced me to finally give up, as it was very hard again.
The item placement was fine in all the levels, but I feel some more carrots would’ve been useful because some places are really too hard.
Score: 7.5
The pack started with an easy sewer level, but got very hard then. Too hard for me. Strategically used enemies everywhere, and lots of evil spikeball traps. After a long time I managed to get through the second level, just to die soon after in the fourth one. I like difficult levels, bit some parts of the pack were just unfair, like the part in the second level were you had to fly through dozens of spikeballs with an airboard. In the fourth level there was a place with lots of platforms with keys on them. I often had no clue where I’d land on, as it was often not visible where to jump. The difficulty should be toned down a bit, I think, because I really got frustrated with it.
Score: 6.0
Some parts of the pack were pretty creative, like the end of the second level where you have to defeat a lot of Robots. Doesn’t sound very original, but somehow the author managed to do that the player needs to defeat all of them, instead of just one which I’ve never seen before. I liked the story too, which was pretty cool.
Score: 7.5
The eyecandy was decent, but nothing more. The third and the fourth level had way too less sprite eyecandy, while I liked the background layers of level 4. There were no tilebugs, but a little more work could’ve made the pack more enjoyable to look at.
Score: 6.5
The pack had an intricated story, which I found very good. It’s not the most exciting story line ever, but it added a nice touch to the levels.
Score: 8.0
I liked some aspects of this pack, while I hated others. The first thing is that it really was too hard some times. I often I couldn’t help getting hurt, which was not fun at all. The second dissapointment was the eyecandy, which was decent, but nothing more. Other than that the pack was nice, it had a cool storyline and the levels were fun (apart from those unfair parts). It’s worth a download reccommendation I think.
Overall Score: 7.5
Download reccomendation: Yes
Starting Comments:
This pack was uploaded some time ago, but as there is only one review so far I gotta write one too. :)
Played with: Jazz
On difficulty: Medium
Playing time: 31 minutes
The levels were pretty decent for me. They were fun, but not a masterpiece. You travel through various JJ1 planets killing baddies, collecting goodies and sometimes solving a little puzzle. The levels were not very long, but the size was ok for me. Some more different obstacles would’ve made the pack more fun though, and some shields were toi easy to get. I found the bonus level in Lagunicus, which was cool, but a bit bugged. There is an event for secret levels which actually WORKS, though the author seems to have used the wrong one.
Score: 6.5
I found the pack pretty easy, mainly because the only obstacles are enemies, which are not used in strategic areas most of the time. Increased difficulty would make this a lot more fun.
Score: 5.0
Most of the pack was pretty basic, some creativity was shown only in the secret level of Lagunicus, which was kind of original, and the few puzzle areas. The rest was pretty standard. Maybe more puzzles or some other stuff would make the pack much more enjoyable.
Score: 6.5
The eyecandy could’ve been a lot better. There were no major tilebugs, if any, but the background was often very empty and the sprite layer did not have enough eyecandy either. It’s decent though.
Score: 6.0
Fun Factor:
At the start of the pack there’s a message telling you Devan warped Eva to the end of the universe, therefore you have to travel through all those planets. However, that’s all so I guess I’ll rate Fun Factor instead of Story.
Apart from the easiness the pack was pretty fun, maybe a bit short but not bad at all. There could be more places with springs, poles, etc. like in the original JJ2 levels. Maybe some endbosses would’ve been cool too. Those who like fast paced packs which are not too hard will like this a lot. I found it too easy though, like I’ve already said.
Score: 7.0
Overall a decent pack. It’s not a masterpiece, but worth a play if you have like not too long packs with not too hard difficulty. The eyecandy should be boosted, aswell as the item placement should be renewed and changed a bit. Still I think it’s worth a 6.8.
Overall Score: 6.7
Download Reccomendation: Maybe
This is the fourth level I review of Satan, and I found out something interesting. I saw the list of under-reviewed levels, and this is an old level, but I will still review your level.
Introduction to 25000 miles above the earth : an old level by Satan. This is one of his first CTF levels. I don’t know if this is a real XLM level, as I see the description. This is a symmetrical level that comes out of the Netherlands.
I start with the eye candy. The eye candy in this level looks really good. The tileset is quite small, but it’s having lots of eye candy for the size. There are some nice animations, and some holes with some eye candy in the walls. The sprite layer is definitely the main layer for eye candy in this level. Layer 3 provides no eye candy, only some foreground for tubes. The sprite layer is almost full of black tiles in the playable area, but there are also some stripes and empty tiles(if someone understands) =p. That made no sense. However, the eye candy really does its job for the used tileset, like Satan does often. The backgrounds provide moving rockets, and the foregrounds have falling meteors.
The layout of the level is pretty basic. Looks a bit like mine, and it has an expecting placement. Some places have a few space between the platforms. There are some tubes at the left and right sides, you can enter them by following arrows. The level is a bit squared-off, but that’s the tileset. The level has a nice flow and good spring placement. There aren’t alot of tactics in the level, but there is some camping possible.(like under the Full energy) There are one ways on some places, and you can bump between platforms sometimes.(especially if you miss the tubes that start at 61,17 and 91,17) I saw that this level is flipped. This isn’t a good thing. NEVER. The places above 72,39 and 80,39 are a bit hard to navigate. It’s not an original way between the two bases.
The level has some old shapes of ammo(rectangles) and some vertical lines of ammo. There are 3 power-ups in the level. The Toaster Power-Up is at the upper-right of the level. The Bouncy PU is at the upper-left of the level. The RF is at the bottom-middle of the level. The positions of this Power-Ups are almost always the same in your levels, especially the upper-left and upper-right positions. Two of your levels I reviewed before had this. Now going back to placement, there are 3 carrots in the level. Considering the size, it’s quite good. The Full Energy is at 76,34, and you can only get it by shooting it down with gun9. This is quite evil, because people can stand down there and get it, while you shot it down! The other carrots are at 22,49 and 130,49. This is balanced enough. There are also some fast fires in the level. They’re under the Full Energy.
No originality this time. Sorry.
Eye candy : 8
Gameplay : 7.2
Placement : 7.5
Overall : 8 + 7.2 + 7.5 : 3 = 22.7 : 3 = 7.5666667, rounded up to a 7.6.
This wasn’t your best level, but one of your best ones.
Host : Maybe a few times.
Download : Sure. This is a level that needed a review, and I gave you that review. Have fun!
I’ve seeked through the review ideas section and found this two years old upload with only two reviews. I have too much spare time, so I downloaded and wrote a review for it.
Played with: Jazz
On difficulty: Medium
Playing time: 5 minutes
Your objective in this level is to escape from the Monkey base. To do so, you’ll have to kill some monkey guards, solve a few puzzles, steal the monkey’s bananas (hehe), and find the escape pod, which brings you home. The level was pretty easy and very short, but not all that bad. I liked some aspects of it, like the monkey cafe (or something similiar, I forgot the name). The weapon placement was bad, at one point there was a blaster powerup which makes your gun too powerful, at another there was some useless toaster and TNT ammo, which I did not really use. The ammo should be placed on more strategic locations I think.
Score: 4.5
The level was very easy, the monkeys were no problem at all and the puzzles were rather easy too. Needs to be improved drastically.
Score: 3.0
The level was not a masterpiece at all, but some creativity was shown, like there is an actual plot (escape from the monkey base). Like I said before I liked the monkey bar. There are some little puzzles too, which helps to keep the players interest.
Score: 6.0
Eyecandy is were the level really fails. OK, you can’t really make great eyecandy with Mez01, but some little more than this could easily be done to improve this level. It doesn’t really look like a base, and there are only two layers used, 4 and 8 which is too less. There are no tilebugs though.
Score: 3.8
There was a little plot, Psycho_Man (the player) is held captive inside the monkey base, and must find a way to escape. It wasn’t all that much, but at least there is something. There are some things I don’t understand though, like what Eva does in the monkey base, or why the monkeys captured you at all.
Score: 4.0
Overall this level is not bad, but also not good. It lacks eyecandy, the item placement is messed up, the level is too easy and it’s too short, not to forget the story holes.
No download reccomendation for now, but we’ll see. Maybe next time.
Overall Score: 4.2
Make Xp Version PLease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Table fix. ~Violet)
!.Good Job.!
Eycandy 7.1
Placement From Eyecandy Are ReallyTo
Wide Of Level And Lenght 6.8
I Bit Larger Rating It’s Not Really A Long Battle
Placement 8.0
Yahoo!! Cool Dude
In This Lvl Is The Placement Very Good
Backround 8.o
An Good Backround Used~(All Peoples Use This Backround)~
I Enjoied
I Also Agree With What Labratkid Says!!
Danyjel You’re A Great Music Makerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!~~~~~~
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.