Review by home32

8 Feb 2005, 16:39
For: Wood Kingdom
Level rating: 5.1

(Hi. Good eye, but sorry, they’re by the same author, so it doesn’t count as being stolen. ~Violet)

RecommendedReview by Niels aka ChippieBW

7 Feb 2005, 22:33
For: Street Pass no. 2
Level rating: 7.4

Street Pass No. 2
Waaw, another Street Pass level by DarkSonic. The first one was used as the opening level in DarkSonic’s Packy Pack, and it got a well-deserved 8.2 from me. Let’s see if the second level, obviously called “Street Pass No. 2”, ends up in the same prize category. Behold. By the wya, sorry for the somewhat late review but I’ve been kinda busy lately.

EYECANDY: 2.0 out of 2.5
Last time it was War Torn Night, this time it’s Mega Megatropolis 1.23 Night which is used. I can say the eyecandy is really well done in this level, although it could be better. I really like the background a lot, but the green hills give a weird effect since they move faster then the structures behind them . I don’t really have anything more to say, everything just looks good and filled and the double-paths are OK. The raindrops still look a bit weird when going up in the suckertube (I told you to correct this earlier) but I don’t think it’s possible too change it much more.

PLACEMENT: 1.8 out of 2.5
DarkSonic used a rather different form of layout placement then usual. All ammo quantities are placed in different shapes and you can say that almost every part of the level has ammo. This is quite good and original, although the placement isn’t really optimal. Again, there’s a two-powerup system with two majors, which are placed in walls. This is quite nice, but I’d like to see something more original next time.

STRUCTURE & GAMEPLAY: 3.5 out of 5.0
On with the final part: structure and gameplay. When zooming out in JCS, you can see that this level has a typical DS-structure, which I can’t really explain in words. You have to see it for yourself, I guess. It’s a quite good structuring system with good flow and gameplay, but it’s getting a bit bored after a while. Same thing goes for this level, I suppose. While playing the level I got the feeling after a while that I saw it all before. Definitely not one of your most original levels.

Streep Pass No. 2 is just again one of DS’s solid CTF levels, which isn’t too original but quite good. If your levels contain more originality, you could easily achieve a higher rating. Here’s a 7.3.

Score: 2.0 + 1.8 + 3.5 = 7.3
Download: Yes.
Host: Perhaps.

- ChippieBW

Review by Br>Spazy12

6 Feb 2005, 23:03
For: ElekTronique Army (in War)
Level rating: 8.4

i agree with labratkid :)

All your songs are great.
(Unsupported rating removal. ~Violet)

RecommendedReview by Br>Spazy12

6 Feb 2005, 22:50
For: marbelara
Level rating: 5.7

lol first something funny.

this song is 1:24 long :D (there is a jj2 version called 1.24)

i realy like the original song,
you made this song verry good but i missed some points:

you could turn the bass louder.
you could try some other drums.

btw i had this in mind to since beginning of 2004 but my songs were never released and finished. I gotta do this to :D i can play tubbelectric :D maybe we can do a song together =D HOW DID YOU RECORD IT was my first question.

RecommendedReview by Br>Spazy12

6 Feb 2005, 22:18
For: medivo in guitar
Level rating: 4.8

first i realy like this song.
second you make me more like this song
third i already made a remix of this song but i havent released yet. (i started in begin of 2004)

You play exactly the same stuff,
thats verry good i think.

one little thing i missed, the bass.

i play electric guitar to,
maybe we can do this song together?

so i do the bass :)

how did you recorded it?

Review by snzspeed

6 Feb 2005, 10:39
For: J2LC Summer Pack 2004
Level rating: 7.3

“I like how no one bothered to replaceJazz Start with a MP start in Deserted Paradise for something like six months.”

..dont go offtopic please

Review by MaliceX

6 Feb 2005, 07:09
For: Jazz Jackrabbit Midi Pack (NOT by me)
Level rating: N/A

Steven Blom = Steven Picken

RecommendedReview by Crusader

5 Feb 2005, 23:02
For: The Demon Invasion
Level rating: 8.9

Alrite, lets see. These i understand took a long time to make. I rate this an 8.5 cuz the bats and thingies/most enemies r invisible and very hard to spot. i had trouble completing these lvls but they are great. good training for u too. =D

Not recommendedReview by PHT

5 Feb 2005, 20:17
For: End Game
Level rating: 1.5

Played with: Spaz
Difficulty: Medium
Playing time: 3 minutes

The gameplay somehow sucks. In the first level you kill some randomly placed enemies, then get an airboard, fly around and kill some enemies again. After that I saw the exit, but there was a path to go up too, and as I had an airboard I followed it. I found out that it was actually Jazz’ part, so I flew back, and got into the exit. The second level is filled with around 10 bosses. I first tried beating them, but soon noticed there was a path I could follow too. I decided to flee, shot a birdy morph, and flew away, into the exit. There were no goodies, or anything else, just this stuff which doesn’t make sense at all, and is not fun to play.
Score: 1.2

I can’t call this creative, really. Nothing more to say.
Score: 1.2

The levels are somewhat untested, and don’t make sense at all. They’re both pretty easy, and 3 minutes is definetely too less.
Score: 1.2

There is absoluetely NO eyecandy. Just some corridors, lined up with a random tile. The first level has some background layers, which I believe are stolen from one of the original levels though.
Score: 1.0

There was some plot behind, but I don’t really understand it. The only thing I got from it, was that Devan built a base (at least that’s what it’s supposed to be) on Tube-Electric, and Jazz has to stop him somehow. The rest I did not really get.
Score: 1.2

Overall this has probably taken 10 minutes to make, while it takes 3 minutes to play through. There’s absolutely no effort or something, but I give it a 1.5 because I’m nice. :P

No download reccomendation, for the reasons mentioned above.

Review by PHT

5 Feb 2005, 19:37
For: Bjossi´s LevelPack 2.2
Level rating: 6.2

Well, nobody has reviewed this pack so far, so I’ll do my best and write a little bit about it.

Played with: Spaz
Difficulty mode: Medium
Playing time: 1 hour and 30 minutes

Most levels in the pack are pretty basic. You run around, shoot enemies, collect goodies and way too much ammo, and somehow find the exit. A storyline or some original stuff would make playbility much better. A little break is the diamondus level, which has lots of witches, which were fun to beat. Rating: 6.2*

Creativity is where the pack fails. Like described in the playbility part, there’s hardly anything which stands out in memory, nothing really creative. What about including some puzzles for example? Would be much more fun then. Or maybe a special arena for boss fights, a story line, whatever?
Rating: 3.0

All levels, excluding the Diamondus level, were too easy, mainly because enemies were not used strategically and there were no puzzles. The difficulty should be boosted a lot, by using the enemies in places where they have an advantage. For example, flying enemies like bats or ravens can get through walls, while Jazz can’t. That can easily be used to their advantage, making it more difficult and challenging.
Score: 5.0

The eyecandy needs to be drastically improved imo. Most levels have tilebugs and too less eyecandy. Do something original, infact, make it look different than the standard levels + make it look good.
Score: 6.0**

Fun Factor***:
It may sounded like this pack was really bad, but well, it’s not that horrible. Some of the levels, especially level 8, my favourite one were pretty fun, and if you’re a fan of lots of ammo and enemies, you’ll like this. If the eyecandy is made better, a few unusual things get added, and the difficulty gets boosted the pack will be pretty fun, so I’ll give it a 6.0 for now.
Score: 6.0

I’ll give the pack a 5 for now, as I guess it took very long to build it. Still there are several things which need to be improved, remember, BE CREATIVE! Once your stuff is different than other’s stuff, it will get much more enjoyable to play. Good luck!

PS: Feel free to contact me for more help, betatesting or whatever.


EDIT: I’m not sure about download reccommendation, so I’ll check N/A.

EDIT 2: Be careful to use less ammo next time. ;-)


  • The rating for Playability was raised to a 6.2, because it seems I have counted to much on the non-existing story, which the author planned not to make.

** The eyecandy rating was increased to 6.0, because the author has bad vision and therefore the tilebugs are not his fault.

*** Due to the complains of some people I’ve rated Fun Factor instead of Story, which increases the overall rating a 6.2

Review by FQuist

5 Feb 2005, 16:42
For: Elimination chamber 2002
Level rating: N/A

Uh axe, that’s cool to say but you might want to consider uploading the actual level too, you forgot that :P

Review by axe

5 Feb 2005, 15:34
For: Elimination chamber 2002
Level rating: N/A

this level was builded by me axe and by RoR mat in early 2002 i thought it was fun the re launch the level maybe inspire people to build a new version the level now has been included in the zip file

Review by Lark

4 Feb 2005, 21:36
For: ElekTronique Army (in War)
Level rating: 8.4

Don’t stop making music. All your songs are great. If you decide to stop releasing stuff on J2O or on the JCF, send it to me or something by email. I make songs with Modplug all the time and I usually only end up showing them to Blackraptor. And Blacky vise-versa.

On a side note, I’d like to say that this is most definetely Tubelectric. =P

Anyway, as for a review of sorts, my biggest complaint is that the song takes a very long time to build up. It’s one of those songs that start out with a single percussion instrument, then keep adding another every measure, until finally the song reaches a percussional climax. It’s also a bit too long / dragged out.

Instrument choice is nice, the drum beat is great, and the overall mood is also a plus. Now stop having bad self esteem and keep making music.

Download reccomendation.

Review by 007

4 Feb 2005, 14:54
For: Elimination chamber 2002
Level rating: N/A

this level is verry old i played it yesterday Buts its fun to play in it

Review by Lark

3 Feb 2005, 21:08
For: Elimination chamber 2002
Level rating: N/A

Including levels without tilesets is bad. Including tilesets without levels is worse.

Review by Sacrush

3 Feb 2005, 21:05
For: Elimination chamber 2002
Level rating: N/A

This is only a tileset…

Review by Jarno vos

3 Feb 2005, 18:44
For: Hell's gate
Level rating: N/A


((Or the rabrat will get you))


Review by home32

3 Feb 2005, 16:54
For: Kitchen 1.0
Level rating: 1.4

wheres the zero
(Unsupported rating (1) removal. Please give some details when writing a review, so that readers can understand why you gave the upload the rating you did. As it is, I’m not even sure you downloaded it. ~Violet)

Review by home32

3 Feb 2005, 16:29
For: Lil' Hotel
Level rating: 3.5

its ok but i still fail to see a good one
(Unsupported rating (4) removal. Please explain why this upload is “ok”. What was the eyecandy like? Level design? Gameplay? Anything? Surely you can write more than this! I also took the liberty of fixing your code. ~Violet)

Review by home32

3 Feb 2005, 16:23
For: Matrix tileset
Level rating: 4.7

(Essentially blank review rating removal. ~Violet)

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