Just when you thought that Blur is done with making Ground Force levels, he comes and kills wannabe “survivor” levels with survivor prefix. With 5 brand new outrageous levels. \\o/
All 30 levels use the new (and somewhat superior) Anti-Jazz system. This system is generally more safe than old one (the one using bridges tends to give Divide By Zero errors. Go figure.), and isn’t as complicated. Complicated as in, it’s far more user-friendly in JCS (I doubt I will use it, though). However, someone may not know how to wallclimb, so they are stuck in the Anti-Jazz filter room; while almost everyone should know how to sidekick with Spaz. Other than that, this system is easier to use than the older one (sometimes I kept being pushed into the bridge so I couldn’t even kick in). And we all know, that in multiplayer the easier, the better. ;p
The recent update on most of the levels is the feature, that if you are hit in air enough high, you lose. While it doesn’t really sound dangerous, be aware than it might happen with some lag and seekers. It never happened to me, but still, be aware.
Rants on originality
Most of the levels are a little more than your typical Ground Force level, as in, they’re just more original. The best example would be level 20 (Tower of Death) and 28 (Under Construction). They’re just like something you have never EVER seen before. In “Tower of Death” you must climb up an enormous tower or be hit by Laser Shield (shot out of apparently nowhere. Whee evil forces =D ) and fall down. “Under Construction” features a building made out of Speed Blocks and they have lots of Pepper Spray which destroys Speed Blocks as well. So, if you buttstomp – you are dead.
Those two levels are fine example of this pack’s overall originality, like I already said. While not every level is incredibly original and outstanding, the levels which are make up for it. Check out by yourself.
YaY for Eyecandy!!1 =D
Most of the levels are, simply, beatiful. The waiting rooms are perfectly decorated, yet eyecandy there isn’t overdone. Most of the levels have splendidly used layers, and outrageously designed walls. Everything tiles perfectly, no minor annoying bugs. The remains of destructable blocks are oftenly different than the blocks themselves. but they still manage to look great and whatnot. In levels using official tilesets, eyecandy is very original and isn’t what you’d expect from a level using those tilesets. (That doesn’t really apply to level 6, which is a little plain.)
However, not everything is pink and sweet and curly. (I said that MOST of the levels are great. Don’t blame me if you misread stuff.) Waste Drain (level 3) is just bland. Barely any noticable layer work at all, no real variety between block patterns, etc. The textured background, however, is original and isn’t what you’d expect from a typical Wasteland level. Also “Second Chances” is a little bland in the waiting rooms.
Evilness rux
The levels are hard. Hard as in, it’s difficult to survive in those, especially with a lot of people. This applies to latter six levels (25-30), because they are quite unique losing-wise. (But then, so are levels 8 and 18.) You can make barely any manouevers in “The Sludge Grounds” because warps are evily placed in the ceiling etc. Already mentioned “Under Construction” prevents you from buttstomping. In “Second Chances” walls become (like Blur called it) “evil” when a trigger crate is activated. Someone you fight with in “Avalanche Ranch” might have got an extra life so when he falls and you follow him, he warps back into the arena and thus wins. The reason why “Tower of Death” is evil should be obvious. (The SE version is even more evil, trust me.)
…yes. Truly pure Evil, with capital E.
Did I mess something? I mean miss.
That’s basically all I have to say. The overall score I’m giving it is a 9.5, no more, no less. No more, because some levels lack variety and eyecandy, no less, because of anything else.
Download it and be happy.
Six years later edit: My 13-year old self has learnt what ‘less is more’ means.
Best tileset ever
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. Please actually take the time to write a few sentences to explain your rating. Notice that even “Unsupported rating removal” was longer than your entire review. ~Violet)
Heya, lets start =)
I never saw you hosted it but whatever, i downloaded it and i saw that it was only 100×50. Not a big problem if the other things are very good.
Layer 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are used, good point, eyecandy is okay.
But the level is very small and the platforms are very near to eachother.
I dun have many time, so i’ll give you the rating.
Hey! I’m the first who reviews this!
Now to the Pack:
I find out the Levels playing all 30 of them On-line.
When I joined the Server, It was first time i was playing these Ground Force ‘‘gaming mode’‘
Jazz2 Levels. At the Start I saw the 3
’‘Out-Game’‘ Areas at the Upper Left hand corner. You
start in a Area, wheres just a Morph Monitor for morphing to spaz. Than I have to do
Wallklimbing in the middle of this area. (And, yes, its also the first time I have done this.)
When you have done that, You get warped into the Area below the first, where you wait for
all the other Players, if they are in the 2nd Area, the Host Starts the Game by smashing
Trigger Crate, I think, and the both below the players in the 2nd Area Dissapeares, the
Players fall into a Warp wich warps them into the
’‘In-Game’‘ Area: Everything is Destructible there, and you have to Survive there,
before falling into the Warp, wichs down from you. But there can also be WArps, Left and Right
from you. In one Level, there was also a Warp from you.
When you fall into the Warp, you get into the
’‘Out’‘ Area. (You spinn around in a cube like placed Suckertubes. When everyone is
out, the Host can start the next game by entering the End-Game Area.
Playing these Levels was, no, IS so much fun, each of them is in its form different, an many ‘‘secret’‘
Events were used:
The TNT-Crate wich falls onto the Game Area, like a heavy Air Strike,
The Beam, wich destroys many Blocks at once.
There are great In-Game Areas!
On of them was a High Sky Scraper (I like this Area best)
And also used was the Icey Ground force Tileset.
There is a High Tower in a Hell set to climb up, befor the blocks below you get destroyed by a laser beam.
There is a 7th Lava Fall tileset using level with great eyecandy.
There are so much good levels in this
While Playing this BIG Ground Force Level pack online, it cames clearer and clearer
into my Mind:
The RESEARCH of things like this, New Gaming modes for Jazz Jackrabbit 2, Will keep the
fun in playing this Classic and Fun game and keep Alive the Jazz2Online Community for many time longer!!!!
This is Really amazing work!
I hope we gonna do these Ground force Online- Games some more times.
It was about 2 Hours and there was no minute it wasnt fun.
So jazzers out There! If you see such a ground force Server online- Come in!
you would be angry when missing that great new Jazz 2 Gaming Experience!!!
Download Recommendation? Are you Stupid? OF COURSE! DOWNLOAD IT NOW!
(I just mean, if you don’t download it here, you will download it wihle playing the levels
online, i think you cant get around that.
Edit: I solved the Error by myself. Now the Rating is 10!
To all the Germans HERE:
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. ~Violet)
Please Include The Tileset!!
To SabaSpaz :
I Don’t Think That The Athor Allow That!!!!
(Rating (10) removal. ~Violet)
Since I got banned for no reason I have time to review this level, Oh and I promised it too.
Gameplay: rating: 7.5
A quite fun level to play in. The flow is more then decent because you can run through the level without really much trouble. There are some small dead ends in this level but that isn’t a really big problem in battle mode. There are many places to go and the level isn’t linear like most multiplayer levels should be. There are vines, one ways, one suckertube and other stuff to make the level a little bit more fun. There aren’t any irritating float ups. Well the gameplay is just good but it could be a little bit better.
Leveldesign: rating: 7.5
The leveldesign is quite nice. The level looks natural because there are many up and downs and the walls and ceilings arent flat, but the level also looks more natural because the cave’s are more narrow and outside the levle is more open which is in the real world too. Everything seems logic enough and not weird or strange, good job.
Placement: rating: 7.8
The placement isn’t bad at all. The ammo is spread out in the level in multiple groups which is nice and good, but on some places it’s a bit empty so there could be a little bit more ammo. There are 3 powerups which are nicely spread out in the level in walls which is good but it wouldn’t be a trouble if they where out in the open, the bouncer is out in the open though. There are 2 carrots which are nicely placed but are on the same side and one side of the level doesn’t have a carrot so you could move the carrot that was in the cave to the other side whit no carrot. There is also a pit with candy which is ok. The spring placement is good and get me where I want to go but the spring at position 50,20 could be a bleu one so you can go all the way up and that would’t be a dead end then.
Eye candy: rating: 7.4
When it wasn’t uploaden the background was still 2d and empty, but now the background is 3d and you can see the sea with a boat on it :D. The level self has also some eyecandy on it’s own, there are beautiful waterfalls, stone heads, some flowers and rocks but also nice caves which all looks quite nice together. Then there is also ambient lightning in caves and some flicker light’s which looks also nice. However this tileset can do better eye candy as you see in this level, there could be more rocks and flowers in the level and there could be a lot more eyecandy in the ground. It’s still a nice looking level, well done.
Extra stuff:
Final rating: 7.5+7.5+7.8+7.4=30,2->-> 30,2:4=*7.6*
Good one!
Same wat wadle said its a bit messy and only for MP.
This is really great, u can put a longer name then in regedit and also do all kind of lettres like Ðç4óØÖü etc.
Rating: 9.7
Download recommed: yea
this lvl is cooooooool
(Unsupported rating (8.7) removal. Please explain your rating. And you two who rated this helpful, please explain that, too. ~Violet)
Strange resample. Resampled by very good sample. Yes… But really badly resampled. It doesn’t fit together, those original drums are totally aaww with this guitar. First 20 seconds of guitar playing could be beared, by after them, it’s impossible to listen. Still that same, still with that ruxoring hard guitar, Bum – bum – bum bum and nothing more. I don’t like it.
Shh don’t spoil the suprise. ;>
Omg I will kill you ;p. I was only and one who was making Laboratory Level Remix and Sugar Rush remix and…
Yay, another XLM level which is waiting to be tested. Seems like the author of the level likes pie a lot, and I can’t disagree with him. By the way, Cooba, why can’t you review other XLM levels? Ah, well, here is a fast review, as I promised.
EYECANDY: 2.3 out of 2.5
Chosen is the tileset “CaKeY” by Toxic Bunny. If I had to pick a tileset for a level I wouldn’t dare to pick this particular tileset (too few eyecandy and not too much tiles to use) but Satan ignored the risks and used it anyway. What follows is a very, VERY nice level with beautiful eyecandy. The backgrounds are a pleasure to look at and almost every layer is used! Congratulations! Don’t have anything more to say, the EC is almost perfect for a level with this set.
PLACEMENT: 1.9 out of 2.5
The placement of the stuff in the level is quite good. There is chosen for a major-minor-PU-system, with RF as major and Bouncie and Toaster as minors. I can’t tell anything bad about the PU balance here because the level is symmetric, which is good enough. One problem with the placement is the number of cakes and pies in the level: they can get confusing with the regular ammo and I really didn’t like that very much. The are three carrots in the level: one Full-NRG and two normals, which could be a bit too much but since the level is quite big it’s not really a problem.
STRUCTURE & GAMEPLAY: 3.5 out of 5.0
Structure and Gameplay are always the most needed things of a level, also in this one. The structure is almost fully symmetrical, as said above, which is a good thing for the balance. The flow is generally just good and there aren’t many places you can bump on. Good job. However, there are also a few parts I dislike: I didn’t really enjoy the minor-PU-parts in the upper squares since they have only one entry and exit, and they are pretty much closed. Camping could be easy at those spots. Another thing I dislike very much is the connection between the blue and the red side of the level: those are divided by a large tower of pie in the middle, and the only way through is the top. I expect that place will really get crowded in MP since all traffic has to go through this bottleneck. More pathways would be nice at this place. For the rest, I can see you used different structure forms (like vines and hooks) which is nice to see. The originality of the level is pretty good because of the placement of foods, and the music fits nicely.
This level is another good job by one of XLM’s better level designers (slime slime) but it could have been better. The eyecandy is generally very good and you don’t have to improve it. The ammo placement could be a bit better and the same thing goes for the structure and gameplay. Nice job, you get a 7.7 for this.
Score: 2.3 + 1.9 + 3.5 = 7.7
Download: Yeah, it’s a quite nice level and you should check it out!
Host: A few times.
- ChippieBW of [si] and XLM
How about THIS http://www.jazz2online.com/J2Ov2/downloads/info.php?levelID=1672 instead of that ugly Ihlvindi thing?
Important info – you must set the tilesets in JCS because it is a JJ1 tileset.
Also, the ending is there as Jazz’s dream. More about that in the next installment…
Just read the bottom review and I have ot an answer
Okay, I know this level sucks, but y\‘know, this was just a kind of preview level, to the next one. The next one will be very long, and sorry that I havn\‘t done it yet, but I have been very very busy, because I am working on other projects.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.