Yes Really This Is VERRRRRRRRY Fun
The Wierd Evil Machine arE COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Unsupported rating (8.4) removal. Can you explain why this is fun or cool? Please? ~Violet)
Very Great Mix Of Tubeelectric
I Love This Song.
A Love All Of Those Re-Mixes
Xmas Thunderland
(Unsupported rating (9.1) removal. You have said nothing other than “this song is good” twice. So… uhh.. why? What makes it good? What do you appreciate about it? Are there any bad points? Etc? ~Violet)
Couldn’t find the tileset for “nightfall.j2l”
I got a feeling this level is underrated. I hosted this level before to see something, and now I will review it. Finally!
Introduction to PIE ROCKS!: Here is another product out of The Netherlands. This level was made by Satan(who is a XLM member) and that’s probably the reason why I am reviewing this level and will try to post a detailed review. To comment on the levelname, I like pie, but depends on what kind. The tileset fits the levelname very well.
I start with the eye candy this time. This tileset has not very much eye candy to use, but this level has alot of SWEET things. Layer 5 contains alot of stuff. Satan used the tileset very well in this level. The backgrounds look nice as well. Even the eye candy is symmetrical in the level.
The layout of the level is symmetrical and balanced. The level is pretty closed on some places. A tube leads you to a +1 carrot and a PU at each side. Float up will get you up to there. There is a small exit from that place. The layout at least is something different. There are springs that lead you to up(where the Full Energy is) people will camp at this place and they can even shoot the car down. There are nice obstacles between the way to the flags. There is NOT one way to each base. You can enter either base from each side. It’s hard to see if this level is flipped or not. There is one way in some places, and nice spring placement in some places as well. There is not much wrong with the gameplay here. A flaw would probably be the small hole to get out of the area with a PU and a +1 carrot. The level has a nice flow as well. The vines are fine too. The text strings make people know that pie really rocks. That’s a funny thing.(not everyone likes pie)
There is not much wrong with the pickup placement. The ammo is placed in some nice shapes. Not all ammo is in the air. I don’t have problems with it that some is on the ground and some is in the air. The food in the level proves that the levelname fits it good. There are some pies and cakes in the level and I really think of real pie if I see them. It’s fun to get a sugarrush off all those food. 3 Power-Ups in the level. 1 at each side, left is Bouncer and right is Toaster. The RF placed in the middle of the level, and you should get it with Bouncies! This is something that isn’t used alot. The blue team can get the RF PU easier than the red team. The area with a PU at each side has a +1 Carrot as well. The Full Energy placed at the top-middle of the level. This can be shot down, like I already mentioned.
The level is a bit original. There aren’t many CTF levels with food these days. That you should take the RF PU with Bouncers is pretty nice. The name of this level is something different for once. The music used in the level fits fine, the file ‘Light.s3m’ belongs in a light level, and this level is.
Eye candy : 8.1
Gameplay : 7.8
Placement : 7.5
Originality : 7.5
Final rating: 8.1 + 7.8 + 7.5 + 7.5 : 4 = 7.725 = 7.7.
Download: Yes. This is a good CTF level made with a tileset that isn’t used very much.
Host: a few times.
The edit : Fixing the hole turned out to be a good thing you did. It’s much easier to enter this hole now, because the tube starts one tile earlier. This will change the rating of the gameplay a tad by adding 0.1 point to it. I added 0.1 to the eye candy as well, but I didn’t like the placement all that much. Changed the ratings a bit, but the rating will stay the same.
This Is An Really Good Song But RAP Is Not The Music For Me Sorry It’s A Really Good Song But I Can Not Rate It.
Again, I’d like to say that I think this is really good. I like Marbelara a bit better, though. If you’re taking requests, I would love to hear Medivo. Sluggion would also sound great because of the slides in it.
Download reccomendation!
- – - – - – - – - -
About The Guitar Snare
Is Very Great!
I Love Rock Metal Havy Metal Hard Rock And Some Others
And This……..
You Have Changed A Hope!!
I don’t have time for a review now, but one I must say: this rox. MUST HAVE.
@Danyjel: This is NOT a sample. This is a real guitar, recorded and mixed with the drums.
Spiffy… I like it a lot. You should try and get a percussionist to play the drums instead of just using the ones that are all ready there. Hope to see more from you in the future. ;)
Download reccomendation to everyone.
This level is very nice. Despite the too low rating that person gave, just be aware that it’s a good level I suggest you to DOWNLOAD.
I won’t rate it however, as I’m in XLM.
(Flame removal. ~Violet)
You always have nice stories,
Lets Review
Difficulty: Quite Easy
On the beginning the spots are too much open.
Nice Ammo placement.
Grade: 6.5
I takes a long time to climb all that dead threes or whatever they are.
The eyecandy was a little good/bad.
Difficulty: very hard
I really had to cheat to get out on one point. Gameplay was super, very much holes. Eyecandy was exellent.
Grade: 8.5
Diffuclty: Hard
Again i had to cheat at the first spot to get out there.
Very Nice eyecandy+Gameplay.
Grade: 9
Level1: 6.5
Level2: 7
Level3: 8.5
Level4: 9
Total 31
Average 7.75
There is no 7.8 but because i like your stories ill give you an 8.
Final Grade: 8
Download recommed: yes
Host: I wish it could :P
PS: wen is your next lvl of fun on da beach coming?
Lets Review,
Very nice,
This level really looked great
I’ve found no bugs yet.
This is a different story.
There is only 1 way to the blue flag
That makes it very easy to defend.
There were different stages in a level were you only can get out with a sucker tube or springs. Let people walk theirselfes.
Grade: 5
Ammo and Goodies were in a good amount.
There just were not too much of them.
Grade: 7
Download recommed: Yes
Host recommed: maybe
Final grade: 7
That was it, it was a good level.
…am I the only one who agrees with Winner’s rating and review?
A 6,5 imo. review latr
(Flame removal. Please treat your fellow J2O members with respect and remember that DIFFERENT PEOPLE have DIFFERENT TASTES and may see the SAME LEVEL in DIFFERENT WAYS. ~Violet)
1. Fear The Carrot
{Eye Candy} [2.5]
Believe me, the worst you can ever expect from XLM. I can’t believe you actually let this get uploaded to J2O. There are tile bugs. Everywhere. You can’t miss them. Look at the walls. They look so bad my expextations from XLM are drooooooping dooown. Even worse, ChippieBW said he did the eyecandy part. AND HE’S the LEADER of XLM! Carrotus is a so simple tileset I’d expect you be able to do something NICE with it. Good job on rushing this one.
{Game Play} [5.4]
At least this is average. However, the unbelieveably unfair base placement costed a lot. The red base is a lot easier to reach than blue. Red base is a lot harder to defend, than blue. Believe it. I don’t know why should I recommend this level to anyone. The other layout is better, but the suckertubes annoy me mostly, and sometimes the springs are not powerful enough.
{Stuff Placing} [6.0]
All the ammo are in high numbers. A heck lot of bouncers near both bases.. the huge amount of GUN9 near topright… I could list a lot of places with huge amounts of ammo. Then there’s this carrot, only accessable by a secret. Nice job. There’s ONE +1 carrot for those that don’t know the secret! I never found the way to the toaster powerup, not that good.
2. Rabbit Warz
Nice job on not including the tileset for this one. No rating given.
{OVERALL ALL LEVELS OF PACK} 5.2. What would you have thought? Can’t review the second level for not including tileset.
SO MANY EDITS: I decided to put all edits in one.
First off, bridgecomment removed from gameplay section, rating made just like bridges didn’t exist.
Second, include the tileset so I can review the 2nd level. I could just give minus points, but why bother.
Third, masterrokusho, how is this level different from the other crap levels on J2O? Why don’t you complain to R3ptile? He rated it bad too. IF that’s your reason, “master“rokusho.
Fourth and last, this was detailed enough to explain the bad rating. Your no-helpful stuff are just for the bad rating of mine.
XLM Pack. After two horrible levels by XLM, I review this pack now. My expectations are NOT HIGH.
1. Street Pass Number One
This is a simple level.
{Eye Candy} [8.7]
Not bad at all, it’s probably the best thing about this level. The mountains at the back in layer6 and that castle type of thing in layer7. However, one part of the mountains has its top clipped off.
{GamePlay} [5.6]
This is the campers’ strike. In a 3vs3, someone can just keep camping the sucker tubes that are used to get the flag. If there’s no camper over there, it’s then all about suckertube entering and fast. It’s pointless.
{Stuff’s Placement} [7.4]
This isn’t that bad. The toaster powerup in the suckertube is easily campable though, and the carrot is in a bad place. If you use the suckertube tactic, getting the carrot is so easy it’s taking many tries to kill a bit skilled player. But bonus points come from the nice toaster type of powerup collecting. And at last it’s JAZZ BIASED, not spaz biased. Better than nothing.
overall total {Level Total} [7]
2. Overheated and Freaky World
{Eye Candy} [8.1]
I really like how you did the layer 6/7. But the trees are annoying. The layer3 stuff in the foreground grass isn’t bad.
{Gameplay} [8.5]
It’s very easy to move around, the only thing that annoys are the hidden springs. I can’t see stuff, going to run speed, BOING. It’s annoying for that to happen. But although that’s one of the level’s problems, it has a good flow though. The platforms fit nicely.
{Stuff Placement} [8]
Two powerups, Bouncer and Toaster. No “main powerup”. Considering the size of level, this is ok. The bouncers own the toaster, though… it’s a bit of team biasing.
overall total {Level Total} [8.3]
3.Fourty Metres In The Air
{Eye Candy} [7]
I don’t find anything bad in the eyecandy but it’s not anything very nice either. It’s the Average. Maybe it’s the tileset.
{GamePlay} [6.6]
Everything you do is run left and right at the bottom. Get flag, score, get flag and score again. Shoot seeks, kill other flagcarry, score… that’s something like that all the time.
{Stuff’s Placement} [7.0]
The seek powerup placing is stupid. You need to explain how to get seek PU to everyone. The carrot is in middle of Gun 9’s. At least the carrot isn’t placed in middle of the patch you move left/right to score.
overall total {Level Total} [8]
4. Punished In Space
{Eye Candy} [9.5]
The wall thing is on Layer 6. This is the best part of the level. The animations are pretty nice too.
{Gameplay} [3.2]
Believe it or not, this level itself is stupid. For some reason, there’s a no-fire zone in the bases. I don’t know why, but it really ruins the whole thing. Anyone can keep camping at the bases. You have two bases in different rooms next to eachother. You WARP in the bases. Getting the flag is a bit hard because of the springs. I don’t like this. AT ALL.
{Stuff’s Placement} [7.5]
There’s a huge load of RF’s at one point in this level. There’s also an RF powerup in middle of springs. There’s a bouncy powerup very near blue base and blaster powerup very near the red base. Nothing wrong with this one.
overall total {Level Total} [5.7]
5. Plastic Surgery CTF
{Eye Candy} [5]
The worst part. The single 1 color background somewhere near blue base hurts my eyes with its flashing. And it looks very ugly. Also layer 6 or 7 weren’t used for nice BG purposes. The wall at the right and left side is very dull and ugly.
{Gameplay} [6.5]
The unfair bases have come again. Just like in XLM Owned Town. Top left is a lot easier to defend than bottom right. Some springs are annoying. There’s not a lot of them though. However, there’s no problems with the gameplay.
{Stuff’s Placement} [6.0]
The only problem is with the Toaster and Bouncer powerups that are unfair. It’s a lot harder to get the toaster powerup than the bouncers Powerup. I see no problems elsewhere with the placement.
overall total {Level Total} [6.2]
TOTAL {OVERALL} 7.04 -> 7
Here comes my first review for a long time.
{Eye Candy} [8.5]
This probably is the best part of the level. I like the mountains and especially the clouds. Sometimes I can’t really see the difference between Layer 5 roads and walkable roads, though. Don’t make this messy.
{GamePlay} [4.2]
So you can score in 10 seconds. Wow. The
level is a bit Blue biased, since it’s a lot easier to defend the blue base on the top-left, than the red base on the bottom-right. It’s fine for duels, but absolutely biased for #vs#‘s. And it’s easy to fall down just by accident. And those accidents happen a LOT. The bases are out in the open, leading in easy scores.
{Stuff Placement} [7.0]
No minus points for the seek powerup, since this is an open level that gives a chance for easy dodging. I’m more concerned about the CARROTS. The top-right carrot is so easy to camp. The bottom-left could be a Full Energy. Or to speak, there should be no two +1’s, have a full energy instead. Especially since this has this seek powerup. One seek hit gives two damage and you need to go first to bottom left, then to top right to full heal. By then, you would already have died. And the seek powerup is in an enclosed area, resulting in NO! That’s so easy to camp it’s painful.
{Originality} [6.5]
The enclosed area powerup placing is used so many times I can download something else and see it.
This was a total letdown of XLM. I didn’t like this level. Considering this is a XLM level, I can’t believe they make levels this bad. 6.5! No Download Recommendation (unless you want to review it, of course)
EDITEDIT: No download recommendation? I swear i put N/A in it…
YUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! This Is The Baddes’t Level I Ever Seen!!!!!
Layer 1 : Empty And Unused
Layer 2 : Also Emty And Unused
Layer 3 : EMPTY!!!
Layer 4 : A Very Stupid Mix Of Tiles
Layer 5 : EMPTY!!!
Layer 6 AND 7 EMPTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Backround Layer 8 :
A Very Bad Backround
Not going to review this, but you wanted to know if there was someone who used fog in a level before. Well, the answer is yes.
N0B0DY used fog in a level too; check his upload ‘Project Fog’ for it. Be sure it’s N0B0DY and not Nobody. K? K.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.