RecommendedReview by DarkSonic

28 Dec 2004, 11:43
For: Blood Lust
Level rating: 8.4

I had to review this for WR, but this won’t be a long review.
Blood Lust is a Battle level using the Death Metal tileset that’s released in 2002 or so, but it’s updated since some time. WR hosted this and asked me to review, and I said I will do it. He’s waited for the review, but it’s coming, so behold!

It’s easy to run through this level. The spring placement is good and the level is not too open. There are some vines and hooks here and there that will help the gameplay/flow. The layout of the level is also good. Overall the gameplay is very nice.

The eye candy in the level is probably how far you can get with this tileset. The tileset is used very good, so it uses about every useful eye candy tile in the tileset. Great job. Every layer is used, but layer 2 only contains a small thing.

The placement in the level is nice. Alot of groups of ammo are used, some ordinary ones, but also the odd ones that are used alot. There are 4 Power-Ups(!) in the level. You get the Seek PU with buttstomp/gun9/Jazz’s special attack. You get the Toast PU with Gun9 too; same for the RF PU. The last PU is a Bounce PU, you get that with Gun9 too. =P. There are 3 carrots in the level.

The level is pretty original. I like the music and some text strings in the level. The level has some original ideas, like the Seek PU placement. You get ever PU with Gun9, that was an original idea since 2002.

Gameplay: 8.2
Eye candy: 8.2
Placement: 8.3
Originality: 8.
32.7 : 4 = 8.175 = 8.2. This is a vewy nice level. I didn’t like it when I played it in his server, because I died many times. After seeing the level, this is a nice level. You should download this level immediately, even if it’s an old level. The level can be hosted multiple times.

-DarkSnc[si], co-leader of XLM.

Review by Olsen

28 Dec 2004, 09:55
For: Christmax 1.2
Level rating: 7.6

The powerup are in the walls yes, that´s because you only shall be able to reach them with Electroblaster/gun/stuff (forgot it´s name :P).

RecommendedReview by Anubis

28 Dec 2004, 09:35
For: Christmax 1.2
Level rating: 7.6

Time to review.
It’s excellent. All layers from 1 to 8 are used. I like the snow. But the water looks ugly in 8-bit colour. Layer 3 is used for the plants. There are some waterfalls, but I think that there should be more.
The seeker PU is stuck in a wall so you can’t always reach the maximum number of seekers you can have, the toaster PU too. Weapon placement isn’t bad, but it could have been better like in Distopia. You could’ve added more ammo.
I liked the tube placed instead of a dead end. I have no problems when playing with Jazz. This level isn’t too small and isn’t too big. Good music.
Final Rating: 7.7

Review by Ðx

28 Dec 2004, 06:30
For: Chateau
Level rating: 8.3

Jarno Vos needs to leran howto review >_>

RecommendedReview by Blackraptor

28 Dec 2004, 01:12
For: Garden Brawl
Level rating: 8.7

Ok. Since about 6 other people posted really long extensive reviews about this level I’ll just post a quick summary.

The layout of the level is for the most part, nicely done. I played several games in this and found them quite enjoyable. The level is fairly big, but I noticed much of the activity occured in one place of the level (the center, where the seeker pu and carrot are). Some routes are particularly evil like 68,43, but thankfully there’s another route to get down there. To get around you have to do a lot of jumping, but that made things more interesting in the level. Eyecandy is nicely done, but not overdone. I like the use of the green “bushes” and the cave tiles. Overall it was pleasing to look at. With the eyecandy, tileset choice and music, the atmosphere was very pleasant too. Looking at the level there looks like there would be enough ammo, but a lot of times the ammo is placed in big chunks and spread far apart from other ammo, which makes some areas have more of it and some be empty (although I found the empty ones to be within the main battle area, so thats fine). Powerups are also nicely placed. They seem close to each other but thats because the level isnt all that big. Carrots are also placed nicely, and thankfully for that vine, or the 3rd one would have been almost impossible to find unless you knew where it was. The level played smoothly enough, interesting how there were pinball bumps used.

This level is fun to play and is a solid good level, but I think it’s really overrated (I blame spoy for hosting it so often before its release). 8.2 should do, and I would expect to see this level being hosted fairly often in the future (And congratulations on winning the featured download of the month award, because LRK got lazy ;|).

Review by Dr. Eggman

27 Dec 2004, 21:30
For: Jazz Jackrabbit 1 menusong REMIX
Level rating: 8.1

Yes, that song beats your other ones. This is the best production of you, so I’m rating 8.5 :)
I hope that your next remixes will be very good too or even better than it :)
(Unsupported rating removal. Ok, so, it’s good. That’s great. Why? Can you explain what makes it good? How does it beat the other ones? Is there any evidence you actually listened to this music? ~Violet)

Not recommendedReview by Puffie40

27 Dec 2004, 20:18
For: Jazz 1 Letni
Level rating: 6.6

This tileset is lacking background animations that are used in the origional. although quite good and very accurate, It is missing some things (Mainly animations)

I have made two levels with this (One not released, since it’s on a crashed hard drive)

-The 45 degree slope is missing a tile to continue the slope The first slope using this tile in JJ1 has the animation circuts on it, but further into the level, there is a complete 45 slope without any hinderence.

-There is no animated background, and it is poorly done. this is painfully obvious when you put a Backgroun CPU next to the circuts.

-Many of the tiles have backgrounds. This might be okay if you are only using layer 5 as the background, but using all 8 layers? Forget it. Make the tiles backgroudless next time

in short, if you are looking for a Letni Tileset, this is the only one on J2O right now. Until a new (And better) one comes out, I recommend against downloading this.

RecommendedReview by Shadow Rabbit

27 Dec 2004, 14:47
For: Rabbit Honor Guard
Level rating: 9.5

It’s a nice levelpack, but its only shooting baddies and go to the next level, I get bored after playing a while.
The story is the same as the regular SP and there are a lot of non fitting enimies like floating suckers in castle ect. ect. I want more then shooting and jumping. Still its a nice level pack, but I’ve seen better packs.
Maybe its just me but I want something more challenging.
Now I’ve only mentioned bad things about this pack, The weapon placement is good and the secret episode is really cool, and eyecandy is nice and I would still recommend downloading.
I’ll give you a 7,5

Review by Slaz

26 Dec 2004, 21:37
For: Super Cave Test ( Do Not Rate ) ( And Do Also Not Review The Eyecandy Of This Lev )
Level rating: N/A

I am not going to review this, it’s just a small test level that even hasn’t any savepoints, just host these stuff yourself, should i say :P

Review by DanYjel

26 Dec 2004, 21:31
For: Templorary Turtle (X-mas mix)
Level rating: 5.4

1) everybody says he never rated music
2) 7.3 means good, Blacky, thanx for it
3) Jarno, thank you for your great review!!! It’s awesome what you are able to write about one only tune! Bravo!

Review by Ðx

26 Dec 2004, 19:54
For: Super Cave Test ( Do Not Rate ) ( And Do Also Not Review The Eyecandy Of This Lev )
Level rating: N/A

Its 1.24 ( TSF ).

Review by Jarno vos

26 Dec 2004, 15:44
For: Damn +
Level rating: 4.2

To NickhopperCC

Hey Can You Make Better Level’s??????????????????????????

Review by Jarno vos

26 Dec 2004, 15:18
For: Rabbit Roast
Level rating: 5.2

Sorry But This Is My First Level :P

RecommendedReview by DarkSonic

26 Dec 2004, 14:16
For: Chateau
Level rating: 8.3

This is a fast tileset review.
Introduction: Toxic Bunny made a new tileset. I checked out this tileset and found out this is not the easiest set to use.

This tileset has enough eye candy for a level to make with it. I saw that in the example level. However, there aren’t many animations in the tileset. I don’t really know what this tileset provides, because there are trees in it, but also some castle-like things. I like the mountains of the tileset.

The size of the tileset is 800 tiles. This is good enough to make a nice level with it, as it’s not too small. It could be hard to use alot of these tiles.

I can’t say this tileset is easy to use, but some things in it are. I’m not going to use this tileset soon, I don’t even know if I will make a level with it. It’s not that I hate the tileset, but I just use other ones. =P.

I don’t really know what gamemode is recommended when making a level with this tileset.
Overall this is a nice tileset and I give it an 8.5 and a download recommendation.

Use this? If you want to find an underused tileset, you gotta try this since it’s only used for this example level.
Edit: not really an edit, but could we stop giving comments and rate the tileset/do nothing? Thanks.

Another edit: I am using this tileset now and I am going to admit that I find it pretty hard. This isn’t a very bad thing, because it can be original to use a tileset that’s hard, thus not going to be used alot.

Review by Olsen

26 Dec 2004, 12:33
For: Chateau
Level rating: 8.3

Don´t rate example levels Jarno.

RecommendedReview by Booman

26 Dec 2004, 12:24
For: hunt for red october
Level rating: 8.5

Good level.

The beginning of the level was not so good. The enemy placement was bad and the gameplay was not good, especially the masks.
But the rest of the level was really good. The submarine idea was great and the boss was really cool and original. The gameplay was good except that it’s quite hard too aim.

This is a good level but it could be better, so I give it a 8.

RecommendedReview by Gizmaluke

26 Dec 2004, 10:36
For: Windstorm Fortress
Level rating: 8.8

One of my favourite tilesets.
Much better than Mega metropolis!
Very cool foreground tiles.
Background is excelent.
And that turret is very cool too.

RecommendedReview by Jarno vos

26 Dec 2004, 09:29
For: Chateau
Level rating: 8.3

Finally An New Tileset From Toxic Bunny!

Exemple Level 4.9 N/A
Bad Make Better Exemple Lvls :P

Tilset GREAT An Perfect 3d Tileset

Eyecandy (Only From The Tileset!!!!)



RecommendedReview by Blackraptor

26 Dec 2004, 07:45
For: Templorary Turtle (X-mas mix)
Level rating: 5.4

Hm. I like your remixes, Danyjel.

I just don’t review them because I’m not every good at reviewing musics. I’ll review this one though.

I like the beat of the song, and how you put in some jingle samples that reminded me of christmas. The song is nice to listen to, I can’t find much wrong with it. I think the beginning might’ve been delayed too long (Basically what LRK said), and there could’ve been another lead sample (Dont ask me what though, I can’t answer that off the top of my head) because some of the song sounds a bit empty.

Not my favorite remix by you, but a decent remix. 7.3, sorry if that seems a little low. Download reccomend.

Review by Ðx

26 Dec 2004, 07:42
For: Christmax 1.2
Level rating: 7.6

Jarno Vos try to learn reviewing

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