RecommendedReview by >CelL<

19 Dec 2004, 19:18
For: Blood Lust
Level rating: 8.4

Bloodlust is finaly released in a 1.23 compatible version: so on occasion of this, here’s the first review I’ve written in probably well over two years. It’s been a long time, but here goes…

Bloodlust is a quite old (I believe it was first released in 2002) battle level, made using the Death Metal tileset by our favorite German tileset artist, Skulg. This medium to large sized battle level is probably one of White Rabbit’s finest creations, and as he is already one of the more talented mapers around, that should acount for something. I remember beta testing this level before it was released and loving it, and two years later I still think it’s a great level.

The level, as I mentioned before, uses the Death Metal tileset by Skulg, which is basically a combination of often blood-stained looking metal bars, and a lot of eerie looking skulls and bones. The tileset has a somewhat dismal and creepy look, and the same holds true for the level. Tileset use was basically flawless; I couldn’t discover any tiling errors, and even if I’d examine the level more closely in JCS I’m not sure if I would. The eyecandy, though offering nothing different from what you’d ordinairily expect from the tileset (which is ok, as this was one of the first levels to use it), looks great; the dark red sky, the mountains in the background, the skulls and bones and bloody pieces of metal give this level an enjoyable eerie atmosphere. The music, Shutdown by Teque and Trauma, is a rather old mod from the year 1997. It fits the level nicely, adding to the well-made atmosphere.

The level’s layout is quite good, not spectacular. The level consists of a number of platforms floating freely in the crimson sky. There is no aparent intended structure to the platforms that I could find, but that’s allright. The flow is generaly good, though not perfected; at times I find myself bumping my head against walls or narowly missing ledges. This is actualy somewhat of a good thing though; lots of levels lately are so well polished that, using suckertubes, slopes, spring and float-ups that sometimes the only thing people have to do to get from one place to another is change direction once in a while. This level’s platformy design style promotes a lot more jumping and overall conscious playing, which is a nice break from what most levels have been like lately. The free, open layout also makes for some Jazz-friendlyness, which is something that is always good to have.

Event placement is also well done. Most useful powerups (as in RF, seekers, bouncers) are present in the level. This isn’t really a bad thing; the level is large enough, and battle games have you start with five hearts in contrast to CTF’s three hearts, which warents a larger powerup arsenal. The powerups are scatered nicely across the level and all require you to have electro blasters to reach them, so it’s all good. The two carrots are both positioned at the left part of the level; it would have probably been better to put them at the left and right sides respectively, but with the large amount of powerups and easy to navigate layout I guess it isn’t too much of a problem. General amunition is scatered well throughout the level, not too severely clumped together but also not too sparce.

There’s not really anything more I can say about this level. It’s simply a good, enjoyable battle level you should certainly add to your collection. This level gets the rather high rating of 8.5 and a download recommendation from me!

RecommendedReview by CrashMashCC

19 Dec 2004, 19:05
For: Bay Of Diamonds
Level rating: 8.1

Bay of Diamonds

The layout of this level is very well. I like the water at the bottom. Some thing I don’t like is that it’s very hard to play with Jazz, that’s just my opinion. But the structure is still very good and balanced, specialy at the red base.
Well done!
Rating : 8

The gameplay of this level is good as well. It’s balanced and good to play in duels, IMO. The water slows down if you want to get flag, but if u got flag, there is a sucker-tube that will bring you fast at top again, Gj!
Well done as well!
Rating : 8

The replay of this level is average because of the fact there are so many levels wich are played, probably this level wont get it, but, I will still play this level online and I think there are more people who does!
Avarage job!
Rating : 7

The eyecandy of this level is good. I like the layer 3 and 5 use, maybe even layer 2 :-) You used the tileset tiles very well, IMO. This part is a good one!
Well done as well(2)!
Rating : 8

Weapon placement
Weapon placement is OK. Could be better but okay, it’s good to play together (Xbox) :P. Avarage job!
Rating : 7

Overal rating :
8+8+7+8+7 = 38 : 5 = 7.6 = 7.7 [Because I still like level]

Review by Niels aka ChippieBW

19 Dec 2004, 18:38
For: Christmas Eve Hangover
Level rating: 6.7

Christmas Eve Hangover
Since anyone else seems to lazy to give this battle level by JSZ Jazz a decent review, I seem to have to do it myself. By the way, why did you password it? This is quite annoying for reviewers. Well, whatever. Hold on for a fast review.

EYECANDY: 2.0 out of 2.5
The Holiday Hare 98 Christmas tileset was specially used for this level. JSZ Jazz used this tileset very well for this level: Everyone looks spiffy and I couldn’t notice any major tiling errors. I especially like the well-done backgrounds (featuring the nice Star Wars option) and the paths and houses which also look good. Nothing more to comment.

AMMO: 1.75 out of 2.5
The ammo placement, as given here, is not really good, but not really bad either. Since I couldn’t check out the level with JCS I still have no freaking clue how to get to the darn Seeker Powerup in the right-under corner. Before the other two Powerups get unlocked (Blaster and RF) you first need to collect 20 coins, which could be a big job in a level like this and thus I think that the most used weapon in this level (when many players are around) will be the normal blaster. I’ve noticed two +1 carrots in this level, which is more then enough since you need to do some work before you have hurt someone really bad.

LEVEL STRUCTURE: 1.0 out of 2.0
The structure is perhaps the thing I dislike the most: there are many objects in the level which disrupt the flow and since the level is squared you need to jump much. There are also some effects which kill the gameplay for a small time (like the swing poles) which is another point I dislike. There are not only bad sides with the structure however, there are some nice hidden passageways which carry secret coins or ammo. However, the total is a little bit under-average. Could have been better.

GAMEPLAY: 2.0 out of 3.0
Since the structure is not really good (which I pointed out above) the flow in the level is far from flawless, but since the eyecandy remains OK the level is saved. I don’t really like the music file used in this level, weren’t there any better ones?

As said above, the level could be fine overall and really a nice Christmas present if the structure didn’t kill the good gameplay experience, now the level is only saved by it’s good eyecandy and decent placement, which improve the gameplay. Next time take more care for a nice structure and good flow and your levels will improve slightly. For now, you’ve got yourself a 6.7.
Score: 2.0+1.75+1.0+2.0 = 6.75 = 6.7
Download: Perhaps, it’s not too bad but I give a N/A download recommendation.
Host: It will probably be hosted during the Christmas server, and that seems to be more then enough.
- ChippieBW

RecommendedReview by Ragnarok!

19 Dec 2004, 18:21
For: Blood Lust
Level rating: 8.4

Great job WhiteRabbit, a level that is truly worthy of AB. Well, Blood Lust is a level in Skulg’s tileset with skulls and stuffz, i 4got name :(.

My Rating : 8.0
Comments : The level is really really really really platformy, maybe its just the tileset, but still, could be less plaformy. A bit of dead ends, some can be overwhelmed by RF climb and other tactics. Overall an 8.0 from me.

My Rating : 7.5
Comments : The tileset has limited eyecandy, but you used it okayishly i guess, i cant say much here.

My Rating : 8.0
Comments : Yes, there is good flow and all, but there are a few dumb parts. Good tactics in this level, and this is the 1st level i have seen from you. So i cant compare anything. Not much to say here.

My Rating : 8.7
Comments : I especially like this, kind of original placement, like the ammo, springs and so on.

Overall: GOOD

RecommendedReview by DarkSonic

19 Dec 2004, 17:57
For: Bay Of Diamonds
Level rating: 8.1

I promised Chip to review this level, so I will. I hope you enjoy this review. =P.

This level was the first level in 8 months that ChippieBW made, but I don’t think he lost his skills when I played the level in his server. There’s something changed since I played it in that server, though.

I can get around the level pretty good, there are some obstacles here and there because I hit a wall. The spring placement is good, they’re placed in a small hole. This prevents that the spring will lead you to above. Sometimes you hit walls when you do that, one of the problems in my levels. The flow is pretty good. I can’t say I dislike the layout or structure of this level as it’s not too open or crappy. The water was a good idea, with the tube near the red base. This is a bit an advantage for red team to defend, because there is only one way to the red base. This is one of the reasons I don’t really like to attack in a 2 vs 2 with one way to the base(like Zaitox). I can’t say alot about the gameplay here as it’s pretty good. The level isn’t very big, but still around medium-sized.

The eye candy in this level is indeed a nice try. Actually, I really like the eye candy here! Layer 3 has some ground tiles in it, like I’ve used in one of my levels. It also has the trees that became traditional after Garden Brawl was released. Layer 5 has basic eye candy of this tileset, like the waterfalls and cave tiles. Layer 4 has some trees and flowers in it. Nothing wrong here. The backgrounds are pretty basic, one has mountains and the other has trees. There are also some good animations, like the diamonds. The left side under the base could have more eye candy, but you shouldn’t overuse the eye candy. So, nice job.

The ammo placement in this level is a bit like Chip’s last level. It has some nice shapes of ammo, and it’s good spread. There are 3 Power-Ups; Seeker, RF and Bouncer. RF vs. Bouncer isn’t really original or fair, but ok. The Seek PU’s position has changed; the placement of it was very evil when I played the level for the last time. The position of the Full Energy has also been placed; the placement of it is fair. The Full Energy is shoot down-able. It’s not really bad placed, but there can be camped at it. I can’t say alot about the placement, maybe because I’m not in the mood for a long review, sorry. =S.

The level, using a tileset that’s gonna be overused very fast, doesn’t have a very original thing. It wasn’t a bad thing that you placed one base in the water, but it’s not really a good thing that there is one way to that base. A tube that will lead you back to the base would be a good idea. I can’t hear the music, so I can’t say something about it. This is the first level that’s not an example level that uses the Night version. Some shapes of ammo were original, because the odd shapes of 3 × 2 or 2×2 aren’t used somewhere(I hope you know what I mean)

Gameplay: 7.5
Eye candy: 8
Placement: 8
Originality: 7.5
This makes the rating of this level:
7.5 + 8 + 8 + 7.5 : 4 = 7.8. Imo this level was better than Eternal Gardens, and I am waiting for your Assault level too. Download recommendation, and could be hosted sometimes.

RecommendedReview by Slaz

19 Dec 2004, 17:19
For: Bay Of Diamonds
Level rating: 8.1

I never download the level, it’s because you hosted it and then i played allready. But it’s nice to review it…


Very good, the placement of those animated gems is nice and the background walls are well placed. There isn’t an iritating moving background and likely no layer 4 tiles in background layers, nothing bads to say about this!!


May be something “One Wayed” but nice pathways and many tricks to find out. The water and the sucker tube behind the flag is great (with water) and those powerups in walls are nice. very likely!


Many ammo, that’s good, but may be something to many of those useless Fireworks (they are still handy to get the powerups). shortly, allmost everything a CTF like this needs!


This is one of the “better” CTF levels i have seen on the J2O, a fat 9.0 for you!
Download recommed!

RecommendedReview by White Rabbit

19 Dec 2004, 17:16
For: Bay Of Diamonds
Level rating: 8.1

First review, yay!

Bay of Pigs is a 120×60 large CTF lvl using the new Diamondus B tileset by Pyronamus. I’m not going to dive into one of my occasional super-sized reviews nor into one of the tiny midget-reviews I write when I’m in a ‘review-spree’ mood. :-)

Bay of Diamonds, also not known as Bay of Pigs, doesn’t look as great as it could have done when considering the tileset used. The eyecandy…well, shrugs, it’s all right, I guess, but absolutely nothing amazing. ChippieBW has not taken heed of my “warning” and the lvl lacks a lot when it comes to foregrond tiles as well as variety. Not all tiles in the tileset are used, which is a shame and given the size of the caves/spaces that exist in-between all of the platforms, it’s a real disappointment to see the spaces unexploited. Bay of Diamonds is not ugly, no way, it’s anything but ugly, although most areas are quite plain and normal-looking. What I do like is actually just good tileset usage. The watery background with the calm, rolling hills and the lush trees look perfect and completely justifies the name of the lvl.

The gameplay of Bay of Diamonds is much better and so is the general flow of the lvl. What’s new or original about the gameplay is that you can easily choose whether to take a spring or not. Two springs are placed in a two-tile wide hole so whenever ppl want to soar into the air, all they have to do is slow down a little. If they don’t want to take a spring up, then all they need to do is to keep running/walking…if anybody still walks in MP, that is. No annoying jumping or positioning poor Jazz/Spaz above a one-tile wide opening before being blown up by your opponent’s 50x seekers here. The springs are well-placed, the platforms, one ways and float ups are also thoughtfully positioned and there are no dead ends. The water in the lvl slows ppl down a bit and ppl just below the surface of the water are quite vulnerable to attack. But since when did submarines fight aeroplanes? :-P

Weapons placement is a bit dodgy. Most of the ammo is floating in air, making it hard to collect them without jumping. The ammo follows the countours of the lvl, but they always stay tantalizingly above your head. :-( It can be hard to collect ammo under pressure. Also, the bouncer and seeker PUs are outrageously close to the red base while blue team has a medium-length trip to the RF PU. Not only that, the red base is under water and there’s only one entrance to it, the thinnest point of the underwater cave leading to the red base is defendable by just one crazy guy with 50x powered-up RFs. Gah! The full energy carrot is well-placed, however, and it’s not too hard or too easy to camp there. ;-P

I haven’t really played a game in this lvl in MP (all I did was shoot Urbs with powered up RFs in the red base underwater cave :-P) but Bay of Diamonds seems to be a very fun lvl with no major faults. A bit more eyecandy, more easy-to-reach ammo and less imbalance between the two bases would push Bay of Diamonds up to 8.0. For now, here’s a 7.5 and a download recommendation. If not for the lvl, do it for the awful, awful music. :-P

Review by n00b

19 Dec 2004, 17:10
For: Templorary Turtle (X-mas mix)
Level rating: 5.4

I also enjoy your remixes Danyjel, but I’m not sure on how to review music so I never do review your remixes. I liked Energia of Tubelectricity so much I downloaded it onto my freinds computer just so I could listen to it there. This one had a slow start but I didn’t notice it all that much. So don’t stop making remixes, theres people who like them.And even if you’re not extremely popular, you might get a cult following, and that’s just as good(if not better)

Review by Lark

19 Dec 2004, 16:40
For: Templorary Turtle (X-mas mix)
Level rating: 5.4

Your remixes are very good, Danyjel. I enjoyed this one a lot. The only thing I really dislike about this is that it starts out really slow – it takes a while to “get into” the song. Giving up is never a good thing… keep making remixes.

I don’t really have time for a long review, but I’d also like to say congratulations on getting the 3,500th upload. ;-)

Review by Spotty

19 Dec 2004, 07:36
For: Noel's Passage
Level rating: 7.3
When first playing this level I noticed almost immediately the trees =P. Alot of them are tiled incorrect on their “bottoms”. This takes away from the feel of the level because there are indeed many trees used. The eye candy is ok, I might say there are alot of trees but thats generally how it works in forests and such. The cave tiling and backgrounds are both very nice and add to the feel of the level. The snow effect isn’t very good, if you move the snow follows you around, and I think it would have been better to use the snow event in this level or just not have any snow falling. Generally the level is fairly easy to navigate. There are a few spots that are stup and hard to see where to go though. The vines add to the gameplay and are well placed. Ammo placement is fairly good in this level with a good amount of ammo fairly distributed throughout the level. The one powerup that I could access was a well placed secret area. I might have liked to see the fire power up accessible though.. maybe it is and I suck.. but whatever apart from the blaster this is a 5 hit to kill level, which could make it slow at times, considering the rather… extreme amount of carrots. Hmm just found the electro ammo haha… well that helps… so maybe this is sort of balanced. All I can say is it would have been nice to have been able to see a hint of a secret area rather then looking in jcs. Overall this is a fairly good level but it has few to many shortcomings for me to give it above an 8. Anyone looking for a christmas fix though would probably enjoy this level.


Not recommendedReview by DoubleGJ

18 Dec 2004, 16:08
For: The Night Before Christmas
Level rating: 2.3

Christmas are coming, and so do christmas levels. I’m not against it, I even made a christmas level myself, but not only some are below average, but also a few have nothing to do with christmas except for the name.

When I saw the title, I thought it will be a snowy battle level with xmas music. However, I was wrong – for unknown reason (originality, maybe) Jarno Vos decided to use Carrotus Night and add some snow – and you must know this snow is purple. Still optimistic (as I am), I continued playing the level. Boy, I could’ve stop at the very first look…

The level is heavily vertical. It’s only a bit widhter than the game window, but the height is like, hmmm, maybe 5 or 6 screens. So there’s this shaft, and there are some airboards. The autor predicts they are necessary, and basically they are (fall to the bottom and you have no chances of going back up), but then why we can avoid them? If the player is fast enough he can move above them and continue the play on his own feet. Of course, he wouldn’t want to, but still it’s bad. Especially since walking players are faster than airboarding ones.

‘Cause it’s an unfriendly place
The ammo placement is quite like plants on a desert – not much of them, and they always stick together (that’s called oasis). On the top there’s TNT, in the middle there are Frostbiter, Seeker and Bouncer. There’s not much on the bottom (some coins and a carrot, which isn’t something great – I’ll explain that later), until you go to bonus. Wait wait, bonus? Oh yeah, sure there is one. You could guess that looking at the coins. If you were lucky enough – they don’t respawn! And more than that, you need to get them all if you want the bonus. And even if you got them all, you’ll spend a while finding it. I think I can tell that it’s the arrow on the right wall, especially since the bonus isn’t quite worthy the trick. What you get is some Toaster ammo and entrance to the room on the very bottom. It contains a bit of Fast Fire, 2 carrots (once again I’ll get back on that later) and… spikes! Iiiiingeeeenouuuuus. It’s so easy to touch them, that I begin to wonder – does this room help or actually acts fully opposite? Hard to guess, especially since the spikes are in the normal part, too. Lots of. Argh!

You’ll run back…
Back to the ammo, at first I didn’t understand why Frostbiter ammo is placed in such obscure place. This still is strange, when bouncer and TNT are easy to get, just like the Blaster power-up (TOO easy on this one, I say), and Forstbiter isn’t more powerful or at least as powerful as them. Soon I found a wicked passage in the wall near Frostbiter ammo, which led to a text saying “SHOOT!” I did what it wanted me to do, and so I got a fire shield. Yay, it’s hidden enough! One good thing so far. If there only was a quicker way than going all the way back to get out…

…and forth
While the level is quite small (which I don’t count as bad, I like small battle levels – of course 1 screen size level is breaking the line), it contains whole 9 carrots! To make it even worse, in almost all appearances they come in groups of two. Maybe it’s to give a chance of entering the bonus? Maybe that’s the christmas gift? Anyway, that’s another wrong thing. I was coming to this one from a while in this review – carrots on this level are done horrible! There’s barely a chance to roast someone, even with the Blaster PU.

You call that christmas?!
The last on the long list of cons comes eyecandy – or should I say it crawls, because it’s barely noticable. There’s NO background and foreground eyecandy (the lake on bottom has the same movement speed as sprite layer) and the layer 4 eyecandy is very poor. A few flowers, carrots (one badly done), caverns on the left (I named them so, but only because I couldn’t find a better word – they make no actual caverns at all) and a few unnatural pumpkin vines. Oh well, at least it’s better than nothing – and believe me, I saw many levels with really zero eyecandy. Maybe you did, too.

No way!
This level has barely anything to do with christmas, as well as with joy (the basis of christmas IMHO). No recommendation, really. When I looked into the readme file, it was clearly saying that the author is 8 years old – but that doesn’t change the fact that the level is bad. Jarno vos, maybe you should train a bit with more skilled levelmakers – I’m sure you’ll find someone who will want to teach you levelmaking basics – or at least check out JCSref or a proper article. Meanwhile, I cannot give this level anything over 2.2.

Not recommendedReview by Gizmaluke

18 Dec 2004, 14:37
For: Desert Adventure
Level rating: 3.3

Finally cloud maded SP-episode

DESERT DREAM: Gameplay::Not bad…for beginner. Eyecandy:Not bad Event placment:Very bad Enemy placment:Good Tileset used:Your own tileset:P Overall:4.5 UNTITLED: Gameplay:Bad Eyecandy:AAAARRRGGHHH!!!!!!!!!! Event placment:Not bad Enemy placment:Not bad Tileset used:Your own tileset:P Overall:3.2 UNTITLED: Gameplay:Very short level but good.Boss is very cool. Eyecandy:Good I think Event placment:Baaaaaad Enemy placment:Not bad Tileset used:Wow, a spaceship tileset (By cloud:p) Overall:4.5 Untitled: Gameplay:Not bad Eyecandy:Bad Event placment:Not bad Enemy placment.Not bad Tileset used.Made By Cloud Overall:4.5 OVERALL: 4.2 (I think)

Review by Jarno vos

18 Dec 2004, 13:25
For: Ridimo's first level
Level rating: 7.9

Ehh WAZ You Made The Tileset!:P

RecommendedReview by fearofdark

18 Dec 2004, 10:29
For: Commander Keen 4 (re-uploaded three times)
Level rating: 7.8

I noticed some of the tiles are not in there, such as the inside of the cavwe houses. You did do two seperate tileset for the inside of the cave, and the outside. Plus, when I played commander keen 4, i found a green slime pool in the 2nd pyrimid.

Appart from that, everything is OK.

Review by Jarno vos

18 Dec 2004, 08:57
For: The Night Before Christmas
Level rating: 2.3

(Please do not suggest that people use illegal software. -Trafton)

RecommendedReview by Gizmaluke

18 Dec 2004, 06:30
For: BoredSet
Level rating: 8.4

Graphics are very cool.
Background rocks!!
There is many eyecandy tiles.
Background mountains are very good.
Trees are very cool.
Download recommendation:Of course

Review by Ðx

18 Dec 2004, 05:41
For: FSP: Rent Collection
Level rating: 9.1

Wadledee use Captin Cook

RecommendedReview by Slaz

17 Dec 2004, 21:51
For: An Lighty X-mas
Level rating: 7.5

It’s a really good level, nice paths, and suckers…
So let me review!


Like the others sayd, no tilebugs! But the standard Carrottus eyecandy may had to be something more… Like green plants and plants in walls.
Really good, but i know Dx makes levels for long :-)


The ammo placement is good, but some of the powerups are placed right before flag bases and i not really like that, just place them in some small rooms or places you never find easely. And the snow event is nice but sometimes if you are roasted it dissepears :-(
Still good event placement!


There are nice paths, the sucker tubes behind the flag bases are cool, no deathends, all the stuff for a good CTF game!
Just very good, not many more to say about this…


Well, another good Dx CTF level, this time not with all those iritating moving backgrounds (there is one, but that’s not too many :P), i will give a 7.5 for ya (download reccomed)!

Review by Odin314

17 Dec 2004, 21:36
For: The Night Before Christmas
Level rating: 2.3

Can’t play the level. However, i’ll give you a few tips:

1. NEVER password your levels. It really makes it annoying for reviewers.

2. If you’re using an ‘offical’ tileset, don’t include it. It just inflates file space.

3. From the looks of it, it sounds like you didn’t make the airboards spawn. Airboard battles are bad enough, but non-spawning airboard battles? puke

4. “Have You Played This In Battle Mode Cooba???”

RecommendedReview by DarkSonic

17 Dec 2004, 20:16
For: Wonderful waterfalls
Level rating: 8

Ðx really overrated this level; I will post my review and tell what I think about this level. This will be a review like I don’t do many times. So, behold!

Introduction to Wonderful Waterfalls: this level was made by Satan. Created for XLM, the level group I’m in too. He said this will be his best level, and I will find out if it’s really true. This level is using JJ1 Jungrock LRK, which isn’t used much. This is the first big level with it I believe.

One thing I want to tell when reviewing the gameplay is that the level is flipped. I saw that when SJ was reviewing this level in his server, because this level is for my own contest. This is another symmetrical level, last time many un-symmetrical/semi-symmetrical levels are released(like some levels by me). The layout in the level is pretty good, but there are some flaws here and there. There is a thing I don’t like. When you’re at the place with the Full Energy, it’s not very easy to escape because I think the way to the tube is pretty long. Ppl could kill you with RF if they’re fast enough. I don’t like the sucker tubes that start at 31,55 and 123,55; they’re only one way and I don’t like that alot, because you have to run from somewhere else to get to the flag. There are about 3 ways to get to the base. I don’t like the triggers in this level. It’s very evil if you don’t have 20 coins yet, because you’re almost chanceless if someone else has entered the bonus and can reach many places. Some good things about the gameplay: some springs are good placed and the tubes prevent a dead end near the base. The balance in the level is good, but I can’t say the flow is very nice. I also saw some slope errors, if you use a tileset with a corner of 30 degrees, always use it at the start and the end of a platform.

About the eye candy, I believe the eye candy is the best aspect of the level. The tileset provides enough eye candy. There are some good animations, and I like the waterfalls here. The level has enough stuff in the layers; no real problem here. What I would like to say is that the rain looks interesting. It’s pretty fun to see that it sometimes rains and then it doesn’t. The backgrounds of the level are pretty basic, but they’re still good. Every layer is used, which will increase the rating of the eye candy too(I will rate every aspect again)

About the placement in this level, some things are very interesting. You need 20 coins to get to the bonus that will let you reach more places, one of that places is that you get the Seeker power-up. The other power-ups are at the left and right side. It’s not very easy to get them, but it’s also pretty fun to fall down there and trying to get them with something. You need some speed and accuracy for this. The coins that are in the level are good placed, it’s fair for the teams. The level has a Full Energy placed above some springs, in the air. You can shoot it down to get it easier, but others can be faster there. So you need to be faster to get it if you have 1h. The ammo placement in the level is good, there are no real flaws in it. I’d like to see some fast fires here, and maybe a +1 Carrot at each side, or above the Seek power-up.

About the originality of the level, this level was made for an original level contest, and I can’t say this level is unoriginal. The trigger idea was a good thought. How you should get the power-ups at a side is a pretty original idea. Not many people used this tileset for a big level, so you succeeded in that. The rain idea in the level was another original point of the level. A bad thing about the originality is that some ammo groups are a bit boring in form, like the bouncer groups around 44,53 and 110,53.

Gameplay: 7.0
Eye candy: 8.2
Placement: 7.7
Originality: 7.9

7 + 8.2 + 7.7 + 7.9 : 4 makes the rating of this level a 7.7. Good job, and download recommendation for this level. You could host this level some times, but don’t overhost it.

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  7. 463
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  9. 465
  10. 466
  11. 1303