RecommendedReview by Neon PSY

29 Nov 2004, 05:34
For: Diamondus ß
Level rating: 9.2

I love this. Even though Pyro kinda didn’t make this tileset. It’s the best.

Eyecandy: Same as the old Diamondus, but the Gems SWIRL! Very nice.

Easy to use?: Yes, You’d have to be pretty bad to mess this one up.

Tiles: Pyro added an extra couple of things such as more destruct blocks.

All in all: 10.0
Add this to your collection and have fun.

RecommendedReview by Sk8terboy

28 Nov 2004, 23:20
For: Jazz WalkieTalkie
Level rating: 7.6

Blackrabite you caan run multiple instances of the program so you have have 5,10,15,20 OR MORE! ;D heh.

Good program although the style is cramped (im sure you get that from everyone) I’ve used this alot for stuff where people normaly ask the same question OVER and OVER. So take that you annoying non-sign reading peoples! I give it a 7.7 ;D Oh and Download recommendation :)

RecommendedReview by Blackraptor

28 Nov 2004, 19:57
For: Diamondus ß
Level rating: 9.2

Diamondus Beta. Here goes:

Firstly, since you only had two small screenies to work with, I’d say this was more of a tileset itself then a remake/conversion/whatever.

Firstly. the first impression this set gave off was amazing. I personally love the grass in this set, and the gems are cool. Plus there are 5 current versions of this set – and pyro said he’d release another one (not going to ruin the surprise and tell you the theme of it ;D) later.

Firstly, the technical rating:
Diamondus B Day/Garden
Pin 500 bump: Looks really good.
Pin paddles: Also look good.
Small Tree: Looks good.
Psych Pole: Looks really good.
Diamondus Pole: Looks really good.
Carrotus pole: Looks pretty good.
Jungle Pole: Looks green =\.
Pin Carrot bump: Not really fond of the colors but looks alright.
Water is good, Snow is green.
Diamondus B Lava: Snow is still green, and green doesn’t really fit in with a lava looking place. (Red snow would’ve been cool, or grey snow like ash). Water looks like lava so thats cool. Pinball Carrot bump looks really good, and the rest is either good/pretty good.
Diamondus B Midnight: Diamondus Pole might be too light, again don’t particularly like the colors of the carrot bump, snow looks a better here. Rest is alright.
Diamondus B Night: I really like the psych pole, and the water is pretty good. Rest looks good.

Technical Rating: 9.4

Now onto the tilesets themselves. Looking at them and comparing them with the original diamondus, I could see that most the stuff is there. None of the rotating gems are able to be placed without the wall in the backround, or on the edge of the wall though. I suppose adding that would make the set too big, though. A lot of new stuff is animated (waterfalls, which look a lot like the ones from BlurredDs Diamond Dust, and a lot of roating gems.). There are also more destruct blocks added in the set. Pyro said there is room enough for 34 anims (actually 33, since when you get to 1024 it still counts as too many – 0 in access). This sounds like a lot, but if you animate the gems, the mushroom, the flower, the sparkles, the waterfall, the destructable rabbit signs, and all the destruct blocks, you won’t have enough, so you’ll have to make some sacrifices. Something I noticed is that the destruct blocks were visible from behind any side wall that was put over them in layer 3, so you couldnt fully hide them. I’d have also like to see more invisible tiles (half masked one, slopes). Backrounds are nice, and I like how you made some fade into colors that matched the set in 8 bit (like the lava one, especially. Nice feel). There is a LARGE tile variety, lots of different jagged walls, ceiling tiles, backround tiles etc, and lots of potential for good eyecandy so your level wont get boring. Poles are there, vines are there, spikes, lots of eyecandy tiles, all the destruct blocks needed, foreground eyecandy, a solid invisible tile, nothing that looks like a hook, but some tiles are masked thin enough for them to be able to be used as one (tile 6, 16). No sucker tubes either. Using this set is pretty easy. Masking is good. Generally, I really like this set, and its palette edits, and I’d definately use this in the future.

Rating time:
Conversion Completeness (it is technically a remake/conversion =P): 9.2
Tiles Added: 9.3
Color: 9.7
Animations: 9.6(-0.4 because I agree with LRK that the gems look a bit cartoony, and hog a large amount of space)
Masking: 9.5
Userfriendliness: 9.5 (had no problem)
Overall/not an average: 9.2
Technical: 9.4
Final Rating: 9.425 ~ 9.4. Definate download reccomendation, since this is awesome =P. (And I got to test it before it was released too.)
Download reccomendation, unless you want to miss out on something awesome.


RecommendedReview by The Blaziken Master

28 Nov 2004, 13:11
For: Villain Village
Level rating: 8.1

Let’s rate it:

Eye Candy:
The eye candy is so great, but it’s not perfect, sorry! I would give the eye candy 8

No need for enemies in a multiplayer levels, some MP levels however has it 10

Layout: The layout isn’t bad, it isn’t good either, I would say you should have better layout, but this is really good I’m not saying that’s bad! 7.5

Weapon Placement: There are some weapons, not too few not too many either, but I like how you put weapons in the level 6.7

Powerups: Well, I found some powerups, there are some powerups that I didn’t noticed, but I saw a lot of them! Really good! 7.8

MP Start: Well, there are a lot of start points, I like how you place them, there are so many, that’s really good! 8

Music Choice: Well, the music’s choice is great choice, it’s great choice, I love this music, I’m not interested in music, but I sometimes enjoy them! 8.7

Tileset choice: Well, good choice I would say, some people chooses a custom one but you chose this one, it’s really good choice, great work! 7.5

Avarge Rating: 8.052= 8.1
Download Recommand: Yes
Make it into Server: Yes

Edit: Since I now have the text box, I have edit the rating to higher level, it deserves that high, and to the guy that didn’t find my review helpful, please PM me and explain why you didn’t!

RecommendedReview by Lark

28 Nov 2004, 02:00
For: Diamondus ß
Level rating: 9.2

Time to review!

In very early versions of JJ2, even before v1.00, Diamondus looked much different. Only two screenshots of the old Diamondus have been released, as well as a portion of it left in the current version of Diamondus. Pyromanus took what little resources he had and turned them into a fully usable tileset.

This tileset includes everything the original Diamondus had to offer, and more. Some of the new stuff includes ground without grass, slopes with varying angles, easier-to-work-with cave tiles, a good amount of blocks, waterfalls, and animated gems. If that wasn’t enough, Pyro went above and beyond what most tileset makers do and made event compatibility great. (This calls for a checklist!)

Textured background in 16bit – Yes! Pyromanus created a new textured background rather than using the old one. It works flawlessly.

Textured background in 8bit – Yes! Something you don’t often see these days.

Carrotus pole – Yes! Although I probably wouldn’t want to use it. It’s dark brown colored with tannish moss.

Diamondus pole – Yes! Looks great.

Jungle pole – Yes! It’s a fairly light green color, and looks better than most jungle poles you see do.

Psych pole – Yes! Looks great.

Small tree – Yes! Looks perfect.

8bit water – Yes! Looks perfect. Pyromanus even took the extra step and made the water red in the Hell version, so it looks like lava.

Snow – No… but I suppose it gets the job done. As it was in the default Diamondus sets, the snow here is green.

500 bump – Yes! Looks great, but the 500 is kind of hard to read in the night version.

Pinball paddles – Yes! They look great.

Carrot bump – Yes! I don’t like the colors all that much, but it still works.

Moving on to the masking, it is fairly flawless. The masking on the background trees is a bit jagged at parts, but I really doubt anybody’s going to use those trees in layer four anyway, so I won’t take off any points for it. Besides, the thin parts of the trees, which were the ones I thought looked a bit jagged, are meant to be one wayed anyway, so getting stuck shouldn’t be too much of a problem.

The two most major things added are animated gem stones and waterfalls. The waterfalls look magnificent, but if I were making a level with this (which I probably will), I’d probably leave the gemstones unanimated, unless the feel of the level was cartoony, or something. Naturally, a gem stone would look much more realistic if it were not moving. Nevertheless, the extra step of adding all these animated gems can only improve your rating from me.

The example levels look good, and the tile placement is very user-friendly. Pyromanus also included several palette edits, including Gardens, Night, Midnight, and Lava. The Gardens gives the set a… well… “gardenny” feeling. (if the word gardenny didn’t exist before, it does now.) The lava edit gives the tileset a Hellish feeling, a lot like the Thermal K1 edit of Carrotus. The midnight set gargantually darkens everything including sprites, while the night version takes after the classic green-on-purple night version included in the newer version of Diamondus. Rumor has it there will be another edit released in the future, too. ;-)

I suppose that should be enough. You really ought to be downloading this tileset and making a level with it, not reading my review. But thanks for reading my review anyway, even if you just skipped everything and looked at the bottom part.


Review by Odin314

27 Nov 2004, 23:36
For: Diamondus ß
Level rating: 9.2

Very well done, condsidering you only had two small screenies to work with.

Download recommendation.

RecommendedReview by Red Ninja

27 Nov 2004, 21:02
For: Diamondus ß
Level rating: 9.2

Nice, Pyro! I love the LAVA one. :D

5.0 for the well made tilesets.
3.0 for the nice levels
.5 for a bonus :)

Download recommended for most people, especially people who like the diamondous tileset.

Good job pyro!

Review by Ðx

27 Nov 2004, 18:19
For: Diamondus ß
Level rating: 9.2

Oh man i betatested it many times and its really great!

Very much tiles the diamonds and the background
as in the diamondus normal things
ar changed but its really great ( ct layer 5 )
(Tiles – Walk )
Great diamonds ( the unfinisht ones in jj2 ) ar
in the wall and its really cool!

I cant tell more but its wasome, pyro
you really get some high ratings.

from me a 9.0

Not recommendedReview by FireSworD

27 Nov 2004, 05:56
For: Y-mas
Level rating: 7.3

Black Ninja uploaded something. Its been a while.

As Black Ninja described the meaning of the title, this level should have vertical gameplay, the level size is 80×80 which is a perfect square shape; However once I got to play it I noticed the way the layout was designed it made you play by moving in vertical directions most of the time. Although this is true most people won’t notice as you still move in horizontal directions quite a bit. Fort Oblivion does a much better job of providing vertical gameplay than this level, and it doesn’t even have a title to try to emphasize it.

Furthermore I am not too fond of the layout as it doesn’t appear to have a design, or at least a very good one. There are questionable parts such as rooms that could qualify as dead ends – I don’t mind them too much though. The room at the top right contains a blaster powerup, some ammo and a coin, the fact that it has a powerup might help justify it some extent. It isn’t another platformy battle level which is good, except I think that a platformy layout with greatly-designed platforms would look better than what was designed here, mainly because the floors are mostly long and unvaried, little use of slopes except for the top area, or maybe the layout is varied enough and I am just picking at the wrong thing, maybe it’s just the lack eyecandy that I find so unappealing about this level. Too many springs were used and some weren’t placed well, the area 67,21 (JCS pos) has a carelessly placed red spring, it may not seem like much, but if I am trying to out run someone who is chasing me and I don’t want to enter the room at the top right which is guarunteed to be a deathzone if your enemy is carrying seekers, I’m toast. So you might be thinking “well then avoid it!” but that’s not always the case when you’re rushed and have little knowledge of the level, especialy if I touch it going from the left side. Another spring that bothers me is by 69,39 – It is placed near the middle and would take a little skill for a rushed player to avoid it, if it were moved a tile to the left it would be perfect.

Coins are scattred throughout the level. So there’s a coin warp which apparently sends you to one of three powerups, not by choice but by order each time you enter the warp. First: Toaster, Second: Seeker and lastly Third: RF – No apparent order applied as you would think that RF would come first, then Toaster and finally Seeker, unless Black Ninja has an odd way of thinking about the power of each powerup. Ammo placement seems alright although they don’t have appealing designs and aren’t placed strategicly. You can see the powerups, in fact Black Ninja really wanted you to see them, even at the sacrifice of adding weird wind events and invisible bomb sceneries just to prevent you from touching them without entering the coin warp. I’ve found two +1 carrots, one at the top middle, the other near the bottom middle – that should all work out nicely. I think I’ve covered everything here.

The eyecandy is, well, unacceptable. The tileset is mostly to blame, basic typical brown colored dirt, basic- looking snow, amatuerishly drawn christmas trees, I like the gingerbreadman though, he looks adorable, really. The background is just weird, it consists of moving candy canes, they must be alive, kinda creepy. A plain untextured background, I hate it. Black Ninja, however did a good job with the lighting. I like the beams of light especialy the one that appears to be coming through the large crack near the candy canes.

I can’t quite recommend this, but host it as I have a feeling it’ll be the only christmas battle level we’ll have this year and the gameplay mostly works.


Review by Odin314

27 Nov 2004, 03:46
For: The GreenLand Mix
Level rating: 6.6

Another remix by the up and coming Danyjel. Review coming soon…


EDIT: I can’t get the file to work. Sorry, no review. Sure it rocks, though.

RecommendedReview by Odin314

27 Nov 2004, 03:39
For: Y-mas
Level rating: 7.3

Holy crap on a stick toasting over a fireplace! This server’s wicked fast! My download started at 22.7 kb; not even FilePlanet goes that fast for me.

Also, I want to know why the hell you had to password the level. Not cool, d00d. I’m docking a point for that.

Ok, let’s GET IT ON!


Not bad. The lighting wasn’t varied and you don’t use the set light event, which could’ve been a big help. The background/foreground eyecandy wasn’t bad, but avoid using the same tiles for the foreground that you used for layer 4. It gives the impression that the things in the foreground are smaller than the stuff in layer 4. The same goes with background. Also, I believe you forgot to set up the textured background. Maybe it’s broken. I don’t know. The tileset wasn’t the best, so you get saved, I guess. :P Eyecandy gets a 7.5.

Music Choice:

Not bad. Fits well, though a custom soundtrack would’ve been nice. 8.5.


Awesome job. I’m not going into too much detail because you should see this for yourself. 9.0.


Very well done. The eyecandy wasn’t the bast, but everything else brought up this level.

7.5 + 8.5 + 9.0 = 25 – 1 = 24 / 3 = 8 out of 10. GJ, d00d.

Review = Over.
Download recommendation = Very yes.

Review by Lark

25 Nov 2004, 17:25
For: The GreenLand Mix
Level rating: 6.6

Well, I don’t have time for a long review, but I’d just like to say, this remix is very good, although a bit long.

Nice instrument choice, great percussion… I highly reccomend downloading this. Good job, Danyjel. :)

Review by Reggen

25 Nov 2004, 08:45
Level rating: 4.5
I hope, you’ll likemy new 4 levels campaign. I think one music is missing ( (-) floppy ), but the v 1.1 version will correct this. So wait 2 days, and I upoad it.

[Swear word edited out -FQ]

RecommendedReview by Ðx

24 Nov 2004, 15:35
For: X-Station
Level rating: 7.8

First:An 8.9 and a 6.3 = 15.2 : 2= 7.2

Second: Review more

Hey sorry for the long waiting!

A nice lvl by DS!



Better then your other levels and its good used, mayby more on layer 4 mayby not. Anyway its good and i dont think it needs changes


No bug found =), the layout is nice and its great to play this. Its good for duels or Clanwars. Second its not spaz or jazz based.


Good placement mayby one more powerup but it does’t needs really hard. Mayby one carrot more ;O…

A great lvl and i must say download this!

A 7.7

~Dx of XLM

Review by Jarno vos

24 Nov 2004, 14:46
For: SPace
Level rating: 1.2

Bad File
Bad Eyecandy
Bad Test Level
Unnamed Test Level
You’re A Bad User

Review by Jarno vos

24 Nov 2004, 14:38
For: Myriadus (reuploaded)
Level rating: 7.8

Hey, White Rabbit

My Name Is Jarno vos

And Not Jamo vos

RecommendedReview by Jarno vos

24 Nov 2004, 13:23
For: X-Station
Level rating: 7.8

Review For X-Station

Hey Dude,

This Level Is Really Good

Eyecandy 6.3

Can Better

Music Used 8.9

See Ya

Review by Reggen

24 Nov 2004, 08:47
For: A brand new Alien base
Level rating: 3.8

Good work! I never played even better!
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. Can you explain what is so perfect about this single tiny little level? All we really need is a sense that based on what you have said, the level does indeed deserve a 10, or something close to it. ~Violet)

Review by Reggen

24 Nov 2004, 08:47
For: Dark Marshland
Level rating: 8.1

Now that’s, what I call a tileset!
I give it a ten (so be happy!)
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. What makes this such a tileset? You’ll notice that other people have had a great deal to say about the tileset – what’s stopping you? Can you describe and generally review the upload? Key word being “review”, as in “review needed for rating”. ~Violet)

Review by Scizor CT

23 Nov 2004, 23:57
For: Myriadus (reuploaded)
Level rating: 7.8

Comment time!

Good level, hampered by the fact that it’s rather Spaz-biased. This isn’t really a bad thing unless you happen to be one of the six or so people who are die-hard Jazz users.

The rain is nice, the music is appropriate (and a darn good choice in general), and I like the layout better than in most of your recent levels.

Download this, because Beach needs some love.

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