What’s this, man? Level???
[Completely unsupported rating removal. A rating of 1 was given without any arguments for why it should be given, while other reviews gave it very high ratings. Please give arguments next time, Reggen. -FQuist]
I just used the tileset because halfway through making a level, I found this out. And I know how to make flying enemies too. Do the same thing with the crate. Works with some of them but the others fall down.
Good levels.
I really like this
+0.5 for original tilesets.
I hope jungle rabbit 2 is here soon.
Well episode is much better than your cartoon episode.
This episode is much bigger.
Theres no savepoints but like violet says “who cares”.
Good tileset I must say. I hope that somebody make rreally good deckstar remix. Hey what I writing! I must rate this.
Tileset is some kind of hmmm… well.
Thank you.
(Unsupported rating removal. Please show that you actually downloaded the tileset by supporting your rating. If a user gets no idea of the tileset from reading your review, that’s not good. ~Violet)
You really mde good tileset this time disguise. What you doing next new tileset maybe?
Well this tileset looks really good I like those waterfalls. But best thing in this tileset is that alien thing.:)
Agree =/ But nice idea =P
Could use better layout and bigger size. This turns out to be quite random layout, with lot of platforms in the middle, with average flow, and some dead ends. Five, to be exact. This fact could easily kill the rating. Don’t overdo dead ends in multiplayer. And make sure you don’t have to jump too much.
Looks like typical Inferno eyecandy from what I can tell. Nothing too outrageous, maybe except the lighting, which doesnt work well with bright colors of this tileset. Has some tiling bugs there and there, too; overall pretty average.
Yet another thing pretty much distorting the rating. Lots of ammo, placed in plain squares, and powerup for only one of all ammo types out there (Seeker). There’s Frostbiter ammo, which fails to have a point in this level (this isn’t THAT dark to require Frostbiter, mind you). Nearby the seeker powerup, there’s Full Energy Carrot. Let me quote Blackraptor at this point:
“Dont place Full Energies unless you know what you are doing. People have 5 hearts in battle, it takes time to kill stuff. Not very fun when you spend minutes shooting someone and they just get a full energy and get all their health back.”
Pretty much explanatory, eh?
Plus, this has a unprotected Plasma Shield in the bottom right corner. Placed in a dead end. Good idea? No. In fact, eventing of this level downmarked this level a lot.
Don’t put Frostbiter ammo unless you have some outrageous purpose to place it.
Don’t let player shoot a shield and get 7 free kills. Instead, make it so that you have to buttstomp/destroy it with special move, so player will get 15 seconds, which actually isn’t enough to make a mess.
Don’t overdo dead ends.
Full Energy Carrots in Battle are evil because they let to replenish health after some other player’s hard work to bring your health down.
Alex, Reggen was around way longer than we both, so calling him a n00b is a little inappropiate. ;p
I aldeready know how use it. I maded level in my unfinished halloween episode that use this like things.
It haves too some flying dragons.
The level design is okay, and the level itself flows nicely. But you really need to fix that background. Your eyecandy lowered your score by a fair bit. If you had improved your eyecandy and had gotten rid of that annoying background perhaps you would’ve gotten a 6 or so. It’s a very average level, no download recommendation. :(
Was it really necessary to use a custom tileset?
Also, please don’t place so many crates next time. It lagged the game horribly.
Nice level, Nice gameplay, not (m)any bugs. 9.5. Congrats. !
I don’t explain why to give this tileset 10.0 You know it;)
(Plz don’t delete my review Violet)
(No. When posting a review, the requirements are very low. You just need to write a few small sentences explaining why you gave this rating. If you read the rules, you’ll see that it says that you do need to explain. It’s not that hard. ~Violet)
Well, it’s official. LRK’s Myriadus has more reviews than my battle lvl Frowning Statues. :-((((((((((((((
Ppl just don’t seem to like me, heh.
I’m not included…and neither are any TF members hahah. I tried to do this, but the whole thing was too huge for me and I never enjoyed big word searches.
It’s very good Kejero Nothing From You Are Bad
Thats Really
And Thats Also By Disguise He Is The Best Tilset Maker Ever Here Is My Top 3
From Best Tileset Makers
1. Disguise
2. Agama
3. BlurredD
(Unsupported rating (9.5) removal. Please stop posting your top three list everywhere, by the way, as it really has nothing to do with your reviews. Especially when I’m not sure you even downloaded the level. When reviewing, try to make it so a reasonable audience could look at your review and think “Yes, this level deserves a 9.5” based on what you say about it. ~Violet)
Good JOB I Mean It
Eyecandy 8.5
Its Really Complex The Waterfalls Are Great OOPS I Have Not More Time To Says Anything Im Going To An Resturant
[Unsupported rating removal. A rating was given without a reason. The author was trying to give one but stopped halfway. Removed rating: 9.0 -FQuist]
Hahah Jamo, you shouldn’t rate the music and the name of the lvl.. it’s not really fair.
LRK: Nope, check in JCS. The RF power-ups (both of them) have 20 seconds respawn time. Just re-upload the lvl, and I may even raise my rating (don’t forget to fix all of those other stuff I mentioned :-)). Maybe you think the RFs have a one second respawn time because you tested the lvl in single player mode. All regenerating things will generate INSTANTLY if you go more than 20 tiles away and since the warps are such a long distance from each other, the RFs instantly respawn when you reach the warp target of the bonus room warp.
Really Good Job Labratkid
Ok Let’s Begin With The Review.
Eyecandy 6.0
The Eyecandy Are Not On All Places
Music Used 1.2
Bad That Music Can Be Deleted Its Very Bad.
Name Of Level 8.7
“Myradius”Tileset Used 9.0
See Ya
Hi, i will review, OK?
Something bad, just because those blocks must match with the gray blocky background . And the background is really weird and frustrating under a battle.
And the use of the tileset is also something bad.
But for one of your first levels, it’s a good try (the eyecandy)!
Not really bad, you walk across ways of blocks, sometimes you can fall into a sux tube, many places to jump to, shortly, this is the nice point of the level!
I think food in a battle is something weird (the sugar rush).
But there are enough types of ammo!
Not really bad…
It’s still a bad level, but keep going on and improve it, i will make some blocks levels soon and you may can learn something of them!
This will get a 4.0 – Keep going on!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.