Its not finisht yet but it will come Giz.
I have seen better races, but this level and tileset rocks…:D
(Unsupported rating (8) removal. What makes the level and tileset so good? You obviously thought about your rating, as it’s not just a 10, so what thoughts did you think? What made you give this the rating you did? ~Violet)
I think that Myriadus is a good medium-sized CTF lvl that could’ve been much better if some gameplay issues and eyecandy issues was were fixed.
The gameplay at the moment is really great and you can easily move in the lvl and not have any jumping difficulties/obstacles, etc. There are 4 nasty dead ends. One at blue base, 1 at (85, 128), 1 at (157, 122) and 1 at (70, 113). Apart from that, the gameplay is excellent and as good as it can be. You even have float-ups that give you that extra push so you don’t have to jump over obstacles. :-)
The eyecandy is pretty boring, honestly, and the only original thing about it is foreground rain AND background, which I think would’ve been much better if it was only in the background (it doesn’t rain indoors, LRK ;-)). The lvl uses most of the Beach tileset’s tiles but there are many tiles, most notable S.S. Epic, the background tiles (ships and rocks) and of course the good old life-belt. USE ALL OF THE TILESET’S TILES OR YOU ARE WASTING GOOD EYECANDY OPPORTUNITIES AS WELL AS RATINGS!
The weapons placement is just as good as the gameplay. Everything is available on the ground so you have almost no jumping to do (although TNT is quite useless, even in CTF). The bonus warp is very useful because the powered up RF is lethal in this lvl. The RF power-up respawns in 1 second, so if somebody enters the bonus warp immediately afterwards, the later player will still get his RF power-up
Myriadus could’ve been much better without all those dead ends and boring eyecandy, but it’s still a good lvl. I’ll give it a 7.7 and a download recommendation, but maybe not if you’d rather play battle or desperately need circular, none-dead-end gameplay.
EDIT: You’ve fixed two bugs in Myriadus v2, LRK, so I can hardly call that a major change. The dead-ends are still there, just as annoying as before (but if Myriadus becomes the CTF version battle1 ppl will get used to the dead-ends and simply avoid them). I would like to raise my rating because of the bug-fixes, but the raised rating would not be 8 or above so my rating, unfortunately, stays the same. It would’ve been an 8 if not even higher if there had been a real major change such as more eyecandy and no dead-ends. Just pretend that you have a 7.9 from me, LRK. :-P
P.S. My name is White Rabbit, with a space.
I’m writinjg to say what a bad pack this is:
Under 10 tile used in all levels
You deleted some of the Hocus Pocus tiles (good ones). Which makes me angrier because not only did you wreck the tileset, you wrecked Violet CLM’s Time Tripping thing. Includes replacing the stars with rivers, so that when you collect a key or anything else, this river in mid-air appears, deleting the switch with the lever in the the middle I was going to use for a custom level, replacing the chain vines with a thing, witch was used in Violet CLMs thing with a orange river thing under a platform, and the wide open mouth of one of the masks is now gone, instead, there is part of the window.
So, so short.
They don’t appear on the HCL. And it gets worse by passwording the levels How I played them?? Deleted the password.
Thats the bad things, now onto the good things:
NO good things
Oh well.
DR noonoo
Cloud strikes again with new tileset.
This time this “SPace” tileset looks like neonius.(But neonius is much much
better)There is only some spaceship, masked, and background tiles. Name is aldeready usedso BETTER SWITCH THAT NAME OR I EAT YOU thank you
There is already a tileset named Space. You should rename your tileset to something else.
CTF Release Review 02: Myriadus.
Introduction to Myriadus: this level, was made by LRK, who is in OLC. The level is made with the Beach tileset. I can also say that the name is very weird.
I’ll start off with the flow. I ran from base to base, and I did not even had any problems with it. The flow is so good, I did not have to jump at all. The level’s layout is LRK-like, but it’s good. Not too high, but it has a high width. The level looks huge, but actually, it isn’t. The spring placement was good, like I already said with the flow. I can run from base to base without any problem. The level’s one ways were useful, and I like it. I found a bug at 128,134, there needs to be a Float Up there. The level has a trigger system, which is good too. The level’s coin warp gives you the RF power-up, and I will tell more about it later. I can say I like the level’s gameplay.
Eye candy:
the level uses basic Beach eye candy. The rain on the foreground is something I’ve never seen before, irl it’s strange that it rains on a Beach, because you won’t go there then. The water in this level is made well, it looked good. The level has good eye candy in layer 3, and layer 5’s eye candy is also good. The level even has some eye candy in layer 6, and layer 1 and 7 contain the rain that make me say that I like teh eye candy in this level. The tileset is used very well too, and like I said, there is alot in the layers, so the layer use is good too.
Pickup placement: let’s start off with the ammo. The level has a good ammo placement. most ammo is on the ground/close to the ground. There are crates with ammo too, which let you get enough ammo after you’ve just been killed. The level has 2 +1 Carrots, which are good placed. The other level with 2 +1 Carrots had them just next to each other. The Power-up placement is good enough. There is Bouncy at the left side, that you get with gun 9/Bouncies. There is Toaster at the right side, that you get with Gun9. And there is RF in the coin warp of 20 coins. The coins are placed well too. There is TNT too in the level, and you can get the two power-ups at the sides of the level with TNT too, I forgot. No seeker power-up this time, which isn’t bad. It can be good that there is no Seek PU in a level. I think the RF power-up rocks in this level, and that’s why I think you can only get it with the coin warp here.
Others: this level is original. The music fits good with this level. There are some original ideas such as the water, the RF PU in the bonus, and more. The level can be fun to play in, because of the ammo you can get after you just died. The rain in this level makes it even more original. I can’t say alot more about this level.
Host: Sure.
Download: download it or you’ll miss an original level with the Beach tileset.
My final rating is 8,0. I would give it 8,1 if I could, but I have problems with that.
Edit: I can give 8.1, so here you have your +0.1.
Yay! When I playded your first cartoon episode i wish that you make part 2
But it’s unfinished:(
(When jungle rabbit 2 is ready?)
First of all I’d like to thank LRK for asking me to test this level. I like the general atmosphere of Myriadus the most. It uses an original concept with the beach tileset – rain is used in the foreground. We’ve all seen levels using rain but the music which is taken from Donkey Kong Country 2 features the sound of wind and the subtle sound of rain when it hits upon the ground is what really makes the atmosphere of this cool and unique level. Although the rain tile was taken from one of the ships as LRK informed me; the rain does not look out of place, perhaps maybe a bit big though, but looks superior to what BlurredD did with rain in one of his recent levels Anarchy Inn. :P
LRK used the same style for making the layout as he did in polyglotics. A style I am not particularly fond of but it works, very balanced. It’s basicly very linear, huge platforms, the flowing is, as with all of LRK’s levels, excellent.
My first impressions on the eyecandy (not including the rain) when I first saw the level was very, very bland. The background looked horrible, although the layer 4 eyecandy was improved since the last time, the background still looks dismal. Use of water at the bottom left, can’t swim in it but looks a little nice, like it’s a large puddle of water. The placement of alge on the wooden structures was surprisingly well done and almost makes up for the dull background.
LRK placed the ammo well, all I can say really. Some of the placement of other things were interesting, in fact, the two +1 carrots were placed on opposite sides of a platform is one of the best reasons to try this level online. Download it now!
You should write a review on it after. ;)
EDIT: Ever seen a Hurricane DS? Oh, and Cooba, you will have to jump around to some extent if you’re going to play this, unless you’re one of thoose people who believes obstacles or little challenges in competetive CTF levels make them better you may want to redefine your way of looking at CTF levels.
Crystal Clear
This is the first level of DarkSonic in a very long time, and the first review of my hands in a very long time. I’d like to review one of my old pal’s levels again, so let’s start with this one, Crystal Clear, which I beta-tested. Hold on.
EYECANDY: 1.75 out of 2.5
Let’s begin with the visionary things. DarkSonic used the Mezmerize tileset, which is – as he says in his comment – a bit overused, but that doesn’t really bother to me. I don’t really like the tileset at all (I’m more of the natural type) but that’s not a fault of DarkSonic so I wouldn’t lower my rating for this. The eyecandy in this level is decent, and combined with the diamond-like music file, it breathes out a nice atmosphere which I like. Most of the tile placement is neat, however the background could have been better, I would have used the blue one instead of the green one. Now the contrast between the background and the wall near the base is too low.
AMMO: 2.0 out of 2.5
DarkSonic did, in my opinion, very decent ammo placement in this level. The single ammo is placed in many forms, also is Fast Fire located at some places. The level has one Full NRG carrot in the lower side of the level, which involves the bottom of the map in the gameplay. The three Powerups are chosen as kind of usual (Toaster, Bouncie and Seeker) although they are all placed inside sucker tubes, which adds some originality to the map. The Toaster and Bouncie can only be reached by weapons, the Seeker also by sidekick (it’s in the top of the level)
LEVEL STRUCTURE: 1.25 out of 2.0
The structure contains the biggest problems of the level. Most of the time DarkSonic picks a symmetrical layout for his level. In this one he used a semi-symmetrical layout but his formerly squared-off style is still visible at some places, however he improved a lot. The walkways however are sometimes a bit too narrow and combined with sometimes hard to see objects it can be frustrating to move around quickly. The sucker tubes to leave the bases are the only way out and can be used for camping. A part I really dislike are the blocks below the bases which are one-ways. The structure is not bad, but could be much better.
GAMEPLAY: 2.0 out of 3.0
The gameplay of this level varies from point to point. In some ways it’s funny to play this level, mostly thanks to the good ammo placement and the – as above said – excellent choice of music. The eyecandy can be annoying a bit at frist but when you get used to it it’s not that bad. A thing that kills a perfect experience of gameplay is the somewhat annoying structure, which takes away a big part of the flow.
This comeback level of DarkSonic is perhaps not as good as it should be, but it’s really not bad at all, and I expect better things to see in the future. For the next time you could use a more open structure and, perhaps, a better tileset? For now, a 7.0.
Score: 1.75+2.0+1.25+2.0 = 7.0
Download: Yeah, it’s kinda funny.
Host: Not really, perhaps a single time.
- ChippieBW
That submarine thingy is cooler than Agama’s tilesets I’m maybe going to use this idea in my next episode I’m not going to make taht tweedle episode
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. It’s nice that you like being a submarine, and it’s nice that you have an episode and all that, but could you review the level? 10 is an extremely high rating, so it would be nice to see some explanation of why this level gets a 10. ~Violet)
Great WORK!
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. Please read the J2O rules. ~Violet)
Great WORK!
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. Please read the J2O rules. ~Violet)
badger: Did you remember to select the version from the Options window? I just tested the character selection, in both versions, and it worked OK.
Really good. Almost as good as BlurredD’s level pack of survivors. The place goes boom like BulrredD’s one. Good eyecandy too and the music also goes with it really well. You used really good tilesets. You deserve a really high rating! Check out the articles section if you don’t know how to play survivor or ground force.
Download Recomendation:YES!!!!!!
Edit: Since I played it a bit more, I’ve decided to raise the rating because you spent a lot of effort with ALL the levels. It even has more room at the beggining. I found only one minor problem with some of these levels as well: When you’re starting the level off, make sure you remember to get the coin, or you won’t be able to end the level unless the server has controller or something
More Edit: Playing with some other people which I’ve been doing a bit, has increased your rating even more! I could tell that other people liked them a lot. In fact, your levels are better than BlurredD’s one. BlurredD just has so much more levels. He has 25 level and you have 6. But you do your levels in quality, not quantity. Thats what I like about it so much.
My first level was much worse than this one, though. It might be called the worst level ever.
O forgot to tell you. When you test it it needs to be hosted in Treasure. So don`t test it as single player. Thank you.
A lot of my would-be first lvls are single player, but then I realised it was too hard and I quit lvl making and only restarted 2 years later. :D
I deleted all of my old, unfinished SP lvls, but they were mostly worse than yours, LBK. ;P No background (it was all black, making the screen go blurry) and I assumed that poles, vines and spikes worked by themselves without any events on top of them, lol. :D
My unofficial rating of this lvl would be 3.5 or something. :D
In this pack, Nobody attempts to offer a simple JCS.ini version for users who are unexperienced with JCS, in addition to a complete version with everything left in, including broken stuff. The complete version seems good enough, but the basic file (named JCS.ini to confuse people) has a few problems.
The main problem is that it leaves in a lot of broken events and parameters, like Dim Light. It also removes events that do actually do something, like Fast Feet. The removal job is often quite poor, leaving scraps of information in the .ini file, and Area ID is only half renamed to Rocket Turtle Path (the thumbnail name being “Path ID”). TSF users are also out of luck, as the basic file included here does not include any of the TSF events. The full featured file does have them, but isn’t the whole point of this upload allowing people to use a more basic .ini file?
Documentation is also somewhat poor. The readme, which manages to spell “beginners” wrong, refers to the contents of the .zip as the following:
JCS.ini (described as backup, actually the main file)
JCS-1.23.ini (described as main file, doesn’t actually exist)
JCS-TSF.ini (described as basic event list for TSF – unfortunately, it’s not included)
Considering this is for unadvanced users, you would hope that the instructions would be well done, but even here the author fails, instructing you to perform the same task multiple times, and generally confusing me as well as countless new people. I reproduce the conflicting orders here:
Extract one of them to your Jazz 2 folder.
Delete the old JCS.ini
Extract one of the files to the Jazz 2 Folder:
(list of files)
Rename that file you extracted to JCS.ini
All in all, a good try, but it doesn’t quite manage to live up to expectations. The basic file leaves too much in and is poorly cropped, the main file is poorly edited, and I’m not even sure why there’s a backup file in there. Not even a trigger zone!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.